Source code for reVX.plexos.utilities

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
reVX-plexos utilities
import json
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from warnings import warn

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def get_coord_labels(df): """Retrieve the coordinate labels from df. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame DataFrame with each row being a geo location and two columns containing coordinate labels. Returns ------- df_coord_labels : list | None Two entry list if coordinate labels are found: ['lat', 'lon'] or ['latitude', 'longitude'] """ df_coord_labels = None if 'lat' in df and 'lon' in df: df_coord_labels = ['lat', 'lon'] elif 'latitude' in df and 'longitude' in df: df_coord_labels = ['latitude', 'longitude'] return df_coord_labels
[docs]def parse_table_name(name, wait=300, db_host='', db_user=None, db_pass=None, db_port=5432): """Parse a dataframe from an input name. Parameters ---------- name : str | pd.DataFrame CSV file path or or already extracted df. wait : int Integer seconds to wait for DB connection to become available before raising exception. db_host : str Database host name. db_user : str Your database user name. db_pass : str Database password (None if your password is cached). db_port : int Database port. Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Extracted table """ if isinstance(name, str): if name.endswith('.csv'): df = pd.read_csv(name) elif len(name.split('.')) == 3: from reVX.handlers.database import Database db, schema, table = name.split('.') logger.debug('Retrieving "{}.{}" from database "{}"' .format(schema, table, db)) df = Database.get_table(table, schema, db, wait=wait, db_host=db_host, db_user=db_user, db_pass=db_pass, db_port=db_port) elif isinstance(name, pd.DataFrame): df = name else: raise TypeError('Could not recognize input table name: ' '{} with type {}'.format(name, type(name))) return df
[docs]class DataCleaner: """Class for custom Plexos data cleaning procedures.""" # Keys are bad values, values are corrected values REEDS_NAME_MAP = {'gid': 'sc_gid', 'capacity_reV': 'built_capacity', 'capacity_rev': 'built_capacity', 'year': 'reeds_year', 'Year': 'reeds_year'} REV_NAME_MAP = {'gid': 'sc_gid', 'sq_km': 'area_sq_km', 'capacity': 'potential_capacity', 'resource_ids': 'res_gids', 'resource_ids_cnts': 'gid_counts'} PLEXOS_META_COLS = ('sc_gid', 'plexos_id', 'plexos_gid', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'voltage', 'interconnect', 'built_capacity', 'geometry') def __init__(self, plexos_meta, profiles, name_map=None): """ Parameters ---------- plexos_meta : pd.DataFrame Plexos meta data including the built capacity at each plexos node. profiles : np.ndarray 2D timeseries array of generation profiles. Number of columns must match the length of the meta data. name_map : dictionary, optional Column rename mapping, by default None -> {'gid': 'sc_gid'} """ if profiles.shape[1] != len(plexos_meta): raise ValueError('Plexos profiles shape does not match meta.') self._plexos_meta = self.rename_cols(plexos_meta, name_map=name_map) self._profiles = profiles
[docs] @staticmethod def rename_cols(df, name_map=None): """ Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Input df with bad or inconsistent column names. name_map : dictionary, optional Column rename mapping, by default None -> {'lat': 'latitude', 'lon': 'longitude'} Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Same as inputs but with better col names. """ if name_map is None: name_map = {'lat': 'latitude', 'lon': 'longitude'} # Only apply map if columns do not exist name_map = {key: value for key, value in name_map.items() if value not in df.columns} df = df.rename(columns=name_map) return df
[docs] @classmethod def reduce_df(cls, df, cols, name_map=None): """Reduce a df to just certain columns. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe to reduce. cols : list | tuple List of column names to keep. name_map : dictionary, optional Column rename mapping, by default None -> {'gid': 'sc_gid'} Returns ------- df : pd.DataFrame Dataframe with only cols if the input df had all cols. """ df = cls.rename_cols(df, name_map=name_map) cols = [c for c in cols if c in df] return df[cols]
[docs] @classmethod def pre_filter_plexos_meta(cls, plexos_meta, name_map=None): """Pre-filter the plexos meta data to drop bad node names and duplicate lat/lons. Parameters ---------- plexos_meta : pd.DataFrame Plexos meta data. name_map : dictionary, optional Column rename mapping, by default None -> {'gid': 'sc_gid'} Returns ------- plexos_meta : pd.DataFrame Filtered plexos meta data. """ plexos_meta = cls.rename_cols(plexos_meta, name_map=name_map) # as of 8/2019 there were two erroneous plexos nodes with bad names mask = (plexos_meta['plexos_id'] != '#NAME?') plexos_meta = plexos_meta[mask] # Several plexos nodes share the same location. As of 8/2019 # Josh Novacheck suggests that the duplicate locations can be dropped. if 'voltage' in plexos_meta: sort_by = ['voltage', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'gid', 'plexos_id'] sort_by = [c for c in sort_by if c in plexos_meta] plexos_meta = plexos_meta.sort_values(by=sort_by, ascending=False) plexos_meta = plexos_meta.drop_duplicates( subset=['latitude', 'longitude'], keep='first') if 'gid' in plexos_meta: plexos_meta = plexos_meta.sort_values(by='gid') plexos_meta['plexos_gid'] = plexos_meta['gid'] return plexos_meta
@staticmethod def _merge_plexos_meta(meta_final, meta_orig, i_final, i_orig): """Ammend the plexos meta dataframe with data about resource buildouts. Parameters ---------- meta_final : pd.DataFrame Plexos meta data for the final set of nodes. meta_orig : pd.DataFrame Plexos meta data for the original pre-merge set of nodes. i_final : int Index location (iloc) of the persistent meta data row in meta_final. i_orig : int Index location (iloc) of the meta data row to be merged in meta_orig. Returns ------- meta_final : pd.DataFrame Plexos meta data for the final set of nodes. """ i_final = meta_final.index.values[i_final] i_orig = meta_orig.index.values[i_orig] cols = ['res_gids', 'gen_gids', 'res_built', 'built_capacity'] for col in cols: val_final = meta_final.loc[i_final, col] val_orig = meta_orig.loc[i_orig, col] if not isinstance(val_final, type(val_orig)): raise TypeError('Mismatch in column dtype for plexos meta!') if isinstance(val_final, str): val_final = json.loads(val_final) val_orig = json.loads(val_orig) val_final += val_orig val_final = str(val_final) else: val_final += val_orig[i_final, col] = val_final return meta_final
[docs] def merge_small(self, capacity_threshold=20.0): """Merge small plexos buildout nodes into closest bigger nodes. Parameters ---------- capacity_threshold : float Capacity threshold, nodes with built capacities less than this will be merged into bigger nodes. Returns ------- meta : pd.DataFrame New plexos node meta data with updated built capacities. profiles : np.ndarray New profiles with big nodes having absorbed additional generation from bigger nodes. """ small = (self._plexos_meta['built_capacity'] < capacity_threshold) big = (self._plexos_meta['built_capacity'] >= capacity_threshold) n_nodes = np.sum(big) if (n_nodes == len(self._plexos_meta) or n_nodes == 0): meta = None profiles = None else: meta = self._plexos_meta[big] profiles = self._profiles[:, big.values]'Merging plexos nodes from {} to {} due to small ' 'nodes.'.format(len(self._plexos_meta), len(meta))) labels = get_coord_labels(self._plexos_meta) tree = cKDTree(meta[labels].values) # pylint: disable=not-callable _, nn_ind = tree.query(self._plexos_meta[labels].values, k=len(meta)) for i in range(len(self._plexos_meta)): if small.values[i]: for nn in nn_ind[i, :]: if big.values[nn]: meta = self._merge_plexos_meta(meta, self._plexos_meta, nn, i) profiles[:, nn] += self._profiles[:, i] break return meta, profiles
[docs] def merge_extent(self, new_meta, new_profiles, name_map=None): """Merge a new set of plexos node aggregation data into the self attr. Parameters ---------- new_meta : pd.DataFrame A new set of Plexos node meta data to be merged into the meta in self. new_profiles : np.ndarray A new set of plexos node profiles corresponding to new_meta to be merged into the profiles in self where the meta data overlaps with common nodes. name_map : dictionary, optional Column rename mapping, by default None -> {'gid': 'sc_gid'} """ new_meta = self.rename_cols(new_meta, name_map=name_map) keep_index = []'Merging extents with {} and {} nodes ({} total).' .format(len(self._plexos_meta), len(new_meta), len(self._plexos_meta) + len(new_meta))) for i, ind in enumerate(new_meta.index.values): lookup = (self._plexos_meta['plexos_id'].values == new_meta.loc[ind, 'plexos_id']) if any(lookup): i_self = np.where(lookup)[0] if len(i_self) > 1: warn('Duplicate PLEXOS node GIDs in base plexos meta!') else: i_self = i_self[0] logger.debug('Merging plexos node IDs {} and {} '.format( self._plexos_meta.iloc[i_self]['plexos_id'], new_meta.iloc[i]['plexos_id'])) self._merge_plexos_meta(self._plexos_meta, new_meta, i_self, i) self._profiles[:, i_self] += new_profiles[:, i] else: keep_index.append(i) new_meta = new_meta.loc[new_meta.index.values[keep_index]] new_profiles = new_profiles[:, keep_index] self._plexos_meta = pd.concat([self._plexos_meta, new_meta], axis=0, ignore_index=True) self._profiles = np.hstack((self._profiles, new_profiles))'Merged extents. Output has {} nodes.' .format(len(self._plexos_meta)))
[docs] def merge_multiple_extents(self, meta_list, profile_list, name_map=None): """Merge multiple plexos extents into the self attrs. Parameters ---------- meta_list : list List of new meta data extents to merge into self. profile_list : list List of new gen profile to merge into self. name_map : dictionary, optional Column rename mapping, by default None -> {'gid': 'sc_gid'} Returns ------- meta : pd.DataFrame Merged plexos node meta data. profiles : np.ndarray New profiles with merged profiles for matching nodes. """ for i, meta in enumerate(meta_list): self.merge_extent(self.rename_cols(meta, name_map=name_map), profile_list[i]) return self._plexos_meta, self._profiles
[docs]class ProjectGidHandler: """Class to handle project GIDs for a plexos project. Can be used to make gid superset project points for 5min data."""
[docs] @staticmethod def get_resource_gids(sc_table, reeds_build, wait=300, db_host='', db_user=None, db_pass=None, db_port=5432): """Get resource gids from a single reeds supply curve build Parameters ---------- sc_table : str | pd.DataFrame reV supply curve results (CSV file path or reeds_build : str | pd.DataFrame REEDS buildout file with wait : int Integer seconds to wait for DB connection to become available before raising exception. db_host : str Database host name. db_user : str Your database user name. db_pass : str Database password (None if your password is cached). db_port : int Database port. Returns ------- gids : list Sorted list of unique integer resource gids build out. """ sc_table = parse_table_name(sc_table, wait=wait, db_host=db_host, db_user=db_user, db_pass=db_pass, db_port=db_port) reeds_build = parse_table_name(reeds_build, wait=wait, db_host=db_host, db_user=db_user, db_pass=db_pass, db_port=db_port) sc_table = DataCleaner.rename_cols( sc_table, name_map=DataCleaner.REV_NAME_MAP) reeds_build = DataCleaner.rename_cols( reeds_build, name_map=DataCleaner.REEDS_NAME_MAP) reeds_gids = reeds_build['sc_gid'].values.tolist() rev_gids = sc_table['sc_gid'].values.tolist() missing = [gid for gid in reeds_gids if gid not in rev_gids] if any(missing): e = ('The following gids were built in reeds but not found in ' 'the reV sc table: {}'.format(missing)) logger.error(e) raise RuntimeError(e) gid_table = pd.merge(reeds_build, sc_table, how='left', on='sc_gid') gids = [] for res_gid_list in gid_table['res_gids'].values.tolist(): if isinstance(res_gid_list, str): res_gid_list = json.loads(res_gid_list) gids += [int(gid) for gid in res_gid_list] if not any(gids): e = 'No resource gids found!' logger.error(e) raise ValueError(e) gids = sorted(list(set(gids)), key=float) return gids
[docs] @classmethod def build_project_points(cls, build_map, fpath_out=None, config_tag='default', **db_kwargs): """Build a project points CSV from a set of rev/reeds build files. Parameters ---------- build_map : dict Mapping of buildout files/tables. Keys are filepaths to reeds buildout files, values are reV SC tables (can be db names). fpath_out : str | None Output filepath to save project points file. config_tag : str Config tab/label to write to the project points config column. db_kwargs : dict Optional database kwargs. Returns ------- pp : pd.DataFrame Project points dataframe with gid and config columns.. """ tables = {} gids = [] for reeds_table, rev_table in build_map.items(): if reeds_table not in tables: tables[reeds_table] = parse_table_name(reeds_table, **db_kwargs) if rev_table not in tables: tables[rev_table] = parse_table_name(rev_table, **db_kwargs) gids += cls.get_resource_gids(tables[rev_table], tables[reeds_table]) gids = sorted(list(set(gids)), key=float) pp = pd.DataFrame({'config': [config_tag] * len(gids)}, index=gids) = 'sc_gid' if fpath_out: logger.debug('Writing project points: {}'.format(fpath_out)) pp.to_csv(fpath_out) return pp