Source code for reVX.setbacks.functions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Helper functions for setback exclusion computation

import geopandas as gpd

[docs]def positive_buffer(features, regulation_value): """Buffer features using a given regulation value. This function applies a simple positive buffer to every polygon in the input features. Parameters ---------- features : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Features to apply buffer to. regulation_value : int | float Regulations value used to buffer the features. This value should be in the same units as the ``features`` input GeoDataFrame. See Also -------- geopandas.GeoSeries.buffer : Function used ot buffer each feature. Returns ------- list List of buffered buffered feature shapes. """ return list(features.buffer(regulation_value))
[docs]def parcel_buffer(features, regulation_value): """Buffer features imitating a parcel setback. Parcel (property-line) setbacks typically prohibit any type of build within "x" meters of a property line. Therefore, this type of buffer first applies a negative buffer on each input feature and then takes the difference between the original and the negatively-buffered feature. The resulting shape is the "inside" of the original input feature, where each edge is no closer than ``regulation_value`` to the original feature boundary. Parameters ---------- features : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Features to apply buffer to. regulation_value : int | float Regulations value used to (negatively) buffer the features. This value should be in the same units as the ``features`` input GeoDataFrame. See Also -------- geopandas.GeoSeries.buffer : Function used ot buffer each feature. Returns ------- list List of buffered buffered feature shapes. """ negative_buffer = features.buffer(-1 * regulation_value) return list(features.buffer(0).difference(negative_buffer))
[docs]def features_with_centroid_in_county(features, county): """Filter features to those with centroids within the given county. Parameters ---------- features : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Features to setback from. county : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Regulations for a single county. Returns ------- features : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Features that have centroid in county. """ mask = features.centroid.within(county['geometry'].values[0]) return features.loc[mask]
[docs]def features_clipped_to_county(features, county): """Clip features to the given county geometry. Parameters ---------- features : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Features to setback from. county : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Regulations for a single county. Returns ------- features : geopandas.GeoDataFrame Features clipped to county geometry. """ tmp = gpd.clip(features, county) return tmp[~tmp.is_empty]