Source code for reVX.plexos.rev_reeds_plexos

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Aug 21 13:47:43 2019

@author: gbuster
from concurrent.futures import as_completed
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import cKDTree
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from warnings import warn

from rex.utilities.execution import SpawnProcessPool
from rex.utilities.utilities import parse_table, to_records_array

from reVX.utilities.region_classifier import RegionClassifier
from reVX.handlers.outputs import Outputs
from reVX.plexos.base import BaseProfileAggregation, PlexosNode
from reVX.plexos.utilities import (DataCleaner, get_coord_labels,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PlexosAggregation(BaseProfileAggregation): """ Framework to aggregate reV gen profiles to PLEXOS node power profiles. This class takes as input the plexos nodes meta data (lat/lon or shape files), rev supply curve table, and reeds buildout table (specifying which rev sc points were built and at what capacity). The class will build power profiles for each supply curve point and then aggregate the sc point profiles to the nearest neighbor plexos node (if plexos nodes are defined by lat/lon) or the shape intersect plexos node (if plexos nodes are defined by shape file). """ def __init__(self, plexos_nodes, rev_sc, reeds_build, cf_fpath, forecast_fpath=None, build_year=2050, plexos_columns=None, force_full_build=False, force_shape_map=False, plant_name_col=None, tech_tag=None, res_class=None, timezone='UTC', dset_tag=None, max_workers=None): """ Parameters ---------- plexos_nodes : str | pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data including gid, latitude, longitude, voltage. Or file path to .csv containing plexos node meta data, or a file path to a .shp file that contains plexos nodes defined as shapes. rev_sc : str | pd.DataFrame reV supply curve results table including SC gid, latitude, longitude, res_gids, gid_counts. Or file path to reV supply curve table. reeds_build : str | pd.DataFrame ReEDS buildout with rows for built capacity (MW) at each reV SC point. This should have columns: reeds_year, built_capacity, and sc_gid (corresponding to the reV supply curve point gid). Some cleaning of the column names will be performed for legacy tables but these are the column headers that are desired. This input can also include "plexos_node_gid" which will explicitly assign a supply curve point buildout to a single plexos node. If included, all points must be assigned to plexos nodes. cf_fpath : str File path to capacity factor file (reV gen output) to get profiles from. forecast_fpath : str | None Forecasted capacity factor .h5 file path (reV results). If not None, the supply curve res_gids are mapped to sites in the cf_fpath, then the coordinates from cf_fpath are mapped to the nearest neighbor sites in the forecast_fpath, where the final generation profiles are retrieved from. build_year : int, optional REEDS year of interest, by default 2050 plexos_columns : list | None Additional columns from the plexos_nodes input to pass through to the output meta data. force_full_build : bool Flag to ensure the full requested buildout is built at each SC point. If True, the remainder of the requested build will always be built at the last resource gid in the sc point. force_shape_map : bool Flag to force the mapping of supply curve points to the plexos node shape file input (if a shape file is input) via nearest neighbor to shape centroid. plant_name_col : str | None Column in plexos_table that has the plant name that should be used in the plexos output csv column headers. tech_tag : str | None Optional technology tag to include as a suffix in the plexos output csv column headers. res_class : int | None Optional resource class to use to filter supply curve points. For example, if res_class = 3 then only supply curve points with class 3 will be kept in the sc_build table. This filters the on the 'class' column in the reeds_build table. timezone : str Timezone for output generation profiles. This is a string that will be passed to pytz.timezone() e.g. US/Pacific, US/Mountain, US/Central, US/Eastern, or UTC. For a list of all available timezones, see pytz.all_timezones dset_tag : str Dataset tag to append to dataset names in cf profile file. e.g. If the cf profile file is a multi year file using dset_tag="-2008" will enable us to select the corresponding datasets (cf_mean-2008, cf_profile-2008, etc) max_workers : int | None Max workers for parallel profile aggregation. None uses all available workers. 1 will run in serial. """ super().__init__() self._cf_fpath = cf_fpath self._forecast_fpath = forecast_fpath self.build_year = build_year self._res_gids = None self._output_meta = None self._time_index = None self._force_full_build = force_full_build self._force_shape_map = force_shape_map self.max_workers = max_workers self._plant_name_col = plant_name_col self._tech_tag = tech_tag self._timezone = timezone self._res_class = res_class self._dset_tag = dset_tag if dset_tag is not None else "" if plexos_columns is None: plexos_columns = tuple() self._plexos_columns = plexos_columns self._plexos_columns += DataCleaner.PLEXOS_META_COLS self._plexos_columns = tuple(set(self._plexos_columns))'Running {} for build year: {}' .format(self.__class__.__name__, build_year)) self._sc_build = self._parse_rev_reeds(rev_sc, reeds_build, build_year=build_year) if res_class is not None: class_mask = self._sc_build['class'] == res_class self._sc_build = self._sc_build[class_mask] if self._sc_build.empty: msg = 'res_class={} not found in reeds build out'.format(res_class) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) self._plexos_nodes = self._parse_plexos_nodes(plexos_nodes) missing = self._check_gids() self._handle_missing_resource_gids(missing) self._node_map = self._make_node_map() self._forecast_map = self._make_forecast_map(self._cf_fpath, self._forecast_fpath) @property def plexos_meta(self): """Get plexos node meta data for the nodes included in this problem. Returns ------- plexos_meta : pd.DataFrame Plexos meta dataframe reduced to the nodes in this problem. """ if self._output_meta is None: inodes = np.unique(self.node_map) node_builds = [] for i in inodes: mask = (self.node_map == i) built_cap = self.sc_build[mask]['built_capacity'].values.sum() node_builds.append(built_cap) self._output_meta = self._plexos_nodes.iloc[inodes, :] self._output_meta['built_capacity'] = node_builds self._output_meta = DataCleaner.reduce_df( self._output_meta, self._plexos_columns) self._output_meta['sc_gids'] = None self._output_meta['res_gids'] = None self._output_meta['gen_gids'] = None self._output_meta['res_built'] = None return self._output_meta @property def n_plexos_nodes(self): """Get the number of unique plexos nodes in this buildout. Returns ------- n : int Number of unique plexos nodes in this buildout """ return len(self.plexos_meta) @property def sc_res_gids(self): """List of unique resource GIDS in the REEDS build out. Returns ------- sc_res_gids : np.ndarray Array of resource GIDs associated with this REEDS buildout. """ gid_col = self.sc_build['res_gids'].values if isinstance(gid_col[0], str): gid_col = [json.loads(s) for s in gid_col] else: gid_col = list(gid_col) res_gids = [g for sub in gid_col for g in sub] sc_res_gids = np.array(sorted(list(set(res_gids)))) return sc_res_gids @property def sc_build(self): """Get the reV supply curve table reduced to just those points built by reeds including a built_capacity column in MW. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ return self._sc_build def _parse_plexos_nodes(self, plexos_nodes): """ Load Plexos node meta data from disc if needed, pre-filter and rename columns Parameters ---------- plexos_nodes : str | pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data including gid, latitude, longitude, voltage. Or file path to .csv containing plexos node meta data, or a file path to a .shp file that contains plexos nodes defined as shapes. Returns ------- plexos_nodes : pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data including gid, latitude, longitude, voltage """ if (isinstance(plexos_nodes, str) and plexos_nodes.endswith(('.csv', '.json'))): plexos_nodes = parse_table(plexos_nodes) elif isinstance(plexos_nodes, str) and plexos_nodes.endswith('.shp'): rc = RegionClassifier(self.sc_build, plexos_nodes, regions_label=None) plexos_nodes = rc._regions if 'plexos_id' not in plexos_nodes: plexos_nodes['plexos_id'] = np.arange(len(plexos_nodes)) elif not isinstance(plexos_nodes, pd.DataFrame): msg = ('Expected a DataFrame or a file path to csv, json, or ' 'shp for the plexos_nodes input but received: {} ({})' .format(plexos_nodes, type(plexos_nodes))) logger.error(msg) raise NotImplementedError(msg) plexos_nodes = DataCleaner.rename_cols(plexos_nodes) plexos_nodes = DataCleaner.pre_filter_plexos_meta(plexos_nodes) return plexos_nodes @staticmethod def _check_rev_reeds_coordinates(rev_sc, reeds_build, atol=0.5): """Check that the coordinates are the same in rev and reeds buildouts. Parameters ---------- rev_sc : pd.DataFrame reV supply curve results table including SC gid, lat/lon, res_gids, gid_counts. reeds_build : pd.DataFrame ReEDS buildout with rows for built capacity (MW) at each reV SC point. This should have columns: reeds_year, built_capacity, and sc_gid (corresponding to the reV supply curve point gid). Some cleaning of the column names will be performed for legacy tables but these are the column headers that are desired. This input can also include "plexos_node_gid" which will explicitly assign a supply curve point buildout to a single plexos node. If included, all points must be assigned to plexos nodes. atol : float Maximum difference in coord matching. Returns ------- rev_sc : pd.DataFrame Same as input. reeds_build : pd.DataFrame Same as input but without lat/lon columns if matched. """ join_on = 'sc_gid' reeds_build = reeds_build.sort_values(join_on) reeds_sc_gids = reeds_build[join_on].values rev_mask = rev_sc[join_on].isin(reeds_sc_gids) if not rev_mask.any(): msg = ("There are no overlapping sc_gids between the provided reV " "supply curve table and the ReEDS buildout!") logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) rev_sc = rev_sc.sort_values(join_on) rev_coord_labels = get_coord_labels(rev_sc) reeds_coord_labels = get_coord_labels(reeds_build) if rev_coord_labels is not None and reeds_coord_labels is not None: reeds_coords = reeds_build[reeds_coord_labels].values rev_coords = rev_sc.loc[rev_mask, rev_coord_labels].values check = np.allclose(reeds_coords, rev_coords, atol=atol, rtol=0.0) if not check: emsg = ('reV SC and REEDS Buildout coordinates do not match.') logger.exception(emsg) raise ValueError(emsg) reeds_build = reeds_build.drop(labels=reeds_coord_labels, axis=1) return rev_sc, reeds_build @classmethod def _parse_rev_reeds(cls, rev_sc, reeds_build, build_year=2050): """Parse and combine reV SC and REEDS buildout tables into single table Parameters ---------- rev_sc : str | pd.DataFrame reV supply curve results table including SC gid, lat/lon, res_gids, gid_counts. Or path to reV supply curve table. reeds_build : str | pd.DataFrame ReEDS buildout with rows for built capacity (MW) at each reV SC point. This should have columns: reeds_year, built_capacity, and sc_gid (corresponding to the reV supply curve point gid). Some cleaning of the column names will be performed for legacy tables but these are the column headers that are desired. This input can also include "plexos_node_gid" which will explicitly assign a supply curve point buildout to a single plexos node. If included, all points must be assigned to plexos nodes. build_year : int, optional REEDS year of interest, by default 2050 Returns ------- table : pd.DataFrame rev_sc and reeds_build inner joined on supply curve gid. This is basically the rev supply curve table paired down to only sc points that were built by reeds and that now includes the built_capacity column for each sc point in MW. """ rev_sc = DataCleaner.rename_cols( parse_table(rev_sc), name_map=DataCleaner.REV_NAME_MAP) reeds_build = DataCleaner.rename_cols( parse_table(reeds_build), name_map=DataCleaner.REEDS_NAME_MAP) year_mask = (reeds_build['reeds_year'] == build_year) if not any(year_mask): msg = 'Build year {} not found in reeds data!'.format(build_year) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) reeds_build = reeds_build[year_mask] join_on = 'sc_gid' if 'sc_gid' not in rev_sc or 'sc_gid' not in reeds_build: raise KeyError('GID must be in reV SC and REEDS Buildout tables!') rev_sc, reeds_build = cls._check_rev_reeds_coordinates(rev_sc, reeds_build) check_isin = np.isin(reeds_build[join_on].values, rev_sc[join_on].values) if not all(check_isin): missing_cap = reeds_build.loc[check_isin, 'built_capacity'] missing_cap = missing_cap.values.sum() total_cap = reeds_build['built_capacity'].values.sum() wmsg = ('There are REEDS buildout GIDs that are not in the reV ' 'supply curve table: {} out of {} total REEDS buildout ' 'sites which is {:.2f} MW missing out of {:.2f} MW total.' .format(np.sum(~check_isin), len(reeds_build), missing_cap, total_cap)) warn(wmsg) logger.warning(wmsg) table = pd.merge(rev_sc, reeds_build, how='inner', left_on=join_on, right_on=join_on) return table def _check_gids(self): """Ensure that the SC buildout GIDs are available in the cf file. Returns ------- bad_sc_points : list List of missing supply curve gids (in reeds but not in reV resource). """ bad_sc_points = [] missing = list(set(self.sc_res_gids) - set(self.available_res_gids)) if any(missing): wmsg = ('The CF file is missing {} resource gids that were built ' 'in the REEDS-reV SC build out: {}' .format(len(missing), missing)) warn(wmsg) logger.warning(wmsg) gid_col = self.sc_build['res_gids'].values if isinstance(gid_col[0], str): gid_col = [json.loads(s) for s in gid_col] else: gid_col = list(gid_col) for i, sc_gids in enumerate(gid_col): if any(m in sc_gids for m in missing): bad_sc_points.append(self.sc_build.iloc[i]['sc_gid']) wmsg = ('There are {} SC points with missing gids: {}' .format(len(bad_sc_points), bad_sc_points)) warn(wmsg) logger.warning(wmsg) return bad_sc_points def _handle_missing_resource_gids(self, bad_sc_points): """Merge requested capacity in missing SC gids into nearest good pixels Parameters ---------- bad_sc_points : list List of missing supply curve gids (in reeds but not in reV resource). """ if any(bad_sc_points): bad_bool = self.sc_build['sc_gid'].isin(bad_sc_points) bad_cap_arr = self.sc_build.loc[bad_bool, 'built_capacity'].values good_bool = ~bad_bool bad_cap = bad_cap_arr.sum() wmsg = ('{} MW of capacity is being merged from bad SC points.' .format(bad_cap)) warn(wmsg) logger.warning(wmsg) clabels = get_coord_labels(self.sc_build) # pylint: disable=not-callable good_tree = cKDTree(self.sc_build.loc[good_bool, clabels].values) _, i = good_tree.query(self.sc_build.loc[bad_bool, clabels].values) ilen = len(self.sc_build) icap = self.sc_build['built_capacity'].sum() add_index = self.sc_build.index.values[good_bool][i] for i, ai in enumerate(add_index): self.sc_build.loc[ai, 'built_capacity'] += bad_cap_arr[i] bad_ind = self.sc_build.index.values[bad_bool] self._sc_build = self._sc_build.drop(bad_ind, axis=0) olen = len(self.sc_build) ocap = self.sc_build['built_capacity'].sum() wmsg = ('SC build table reduced from {} to {} rows, ' 'capacity from {} to {} (should be the same).' .format(ilen, olen, icap, ocap)) warn(wmsg) logger.warning(wmsg) cap_error = (icap - ocap) / icap if cap_error > 0.001: msg = ('Too much capacity is being lost due to missing ' 'resource gids! Capacity difference is {}%. ' 'Cannot continue.'.format(cap_error * 100)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) def _make_node_map(self): """Run ckdtree to map built rev SC points to plexos nodes. Returns ------- plx_node_index : np.ndarray KDTree query output, (n, 1) array of plexos node indices mapped to the SC builds where n is the number of SC points built. Each value in this array gives the plexos node index that the sc point is mapped to. So self.node_map[10] yields the plexos node index for self.sc_build[10]. """ if isinstance(self._plexos_nodes, GeoDataFrame):'Found plexos node shape files, assigning nodes ' 'based on shapes containing reV supply curve points.') temp =, self._plexos_nodes, regions_label='plexos_id', force=self._force_shape_map) plx_node_index = temp['plexos_id'].values.astype(int) if any(plx_node_index < 0): msg = ('Could not find a matching shape for {} supply curve ' 'points: \n{}' .format((plx_node_index < 0).sum(), self.sc_build[(plx_node_index < 0)])) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) elif 'plexos_node_gid' in self.sc_build: if 'gid' not in self._plexos_nodes: msg = ('"plexos_node_gid" was found in the reV/ReEDS supply ' 'curve buildout tables for explicit node assignment ' 'but "gid" was not found in the plexos node table.') logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg)'Found "plexos_node_gid" in the reV/ReEDS buildout ' 'tables and "gid" in the plexos node tables, ' 'performing explicitly defined node assignment.') assigned_nodes = set(self.sc_build['plexos_node_gid'] .values.astype(str)) missing = [n for n in assigned_nodes if n not in self._plexos_nodes['gid'].values.astype(str)] if any(missing): msg = ('reV/ReEDS assigned supply curve buildouts to the ' 'following nodes that were not found in the plexos ' 'node table: {}'.format(missing)) print(self._plexos_nodes['gid'].astype(str)) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) na_mask = pd.isna(self.sc_build['plexos_node_gid']) if any(na_mask): msg = ('Some supply curve buildouts were not assigned a value ' 'in the "plexos_node_gid" column. If explicitly ' 'assigning sc points to plexos nodes, all sc points ' 'must be assigned: {}'.format(self.sc_build[na_mask])) logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) plx_tmp = self._plexos_nodes[['gid']].astype(str) plx_tmp['plx_node_index'] = np.arange(len(plx_tmp)) sc_tmp = self.sc_build[['plexos_node_gid']].astype(str) join_tmp = pd.merge(sc_tmp, plx_tmp, how='left', left_on='plexos_node_gid', right_on='gid') plx_node_index = join_tmp['plx_node_index'].values else:'Assigning built reV supply curve points to plexos ' 'nodes based on KDTree nearest neighbor distance.') plexos_coord_labels = get_coord_labels(self._plexos_nodes) sc_coord_labels = get_coord_labels(self.sc_build) # pylint: disable=not-callable tree = cKDTree(self._plexos_nodes[plexos_coord_labels].values) out = tree.query(self.sc_build[sc_coord_labels].values, k=1) d, plx_node_index = out'Plexos Node KDTree distance min / mean / max: ' '{} / {} / {}' .format(np.round(d.min(), decimals=3), np.round(d.mean(), decimals=3), np.round(d.max(), decimals=3))) if len(plx_node_index.shape) == 1: plx_node_index = plx_node_index.reshape((len(plx_node_index), 1)) return plx_node_index
[docs] def make_profiles(self): """Make a 2D array of aggregated plexos gen profiles. Returns ------- profiles : np.ndarray (t, n) array of Plexos node generation profiles where t is the timeseries length and n is the number of plexos nodes. """'Making profiles for {} nodes'.format(self.n_plexos_nodes)) if self.max_workers != 1: profiles = self._make_profiles_parallel() else: profiles = self._make_profiles_serial() return profiles
def _make_profiles_parallel(self): """Make a 2D array of aggregated plexos gen profiles in parallel. Returns ------- profiles : np.ndarray (t, n) array of Plexos node generation profiles where t is the timeseries length and n is the number of plexos nodes. """ profiles = self._init_output(self.n_plexos_nodes) progress = 0 futures = {} loggers = [__name__, 'reVX'] with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=self.max_workers, loggers=loggers) as exe: for i, inode in enumerate(np.unique(self.node_map)): mask = (self.node_map == inode) f = exe.submit(, self.sc_build[mask], self._cf_fpath, res_gids=self.available_res_gids, forecast_fpath=self._forecast_fpath, forecast_map=self._forecast_map, force_full_build=self._force_full_build, dset_tag=self._dset_tag) futures[f] = i for n, f in enumerate(as_completed(futures)): i = futures[f] profile, sc_gids, res_gids, gen_gids, res_built = f.result() profiles[:, i] = profile self._ammend_output_meta(i, sc_gids, res_gids, gen_gids, res_built) current_prog = (n + 1) // (len(futures) / 100) if current_prog > progress: progress = current_prog'{} % of node profiles built.' .format(progress)) return profiles def _make_profiles_serial(self): """Make a 2D array of aggregated plexos gen profiles in serial. Returns ------- profiles : np.ndarray (t, n) array of Plexos node generation profiles where t is the timeseries length and n is the number of plexos nodes. """ profiles = self._init_output(self.n_plexos_nodes) progress = 0 for i, inode in enumerate(np.unique(self.node_map)): mask = (self.node_map == inode) p = self.sc_build[mask], self._cf_fpath, res_gids=self.available_res_gids, forecast_fpath=self._forecast_fpath, forecast_map=self._forecast_map, force_full_build=self._force_full_build, dset_tag=self._dset_tag) profile, sc_gids, res_gids, gen_gids, res_built = p profiles[:, i] = profile self._ammend_output_meta(i, sc_gids, res_gids, gen_gids, res_built) current_prog = ((i + 1) // (len(np.unique(self.node_map)) / 100)) if current_prog > progress: progress = current_prog'{} % of node profiles built.' .format(progress)) return profiles
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, plexos_nodes, rev_sc, reeds_build, cf_fpath, forecast_fpath=None, build_year=2050, plexos_columns=None, force_full_build=False, force_shape_map=False, plant_name_col=None, tech_tag=None, res_class=None, timezone='UTC', dset_tag=None, out_fpath=None, max_workers=None): """Run plexos aggregation. Parameters ---------- plexos_nodes : str | pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data including gid, latitude, longitude, voltage. Or file path to .csv containing plexos node meta data, or a file path to a .shp file that contains plexos nodes defined as shapes. rev_sc : str | pd.DataFrame reV supply curve results table including SC gid, latitude, longitude, res_gids, gid_counts. Or file path to reV supply curve table. Note that the gen_gids column in the rev_sc is ignored and only the res_gids from rev_sc are mapped to the corresponding "gid" column in the cf_fpath meta data. reeds_build : pd.DataFrame ReEDS buildout with rows for built capacity (MW) at each reV SC point. This should have columns: reeds_year, built_capacity, and sc_gid (corresponding to the reV supply curve point gid). Some cleaning of the column names will be performed for legacy tables but these are the column headers that are desired. This input can also include "plexos_node_gid" which will explicitly assign a supply curve point buildout to a single plexos node. If included, all points must be assigned to plexos nodes. cf_fpath : str File path to capacity factor file (reV gen output) to get profiles from. forecast_fpath : str | None Forecasted capacity factor .h5 file path (reV results). If not None, the supply curve res_gids are mapped to sites in the cf_fpath, then the coordinates from cf_fpath are mapped to the nearest neighbor sites in the forecast_fpath, where the final generation profiles are retrieved from. build_year : int REEDS year of interest. plexos_columns : list | None Additional columns from the plexos_nodes input to pass through to the output meta data. force_full_build : bool Flag to ensure the full requested buildout is built at each SC point. If True, the remainder of the requested build will always be built at the last resource gid in the sc point. force_shape_map : bool Flag to force the mapping of supply curve points to the plexos node shape file input (if a shape file is input) via nearest neighbor to shape centroid. plant_name_col : str | None Column in plexos_table that has the plant name that should be used in the plexos output csv column headers. tech_tag : str | None Optional technology tag to include as a suffix in the plexos output csv column headers. res_class : int | None Optional resource class to use to filter supply curve points. For example, if res_class = 3 then only supply curve points with class 3 will be kept in the sc_build table. timezone : str Timezone for output generation profiles. This is a string that will be passed to pytz.timezone() e.g. US/Pacific, US/Mountain, US/Central, US/Eastern, or UTC. For a list of all available timezones, see pytz.all_timezones dset_tag : str Dataset tag to append to dataset names in cf profile file. e.g. If the cf profile file is a multi year file using dset_tag="-2008" will enable us to select the corresponding datasets (cf_mean-2008, cf_profile-2008, etc) out_fpath : str, optional Path to .h5 file into which plant buildout should be saved. A plexos-formatted csv will also be written in the same directory. By default None. max_workers : int | None Max workers for parallel profile aggregation. None uses all available workers. 1 will run in serial. Returns ------- plexos_meta : pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data with built capacities. time_index : pd.datetimeindex Time index for the profiles. profiles : np.ndarray Generation profile timeseries at each plexos node. """ pa = cls(plexos_nodes, rev_sc, reeds_build, cf_fpath, forecast_fpath=forecast_fpath, build_year=build_year, plexos_columns=plexos_columns, force_full_build=force_full_build, force_shape_map=force_shape_map, plant_name_col=plant_name_col, tech_tag=tech_tag, res_class=res_class, timezone=timezone, dset_tag=dset_tag, max_workers=max_workers) profiles = pa.make_profiles() if out_fpath is not None: pa.export(pa.plexos_meta, pa.time_index, profiles, out_fpath) return pa.plexos_meta, pa.time_index, profiles
[docs]class RevReedsPlexosManager: """rev-reeds-plexos job manager.""" def __init__(self, plexos_nodes, rev_sc, reeds_build, cf_fpath, forecast_fpath=None, wait=300, db_host='', db_user=None, db_pass=None, db_port=5432): """ Parameters ---------- plexos_nodes : str | pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data (CSV/SHP file path or rev_sc : str | pd.DataFrame reV supply curve results (CSV file path or reeds_build : str | pd.DataFrame REEDS buildout results (CSV file path or ReEDS buildout with rows for built capacity (MW) at each reV SC point. This should have columns: reeds_year, built_capacity, and sc_gid (corresponding to the reV supply curve point gid). Some cleaning of the column names will be performed for legacy tables but these are the column headers that are desired. This input can also include "plexos_node_gid" which will explicitly assign a supply curve point buildout to a single plexos node. If included, all points must be assigned to plexos nodes. cf_fpath : str File path to capacity factor file (reV gen output) to get profiles from. forecast_fpath : str | None Forecasted capacity factor .h5 file path (reV results). If not None, the supply curve res_gids are mapped to sites in the cf_fpath, then the coordinates from cf_fpath are mapped to the nearest neighbor sites in the forecast_fpath, where the final generation profiles are retrieved from. wait : int Integer seconds to wait for DB connection to become available before raising exception. db_host : str Database host name. db_user : str Your database user name. db_pass : str Database password (None if your password is cached). db_port : int Database port. """ self.plexos_nodes = parse_table_name(plexos_nodes, wait=wait, db_host=db_host, db_user=db_user, db_pass=db_pass, db_port=db_port) self.plexos_nodes = DataCleaner.pre_filter_plexos_meta( self.plexos_nodes) self.rev_sc = parse_table_name(rev_sc, wait=wait, db_host=db_host, db_user=db_user, db_pass=db_pass, db_port=db_port) self.reeds_build = parse_table_name(reeds_build, wait=wait, db_host=db_host, db_user=db_user, db_pass=db_pass, db_port=db_port) self.rev_sc = DataCleaner.rename_cols( self.rev_sc, name_map=DataCleaner.REV_NAME_MAP) self.reeds_build = DataCleaner.rename_cols( self.reeds_build, name_map=DataCleaner.REEDS_NAME_MAP) self.cf_fpath = cf_fpath if not os.path.exists(self.cf_fpath): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find cf_fpath: {}' .format(cf_fpath)) self.forecast_fpath = forecast_fpath if self.forecast_fpath is not None: if not os.path.exists(self.forecast_fpath): raise FileNotFoundError('Could not find forecast_fpath: {}' .format(forecast_fpath))
[docs] @classmethod def main(cls, plexos_nodes, rev_sc, reeds_build, cf_fpath, forecast_fpath=None, agg_kwargs=None, wait=300, db_host='', db_user=None, db_pass=None, db_port=5432): """Run the Plexos pipeline for a single extent. Parameters ---------- plexos_nodes : str | pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data (CSV/SHP file path or rev_sc : str | pd.DataFrame reV supply curve results (CSV file path or reeds_build : str | pd.DataFrame REEDS buildout results (CSV file path or ReEDS buildout with rows for built capacity (MW) at each reV SC point. This should have columns: reeds_year, built_capacity, and sc_gid (corresponding to the reV supply curve point gid). Some cleaning of the column names will be performed for legacy tables but these are the column headers that are desired. This input can also include "plexos_node_gid" which will explicitly assign a supply curve point buildout to a single plexos node. If included, all points must be assigned to plexos nodes. cf_fpath : str File path to capacity factor file (reV gen output) to get profiles from. forecast_fpath : str | None Forecasted capacity factor .h5 file path (reV results). If not None, the supply curve res_gids are mapped to sites in the cf_fpath, then the coordinates from cf_fpath are mapped to the nearest neighbor sites in the forecast_fpath, where the final generation profiles are retrieved from. agg_kwargs : dict Optional additional kwargs for the aggregation run. wait : int Integer seconds to wait for DB connection to become available before raising exception. db_host : str Database host name. db_user : str Your database user name. db_pass : str Database password (None if your password is cached). db_port : int Database port. Returns ------- meta : pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data. time_index : pd.Datetimeindex Time index. profiles : np.ndarray Plexos node generation profiles. """ meta = None time_index = None profiles = None if agg_kwargs is None: agg_kwargs = {}'Running {} with plant nodes input: {}' .format(cls.__name__, plexos_nodes))'Running {} with reV SC input: {}' .format(cls.__name__, rev_sc))'Running {} with REEDS input: {}' .format(cls.__name__, reeds_build))'Running {} with reV Gen input: {}' .format(cls.__name__, cf_fpath))'Running {} with forecast filepath: {}' .format(cls.__name__, forecast_fpath)) pm = cls(plexos_nodes, rev_sc, reeds_build, cf_fpath, forecast_fpath=forecast_fpath, wait=wait, db_host=db_host, db_user=db_user, db_pass=db_pass, db_port=db_port) try: meta, time_index, profiles = pm.plexos_nodes, pm.rev_sc, pm.reeds_build, pm.cf_fpath, forecast_fpath=pm.forecast_fpath, **agg_kwargs) except Exception as e: logger.exception(e) raise e return meta, time_index, profiles
@classmethod def _run_group(cls, df_group, cf_year, build_year, plexos_columns=None, force_full_build=False, force_shape_map=False): """Run a group of plexos node aggregations all belonging to the same final extent. Parameters ---------- df_group : str DataFrame from the job_file with a common group. cf_year : str Year of the cf_fpath resource year (will be inserted if {} is in cf_fpath). build_years : list | tuple REEDS years to run scenarios for. plexos_columns : list | None Additional columns from the plexos_nodes input to pass through to the output meta data. force_full_build : bool Flag to ensure the full requested buildout is built at each SC point. If True, the remainder of the requested build will always be built at the last resource gid in the sc point. force_shape_map : bool Flag to force the mapping of supply curve points to the plexos node shape file input (if a shape file is input) via nearest neighbor to shape centroid. Returns ------- meta : pd.DataFrame Plexos node meta data. time_index : pd.Datetimeindex Time index. profiles : np.ndarray Plexos node generation profiles. """ dc = None for i in df_group.index.values: plexos_nodes = df_group.loc[i, 'plexos_nodes'] reeds_build = df_group.loc[i, 'reeds_build'] cf_fpath = df_group.loc[i, 'cf_fpath'] if '{}' in cf_fpath: cf_fpath = cf_fpath.format(cf_year) elif cf_year not in cf_fpath: warn('Specified CF year {} not present in cf file string: {}' .format(cf_year, cf_fpath)) rev_sc = df_group.loc[i, 'rev_sc'] forecast_fpath = None if 'forecast_fpath' in df_group: forecast_fpath = df_group.loc[i, 'forecast_fpath'] if '{}' in forecast_fpath: forecast_fpath = forecast_fpath.format(cf_year) elif cf_year not in forecast_fpath: warn('Specified CF year {} not present in ECMWF file ' 'string: {}'.format(cf_year, forecast_fpath)) agg_kwargs = {'build_year': build_year, 'plexos_columns': plexos_columns, 'force_full_build': force_full_build, 'force_shape_map': force_shape_map} meta, ti, profiles = cls.main(plexos_nodes, rev_sc, reeds_build, cf_fpath, agg_kwargs=agg_kwargs, forecast_fpath=forecast_fpath) if meta is None: e = ('Plexos aggregation manager failed. ' ' ' 'failed to create a meta data object.') logger.error(e) raise RuntimeError(e) else: if dc is None: dc = DataCleaner(meta, profiles) else: dc.merge_extent(meta, profiles) meta, profiles = dc.merge_small() return meta, ti, profiles
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, job, out_dir, scenario=None, cf_year=2012, build_years=(2024, 2050), plexos_columns=None, force_full_build=False, force_shape_map=False): """Run plexos node aggregation for a job file input. Parameters ---------- job : str | pd.DataFrame CSV file with plexos aggregation job config. Needs the following columns: (scenario, group, cf_fpath, reeds_build, rev_sc, plexos_nodes) out_dir : str Path to an output directory. scenario : str | None Optional filter to run plexos aggregation for just one scenario in the job. cf_year : str Year of the cf_fpath resource year (will be inserted if {} is in cf_fpath). build_years : list | tuple | int REEDS years to run scenarios for. plexos_columns : list | None Additional columns from the plexos_nodes input to pass through to the output meta data. force_full_build : bool Flag to ensure the full requested buildout is built at each SC point. If True, the remainder of the requested build will always be built at the last resource gid in the sc point. force_shape_map : bool Flag to force the mapping of supply curve points to the plexos node shape file input (if a shape file is input) via nearest neighbor to shape centroid. """ if isinstance(job, str): job = pd.read_csv(job) job = job.where(pd.notnull(job), None) if isinstance(build_years, int): build_years = [build_years] if scenario is not None: job = job[(job['scenario'] == scenario)] for scenario, df_scenario in job.groupby('scenario'):'Running scenario "{}"'.format(scenario)) for build_year in build_years:'Running build year {}'.format(build_year)) fn_out = '{}_{}_{}.h5'.format(scenario, build_year, cf_year) out_fpath = os.path.join(out_dir, fn_out) if os.path.exists(out_fpath):'Skipping exists: {}'.format(out_fpath)) else: for group, df_group in df_scenario.groupby('group'):'Running group "{}"'.format(group)) meta, time_index, profiles = cls._run_group( df_group, cf_year, build_year, plexos_columns=plexos_columns, force_full_build=force_full_build, force_shape_map=force_shape_map)'Saving result for group "{}" to file: {}' .format(group, out_fpath)) with Outputs(out_fpath, mode='a') as out: meta = to_records_array(meta) time_index = time_index.astype(str) dtype = "S{}".format(len(time_index[0])) time_index = np.array(time_index, dtype=dtype) out._create_dset('{}/meta'.format(group), meta.shape, meta.dtype, data=meta) out._create_dset('{}/time_index'.format(group), time_index.shape, time_index.dtype, data=time_index) out._create_dset('{}/gen_profiles'.format(group), profiles.shape, profiles.dtype, chunks=(None, 100), data=profiles)'{} complete!'.format(cls.__name__))