Source code for reVX.plexos.plexos_plants

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to create wind and solar plants for PLEXOS buses
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import haversine_distances
from warnings import warn

from rex.resource import Resource
from rex.utilities import parse_table, SpawnProcessPool
from rex.utilities.utilities import to_records_array

from reVX.handlers.outputs import Outputs
from reVX.handlers.sc_points import SupplyCurvePoints
from reVX.utilities.utilities import log_versions
from reVX.plexos.base import BaseProfileAggregation, TZ_ALIASES

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Plants: """ Base class to handle plants """ def __init__(self, plants): self._plants = {} if isinstance(plants, (np.ndarray, list, tuple)): for i, plant in enumerate(plants): self[i] = plant elif isinstance(plants, dict): self._plants = plants self._i = 0 def __repr__(self): msg = "{} with {} plants".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) return msg def __len__(self): return len(self._plants) def __getitem__(self, plant_id): """ Get the plant build out for the given plant_id Parameters ---------- plant_id : int | str Unique Id for plant of interest Returns ------- list List of sc_gids' and thier associated resource gids to build plant from """ return self._plants.get(plant_id, []) def __setitem__(self, plant_id, plant_build): """ Update plant build Parameters ---------- plant_id : int | str Unique Id for plant to update plant_build : list List of sc_gids' and thier associated resource gids to build plant from """ self._plants[plant_id] = plant_build def __iter__(self): return self def __next__(self): if self._i >= len(self._plants): self._i = 0 raise StopIteration plant_id = self.plant_ids[self._i] self._i += 1 return self[plant_id] @property def plant_ids(self): """ Plant ids Returns ------- list """ return list(self._plants.keys()) @property def plants(self): """ Dictionary matching plants to plant ids Returns ------- dict """ return self._plants @property def plant_builds(self): """ List of plant builds Returns ------- dict """ plant_builds = {pid: pd.concat(plant, axis=1).T for pid, plant in self.plants.items() if plant is not None} return plant_builds @staticmethod def _parse_lists(column): """ Check to see if list values are strings, if so parse with json.loads Parameters ---------- column : pandas.Series Pandas DataFrame column to check Returns ------- column : pandas.Series Pandas DataFrame column with values converted to lists if needed """ if isinstance(column.iloc[0], str): column = column.apply(json.loads).values return column
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, plants_fpath): """ Load pre-filled plants from disc Parameters ---------- plants_fpath : str | DataFrame DataFrame or path to .csv containing pre-filled plants Returns ------- Plants Initialized Plants instance with pre-filled plants """ plant_builds = parse_table(plants_fpath) if 'plant_id' in plant_builds: plant_builds = plant_builds.set_index('plant_id') plant_builds = plant_builds.apply(cls._parse_lists) plants = {} for pid, build in plant_builds.iterrows(): plant = [] for i in range(len(build['sc_gids'])): sc_point = \ pd.Series({'sc_gid': build['sc_gids'][i], 'res_gids': build['res_gids'][i], 'gid_counts': build['gid_counts'][i], 'cf_means': build['res_cf_means'][i], 'build_capacity': build['build_capacity'][i]}) plant.append(sc_point) plants[pid] = plant return cls(plants)
[docs]class PlexosPlants(Plants): """ Class to identify and fill Plants """ def __init__(self, plexos_table, sc_table, mymean_fpath, dist_percentile=90, dist_thresh_km=None, lcoe_col='total_lcoe', lcoe_thresh=1.3, offshore=False, max_workers=None, plants_per_worker=40, points_per_worker=400): """ Parameters ---------- plexos_table : pandas.DataFrame Parsed and clean PLEXOS table sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Supply Curve table .csv or pre-loaded pandas DataFrame mymean_fpath : str Path to reV multi-year-mean .h5 file (preferred) or annual reV generation output .h5 file. If annual, the plant buildouts might change from year to year (bad!). offshore : bool, optional Include offshore points, by default False dist_percentile : int, optional Percentile to use to compute distance threshold using sc_gid to SubStation distance , by default 90 dist_thresh_km : float | None Optional absolute distance threshold in km that will override the dist_percentile input. lcoe_col : str, optional LCOE column to sort by, by default 'total_lcoe' lcoe_thresh : float, optional LCOE threshold multiplier, exclude sc_gids above threshold, by default 1.3 offshore : bool, optional Include offshore points, by default False max_workers : int, optional Number of workers to use for plant identification, 1 == serial, > 1 == parallel, None == parallel using all available cpus, by default None plants_per_worker : int, optional Number of plants to identify on each worker, by default 40 points_per_worker : int, optional Number of points to create on each worker, by default 400 """ log_versions(logger)'Initializing PlexosPlants from plexos table with ' '{} rows'.format(len(plexos_table))) self._plant_table = self._parse_plant_table(plexos_table) self._capacity = self.plant_table['plant_capacity'].values.copy() self._cap_to_alloc = self.plant_table['plant_capacity'].values.copy() if max_workers is None: max_workers = os.cpu_count() self._sc_points = \ SupplyCurvePoints(sc_table, mymean_fpath, max_workers=max_workers, points_per_worker=points_per_worker, offshore=offshore) plants = self._identify_plants(self.plant_table, self._sc_points.sc_table, dist_percentile=dist_percentile, dist_thresh_km=dist_thresh_km, lcoe_col=lcoe_col, lcoe_thresh=lcoe_thresh, max_workers=max_workers, plants_per_worker=plants_per_worker) self._plants = {} self._fill_plants(plants) self._i = 0 @property def plant_table(self): """ Plants meta data table Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._plant_table @property def plant_capacity(self): """ Plant capacities in MW Returns ------- ndarray """ return self._capacity @property def sc_points(self): """ Supply Curve Points Returns ------- SupplyCurvePoints """ return self._sc_points @staticmethod def _parse_plant_table(plexos_table): """ Create Table of unique PLEXOS plants from plexos table Parameters ---------- plexos_table : pandas.DataFrame Parsed and clean PLEXOS table Returns ------- plant_table : pandas.DataFrame Table of unique plants from plexos table """ plexos_table = parse_table(plexos_table) if 'plant_id' not in plexos_table: plexos_table = \ PlantProfileAggregation._parse_plexos_table(plexos_table) plant_table = \ plexos_table.drop_duplicates('plant_id').sort_values('plant_id') cols = ['plant_id', 'plant_capacity', 'generator', 'busid', 'busname', 'capacity', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'system'] cols = [c for c in cols if c in plant_table] plant_table = plant_table[cols].set_index('plant_id') return plant_table @staticmethod def _check_coords(coords): """ Check coordinate dimensions and units Parameters ---------- coords : ndarray Either a single set or an array of (lat, lon) coordinates Returns ------- coords : ndarray Coordinates in radians """ if len(coords.shape) == 1: coords = np.expand_dims(coords, axis=0) if np.max(coords) > np.pi or np.min(coords) < - np.pi: coords = np.radians(coords) return coords @classmethod def _haversine_dist(cls, plant_coords, sc_coords): """ Compute the haversine distance between the given plant(s) and given supply curve points Parameters ---------- plant_coords : ndarray (lat, lon) coordinates of plant(s) sc_coords : ndarray n x 2 array of supply curve (lat, lon) coordinates Returns ------- dist : ndarray Vector of distances between plant and supply curve points in km """ plant_coords = cls._check_coords(plant_coords) sc_coords = cls._check_coords(sc_coords) dist = haversine_distances(plant_coords, sc_coords) if plant_coords.shape[0] == 1: dist = dist.flatten() R = 6371.0 # radius of the earth in kilometers return dist * R @staticmethod def _substation_distance(sc_table, percentile=90): """ Determine the nth percentile of distance between substations and transmission from supply curve table Parameters ---------- sc_table : pandas.DataFrame Supply curve table percentile : int, optional Percentile to compute substation to transmission distance for, by default 90 Returns ------- dist Nth percentile of distance between substations and transmission in km, used as plant search distance threshold """ substations = sc_table['trans_type'] == "Substation" if 'dist_km' in sc_table: dist = sc_table.loc[substations, 'dist_km'].values elif 'dist_mi' in sc_table: dist = sc_table.loc[substations, 'dist_mi'].values * 1.6 else: msg = ('Could not find "dist_mi" or "dist_km" in sc table ' 'columns: {}'.format(sc_table.columns.values)) logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) return np.percentile(dist, percentile) @classmethod def _get_plant_sc_dists(cls, bus_coords, sc_table, dist_percentile=90, dist_thresh_km=None, lcoe_col='total_lcoe', lcoe_thresh=1.3): """ Extract Supply curve gids and distances for plant originating at PLEXOS bus coords Parameters ---------- bus_coords : ndarray bus (lat, lon) coordinates sc_table : pandas.DataFrame Supply Curve Table dist_percentile : int, optional Percentile to use to compute distance threshold using sc_gid to SubStation distance , by default 90 dist_thresh_km : float | None Optional absolute distance threshold in km that will override the dist_percentile input. lcoe_col : str, optional LCOE column to sort by, by default 'total_lcoe' lcoe_thresh : float, optional LCOE threshold multiplier, exclude sc_gids above threshold, by default 1.3 Returns ------- plant_sc : pandas.DataFrame Supply Curve for plant with distance to each sc_gid appended """ logger.debug("Extracting supply curve gids for bus at {}" .format(bus_coords)) sc_coords = np.radians(sc_table[['latitude', 'longitude']].values) # Filter SC table to points within 'dist_tresh' of coords dist_km = cls._haversine_dist(bus_coords, sc_coords) if dist_thresh_km is None: dist_thresh_km = cls._substation_distance( sc_table, percentile=dist_percentile) logger.debug("- Using distance threshold of {} km" .format(dist_thresh_km)) while True: mask = dist_km <= dist_thresh_km plant_sc = sc_table[['latitude', 'longitude', lcoe_col]].copy() plant_sc = plant_sc.loc[mask] if len(plant_sc) > 1: break else: dist_thresh_km *= 1.2 # Find lowest lcoe site pos = np.argmin(plant_sc[lcoe_col]) lcoe_thresh = plant_sc.iloc[pos][lcoe_col] * lcoe_thresh plant_coords = \ plant_sc.iloc[pos][['latitude', 'longitude']].values.astype(float) logger.debug("- Plant will be centered at {}".format(plant_coords)) logger.debug("- Only supply curve points with an lcoe < {} will be " "used".format(lcoe_thresh)) # Filter SC table to lcoe values within 'lcoe_thresh' of min LCOE value sc_cols = ['sc_gid', lcoe_col] plant_sc = sc_table[sc_cols].copy() plant_sc["bus_dist"] = dist_km mask = plant_sc[lcoe_col] <= lcoe_thresh plant_sc = plant_sc.loc[mask] sc_coords = sc_coords[mask] # Sort by distance plant_sc['dist'] = cls._haversine_dist(plant_coords, sc_coords) plant_sc = plant_sc.sort_values('dist') return plant_sc.reset_index(drop=True) @classmethod def _identify_plants(cls, plant_table, sc_table, dist_percentile=90, dist_thresh_km=None, lcoe_col='total_lcoe', lcoe_thresh=1.3, max_workers=None, plants_per_worker=40): """ Identify plant associated with each bus and return supply curve table Parameters ---------- plant_table : pandas.DataFrame Table of unique plants from plexos table sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Supply Curve table .csv or pre-loaded pandas DataFrame dist_percentile : int, optional Percentile to use to compute distance threshold using sc_gid to SubStation distance , by default 90 dist_thresh_km : float | None Optional absolute distance threshold in km that will override the dist_percentile input. lcoe_col : str, optional LCOE column to sort by, by default 'total_lcoe' lcoe_thresh : float, optional LCOE threshold multiplier, exclude sc_gids above threshold, by default 1.3 max_workers : int, optional Number of workers to use for plant identification, 1 == serial, > 1 == parallel, None == parallel using all available cpus, by default None plants_per_worker : int, optional Number of plants to identify on each worker, by default 40 Returns ------- plants : list List of supply curve points that can be used to fill each plant of interest """ plants = [] if max_workers is None: max_workers = os.cpu_count() if max_workers > 1:'Identifying plants in parallel') loggers = [__name__, 'reVX'] with SpawnProcessPool(max_workers=max_workers, loggers=loggers) as exe: futures = [] slices = SupplyCurvePoints._create_worker_slices( plant_table, points_per_worker=plants_per_worker) for table_slice in slices: future = exe.submit(cls._identify_plants, plant_table.iloc[table_slice].copy(), sc_table, dist_percentile=dist_percentile, dist_thresh_km=dist_thresh_km, lcoe_col=lcoe_col, lcoe_thresh=lcoe_thresh, max_workers=1) futures.append(future) for i, future in enumerate(futures): plants.extend(future.result()) logger.debug('Identified {} out of {} plants' .format((i + 1) * plants_per_worker, len(plant_table))) else:'Identifying plants in serial') for i, bus in plant_table.iterrows(): coords = \ bus[['latitude', 'longitude']].values.astype(float) plant = cls._get_plant_sc_dists( coords, sc_table, dist_percentile=dist_percentile, dist_thresh_km=dist_thresh_km, lcoe_col=lcoe_col, lcoe_thresh=lcoe_thresh) plants.append(plant) logger.debug('Identified {} out of {} PlexosPlants.' .format(i + 1, len(plant_table))) return plants @staticmethod def _get_sc_gids(identified_plants, idx): """ For all plants extract sc_gid, dist (to sc_gid), and bus_dist from Supply Curve points Parameters ---------- identified_plants : list List of identified plants, I.E., Supply curve points available to fill each plant along with the distance to the plant center and associated bus. idx : int index to extract from plant sc_tables Returns ------- tuple (sc_gids, dists, bus_dists) """ sc_gids = [] bus_dists = [] dists = [] for plant in identified_plants: sc_point = plant.iloc[idx] sc_gids.append(sc_point['sc_gid']) bus_dists.append(sc_point['bus_dist']) dists.append(sc_point['dist']) bus_dists = np.array(bus_dists) dists = np.array(dists) return sc_gids, dists, bus_dists def _allocate_sc_gids(self, sc_gids, dists, bus_dists): """ Allocate capacity (MW) from supply curve points to plants Parameters ---------- sc_gids : list List of supply curve point gids to allocate capacity from dists : list List of distances from plants to sc_gids bus_dists : list List of distances from bus associated with plants to sc_gids """ unique_gids, plant_gids = np.unique(sc_gids, return_inverse=True) for i, sc_gid in enumerate(unique_gids): sc_gid = int(sc_gid) if self.sc_points.check_sc_gid(sc_gid): plant_ids = np.where(plant_gids == i)[0] if len(plant_ids) > 1: sc_dists = dists[plant_ids] if len(sc_dists) != len(np.unique(sc_dists)): idxs = np.argsort(bus_dists[plant_ids]) else: idxs = np.argsort(sc_dists) plant_ids = plant_ids[idxs] for plant_id in plant_ids: capacity = self._cap_to_alloc[plant_id] if (capacity > 0) and self.sc_points.check_sc_gid(sc_gid): built_point = self.sc_points.get_capacity(sc_gid, capacity) if built_point is not None: built_cap = built_point['build_capacity'] plant = self[plant_id] plant.append(built_point) self[plant_id] = plant self._cap_to_alloc[plant_id] -= built_cap logger.debug('Allocating {:.1f}MW to plant {} from' ' sc_gid {}'.format(built_cap, plant_id, sc_gid)) else: msg = ('WARNING: sc_gid {} returned 0 capacity!' .format(sc_gid)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) def _fill_plants(self, identified_plants): """ Fill plants with capacity (MW) from supply curve points Parameters ---------- identified_plants : list List of identified plants, I.E., Supply curve points available to fill each plant along with the distance to the plant center and associated bus. """ i = 0 total_cap = np.sum(self.plant_capacity) while np.any(self._cap_to_alloc > 0): cap_remaining_0 = sum(self._cap_to_alloc)'Allocating sc_gids to plants round {}' .format(i)) sc_gids, dists, bus_dists = self._get_sc_gids(identified_plants, i) self._allocate_sc_gids(sc_gids, dists, bus_dists) cap_remaining_1 = sum(self._cap_to_alloc) i_cap_allocated = cap_remaining_0 - cap_remaining_1'{:.1f} MW allocated in round {}' .format(i_cap_allocated, i)) i += 1'{:.1f} MW allocated out of {:.1f} MW' .format(total_cap - cap_remaining_1, total_cap))'{} of {} plants have been filled' .format(np.sum(self._cap_to_alloc <= 0), len(self)))
[docs] def dump(self, out_fpath=None): """ Create plants meta data from filled plants DataFrames: - Location (lat, lon) - final capacity (MW) - sc_gids - res_gids - res gid_counts Parameters ---------- out_fpath : str, optional .csv path to save plant meta data too, by default None Returns ------- plants_meta : pandas.DataFrame Location (lat, lon), final capacity (MW), and associated sc_gids, res_gids, and res gid_counts for all plants """ plants_meta = [] for pid, plant in self.plant_builds.items(): plants_meta.append(pd.Series( {'sc_gids': plant['sc_gid'].values.tolist(), 'res_gids': plant['res_gids'].values.tolist(), 'gid_counts': plant['gid_counts'].values.tolist(), 'res_cf_means': plant['cf_means'].values.tolist(), 'build_capacity': plant['build_capacity'].values.tolist()}, name=pid)) plants_meta = pd.concat(plants_meta, axis=1).T = 'plant_id' if out_fpath: plants_meta.to_csv(out_fpath) return plants_meta
[docs] @classmethod def save(cls, plexos_table, sc_table, mymean_fpath, out_fpath, dist_percentile=90, lcoe_col='total_lcoe', lcoe_thresh=1.3, offshore=False, max_workers=None, plants_per_worker=40, points_per_worker=400): """ Identify, fill, and then save plants to disc Parameters ---------- plexos_table : pandas.DataFrame Parsed and clean PLEXOS table sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Supply Curve table .csv or pre-loaded pandas DataFrame mymean_fpath : str Path to reV multi-year-mean .h5 file (preferred) or annual reV generation output .h5 file. If annual, the plant buildouts might change from year to year (bad!). out_fpath : str .csv path to save plant meta data too offshore : bool, optional Include offshore points, by default False dist_percentile : int, optional Percentile to use to compute distance threshold using sc_gid to SubStation distance , by default 90 lcoe_col : str, optional LCOE column to sort by, by default 'total_lcoe' lcoe_thresh : float, optional LCOE threshold multiplier, exclude sc_gids above threshold, by default 1.3 offshore : bool, optional Include offshore points, by default False max_workers : int, optional Number of workers to use for plant identification, 1 == serial, > 1 == parallel, None == parallel using all available cpus, by default None plants_per_worker : int, optional Number of plants to identify on each worker, by default 40 points_per_worker : int, optional Number of points to create on each worker, by default 400 """ pp = cls(plexos_table, sc_table, mymean_fpath, dist_percentile=dist_percentile, lcoe_col=lcoe_col, lcoe_thresh=lcoe_thresh, offshore=offshore, max_workers=max_workers, plants_per_worker=plants_per_worker, points_per_worker=points_per_worker) pp.dump(out_fpath=out_fpath)
[docs]class PlantProfileAggregation: """ Aggregate renewable generation profiles to Plexos "plants" """ def __init__(self, plexos_table, sc_table, mymean_fpath, cf_fpath, plants=None, dist_percentile=90, dist_thresh_km=None, lcoe_col='total_lcoe', lcoe_thresh=1.3, offshore=False, max_workers=None, plants_per_worker=40, points_per_worker=400, plant_name_col=None, tech_tag=None, dset_tag='', timezone='UTC'): """ Parameters ---------- plexos_table : str | pandas.DataFrame PLEXOS table of bus locations and capacity (MW) provided as a .csv, .json, or pandas DataFrame. Needs columns: latitude, longitude, capacity. Note that capacity needs to be AC for wind and DC for solar. sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Supply Curve table .csv or pre-loaded pandas DataFrame mymean_fpath : str Path to reV multi-year-mean output .h5 file to pull cf_mean-means from - this will be used to determine where plants are built so it does not differ from year to year. The meta must match cf_fpath. cf_fpath : str Path to reV annual Generation output .h5 file to pull CF profiles from. Meta must match mymean_fpath. plants : PlexosPlants | None Optional PlexosPlants input. If None, PlexosPlants object will be Initialized from the plexos table input. dist_percentile : int, optional Percentile to use to compute distance threshold using sc_gid to SubStation distance , by default 90 lcoe_col : str, optional LCOE column to sort by, by default 'total_lcoe' lcoe_thresh : float, optional LCOE threshold multiplier, exclude sc_gids above threshold, by default 1.3 max_workers : int, optional Number of workers to use for point and plant creation, 1 == serial, > 1 == parallel, None == parallel using all available cpus, by default None points_per_worker : int, optional Number of points to create on each worker, by default 400 plants_per_worker : int, optional Number of plants to identify on each worker, by default 40 offshore : bool, optional Include offshore points, by default False plant_name_col : str | None Column in plexos_table that has the plant name that should be used in the plexos output csv column headers. tech_tag : str | None Optional technology tag to include as a suffix in the plexos output csv column headers. dset_tag : str Dataset tag to append to dataset names in cf profile file. e.g. If the cf profile file is a multi year file using dset_tag="-2008" will enable us to select the corresponding datasets (cf_mean-2008, cf_profile-2008, etc) timezone : str Timezone for output generation profiles. This is a string that will be passed to pytz.timezone() e.g. US/Pacific, US/Mountain, US/Central, US/Eastern, or UTC. For a list of all available timezones, see pytz.all_timezones """ log_versions(logger)'Initializing PlantProfileAggregation') self._plexos_table = self._parse_plexos_table( plexos_table, plant_name_col=plant_name_col) self._plant_name_col = plant_name_col self._tech_tag = tech_tag self._dset_tag = dset_tag self._timezone = timezone self._mymean_fpath = mymean_fpath self._cf_fpath = cf_fpath self._cf_gid_map = self._parse_cf_gid_map(cf_fpath) self._sc_table = SupplyCurvePoints._parse_sc_table(sc_table, offshore=offshore) if plants is None: self._plants = PlexosPlants(self._plexos_table, self._sc_table, mymean_fpath, dist_percentile=dist_percentile, dist_thresh_km=dist_thresh_km, lcoe_col=lcoe_col, lcoe_thresh=lcoe_thresh, offshore=offshore, max_workers=max_workers, plants_per_worker=plants_per_worker, points_per_worker=points_per_worker) else: self._plants = Plants.load(plants) self._sc_bus_dist = None def __repr__(self): msg = "{} with {} plants".format(self.__class__.__name__, len(self)) return msg def __len__(self): return len(self.plexos_table) @property def plexos_table(self): """ PLEXOS table Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._plexos_table @property def mymean_fpath(self): """ reV multi year mean output file path Returns ------- str """ return self._mymean_fpath @property def cf_fpath(self): """ reV generation output file path Returns ------- str """ return self._cf_fpath @property def cf_gid_map(self): """Mapping of res_gid (index) to gen_gid (values) Returns ------- pd.Series """ return self._cf_gid_map @property def sc_table(self): """ Supply Curve Table Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._sc_table @property def plants(self): """ Dictionary matching plants to plant ids Returns ------- dict """ return self._plants.plants @property def plant_builds(self): """ PLEXOS Plant builds Returns ------- dict """ return self._plants.plant_builds @property def sc_bus_dist(self): """ Compute distance between every Supply Curve gid and every PLEXOS bus Returns ------- ndarray """ if self._sc_bus_dist is None: cols = ['latitude', 'longitude'] plant_coords = self._plexos_table[cols].values.astype(float) sc_coords = self.sc_table[cols].values.astype(float) self._sc_bus_dist = \ PlexosPlants._haversine_dist(plant_coords, sc_coords).T return self._sc_bus_dist @property def unique_plant_names(self): """Get a list of ordered unique plant names if plant_name_col was provided. Returns ------- list | None """ names = None if self._plant_name_col is not None: names = BaseProfileAggregation.get_unique_plant_names( self.plexos_table, self._plant_name_col, self._tech_tag) return names @property def tz_alias(self): """Get a short 3-char tz alias if the timezone is common in the US (pst, mst, cst, est) Returns ------- str """ return TZ_ALIASES.get(self._timezone, self._timezone)
[docs] def get_gen_gid(self, res_gid): """Get a generation gid from a resource gid using cf_gid_map. Accounts for a many-to-one resource-to-gen_gid mapping. Parameters ---------- res_gid : int Returns ------- gen_gid """ res_gid = self.cf_gid_map.loc[res_gid] if isinstance(res_gid, pd.Series): res_gid = res_gid.values[0] return res_gid
@staticmethod def _parse_plexos_table(plexos_table, plant_name_col=None): """ Parse PLEXOS table from file and reduce to PLEXOS_COLS Combine buses at the same coordinates and add unique plant_ids Parameters ---------- plexos_table : str | pandas.DataFrame PLEXOS table of bus locations and capacity (MW) provided as a .csv, .json, or pandas DataFrame plant_name_col : str | None Column in plexos_table that has the plant name that should be used in the plexos output csv column headers. Returns ------- plexos_table : pandas.DataFrame Parsed and clean PLEXOS table """'Parsing plexos table') plexos_table = parse_table(plexos_table) cols = ['generator', 'busid', 'busname', 'capacity', 'latitude', 'longitude', 'system'] rename = {c: c.lower() for c in plexos_table} plexos_table = plexos_table.rename(columns=rename) if plant_name_col is not None: msg = ('plant_name_col "{}" not in plexos table!' .format(plant_name_col)) assert plant_name_col.lower() in plexos_table, msg cols.append(plant_name_col.lower()) cols = [c.lower() for c in plexos_table if c.lower() in cols] plexos_table = plexos_table[cols] mask = plexos_table['latitude'] > 90 mask |= plexos_table['latitude'] < -90 mask |= plexos_table['longitude'] > 180 mask |= plexos_table['longitude'] < -180 if np.any(mask): msg = ('WARNING: {} Buses have invalid coordinates:\n{}' .format(np.sum(mask), plexos_table.loc[mask])) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) plexos_table = plexos_table.loc[~mask] mask = plexos_table['capacity'] > 0 plexos_table = plexos_table.loc[mask] cols = ['latitude', 'longitude'] plant_cap = plexos_table.groupby(cols)['capacity'].sum() plant_cap = plant_cap.reset_index().reset_index() rename = {'index': 'plant_id', 'capacity': 'plant_capacity'} plant_cap = plant_cap.rename(columns=rename) plexos_table = plexos_table.merge(plant_cap, on=cols, how='inner') return plexos_table @staticmethod def _parse_cf_gid_map(cf_fpath): """ Map resource gids to gen gids Parameters ---------- cf_fpath : str Path to reV generation output .h5 file Returns ------- cf_gid_map : pd.Series Mapping of res_gid (index) to gen_gid (values) """'Mapping reV resource GIDs to generation GIDs.') with Resource(cf_fpath) as f: res_gids = f.get_meta_arr('gid') if not isinstance(res_gids, np.ndarray): res_gids = np.array(list(res_gids)) cf_gid_map = pd.Series(np.arange(len(res_gids)), index=res_gids, name='gen_gid') = 'res_gid' return cf_gid_map @staticmethod def _collapse_multi_list(multi_list): """Collapse a list of lists into one list""" if isinstance(multi_list, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): multi_list = multi_list.values.tolist() if any(isinstance(x, (list, tuple)) for x in multi_list): multi_list = [item for sublist in multi_list for item in sublist] return multi_list
[docs] def plants_meta(self): """Create plants meta data from filled plants DataFrames: - Location (lat, lon) - final capacity (MW) - sc_gids - res_gids - res gid_counts Parameters ---------- plants : list List of filled plant DataFrames out_fpath : str .csv path to save plant meta data too Returns ------- plants_meta : pandas.DataFrame Location (lat, lon), final capacity, and associated sc_gids, res_gids, and res gid_counts for all plants """ plants_meta = [] for pid, plant in self.plant_builds.items(): single_meta = { 'sc_gids': plant['sc_gid'].values.tolist(), 'res_gids': plant['res_gids'].values.tolist(), 'gid_counts': plant['gid_counts'].values.tolist(), 'gen_gids': [[self.get_gen_gid(gid) for gid in gids] for gids in plant['res_gids'].values], 'res_cf_means': plant['cf_means'].values.tolist(), 'build_capacity': plant['build_capacity'].values.tolist()} single_meta = {k: self._collapse_multi_list(v) for k, v in single_meta.items()} single_meta['cf_mean'] = np.hstack(plant['cf_means'].values).mean() plants_meta.append(pd.Series(single_meta, name=pid)) plants_meta = pd.concat(plants_meta, axis=1).T = 'plant_id' plants_meta = self.plexos_table.merge(plants_meta.reset_index(), on='plant_id', how='outer') return plants_meta
def _make_plant_meta(self, bus_meta): """ Create plant meta data for given bus Parameters ---------- bus_meta : pandas.Series Meta data for desired bus to build plant for Returns ------- plant_meta : pandas.DataFrame Meta data for plant associated with given bus, constructed from: - Plant table - Supply Curve table - Bus capacity (MW) """ plant_meta = self.plant_builds[bus_meta['plant_id']] plant_meta['gen_gids'] = \ plant_meta['res_gids'].apply(lambda gids: [self.get_gen_gid(gid) for gid in gids]) sc_cols = ['res_gids', 'gen_gids', 'gid_counts', 'capacity'] sc_cols = [c for c in self.sc_table if c not in sc_cols] plant_meta = plant_meta.merge(self.sc_table[sc_cols], on='sc_gid', how='left') plant_capacity = plant_meta['build_capacity'].sum() if plant_capacity != bus_meta['capacity']: bulid_capacity = (plant_meta['build_capacity'] / plant_capacity * bus_meta['capacity']) plant_meta.loc[:, 'build_capacity'] = bulid_capacity return plant_meta @staticmethod def _make_profile(cf_fpath, plant_build, dset_tag=''): """ Make generation profiles for given plant buildout Parameters ---------- cf_fpath : str Path to reV Generation output .h5 file to pull CF profiles from plant_build : pandas.DataFrame DataFrame describing plant buildout: - Supply curve gids and the capacity (MW) to build at each - res_gids, gen_gids, gid_counts by sc_gid dset_tag : str Dataset tag to append to dataset names in cf profile file. e.g. If the cf profile file is a multi year file using dset_tag="-2008" will enable us to select the corresponding datasets (cf_mean-2008, cf_profile-2008, etc) Returns ------- profile: ndarray Generation profile for plant as a vector """ with Resource(cf_fpath) as f: profile = None for _, row in plant_build.iterrows(): gid_capacities = (row['gid_counts'] / np.sum(row['gid_counts']) * row['build_capacity']) cf_profiles = f['cf_profile' + dset_tag, :, row['gen_gids']] for i, cf_profile in enumerate(cf_profiles.T): if profile is None: profile = cf_profile * gid_capacities[i] else: profile += cf_profile * gid_capacities[i] if len(profile.shape) != 1: profile = profile.flatten() return profile
[docs] def aggregate_profiles(self, out_fpath): """ Aggregate plants from capacity factor profiles and save to given output .h5 path Parameters ---------- out_fpath : str .h5 path to save aggregated plant profiles to A companion .csv with be saved at the same location for plexos. """ if not out_fpath.endswith('.h5'): out_fpath = out_fpath + '.h5' if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(out_fpath)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(out_fpath)) out_fpath = out_fpath.replace('.h5', f'_{self.tz_alias}.h5') with Outputs(out_fpath, mode='w') as f_out: f_out.set_version_attr() with Resource(self.cf_fpath) as f_in:'Copying time_index') ti = f_in['time_index' + self._dset_tag].tz_convert(None) f_out['time_index'] = ti'Writing meta data') f_out['meta'] = self.plants_meta() f_out.h5.create_group('plant_meta') gen_profiles = []'Extracting profiles and writing meta for plants') for i, irow in enumerate(self.plexos_table.iterrows()): bus_id, bus_meta = irow logger.debug('Building plant for bus {}'.format(bus_id)) plant_meta = self._make_plant_meta(bus_meta) prof = self._make_profile(self.cf_fpath, plant_meta.copy(), dset_tag=self._dset_tag) gen_profiles.append(prof) plant_meta = to_records_array(plant_meta) logger.debug('Writing plant_meta/{} ({} out of {})' .format(bus_id, i + 1, len(self.plexos_table))) f_out._create_dset('plant_meta/{}'.format(bus_id), plant_meta.shape, plant_meta.dtype, chunks=None, data=plant_meta)'Writing Generation Profiles') gen_profiles = np.dstack(gen_profiles)[0].astype('float32') gen_profiles = BaseProfileAggregation.tz_convert_profiles( gen_profiles, self._timezone) f_out._create_dset('gen_profiles', gen_profiles.shape, gen_profiles.dtype, chunks=(None, 100), data=gen_profiles, attrs={'units': 'MW'})'Finished aggregating profiles to: {}'.format(out_fpath)) df_plx = pd.DataFrame(gen_profiles, columns=self.unique_plant_names, index=ti) = 'DATETIME' csv_fp = out_fpath.replace('.h5', '.csv') df_plx.to_csv(csv_fp)'Wrote plexos formatted profiles to: {}'.format(csv_fp))
[docs] @classmethod def aggregate(cls, plexos_table, sc_table, mymean_fpath, cf_fpath, plants_fpath, out_fpath, offshore=False): """ Aggregate pre-filled plants Parameters ---------- plexos_table : str | pandas.DataFrame PLEXOS table of bus locations and capacity (MW) provided as a .csv, .json, or pandas DataFrame sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Supply Curve table .csv or pre-loaded pandas DataFrame mymean_fpath : str Path to reV multi-year-mean output .h5 file to pull cf_mean-means from - this will be used to determine where plants are built so it does not differ from year to year. The meta must match cf_fpath. cf_fpath : str Path to reV annual Generation output .h5 file to pull CF profiles from. Meta must match mymean_fpath. plants_fpath : str Path to .csv containing pre-filled plants out_fpath : str .h5 path to save aggregated plant profiles to offshore : bool, optional Include offshore points, by default False """ pp = cls(plexos_table, sc_table, mymean_fpath, cf_fpath, plants=plants_fpath, offshore=offshore) # Add plants to PlexosPlant instance pp.aggregate_profiles(out_fpath)
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, plexos_table, sc_table, mymean_fpath, cf_fpath, out_fpath, dist_percentile=90, dist_thresh_km=None, lcoe_col='total_lcoe', lcoe_thresh=1.3, max_workers=None, points_per_worker=400, plants_per_worker=40, offshore=False, plant_name_col=None, tech_tag=None, dset_tag='', timezone='UTC'): """ Find, fill, and save profiles for Plants associated with given PLEXOS buses Parameters ---------- plexos_table : str | pandas.DataFrame PLEXOS table of bus locations and capacity (MW) provided as a .csv, .json, or pandas DataFrame. Needs columns: latitude, longitude, capacity. Note that capacity needs to be AC for wind and DC for solar. sc_table : str | pandas.DataFrame Supply Curve table .csv or pre-loaded pandas DataFrame mymean_fpath : str Path to reV multi-year-mean output .h5 file to pull cf_mean-means from - this will be used to determine where plants are built so it does not differ from year to year. The meta must match cf_fpath. cf_fpath : str Path to reV annual Generation output .h5 file to pull CF profiles from. Meta must match mymean_fpath. out_fpath : str .h5 path to save aggregated plant profiles to A companion .csv with be saved at the same location for plexos. dist_percentile : int, optional Percentile to use to compute distance threshold using sc_gid to SubStation distance , by default 90 dist_thresh_km : float | None Optional absolute distance threshold in km that will override the dist_percentile input. lcoe_col : str, optional LCOE column to sort by, by default 'total_lcoe' lcoe_thresh : float, optional LCOE threshold multiplier, exclude sc_gids above threshold, by default 1.3 max_workers : int, optional Number of workers to use for point and plant creation, 1 == serial, > 1 == parallel, None == parallel using all available cpus, by default None points_per_worker : int, optional Number of points to create on each worker, by default 400 plants_per_worker : int, optional Number of plants to identify on each worker, by default 40 offshore : bool, optional Include offshore points, by default False plant_name_col : str | None Column in plexos_table that has the plant name that should be used in the plexos output csv column headers. tech_tag : str | None Optional technology tag to include as a suffix in the plexos output csv column headers. dset_tag : str Dataset tag to append to dataset names in cf profile file. e.g. If the cf profile file is a multi year file using dset_tag="-2008" will enable us to select the corresponding datasets (cf_mean-2008, cf_profile-2008, etc) timezone : str Timezone for output generation profiles. This is a string that will be passed to pytz.timezone() e.g. US/Pacific, US/Mountain, US/Central, US/Eastern, or UTC. For a list of all available timezones, see pytz.all_timezones """ pp = cls(plexos_table, sc_table, mymean_fpath, cf_fpath, offshore=offshore, dist_percentile=dist_percentile, dist_thresh_km=dist_thresh_km, lcoe_col=lcoe_col, lcoe_thresh=lcoe_thresh, max_workers=max_workers, points_per_worker=points_per_worker, plants_per_worker=plants_per_worker, plant_name_col=plant_name_col, tech_tag=tech_tag, dset_tag=dset_tag, timezone=timezone) pp.aggregate_profiles(out_fpath)