Source code for reVX.rpm.rpm_output

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
RPM output handler.
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
import psutil
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from scipy.ndimage import sum_labels
from warnings import warn

from reV.handlers.exclusions import ExclusionLayers
from reV.supply_curve.exclusions import ExclusionMask, ExclusionMaskFromDict
from reVX.handlers.outputs import Outputs
from reVX.rpm.rpm_clusters import RPMClusters
from reVX.utilities.exceptions import RPMRuntimeError, RPMTypeError
from reVX.utilities.utilities import log_versions
from rex.utilities.execution import SpawnProcessPool

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class RepresentativeProfiles: """Methods to export representative generation profiles.""" def __init__(self, clusters, cf_fpath, key=None, forecast_fpath=None): """ Parameters ---------- clusters : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank). cf_fpath : str reV generation output file. key : str | None Rank column to sort by to get the best ranked profile. None will use implicit logic to select the rank key. forecast_fpath : str reV generation output file for forecast data. If this is input, profiles will be taken from forecast fpath instead of fpath gen based on a NN mapping. """ log_versions(logger) if key is not None: self.key = key elif 'rank_included_trg' in clusters: self.key = 'rank_included_trg' else: if 'rank_included' in clusters: self.key = 'rank_included' else: self.key = 'rank' if self.key not in clusters: raise KeyError('Could not find rank column "{}" in ' 'cluster table. Cannot extract ' 'representative profiles.'.format(self.key)) logger.debug('Getting rep profiles based on column "{}".' .format(key)) self.clusters = clusters self._cf_fpath = cf_fpath self._forecast_fpath = forecast_fpath self._forecast_map = None if (self._forecast_fpath is not None and 'forecast_gid' not in self.clusters.columns): self.clusters = self.process_forecast_clusters( self.clusters, self._cf_fpath, self._forecast_fpath) @staticmethod def _make_forecast_nn_map(meta_cf, meta_forecast): """Make a mapping between the cf meta and the forecast meta. Parameters ---------- meta_cf : pd.DataFrame Meta data for reV gen CF file (actuals). meta_forecast : pd.DataFrame Meta data for reV gen CF file (forecast). Returns ------- i : np.ndarray 1D array of forecast gid's with length equal to meta_cf. """ labels = ['latitude', 'longitude'] # pylint: disable=not-callable tree = cKDTree(meta_forecast[labels].values) d, i, = tree.query(meta_cf[labels].values, k=1)'Mapping reV gen file to forecast gen file, ' 'nearest neighbor min / mean / max: {} / {} / {}' .format(d.min(), d.mean(), d.max())) return i @staticmethod def _add_forecast_gids(clusters, forecast_map, meta_forecast): """Add forecast_gid column in cluster table with forecast data. Parameters ---------- clusters : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank). forecast_map : np.ndarray 1D array of forecast gid's with length equal to meta_cf. meta_forecast : pd.DataFrame Meta data for reV gen CF file (forecast). Returns ------- clusters : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with additional forecast columns. """ clusters['forecast_gid'] = np.nan clusters['forecast_latitude'] = np.nan clusters['forecast_longitude'] = np.nan lats = meta_forecast['latitude'] lons = meta_forecast['longitude'] for i in clusters.index: gen_gid =[i, 'gen_gid'] forecast_gid = forecast_map[gen_gid][i, 'forecast_gid'] = forecast_gid[i, 'forecast_latitude'] = lats[forecast_gid][i, 'forecast_longitude'] = lons[forecast_gid] return clusters @staticmethod def _get_rep_profile(clusters, cf_fpath, irp=0, fpath_out=None, key='rank', forecast_fpath=None, cols=None): """Get a single representative profile timeseries dataframe. Parameters ---------- clusters : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank). cf_fpath : str reV generation output file. irp : int Rank of profile to get. Zero is the most representative profile. fpath_out : str Optional filepath to export files to. key : str Rank column to sort by to get the best ranked profile. forecast_fpath : str reV generation output file for forecast data. If this is input, profiles will be taken from forecast fpath instead of fpath gen based on a NN mapping. cols : list | None Columns headers for the rep profiles. None will use whatever cluster_ids are in clusters. """ if forecast_fpath is None: with Outputs(cf_fpath) as f: ti = f.time_index else: with Outputs(forecast_fpath) as f: ti = f.time_index if cols is None: cols = clusters.cluster_id.unique() profile_df = pd.DataFrame(index=ti, columns=cols) = 'time_index' for cid, df in clusters.groupby('cluster_id'): mask = ~df[key].isnull() if any(mask): df_ranked = df[mask].sort_values(by=key) if irp < len(df_ranked): rep = df_ranked.iloc[irp, :] res_gid = rep['gid'] gen_gid = rep['gen_gid'] if forecast_fpath is None:'Representative profile i #{} from ' 'cluster id {} is from gen_gid {}, ' 'res_gid {}' .format(irp, cid, gen_gid, res_gid)) with Outputs(cf_fpath) as f: meta_gid = f.get_meta_arr('gid') gen_gid_arr = np.where(meta_gid == res_gid)[0] if gen_gid_arr.size > 0: gen_gid = gen_gid_arr[0] profile_df.loc[:, cid] = f['cf_profile', :, gen_gid] else: for_gid = rep['forecast_gid']'Representative profile i #{} from ' 'cluster id {} is from gen_gid {}, ' 'forecast_gid {}.' .format(irp, cid, for_gid, gen_gid)) with Outputs(forecast_fpath) as f: profile_df.loc[:, cid] = f['cf_profile', :, for_gid] if fpath_out is not None: profile_df.to_csv(fpath_out)'Saved {}'.format(fpath_out))
[docs] @classmethod def process_forecast_clusters(cls, clusters, cf_fpath, forecast_fpath): """Process the clusters dataframe with NN to forecast data. Parameters ---------- clusters : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank). cf_fpath : str reV generation output file. forecast_fpath : str reV generation output file for forecast data. If this is input, profiles will be taken from forecast fpath instead of fpath gen based on a NN mapping. Returns ------- clusters : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with additional forecast columns. """ with Outputs(cf_fpath) as cf: meta_cf = cf.meta with Outputs(forecast_fpath) as forecast: meta_forecast = forecast.meta forecast_map = cls._make_forecast_nn_map(meta_cf, meta_forecast) clusters = cls._add_forecast_gids(clusters, forecast_map, meta_forecast) return clusters
[docs] @classmethod def export_profiles(cls, n_profiles, clusters, cf_fpath, fn_pro, out_dir, max_workers=1, key=None, forecast_fpath=None): """Export representative profile files. Parameters ---------- n_profiles : int Number of profiles to export. clusters : pd.DataFrame RPM output clusters attribute. cf_fpath : str Filepath to reV generation results to get profiles from. fn_pro : str Filename for representative profile output. out_dir : str Directory to dump output files. key : str | None Column in clusters to sort ranks by. None will allow for default logic. forecast_fpath : str reV generation output file for forecast data. If this is input, profiles will be taken from forecast fpath instead of fpath gen based on a NN mapping. """ if forecast_fpath is not None: clusters = cls.process_forecast_clusters(clusters, cf_fpath, forecast_fpath) fn_fore = fn_pro.replace('.csv', '_meta.csv') clusters.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, fn_fore)) if max_workers == 1: for irp in range(n_profiles): fni = fn_pro.replace('.csv', '_rank{}.csv'.format(irp)) fpath_out_i = os.path.join(out_dir, fni) cls.export_single_profile(clusters, cf_fpath, irp=irp, fpath_out=fpath_out_i, key=key, forecast_fpath=forecast_fpath) else: loggers = [__name__, 'reVX'] with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=max_workers, loggers=loggers) as exe: for irp in range(n_profiles): fni = fn_pro.replace('.csv', '_rank{}.csv'.format(irp)) fpath_out_i = os.path.join(out_dir, fni) exe.submit(cls.export_single_profile, clusters, cf_fpath, irp=irp, fpath_out=fpath_out_i, key=key, forecast_fpath=forecast_fpath)
[docs] @classmethod def export_single_profile(cls, clusters, cf_fpath, irp=0, fpath_out=None, key=None, forecast_fpath=None): """Get a single representative profile timeseries dataframe. Parameters ---------- clusters : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank). cf_fpath : str reV generation output file. irp : int Rank of profile to get. Zero is the most representative profile. fpath_out : str Optional filepath to export files to. key : str | None Rank column to sort by to get the best ranked profile. None will use implicit logic to select the rank key. forecast_fpath : str reV generation output file for forecast data. If this is input, profiles will be taken from forecast fpath instead of fpath gen based on a NN mapping. """ rp = cls(clusters, cf_fpath, key=key, forecast_fpath=forecast_fpath) cols = clusters.cluster_id.unique() if rp.key == 'rank_included_trg': for itrg, df in rp.clusters.groupby('trg'): if fpath_out is not None: fpath_out_trg = fpath_out.replace('.csv', '_trg{}.csv' .format(itrg)) rp._get_rep_profile(df, cf_fpath, irp=irp, fpath_out=fpath_out_trg, key=rp.key, forecast_fpath=rp._forecast_fpath, cols=cols) else: rp._get_rep_profile(rp.clusters, cf_fpath, irp=irp, fpath_out=fpath_out, key=rp.key, forecast_fpath=rp._forecast_fpath, cols=cols)
[docs]class RPMOutput: """Framework to format and process RPM clustering results.""" def __init__(self, rpm_clusters, cf_fpath, excl_fpath, excl_dict, techmap_dset, excl_area=None, include_threshold=0.001, n_profiles=1, rerank=True, cluster_kwargs=None, max_workers=None, trg_bins=None, trg_dset='lcoe_fcr', pre_extract_inclusions=False, target_crs=None): """ Parameters ---------- rpm_clusters : pd.DataFrame | str Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank), or str to file. cf_fpath : str Path to reV .h5 file containing desired capacity factor profiles excl_fpath : str | None Filepath to exclusions data (must match the techmap grid). None will not apply exclusions. excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion LayerMask arugments {layer: {kwarg: value}} techmap_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. excl_area : float | None Area in km2 of one exclusion pixel. None will calculate the exclusion pixel area from the exclusion projection profile. include_threshold : float Inclusion threshold. Resource pixels included more than this threshold will be considered in the representative profiles. Set to zero to find representative profile on all resource, not just included. n_profiles : int Number of representative profiles to output. rerank : bool Flag to rerank representative generation profiles after removing excluded generation pixels. cluster_kwargs : dict RPMClusters kwargs max_workers : int, optional Number of parallel workers. 1 will run serial, None will use all available., by default None trg_bins : str | list | None TRG bins as an ordered list of bin edge values or string to a csv containing a single column with bin edge values. None will ignore trgs. trg_dset : str Dataset associated with TRG bins that can be found in the cf_fpath file. pre_extract_inclusions : bool Flag to pre-extract the inclusion mask using excl_fpath and excl_dict. This is advantageous if the excl_dict is highly complex and if you're processing a lot of points. Default is False. target_crs : str Target coordinate reference system, e.g. "EPSG:4326". Note that everything is in EPSG:4326/WGS84 by default (raw lat/lon with lon=0 at Greenwich). """'Initializing RPM output processing...') self._clusters = self._parse_cluster_arg(rpm_clusters) self._excl_fpath = excl_fpath self._excl_dict = excl_dict self._techmap_dset = techmap_dset self._cf_fpath = cf_fpath self.excl_area = excl_area self.include_threshold = include_threshold self.n_profiles = n_profiles self.rerank = rerank self.target_crs = target_crs if self.excl_area is None and self._excl_fpath is not None: with ExclusionLayers(self._excl_fpath) as excl: self.excl_area = excl.pixel_area if max_workers is None: max_workers = os.cpu_count() self.max_workers = max_workers if cluster_kwargs is None: self.cluster_kwargs = {} else: self.cluster_kwargs = cluster_kwargs self.trg_bins = trg_bins self.trg_dset = trg_dset self.trg_labels = None if isinstance(self.trg_bins, str): self.trg_bins = pd.read_csv(self.trg_bins) msg = 'trg csv can only have one column' assert len(self.trg_bins.columns.values) == 1, msg col = self.trg_bins.columns.values[0] self.trg_bins = self.trg_bins[col].values.tolist() if self.trg_bins is not None: # bins must be in monotonic ascending order for pd.cut but labels # should be ordered however the input is received self.trg_labels = [i + 1 for i in range(len(self.trg_bins) - 1)] incr = (np.diff(self.trg_bins) > 0).all() if not incr: self.trg_bins = self.trg_bins[::-1] self.trg_labels.reverse() self._excl_lat = None self._excl_lon = None self._full_lat_slice = None self._full_lon_slice = None self._init_lat_lon() self._inclusion_mask = None self._techmap_data = None if pre_extract_inclusions:'Pre-extracting exclusions mask, ' 'this could take a while...') with ExclusionMaskFromDict(self._excl_fpath) as excl: self._techmap_data = excl.excl_h5[self._techmap_dset] self._techmap_data = self._techmap_data.astype(np.int32) self._inclusion_mask = \ ExclusionMaskFromDict.extract_inclusion_mask( self._excl_fpath, self._techmap_dset, excl_dict=self._excl_dict) @classmethod def _parse_cluster_arg(cls, rpm_clusters): """Parse dataframe from cluster input arg. Parameters ---------- rpm_clusters : pd.DataFrame | str Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank), or str to file. Returns ------- clusters : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank, latitude, longitude) """ clusters = None if isinstance(rpm_clusters, pd.DataFrame): clusters = rpm_clusters elif isinstance(rpm_clusters, str): if rpm_clusters.endswith('.csv'): clusters = pd.read_csv(rpm_clusters) elif rpm_clusters.endswith('.json'): clusters = pd.read_json(rpm_clusters) if clusters is None: raise RPMTypeError('Expected a DataFrame or str but received {}' .format(type(rpm_clusters))) cls._check_cluster_cols(clusters) return clusters @staticmethod def _check_cluster_cols(df, required=('gen_gid', 'gid', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'cluster_id', 'rank')): """Check for required columns in the rpm cluster dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Single DataFrame with columns to check """ missing = [] for c in required: if c not in df: missing.append(c) if any(missing): raise RPMRuntimeError('Missing the following columns in RPM ' 'clusters input df: {}'.format(missing)) def _init_lat_lon(self): """Initialize the lat/lon arrays and reduce their size.""" if self._excl_fpath is not None: self._full_lat_slice, self._full_lon_slice = \ self._get_lat_lon_slices(cluster_id=None) logger.debug('Initial lat/lon shape is {} and {} and ' 'range is {} - {} and {} - {}' .format(self.excl_lat.shape, self.excl_lon.shape, self.excl_lat.min(), self._excl_lat.max(), self.excl_lon.min(), self._excl_lon.max())) self._excl_lat = self._excl_lat[self._full_lat_slice, self._full_lon_slice] self._excl_lon = self._excl_lon[self._full_lat_slice, self._full_lon_slice] logger.debug('Reduced lat/lon shape is {} and {} and ' 'range is {} - {} and {} - {}' .format(self.excl_lat.shape, self.excl_lon.shape, self.excl_lat.min(), self._excl_lat.max(), self.excl_lon.min(), self._excl_lon.max())) @staticmethod def _get_tm_data(excl, techmap_dset, lat_slice, lon_slice): """Get the techmap data. Parameters ---------- excl : ExclusionMask | ExclusionMaskFromDict Pre-initialized exclusions mask object. techmap_dset : str Dataset name in the exclusions file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. lat_slice : slice The latitude (row) slice to extract from the exclusions or techmap 2D datasets. lon_slice : slice The longitude (col) slice to extract from the exclusions or techmap 2D datasets. Returns ------- techmap : np.ndarray Techmap data mapping exclusions grid to resource gid (flattened). """ if isinstance(excl, (ExclusionMask, ExclusionMaskFromDict)): techmap = excl.excl_h5[techmap_dset, lat_slice, lon_slice] else: e = 'Cannot recognize exclusion type: {}'.format(type(excl)) logger.error(e) raise TypeError(e) techmap = techmap.astype(np.int32).flatten() return techmap @staticmethod def _get_incl_mask(excl, lat_slice, lon_slice): """Get the exclusions data from a geotiff file. Parameters ---------- excl : ExclusionMask | ExclusionMaskFromDict Pre-initialized exclusions mask object. lat_slice : slice The latitude (row) slice to extract from the exclusions or techmap 2D datasets. lon_slice : slice The longitude (col) slice to extract from the exclusions or techmap 2D datasets. Returns ------- incl_data : np.ndarray Inclusions data mask flattened and normalized from 0 to 1 (1 is incld). """ if isinstance(excl, (ExclusionMask, ExclusionMaskFromDict)): incl_data = excl[lat_slice, lon_slice] else: e = 'Cannot recognize exclusion type: {}'.format(type(excl)) logger.error(e) raise TypeError(e) # infer exclusions that are scaled percentages from 0 to 100 if incl_data.max() > 1: incl_data = incl_data.astype(np.float32) incl_data /= 100 return incl_data.flatten() def _get_lat_lon_slices(self, cluster_id=None, margin=0.1): """Get the slice args to locate exclusion/techmap data of interest. Parameters ---------- cluster_id : str | None Single cluster ID of interest or None for full region. margin : float Extra margin around the cluster lat/lon box. Returns ------- lat_slice : slice The latitude (row) slice to extract from the exclusions or techmap 2D datasets. lon_slice : slice The longitude (col) slice to extract from the exclusions or techmap 2D datasets. """ box = self._get_coord_box(cluster_id) mask = ((self.excl_lat > np.min(box['latitude']) - margin) & (self.excl_lat < np.max(box['latitude']) + margin) & (self.excl_lon > np.min(box['longitude']) - margin) & (self.excl_lon < np.max(box['longitude']) + margin)) if not mask.any(): msg = ('Lat Lon box retrieval failed for cluster "{}". The ' 'exclusion lat min/max is {:.2f}/{:.2f} and lon min/max ' 'is {:.2f}/{:.2f} while the cluster box is: {}' .format(cluster_id, self.excl_lat.min(), self.excl_lat.max(), self.excl_lon.min(), self.excl_lon.max(), box)) logger.error(msg) raise RPMRuntimeError(msg) lat_locs, lon_locs = np.where(mask) if self._full_lat_slice is None and self._full_lon_slice is None: lat_slice = slice(np.min(lat_locs), 1 + np.max(lat_locs)) lon_slice = slice(np.min(lon_locs), 1 + np.max(lon_locs)) else: lat_slice = slice( self._full_lat_slice.start + np.min(lat_locs), 1 + self._full_lat_slice.start + np.max(lat_locs)) lon_slice = slice( self._full_lon_slice.start + np.min(lon_locs), 1 + self._full_lon_slice.start + np.max(lon_locs)) return lat_slice, lon_slice def _get_all_lat_lon_slices(self, margin=0.1, free_mem=True): """Get the slice args for all clusters. Parameters ---------- margin : float Extra margin around the cluster lat/lon box. free_mem : bool Flag to free lat/lon arrays from memory to clear space for later exclusion processing. Returns ------- slices : dict Dictionary of tuples - (lat_slice, lon_slice) slices keyed by cluster id. """ slices = {} for cid in self._clusters['cluster_id'].unique(): slices[cid] = self._get_lat_lon_slices(cluster_id=cid, margin=margin) if free_mem: # free up memory self._excl_lat = None self._excl_lon = None self._full_lat_slice = None self._full_lon_slice = None return slices def _get_coord_box(self, cluster_id=None): """Get the RPM cluster latitude/longitude range. Parameters ---------- cluster_id : str | None Single cluster ID of interest or None for all clusters in self._clusters. Returns ------- coord_box : dict Bounding box of the cluster or region: {'latitude': (lat_min, lat_max), 'longitude': (lon_min, lon_max)} """ if cluster_id is not None: mask = (self._clusters['cluster_id'] == cluster_id) else: mask = len(self._clusters) * [True] lat_range = (self._clusters.loc[mask, 'latitude'].min(), self._clusters.loc[mask, 'latitude'].max()) lon_range = (self._clusters.loc[mask, 'longitude'].min(), self._clusters.loc[mask, 'longitude'].max()) box = {'latitude': lat_range, 'longitude': lon_range} return box @property def excl_lat(self): """Get the full 2D array of latitudes of the exclusion grid. Returns ------- _excl_lat : np.ndarray 2D array representing the latitudes at each exclusion grid cell """ if self._excl_lat is None and self._excl_fpath is not None: with Outputs(self._excl_fpath) as f: logger.debug('Importing Latitude data from techmap...') self._excl_lat = f['latitude'] return self._excl_lat @property def excl_lon(self): """Get the full 2D array of longitudes of the exclusion grid. Returns ------- _excl_lon : np.ndarray 2D array representing the latitudes at each exclusion grid cell """ if self._excl_lon is None and self._excl_fpath is not None: with Outputs(self._excl_fpath) as f: logger.debug('Importing Longitude data from techmap...') self._excl_lon = f['longitude'] return self._excl_lon @classmethod def _single_excl(cls, cluster_id, clusters, excl_fpath, excl_dict, techmap_dset, lat_slice, lon_slice, techmap_subset=None, incl_mask_subset=None): """Calculate the exclusions for each resource GID in a cluster. Parameters ---------- cluster_id : str Single cluster ID of interest. clusters : pandas.DataFrame Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank) excl_fpath : str | None Filepath to exclusions data (must match the techmap grid). None will not apply exclusions. excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion LayerMask arugments {layer: {kwarg: value}} techmap_dset : str Dataset name in the techmap file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. lat_slice : slice The latitude (row) slice to extract from the exclusions or techmap 2D datasets. lon_slice : slice The longitude (col) slice to extract from the exclusions or techmap 2D datasets. techmap_subset : None | np.ndarray Optional techmap data subset (just for this lat_slice, lon_slice) in the case that inlcusions were pre-extracted. This must be a flattened 1D array (original will have been a 2D exclusion raster). incl_mask_subset : None | np.ndarray Optional inclusion mask subset (just for this lat_slice, lon_slice) in the case that inclusions were pre-extracted. This must be a flattened 1D array (original will have been a 2D exclusion raster). Returns ------- inclusions : np.ndarray 1D array of inclusions fraction corresponding to the indexed cluster provided by cluster_id. n_inclusions : np.ndarray 1D array of number of (at least partially) included pixels corresponding to each gid in cluster_id (sum of inclusion fractions rounded up). n_points : np.ndarray 1D array of the total number of techmap pixels corresponding to each gid in cluster_id. """ mask = (clusters['cluster_id'] == cluster_id) res_gids = clusters.loc[mask, 'gid'].values.astype(np.int32) locs = np.where(mask)[0] inclusions = np.zeros((len(locs), ), dtype=np.float32) n_inclusions = np.zeros((len(locs), ), dtype=np.float32) n_points = np.zeros((len(locs), ), dtype=np.uint16) if techmap_subset is None or incl_mask_subset is None: with ExclusionMaskFromDict( excl_fpath, layers_dict=excl_dict) as excl: techmap_subset = cls._get_tm_data(excl, techmap_dset, lat_slice, lon_slice) incl_mask_subset = cls._get_incl_mask(excl, lat_slice, lon_slice) else: msg = ('Techmap subset must be 1D but received shape {}' .format(techmap_subset.shape)) assert len(techmap_subset.shape) == 1, msg assert len(incl_mask_subset.shape) == 1, msg inclusions = sum_labels(input=incl_mask_subset, labels=techmap_subset, index=res_gids) n_inclusions = sum_labels(input=np.ceil(incl_mask_subset), labels=techmap_subset, index=res_gids) n_points = sum_labels(input=np.ones_like(incl_mask_subset), labels=techmap_subset, index=res_gids) n_inclusions[(n_points == 0)] = np.nan inclusions /= n_points return inclusions, n_inclusions, n_points def _apply_exclusions_parallel(self, unique_clusters, static_clusters, slices): """Calculate exclusions for clusters in parallel Parameters ---------- unique_clusters : np.ndarray 1D array of unique cluster id's. static_clusters : pd.DataFrame Static (non-changing deepcopy) version of self._clusters. slices : dict Dictionary of tuples - (lat_slice, lon_slice) slices keyed by cluster id. """ futures = {} loggers = [__name__, 'reVX'] with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=self.max_workers, loggers=loggers) as exe: for i, cid in enumerate(unique_clusters): lat_s, lon_s = slices[cid] techmap_subset = None incl_mask_subset = None if (self._techmap_data is not None and self._inclusion_mask is not None): techmap_subset = self._techmap_data[lat_s, lon_s].flatten() incl_mask_subset = self._inclusion_mask[lat_s, lon_s] incl_mask_subset = incl_mask_subset.flatten() future = exe.submit(self._single_excl, cid, static_clusters, self._excl_fpath, self._excl_dict, self._techmap_dset, lat_s, lon_s, techmap_subset=techmap_subset, incl_mask_subset=incl_mask_subset) futures[future] = cid logger.debug('Kicked off exclusions for cluster "{}", {} out ' 'of {}.'.format(cid, i + 1, len(unique_clusters))) for i, future in enumerate(as_completed(futures)): cid = futures[future] mem = psutil.virtual_memory()'Finished exclusions for cluster "{}", {} out ' 'of {} futures. ' 'Memory usage is {:.2f} out of {:.2f} GB.' .format(cid, i + 1, len(futures), mem.used / 1e9, / 1e9)) incl, n_incl, n_pix = future.result() mask = (self._clusters['cluster_id'] == cid) self._clusters.loc[mask, 'included_frac'] = incl self._clusters.loc[mask, 'included_area_km2'] = \ n_incl * self.excl_area self._clusters.loc[mask, 'n_excl_pixels'] = n_pix def _apply_exclusions_serial(self, unique_clusters, static_clusters, slices): """Calculate exclusions for clusters in serial Parameters ---------- unique_clusters : np.ndarray 1D array of unique cluster id's. static_clusters : pd.DataFrame Static (non-changing deepcopy) version of self._clusters. slices : dict Dictionary of tuples - (lat_slice, lon_slice) slices keyed by cluster id. """ for i, cid in enumerate(unique_clusters): lat_s, lon_s = slices[cid] techmap_subset = None incl_mask_subset = None if (self._techmap_data is not None and self._inclusion_mask is not None): techmap_subset = self._techmap_data[lat_s, lon_s].flatten() incl_mask_subset = self._inclusion_mask[lat_s, lon_s].flatten() incl, n_incl, n_pix = self._single_excl( cid, static_clusters, self._excl_fpath, self._excl_dict, self._techmap_dset, lat_s, lon_s, techmap_subset=techmap_subset, incl_mask_subset=incl_mask_subset) mem = psutil.virtual_memory()'Finished exclusions for cluster "{}", {} out ' 'of {} futures. ' 'Memory usage is {:.2f} out of {:.2f} GB.' .format(cid, i + 1, len(unique_clusters), mem.used / 1e9, / 1e9)) mask = (self._clusters['cluster_id'] == cid) self._clusters.loc[mask, 'included_frac'] = incl self._clusters.loc[mask, 'included_area_km2'] = \ n_incl * self.excl_area self._clusters.loc[mask, 'n_excl_pixels'] = n_pix
[docs] def apply_exclusions(self): """Calculate exclusions for clusters, adding data to self._clusters. Returns ------- self._clusters : pd.DataFrame self._clusters with new columns for exclusions data. """'Working on applying exclusions with {} workers...' .format(self.max_workers)) unique_clusters = self._clusters['cluster_id'].unique() static_clusters = self._clusters.copy() self._clusters['included_frac'] = 0.0 self._clusters['included_area_km2'] = 0.0 self._clusters['n_excl_pixels'] = 0 slices = self._get_all_lat_lon_slices() if self.max_workers > 1: self._apply_exclusions_parallel(unique_clusters, static_clusters, slices) else: self._apply_exclusions_serial(unique_clusters, static_clusters, slices)'Finished applying exclusions.') if self.rerank: self.run_rerank(groupby='cluster_id', rank_col='rank_included') return self._clusters
[docs] def apply_trgs(self): """Apply TRG's if requested.""" with Outputs(self._cf_fpath) as f: dsets = f.datasets if self.trg_bins is not None and self.trg_dset not in dsets: wmsg = ('TRGs requested but "{}" not in cf file: {}' .format(self.trg_dset, self._cf_fpath)) warn(wmsg) logger.warning(wmsg) if self.trg_bins is not None and self.trg_dset in dsets: gen_gid = sorted(list(self._clusters['gen_gid'].values)) with Outputs(self._cf_fpath) as f: trg_data = f[self.trg_dset, gen_gid] trg_df = pd.DataFrame({'gen_gid': gen_gid, self.trg_dset: trg_data}) label = 'trg_bin_{}'.format(self.trg_dset) trg_df[label] = pd.cut(x=trg_df[self.trg_dset], bins=self.trg_bins) trg_df['trg'] = pd.cut(x=trg_df[self.trg_dset], bins=self.trg_bins, labels=self.trg_labels) self._clusters = pd.merge(self._clusters, trg_df, on='gen_gid', how='left', validate='1:1') self.run_rerank(groupby=['cluster_id', 'trg'], rank_col='rank_included_trg')
def _run_rerank_parallel(self, groupby='cluster_id', rank_col='rank_included'): """Re-rank rep profiles for included resource in generic groups. Parameters ---------- groupby : str | list One or more columns in self._clusters to groupby and rank profiles within each group. rank_col : str Column to add to self._clusters with new rankings. """ futures = {} loggers = [__name__, 'reVX.rpm.rpm_clusters', 'reVX'] with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=self.max_workers, loggers=loggers) as exe: for _, df in self._clusters.groupby(groupby): if 'included_frac' in df: mask = (df['included_frac'] >= self.include_threshold) else: mask = [True] * len(df) if any(mask): gen_gid = df.loc[mask, 'gen_gid'] self.cluster_kwargs['dist_rank_filter'] = False self.cluster_kwargs['contiguous_filter'] = False future = exe.submit(RPMClusters.cluster, self._cf_fpath, gen_gid, 1, **self.cluster_kwargs) futures[future] = gen_gid if futures:'Re-ranking representative profiles "{}" using ' 'groupby: {}'.format(rank_col, groupby)) self._clusters[rank_col] = np.nan for i, future in enumerate(as_completed(futures)): gen_gid = futures[future] mem = psutil.virtual_memory()'Finished re-ranking {} out of {}. ' 'Memory usage is {:.2f} out of {:.2f} GB.' .format(i, len(futures), mem.used / 1e9, / 1e9)) new = future.result() mask = self._clusters['gen_gid'].isin(gen_gid) self._clusters.loc[mask, rank_col] = new['rank'].values def _run_rerank_serial(self, groupby='cluster_id', rank_col='rank_included'): """Re-rank rep profiles for included resource in generic groups. Parameters ---------- groupby : str | list One or more columns in self._clusters to groupby and rank profiles within each group. rank_col : str Column to add to self._clusters with new rankings. """ init = False for _, df in self._clusters.groupby(groupby): if 'included_frac' in df: mask = (df['included_frac'] >= self.include_threshold) else: mask = [True] * len(df) if any(mask): if not init: self._clusters[rank_col] = np.nan'Re-ranking representative profiles "{}" ' 'using groupby: {}'.format(rank_col, groupby)) init = True gen_gid = df.loc[mask, 'gen_gid'] self.cluster_kwargs['dist_rank_filter'] = False self.cluster_kwargs['contiguous_filter'] = False new = RPMClusters.cluster(self._cf_fpath, gen_gid, 1, **self.cluster_kwargs) mask = self._clusters['gen_gid'].isin(gen_gid) self._clusters.loc[mask, rank_col] = new['rank'].values
[docs] def run_rerank(self, groupby='cluster_id', rank_col='rank_included'): """Re-rank rep profiles for included resource in generic groups. Parameters ---------- groupby : str | list One or more columns in self._clusters to groupby and rank profiles within each group. rank_col : str Column to add to self._clusters with new rankings. """ if self.max_workers > 1: self._run_rerank_parallel(groupby=groupby, rank_col=rank_col) else: self._run_rerank_serial(groupby=groupby, rank_col=rank_col)
@property def cluster_summary(self): """Summary dataframe with cluster_id primary key. Returns ------- s : pd.DataFrame Summary dataframe with a row for each cluster id. """ if ('included_frac' not in self._clusters and self._excl_fpath is not None and self._excl_dict is not None): raise RPMRuntimeError('Exclusions must be applied before ' 'representative profiles can be determined.') ind = self._clusters.cluster_id.unique() cols = ['latitude', 'longitude', 'n_gen_gids', 'included_frac', 'included_area_km2'] s = pd.DataFrame(index=ind, columns=cols) = 'cluster_id' for i, df in self._clusters.groupby('cluster_id'): s.loc[i, 'latitude'] = df['latitude'].mean() s.loc[i, 'longitude'] = df['longitude'].mean() s.loc[i, 'n_gen_gids'] = len(df) if 'included_frac' in df: s.loc[i, 'included_frac'] = df['included_frac'].mean() s.loc[i, 'included_area_km2'] = df['included_area_km2'].sum() return s
[docs] def make_shape_file(self, fpath_shp): """Make shape file containing all clusters. Parameters ---------- fpath_shp : str Filepath to write shape_file to. """ labels = ['cluster_id', 'latitude', 'longitude'] RPMClusters.generate_shapefile(self._clusters[labels], fpath_shp, target_crs=self.target_crs)
@staticmethod def _get_fout_names(job_tag): """Get a set of output filenames. Parameters ---------- job_tag : str | None Optional name tag to add to the csvs being saved. Format is "rpm_cluster_output_{tag}.csv". Returns ------- fn_out : str Filename for full cluster output. fn_pro : str Filename for representative profile output. fn_sum : str Filename for summary output. fn_shp : str Filename for shapefile output. """ fn_out = 'rpm_cluster_outputs.csv' fn_pro = 'rpm_rep_profiles.csv' fn_sum = 'rpm_cluster_summary.csv' fn_shp = 'rpm_cluster_shapes.shp' if job_tag is not None: fn_out = fn_out.replace('.csv', '_{}.csv'.format(job_tag)) fn_pro = fn_pro.replace('.csv', '_{}.csv'.format(job_tag)) fn_sum = fn_sum.replace('.csv', '_{}.csv'.format(job_tag)) fn_shp = fn_shp.replace('.shp', '_{}.shp'.format(job_tag)) return fn_out, fn_pro, fn_sum, fn_shp
[docs] def export_all(self, out_dir, job_tag=None): """Run RPM output algorithms and write to CSV's. Parameters ---------- out_dir : str Directory to dump output files. job_tag : str | None Optional name tag to add to the csvs being saved. Format is "rpm_cluster_output_{tag}.csv". """ fn_out, fn_pro, fn_sum, fn_shp = self._get_fout_names(job_tag) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) if ('included_frac' not in self._clusters and self._excl_fpath is not None and self._excl_dict is not None): self.apply_exclusions() self.apply_trgs() RepresentativeProfiles.export_profiles( self.n_profiles, self._clusters, self._cf_fpath, fn_pro, out_dir, max_workers=self.max_workers, key=None) self.cluster_summary.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, fn_sum))'Saved {}'.format(fn_sum)) self._clusters.to_csv(os.path.join(out_dir, fn_out), index=False)'Saved {}'.format(fn_out)) self.make_shape_file(os.path.join(out_dir, fn_shp))'Saved {}'.format(fn_shp))
[docs] @classmethod def extract_profiles(cls, rpm_clusters, cf_fpath, out_dir, n_profiles=1, job_tag=None, max_workers=None, key=None, forecast_fpath=None): """Use pre-formatted RPM cluster outputs to generate profile outputs. Parameters ---------- rpm_clusters : pd.DataFrame | str Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank), or str to file. cf_fpath : str reV generation output file. out_dir : str Directory to dump output files. n_profiles : int Number of representative profiles to output. job_tag : str | None Optional name tag to add to the output files. Format is "rpm_cluster_output_{tag}.csv". max_workers : int, optional Number of parallel workers. 1 will run serial, None will use all available., by default None key : str | None Column in clusters to sort ranks by. None will allow for default logic. forecast_fpath : str reV generation output file for forecast data. If this is input, profiles will be taken from forecast fpath instead of fpath gen based on a NN mapping. """ rpmo = cls(rpm_clusters, cf_fpath, None, None, None, n_profiles=n_profiles, max_workers=max_workers) _, fn_pro, _, _ = rpmo._get_fout_names(job_tag) if not os.path.exists(out_dir): os.makedirs(out_dir) RepresentativeProfiles.export_profiles( rpmo.n_profiles, rpmo._clusters, rpmo._cf_fpath, fn_pro, out_dir, max_workers=rpmo.max_workers, key=key, forecast_fpath=forecast_fpath)'Finished extracting extra representative profiles!')
[docs] @classmethod def process_outputs(cls, rpm_clusters, cf_fpath, excl_fpath, excl_dict, techmap_dset, out_dir, job_tag=None, max_workers=None, cluster_kwargs=None, excl_area=None, include_threshold=0.001, n_profiles=1, rerank=True, trg_bins=None, trg_dset='lcoe_fcr', pre_extract_inclusions=False, target_crs=None): """Perform output processing on clusters and write results to disk. Parameters ---------- rpm_clusters : pd.DataFrame | str Single DataFrame with (gid, gen_gid, cluster_id, rank), or str to file. cf_fpath : str Path to reV .h5 file containing desired capacity factor profiles excl_fpath : str | None Filepath to exclusions data (must match the techmap grid). None will not apply exclusions. excl_dict : dict | None Dictionary of exclusion LayerMask arugments {layer: {kwarg: value}} techmap_dset : str Dataset name in the techmap file containing the exclusions-to-resource mapping data. out_dir : str Directory to dump output files. job_tag : str | None Optional name tag to add to the output files. Format is "rpm_cluster_output_{tag}.csv". max_workers : int, optional Number of parallel workers. 1 will run serial, None will use all available., by default None excl_area : float | None Area in km2 of one exclusion pixel. None will calculate the exclusion pixel area from the exclusion projection profile. include_threshold : float Inclusion threshold. Resource pixels included more than this threshold will be considered in the representative profiles. Set to zero to find representative profile on all resource, not just included. n_profiles : int Number of representative profiles to output. rerank : bool Flag to rerank representative generation profiles after removing excluded generation pixels. trg_bins : str | list | None TRG bins as an ordered list of bin edge values or string to a csv containing a single column with bin edge values. None will ignore trgs. trg_dset : str Dataset associated with TRG bins that can be found in the cf_fpath file. pre_extract_inclusions : bool Flag to pre-extract the inclusion mask using excl_fpath and excl_dict. This is advantageous if the excl_dict is highly complex and if you're processing a lot of points. Default is False. target_crs : str Target coordinate reference system, e.g. "EPSG:4326". Note that everything is in EPSG:4326/WGS84 by default (raw lat/lon with lon=0 at Greenwich). """ rpmo = cls(rpm_clusters, cf_fpath, excl_fpath, excl_dict, techmap_dset, cluster_kwargs=cluster_kwargs, max_workers=max_workers, excl_area=excl_area, include_threshold=include_threshold, n_profiles=n_profiles, rerank=rerank, trg_bins=trg_bins, trg_dset=trg_dset, pre_extract_inclusions=pre_extract_inclusions, target_crs=target_crs) rpmo.export_all(out_dir, job_tag=job_tag)