Source code for reVX.plexos.rev_reeds_plexos_cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
reV-ReEDS-PLEXOS command line interface (cli).
import os
import pandas as pd
import click
import logging

from rex.utilities.hpc import SLURM
from rex.utilities.cli_dtypes import STR, INT, INTLIST, STRLIST
from rex.utilities.loggers import init_mult

from reVX.plexos.rev_reeds_plexos import RevReedsPlexosManager
from reVX import __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@click.option('--name', '-n', default='plx', type=STR,
              help='Job name. Default is "plx".')
@click.option('--job_input', '-j', required=True,
              help=('Path to plexos job input csv.'))
@click.option('--out_dir', '-o', required=True, type=click.Path(),
              help='Directory to dump output files')
@click.option('--cf_years', '-y', required=True, type=INTLIST,
              help='Capacity factor resource year.')
@click.option('--build_years', '-by', required=True, type=INTLIST,
              help='REEDS build years to aggregate profiles for.')
@click.option('--scenario', '-s', default=None, type=STR, show_default=True,
              help='Optional filter to run just one scenario from job input.')
@click.option('--plexos_columns', '-pc', default=None, type=STRLIST,
              help='Optional list of additional columns to pass through from '
              'the plexos input table')
@click.option('-ffb', '--force_full_build', is_flag=True,
              help='Flag to ensure the full requested buildout is built at '
              'each SC point. If True, the remainder of the requested build '
              'will always be built at the last resource gid in the sc point.')
@click.option('-fsm', '--force_shape_map', is_flag=True,
              help='Flag to force the mapping of supply curve points to the '
              'plexos node shape file input (if a shape file is input) via '
              'nearest neighbor to shape centroid.')
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', is_flag=True,
              help='Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.')
def main(ctx, name, job_input, out_dir, cf_years, build_years,
         scenario, plexos_columns, force_full_build, force_shape_map, verbose):
    """reV-ReEDS-PLEXOS Command Line Interface"""

    ctx.obj['NAME'] = name
    ctx.obj['JOB_INPUT'] = job_input
    ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'] = out_dir
    ctx.obj['CF_YEARS'] = cf_years
    ctx.obj['BUILD_YEARS'] = build_years
    ctx.obj['SCENARIO'] = scenario
    ctx.obj['PLEXOS_COLUMNS'] = plexos_columns
    ctx.obj['FORCE_FULL_BUILD'] = force_full_build
    ctx.obj['FORCE_SHAPE_MAP'] = force_shape_map
    ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] = verbose

    if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None:
        log_modules = [__name__, 'reVX', 'reV', 'rex']
        init_mult(name, out_dir, modules=log_modules,
                  verbose=verbose)'Running reV to PLEXOS pipeline using job input: {}'
                    .format(job_input))'Outputs to be stored in: {}'.format(out_dir))'Aggregating plexos scenario "{}".'.format(scenario))
        for cf_year in cf_years:
  , out_dir, scenario=scenario,
                                      cf_year=cf_year, build_years=build_years,

[docs]def get_node_cmd(name, job_input, out_dir, cf_year, build_year, scenario, plexos_columns, force_full_build, force_shape_map, verbose): """Get a CLI call command for the plexos CLI.""" args = ['-n {}'.format(SLURM.s(name)), '-j {}'.format(SLURM.s(job_input)), '-o {}'.format(SLURM.s(out_dir)), '-y [{}]'.format(SLURM.s(cf_year)), '-by [{}]'.format(SLURM.s(build_year)), '-s {}'.format(SLURM.s(scenario)), '-pc {}'.format(SLURM.s(plexos_columns)), ] if force_full_build: args.append('-ffb') if force_shape_map: args.append('-fsm') if verbose: args.append('-v') cmd = ('python -m reVX.plexos.rev_reeds_plexos_cli {}' .format(' '.join(args))) logger.debug('Creating the following command line call:\n\t{}'.format(cmd)) return cmd
@main.command() @click.option('--alloc', '-a', required=True, type=STR, help='Eagle allocation account name.') @click.option('--memory', '-mem', default=90, type=INT, show_default=True, help='Eagle node memory request in GB. Default is 90') @click.option('--walltime', '-wt', default=1.0, type=float, show_default=True, help='Eagle walltime request in hours. Default is 1.0') @click.option('--feature', '-l', default=None, type=STR, show_default=True, help=('Additional flags for SLURM job. Format is "--qos=high" ' 'or "--depend=[state:job_id]". Default is None.')) @click.option('--stdout_path', '-sout', default=None, type=STR, show_default=True, help='Subprocess standard output path. Default is in out_dir.') @click.pass_context def eagle(ctx, alloc, memory, walltime, feature, stdout_path): """Eagle submission tool for PLEXOS aggregation.""" name = ctx.obj['NAME'] job_input = ctx.obj['JOB_INPUT'] out_dir = ctx.obj['OUT_DIR'] cf_years = ctx.obj['CF_YEARS'] build_years = ctx.obj['BUILD_YEARS'] scenario = ctx.obj['SCENARIO'] plexos_columns = ctx.obj['PLEXOS_COLUMNS'] force_full_build = ctx.obj['FORCE_FULL_BUILD'] force_shape_map = ctx.obj['FORCE_SHAPE_MAP'] verbose = ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] if stdout_path is None: stdout_path = os.path.join(out_dir, 'stdout/') if scenario is None: job = pd.read_csv(job_input) scenarios = job.scenario.unique() else: scenarios = [scenario] slurm_manager = ctx.obj.get('SLURM_MANAGER', None) if slurm_manager is None: slurm_manager = SLURM() ctx.obj['SLURM_MANAGER'] = slurm_manager for scenario in scenarios: for cf_year in cf_years: for build_year in build_years: node_name = ('{}_{}_{}_{}' .format(name, scenario.replace(' ', '_'), build_year, cf_year)) cmd = get_node_cmd(node_name, job_input, out_dir, cf_year, build_year, scenario, plexos_columns, force_full_build, force_shape_map, verbose)'Running reVX plexos aggregation on Eagle with ' 'node name "{}"'.format(node_name)) out = slurm_manager.sbatch(cmd, alloc=alloc, memory=memory, walltime=walltime, feature=feature, name=node_name, stdout_path=stdout_path)[0] if out: msg = ('Kicked off reVX plexos aggregation job "{}" ' '(SLURM jobid #{}) on Eagle.' .format(node_name, out)) else: msg = ('Was unable to kick off reVX plexos aggregation job' ' "{}". Please see the stdout error messages' .format(node_name)) click.echo(msg) if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(obj={}) except Exception: logger.exception('Error running PLEXOS CLI') raise