Source code for reVX.least_cost_xmission.trans_cap_costs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module to compute least cost transmission paths, distances, and costs
for a clipped area.
import geopandas as gpd
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
from shapely.geometry import Polygon, Point
from shapely.geometry.linestring import LineString
from shapely.ops import nearest_points
from skimage.graph import MCP_Geometric
import time
from warnings import warn

from reV.handlers.exclusions import ExclusionLayers

from reVX.least_cost_xmission.config import (XmissionConfig, TRANS_LINE_CAT,
                                             SINK_CAT, SUBSTATION_CAT,
from reVX.utilities.exceptions import (InvalidMCPStartValueError,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TieLineCosts: """ Compute Least Cost Tie-line cost from start location to desired end locations """ def __init__(self, cost_fpath, start_indices, capacity_class, row_slice, col_slice, xmission_config=None, barrier_mult=100): """ Parameters ---------- cost_fpath : str Full path to HDF5 file containing cost arrays. The cost data layers should be named ``"tie_line_costs_{capacity}MW"``, where ``capacity`` is an integer value representing the capacity of the line (the integer values must matches at least one of the integer capacity values represented by the keys in the ``power_classes`` portion of the transmission config). start_indices : tuple Tuple of (row_idx, col_idx) in the **clipped** cost array (see `row_slice` and `col_slice` definitions below) indicating the start position of all paths to compute (typically, this is the centroid of the supply curve cell). Paths will be computed from this start location to each of the ``end_indices``, which are also locations in the cost array (typically transmission feature locations). capacity_class : : int | str Integer value representing the transmission feature capacity. The integer values must matches at least one of the integer capacity values represented by the keys in the ``power_classes`` portion of the transmission config. row_slice, col_slice : slice Slices into the cost raster array used to clip the area that should be considered when computing a least cost path. This can be used to limit the consideration space and speed up computation. Note that the start and end indices must be given w.r.t. the cost raster that is "clipped" using these slices. xmission_config : str | dict | XmissionConfig, optional Path to transmission config JSON files, dictionary of transmission config JSONs, or preloaded XmissionConfig objects. If ``None``, the default config is used. By default, ``None``. barrier_mult : int, optional Multiplier applied to the cost data to create transmission barrier costs. By default, ``100``. """ self._cost_fpath = cost_fpath self._config = self._parse_config(xmission_config=xmission_config) self._start_indices = start_indices self._row_slice = row_slice self._col_slice = col_slice self._capacity_class = self._config._parse_cap_class(capacity_class) self._line_cap_mw = self._config['power_classes'][self.capacity_class] cost_layer = 'tie_line_costs_{}MW'.format(self._line_cap_mw) self._cost, self._mcp_cost = self._clip_costs( cost_fpath, cost_layer, row_slice, col_slice, barrier_mult=barrier_mult) self._mcp = None self._clip_shape = None with ExclusionLayers(self._cost_fpath) as f: self.transform = rasterio.Affine(*f.profile['transform']) self._full_shape = f.shape def __repr__(self): msg = "{} starting at {}".format(self.__class__.__name__, self._start_indices) return msg @property def row_offset(self): """ Offset to apply to row indices to move into clipped array Returns ------- int """ offset = self._row_slice.start if offset is None: offset = 0 return offset @property def col_offset(self): """ Offset to apply to column indices to move into clipped array Returns ------- int """ offset = self._col_slice.start if offset is None: offset = 0 return offset @property def row(self): """ Row index inside clipped array Returns ------- int """ return self._start_indices[0] @property def col(self): """ Column index inside clipped array Returns ------- int """ return self._start_indices[1] @property def cost(self): """ Tie line costs array Returns ------- ndarray """ return self._cost @property def mcp_cost(self): """ Tie line costs array with barrier costs applied for MCP analysis Returns ------- ndarray """ return self._mcp_cost @property def mcp(self): """ MCP_Geometric instance initialized on mcp_cost array with starting point at sc_point Returns ------- MCP_Geometric """ if self._mcp is None: check = self.mcp_cost[self.row, self.col] if check < 0: msg = ("Start idx {} does not have a valid cost!" .format((self.row, self.col))) raise InvalidMCPStartValueError(msg) logger.debug('Building MCP instance for size {}' .format(self.mcp_cost.shape)) self._mcp = MCP_Geometric(self.mcp_cost) self._mcp.find_costs(starts=[(self.row, self.col)]) return self._mcp @property def capacity_class(self): """ SC point capacity class Returns ------- str """ return self._capacity_class @property def clip_shape(self): """ Shaped of clipped cost raster Returns ------- tuple """ if self._clip_shape is None: if self._row_slice == slice(None): row_shape = self._full_shape[0] else: row_max = (self._row_slice.stop if self._row_slice.stop else self._full_shape[0]) row_min = (self._row_slice.start if self._row_slice.start else 0) row_shape = row_max - row_min if self._col_slice == slice(None): col_shape = self._full_shape[1] else: col_max = (self._col_slice.stop if self._col_slice.stop else self._full_shape[1]) col_min = (self._col_slice.start if self._col_slice.start else 0) col_shape = col_max - col_min self._clip_shape = (row_shape, col_shape) return self._clip_shape @staticmethod def _parse_config(xmission_config=None): """ Load Xmission config if needed Parameters ---------- config : str | dict | XmissionConfig, optional Path to Xmission config .json, dictionary of Xmission config .jsons, or preloaded XmissionConfig objects, by default None Returns ------- XmissionConfig """ if not isinstance(xmission_config, XmissionConfig): xmission_config = XmissionConfig(config=xmission_config) return xmission_config @staticmethod def _clip_costs(cost_fpath, cost_layer, row_slice, col_slice, barrier_mult=100): """ Extract clipped cost arrays from exclusion .h5 files Parameters ---------- cost_fpath : str Full path of .h5 file with cost arrays cost_layer : str Name of cost layer to extract row_slice : slice slice along axis 0 (rows) to clip costs too col_slice : slice slice along axis 1 (columns) to clip costs too barrier_mult : int, optional Multiplier on transmission barrier costs, by default 100 Returns ------- cost : ndarray 2d clipped array of raw tie-line costs mcp_cost : ndarray 2d clipped array of mcp cost = cost * barrier * barrier_mult """ with ExclusionLayers(cost_fpath) as f: cost = f[cost_layer, row_slice, col_slice] barrier = f['transmission_barrier', row_slice, col_slice] mcp_cost = cost + cost * barrier * barrier_mult mcp_cost = np.where(mcp_cost < 0, -1, mcp_cost) return cost, mcp_cost @staticmethod def _compute_path_length(indices): """ Compute the total length and cell by cell length of the lease cost path defined by 'indices' Parameters ---------- indices : ndarray n x 2 array of MCP traceback of least cost path Returns ------- length : float Total length of path in km lens : ndarray Vector of the distance of the least cost path across each cell """ # Use Pythagorean theorem to calculate lengths between cells (km) # Use c**2 = a**2 + b**2 to determine length of individual paths lens = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(indices, axis=0)**2, axis=1)) length = np.sum(lens) * 90 / 1000 # Need to determine distance coming into and out of any cell. Assume # paths start and end at the center of a cell. Therefore, distance # traveled in the cell is half the distance entering it and half the # distance exiting it. Duplicate all lengths, pad 0s on ends for start # and end cells, and divide all distance by half. lens = np.repeat(lens, 2) lens = np.insert(np.append(lens, 0), 0, 0) lens = lens / 2 # Group entrance and exits distance together, and add them lens = lens.reshape((int(lens.shape[0] / 2), 2)) lens = np.sum(lens, axis=1) return length, lens
[docs] def least_cost_path(self, end_idx, save_path=False): """ Find least cost path, its length, and its total (un-barriered) cost Parameters ---------- end_idx : Tuple[int, int] (row, col) index of end point to connect and compute least cost path to. save_path : bool Flag to save least cost path as a multi-line geometry. By default, ``False``. Returns ------- length : float Length of path (km). cost : float Cost of path including terrain and land use multipliers, but not barrier costs. poi_lat, poi_lon : numpy.float64 Latitude and longitude of the `end_idx` of the least cost path (i.e. the POI/transmission feature that was connected to). path : shapely.geometry.linestring, optional Path as a LineString, if `save_path` was set to ``True``. """ row, col = end_idx check = (row < 0 or col < 0 or row >= self.clip_shape[0] or col >= self.clip_shape[1]) if check: msg = ('End point ({}, {}) is out side of clipped cost raster ' 'with shape {}'.format(row, col, self.clip_shape)) logger.exception(msg) raise ValueError(msg) check = self.mcp_cost[row, col] if check < 0: msg = ("End idx {} does not have a valid cost!" .format(end_idx)) raise LeastCostPathNotFoundError(msg) try: indices = np.array(self.mcp.traceback((row, col))) except ValueError as ex: msg = ('Unable to find path from start {} to {}: {}' .format((self.row, self.col), end_idx, ex)) raise LeastCostPathNotFoundError(msg) from ex # Extract costs of cells # pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object cell_costs = self.cost[indices[:, 0], indices[:, 1]] length, lens = self._compute_path_length(indices) # Multiple distance travel through cell by cost and sum it! cost = np.sum(cell_costs * lens) with ExclusionLayers(self._cost_fpath) as f: poi_lat = f['latitude', self._row_slice, self._col_slice][row, col] poi_lon = ( f['longitude', self._row_slice, self._col_slice][row, col]) if save_path: row = indices[:, 0] + self.row_offset col = indices[:, 1] + self.col_offset x, y = rasterio.transform.xy(self.transform, row, col) geom = Point if indices.shape[0] == 1 else LineString out = length, cost, poi_lat, poi_lon, geom(list(zip(x, y))) else: out = length, cost, poi_lat, poi_lon return out
[docs] def compute(self, end_indices, save_paths=False): """ Compute least cost paths to given end indices Parameters ---------- end_indices : tuple | list (row, col) index or list of (row, col) indices of end point(s) to connect and compute least cost path to save_paths : bool, optional Flag to save least cost path as a multi-line geometry, by default False Returns ------- tie_lines : pandas.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame DataFrame of lengths and costs for each path or GeoDataFrame of length, cost, and geometry for each path """ if isinstance(end_indices, tuple): end_indices = [end_indices] lengths = [] costs = [] paths = [] poi_lats = [] poi_lons = [] for end_idx in end_indices: out = self.least_cost_path(end_idx, save_path=save_paths) lengths.append(out[0]) costs.append(out[1]) poi_lats.append(out[2]) poi_lons.append(out[3]) if save_paths: paths.append(out[4]) tie_lines = pd.DataFrame({'length_km': lengths, 'cost': costs, 'poi_lat': poi_lats, 'poi_lon': poi_lons}) if save_paths: with ExclusionLayers(self._cost_fpath) as f: crs = tie_lines = gpd.GeoDataFrame(tie_lines, geometry=paths, crs=crs) return tie_lines
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, cost_fpath, start_indices, end_indices, capacity_class, row_slice, col_slice, xmission_config=None, barrier_mult=100, save_paths=False): """ Compute least cost tie-line path to all features to be connected a single supply curve point. Parameters ---------- cost_fpath : str Full path to HDF5 file containing cost arrays. The cost data layers should be named ``"tie_line_costs_{capacity}MW"``, where ``capacity`` is an integer value representing the capacity of the line (the integer values must matches at least one of the integer capacity values represented by the keys in the ``power_classes`` portion of the transmission config). start_indices : tuple Tuple of (row_idx, col_idx) in the **clipped** cost array (see `row_slice` and `col_slice` definitions below) indicating the start position of all paths to compute (typically, this is the centroid of the supply curve cell). Paths will be computed from this start location to each of the ``end_indices``, which are also locations in the cost array (typically transmission feature locations). capacity_class : : int | str Integer value representing the transmission feature capacity. The integer values must matches at least one of the integer capacity values represented by the keys in the ``power_classes`` portion of the transmission config. row_slice, col_slice : slice Slices into the cost raster array used to clip the area that should be considered when computing a least cost path. This can be used to limit the consideration space and speed up computation. Note that the start and end indices must be given w.r.t. the cost raster that is "clipped" using these slices. xmission_config : str | dict | XmissionConfig, optional Path to transmission config JSON files, dictionary of transmission config JSONs, or preloaded XmissionConfig objects. If ``None``, the default config is used. By default, ``None``. barrier_mult : int, optional Multiplier applied to the cost data to create transmission barrier costs. By default, ``100``. save_paths : bool, optional Flag to save least cost path as a multi-line geometry. By default, ``False``. Returns ------- tie_lines : pandas.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame DataFrame of lengths and costs for each path or GeoDataFrame of length, cost, and geometry for each path """ ts = time.time() tlc = cls(cost_fpath, start_indices, capacity_class, row_slice, col_slice, xmission_config=xmission_config, barrier_mult=barrier_mult) tie_lines = tlc.compute(end_indices, save_paths=save_paths) logger.debug('Least Cost tie-line computed in {:.4f} min' .format((time.time() - ts) / 60)) return tie_lines
[docs]class TransCapCosts(TieLineCosts): """ Compute total transmission capital cost (least-cost tie-line cost + connection cost) for all features to be connected a single supply curve point """ def __init__(self, cost_fpath, sc_point, features, capacity_class, radius=None, xmission_config=None, barrier_mult=100): """ Parameters ---------- cost_fpath : str Full path of .h5 file with cost arrays sc_point : gpd.GeoSeries Supply Curve Point meta data features : pandas.DataFrame Table of transmission features capacity_class : int | str Transmission feature capacity_class class radius : int, optional Radius around sc_point to clip cost to, by default None xmission_config : str | dict | XmissionConfig, optional Path to Xmission config .json, dictionary of Xmission config .jsons, or preloaded XmissionConfig objects, by default None barrier_mult : int, optional Multiplier on transmission barrier costs, by default 100 """ self._sc_point = sc_point start_indices, row_slice, col_slice = self._get_clipping_slices( cost_fpath, sc_point[['row', 'col']].values, radius=radius) super().__init__(cost_fpath, start_indices, capacity_class, row_slice, col_slice, xmission_config=xmission_config, barrier_mult=barrier_mult) self._features = self._prep_features(features) self._clip_mask = None @property def sc_point(self): """ Supply curve point data: - gid - lat - lon - idx (row, col) Returns ------- pandas.Series """ return self._sc_point @property def sc_point_gid(self): """ Supply curve point gid Returns ------- int """ return self.sc_point['sc_point_gid'] @property def features(self): """ Table of transmission features Returns ------- pandas.DataFrame """ return self._features @property def clip_mask(self): """ Polygon used to clip transmission lines to the clipped raster bounds Returns ------- shapely.Polygon """ if self._clip_mask is None: # pylint: disable=using-constant-test row_bounds = [self._row_slice.start if self._row_slice.start else 0, self._row_slice.stop - 1 if self._row_slice.stop else self.clip_shape[0] - 1] col_bounds = [self._col_slice.start if self._col_slice.start else 0, self._col_slice.stop - 1 if self._col_slice.stop else self.clip_shape[1] - 1] x, y = rasterio.transform.xy(self.transform, row_bounds, col_bounds) self._clip_mask = Polygon([[x[0], y[0]], [x[1], y[0]], [x[1], y[1]], [x[0], y[1]], [x[0], y[0]]]) return self._clip_mask @property def tie_line_voltage(self): """ Tie line voltage in kV Returns ------- int """ return self._config.capacity_to_kv(self.capacity_class) @staticmethod def _get_clipping_slices(cost_fpath, sc_point_idx, radius=None): """ Get array slices for clipped area around SC point (row, col) index Parameters ---------- cost_fpath : str Full path of .h5 file with cost arrays row : int SC point row index col : int SC point column index radius : int, optional Radius around sc_point to clip cost to, by default None Returns ------- start_indices : tuple Start index in clipped raster space row_slice : slice Row start, stop indices for clipped cost array col_slice : slice Column start, stop indices for clipped cost array """ with ExclusionLayers(cost_fpath) as f: shape = f.shape if radius is not None: row, col = sc_point_idx row_min = max(row - radius, 0) row_max = min(row + radius, shape[0]) col_min = max(col - radius, 0) col_max = min(col + radius, shape[1]) start_indices = (row - row_min, col - col_min) else: start_indices = sc_point_idx row_min, row_max = None, None col_min, col_max = None, None row_slice = slice(row_min, row_max) col_slice = slice(col_min, col_max) return start_indices, row_slice, col_slice @staticmethod def _calc_xformer_cost(features, tie_line_voltage, config=None): """ Compute transformer costs in $/MW for needed features, all others will be 0 Parameters ---------- features : pd.DataFrame Table of transmission features to compute transformer costs for tie_line_voltage : int Tie-line voltage in kV config : str | dict | XmissionConfig Transmission configuration Returns ------- xformer_costs : ndarray vector of $/MW transformer costs """ if not isinstance(config, XmissionConfig): config = XmissionConfig(config=config) mask = features['category'] == SUBSTATION_CAT mask &= features['max_volts'] < tie_line_voltage if np.any(mask): msg = ('Voltages for substations {} do not exceed tie-line ' 'voltage of {}' .format(features.loc[mask, 'trans_gid'].values, tie_line_voltage)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) xformer_costs = np.zeros(len(features)) for volts, df in features.groupby('min_volts'): idx = df.index.values xformer_costs[idx] = config.xformer_cost(volts, tie_line_voltage) mask = features['category'] == TRANS_LINE_CAT mask &= features['max_volts'] < tie_line_voltage xformer_costs[mask] = 0 mask = features['min_volts'] <= tie_line_voltage xformer_costs[mask] = 0 mask = features['region'] == config['iso_lookup']['TEPPC'] xformer_costs[mask] = 0 return xformer_costs @staticmethod def _calc_sub_upgrade_cost(features, tie_line_voltage, config=None): """ Compute substation upgrade costs for needed features, all others will be 0 Parameters ---------- features : pd.DataFrame Table of transmission features to compute transformer costs for tie_line_voltage : int Tie-line voltage in kV config : str | dict | XmissionConfig Transmission configuration Returns ------- sub_upgrade_costs : ndarray Substation upgrade costs in $ """ if not isinstance(config, XmissionConfig): config = XmissionConfig(config=config) sub_upgrade_cost = np.zeros(len(features)) if np.any(features['region'] == 0): mask = features['region'] == 0 msg = ('Features {} have an invalid region! Region must != 0!' .format(features.loc[mask, 'trans_gid'].values)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) mask = features['category'].isin([SUBSTATION_CAT, LOAD_CENTER_CAT]) if np.any(mask): for region, df in features.loc[mask].groupby('region'): idx = df.index.values sub_upgrade_cost[idx] = config.sub_upgrade_cost( region, tie_line_voltage) return sub_upgrade_cost @staticmethod def _calc_new_sub_cost(features, tie_line_voltage, config=None): """ Compute new substation costs for needed features, all others will be 0 Parameters ---------- features : pd.DataFrame Table of transmission features to compute transformer costs for tie_line_voltage : int Tie-line voltage in kV config : str | dict | XmissionConfig Transmission configuration Returns ------- new_sub_cost : ndarray new substation costs in $ """ if not isinstance(config, XmissionConfig): config = XmissionConfig(config=config) new_sub_cost = np.zeros(len(features)) if np.any(features['region'] == 0): mask = features['region'] == 0 msg = ('Features {} have an invalid region! Region must != 0!' .format(features.loc[mask, 'trans_gid'].values)) logger.error(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) mask = features['category'] == TRANS_LINE_CAT if np.any(mask): for region, df in features.loc[mask].groupby('region'): idx = df.index.values new_sub_cost[idx] = config.new_sub_cost( region, tie_line_voltage) return new_sub_cost def _prep_features(self, features): """ Shift feature row and col indices of transmission features from the global domain to the clipped raster, clip transmission lines to clipped array and find nearest point Parameters ---------- features : pandas.DataFrame Table of transmission features clip_lines : bool, optional Flag to clip transmission lines to clipped raster bounds, set to false when clipping radius is None, by default True Returns ------- features : pandas.DataFrame Transmission features with row/col indices shifted to clipped raster """ mapping = {'gid': 'trans_gid', 'trans_gids': 'trans_line_gids'} features = features.rename(columns=mapping).drop(columns='dist', errors='ignore') if self.row_offset is not None: features['row'] -= self.row_offset if self.col_offset is not None: features['col'] -= self.col_offset return features.reset_index(drop=True) def _get_trans_line_idx(self, trans_line, clip=False): """ Map the nearest point on each transmission lines to the cost raster Parameters ---------- trans_lines : GeoPandas.GeoSeries Transmission lines to be connected to each supply curve point, the nearest point on each line needs to be mapped to the cost raster grid in order to compute the least cost path clip : bool Flag to clip the transmission lines to the cost raster domain Returns ------- [row, col] : list Row, col index of the nearest point on the transmission line to the supply curve point, used for least cost path """ if clip: logger.debug("Clipping transmission line {} to raster domain" .format(trans_line['trans_gid'])) clipped_trans_line = {'geometry': trans_line['geometry']} clipped_trans_line = gpd.clip(gpd.GeoSeries(clipped_trans_line), self.clip_mask) if len(clipped_trans_line) == len(trans_line): trans_line = clipped_trans_line point, _ = nearest_points(trans_line['geometry'], self.sc_point['geometry']) row, col = rasterio.transform.rowcol(self.transform, point.x, point.y) row -= self.row_offset col -= self.col_offset if not clip: clip = (row < 0 or row >= self.clip_shape[0] or col < 0 or col >= self.clip_shape[1]) if clip: row, col = self._get_trans_line_idx(trans_line, clip=clip) else: row = min(max(row, 0), self.clip_shape[0] - 1) col = min(max(col, 0), self.clip_shape[1] - 1) return [row, col]
[docs] def compute_tie_line_costs(self, min_line_length=5.7, # noqa: C901 save_paths=False): """ Compute least cost path and distance between supply curve point and every transmission feature Parameters ---------- min_line_length : float, optional Minimum line length in km, by default 5.7 save_paths : bool, optional Flag to save least cost path as a multi-line geometry, by default False Returns ------- tie_line_costs : gpd.GeoDataFrame Updated table of transmission features with the tie-line cost and distance added """ tie_voltage = self.tie_line_voltage features = self.features.copy() features['raw_line_cost'] = None features['dist_km'] = None if save_paths: paths = [] logger.debug('Determining path lengths and costs') for index, feat in features.iterrows(): if feat['category'] == TRANS_LINE_CAT: t_line = True feat_idx = self._get_trans_line_idx(feat) else: t_line = False feat_idx = feat[['row', 'col']].values try: # pylint: disable=unbalanced-tuple-unpacking result = self.least_cost_path(feat_idx, save_path=save_paths) if save_paths: (length, cost, poi_lat, poi_lon, path) = result else: (length, cost, poi_lat, poi_lon) = result if t_line and feat['max_volts'] < tie_voltage: msg = ('Tie-line {} voltage of {}kV is less than tie line ' 'voltage of {}kV.' .format(feat['trans_gid'], feat['max_volts'], tie_voltage)) logger.debug(msg) cost = 1e12 if length < min_line_length: msg = ('Tie-line length {} will be increased to the ' 'minimum allowed line length: {}.' .format(length, min_line_length)) logger.debug(msg) min_mult = (1 if np.isclose(length, 0) else min_line_length / length) cost = cost * min_mult length = min_line_length features.loc[index, 'dist_km'] = length features.loc[index, 'raw_line_cost'] = cost features.loc[index, 'poi_lat'] = poi_lat features.loc[index, 'poi_lon'] = poi_lon if save_paths: paths.append(path) except LeastCostPathNotFoundError as ex: msg = ("Could not connect SC point {} to transmission feature " "{}: {}" .format(self.sc_point_gid, feat['trans_gid'], ex)) logger.debug(msg) if t_line: features.loc[index, 'raw_line_cost'] = 1e12 if save_paths: paths.append(self._sc_point.geometry) except InvalidMCPStartValueError: raise except Exception: logger.exception('Could not connect SC point {} to ' 'transmission features!' .format(self.sc_point_gid)) raise if save_paths: with ExclusionLayers(self._cost_fpath) as el: crs = features = gpd.GeoDataFrame(features, geometry=paths, crs=crs) return features
[docs] def compute_connection_costs(self, features=None): """ Calculate connection costs for tie lines Returns ------- features : pd.DataFrame Updated table of transmission features with the connection costs added """ if features is None: features = self.features.copy() features = features.reset_index(drop=True) # Length multiplier features['length_mult'] = 1.0 # Short cutoff mask = features['dist_km'] < 3 * 5280 / 3.28084 / 1000 features.loc[mask, 'length_mult'] = 1.5 # Medium cutoff mask = features['dist_km'] <= 10 * 5280 / 3.28084 / 1000 features.loc[mask, 'length_mult'] = 1.2 features['tie_line_cost'] = (features['raw_line_cost'] * features['length_mult']) # Transformer costs features['xformer_cost_per_mw'] = self._calc_xformer_cost( features, self.tie_line_voltage, config=self._config) capacity = int(self.capacity_class.strip('MW')) features['xformer_cost'] = (features['xformer_cost_per_mw'] * capacity) # Substation costs features['sub_upgrade_cost'] = self._calc_sub_upgrade_cost( features, self.tie_line_voltage, config=self._config) features['new_sub_cost'] = self._calc_new_sub_cost( features, self.tie_line_voltage, config=self._config) # Sink costs mask = features['category'] == SINK_CAT features.loc[mask, 'new_sub_cost'] = 1e11 # Total cost features['connection_cost'] = (features['xformer_cost'] + features['sub_upgrade_cost'] + features['new_sub_cost']) return features
[docs] def compute(self, min_line_length=5.7, save_paths=False, simplify_geo=None): """ Compute Transmission capital cost of connecting SC point to transmission features. trans_cap_cost = tie_line_cost + connection_cost Parameters ---------- min_line_length : float, optional Minimum line length in km, by default 5.7 save_paths : bool, optional Flag to save least cost path as a multi-line geometry, by default False simplify_geo : float | None, optional If float, simplify geometries using this value Returns ------- features : pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame Transmission table with tie-line costs and distances and connection costs added. Includes paths if ``save_paths == True`` """ features = self.compute_tie_line_costs(min_line_length=min_line_length, save_paths=save_paths) mask = features['raw_line_cost'].isna() if mask.any(): msg = ("The following features could not be connected to SC point " "{}:\n{}".format(self.sc_point_gid, features.loc[mask, 'trans_gid'])) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) features = features.loc[~mask] features = self.compute_connection_costs(features=features) features['trans_cap_cost'] = (features['tie_line_cost'] + features['connection_cost']) drop_cols = ['row', 'col'] if not save_paths: drop_cols.append('geometry') features = features.drop(columns=drop_cols, errors='ignore').reset_index(drop=True) features['sc_row_ind'] = self.sc_point['sc_row_ind'] features['sc_col_ind'] = self.sc_point['sc_col_ind'] features['sc_point_gid'] = self.sc_point_gid if save_paths and simplify_geo: features.geometry = features.geometry.simplify(simplify_geo) return features
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, cost_fpath, sc_point, features, capacity_class, radius=None, xmission_config=None, barrier_mult=100, min_line_length=5.7, save_paths=False, simplify_geo=None): """ Compute Transmission capital cost of connecting SC point to transmission features. trans_cap_cost = tie_line_cost + connection_cost Parameters ---------- cost_fpath : str Full path of .h5 file with cost arrays sc_point : gpd.GeoSeries Supply Curve Point meta data features : pandas.DataFrame Table of transmission features capacity_class : int | str Transmission feature capacity_class class radius : int, optional Radius around sc_point to clip cost to, by default None xmission_config : str | dict | XmissionConfig, optional Path to Xmission config .json, dictionary of Xmission config .jsons, or preloaded XmissionConfig objects, by default None barrier_mult : int, optional Multiplier on transmission barrier costs, by default 100 min_line_length : float, optional Minimum line length in km, by default 5.7 save_paths : bool, optional Flag to save least cost path as a multi-line geometry, by default False simplify_geo : float | None, optional If float, simplify geometries using this value Returns ------- features : pd.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame | None Transmission table with tie-line costs and distances and connection costs added. Will include paths if ``save_paths == True`` """ ts = time.time() logger.debug('Processing sc_point {}, {}, save_paths={}' .format(sc_point.sc_point_gid, sc_point.geometry, save_paths)) try: tcc = cls(cost_fpath, sc_point, features, capacity_class, radius=radius, xmission_config=xmission_config, barrier_mult=barrier_mult) features = tcc.compute(min_line_length=min_line_length, save_paths=save_paths, simplify_geo=simplify_geo) logger.debug('Least Cost transmission costs computed for ' 'SC point {} in {:.4f}s' .format(tcc.sc_point_gid, time.time() - ts)) except InvalidMCPStartValueError as ex: features = None msg = ('Could not connect SC point {} to transmission features: {}' .format(sc_point['sc_point_gid'], ex)) logger.debug(msg) except Exception as ex: msg = ('Failed to connect SC point {} to transmission features: {}' .format(sc_point['sc_point_gid'], ex)) logger.exception(msg) raise return features
[docs]class ReinforcementLineCosts(TieLineCosts): """ Compute Least Cost Reinforcement Line cost from substations to network nodes. The reinforcement line path will attempt to follow existing transmission lines for as long as possible. Costs are calculated using half of the greenfield cost of the transmission line that is being traced. If the reinforcement path travels along two different line voltages, corresponding costs are used for each portion of the path. In the case that the path must cross a region with no existing transmission lines to reach the destination, half (50%) of the greenfield cost of the input ``capacity_class`` is used. """ def __init__(self, transmission_lines, cost_fpath, start_indices, capacity_class, row_slice, col_slice, xmission_config=None, barrier_mult=100): """ Parameters ---------- transmission_lines : dict Dictionary where the keys are the names of cost layers in the cost HDF5 file and values are arrays with the corresponding existing transmission lines rastered into them (i.e. array value is 1 at a pixel if there is a transmission line, otherwise 0). These arrays will be used to compute the reinforcement costs along existing transmission lines of differing voltages. cost_fpath : str Full path of .h5 file with cost arrays. start_indices : tuple Tuple of (row_idx, col_idx) in the cost array indicating the start position of all reinforcement line paths to compute (typically, this is the location of the network node in the BA). Paths will be computed from this start location to each of the `end_indices`, which are also locations in the cost array (typically substations within the BA of the network node). capacity_class : int | str Transmission feature ``capacity_class`` to use for the 'base' greenfield costs. 'Base' greenfield costs are only used if the reinforcement path *must* deviate from existing transmission lines. Typically, a capacity class of 400 MW (230kV transmission line) is used for the base greenfield costs. row_slice, col_slice : slice Row and column slices into the cost array representing the window to compute reinforcement line path within. xmission_config : str | dict | XmissionConfig, optional Path to Xmission config .json, dictionary of Xmission config .jsons, or preloaded XmissionConfig objects. By default, ``None``. barrier_mult : int, optional Multiplier on transmission barrier costs. By default, ``100``. """ super().__init__(cost_fpath=cost_fpath, start_indices=start_indices, capacity_class=capacity_class, row_slice=row_slice, col_slice=col_slice, xmission_config=xmission_config, barrier_mult=barrier_mult) self._cost = self._cost / self._line_cap_mw with ExclusionLayers(cost_fpath) as f: for capacity_mw, lines in transmission_lines.items(): t_lines = np.where(lines[row_slice, col_slice]) cost_layer = 'tie_line_costs_{}MW'.format(capacity_mw) costs = f[cost_layer, row_slice, col_slice][t_lines] self._mcp_cost[t_lines] = costs * 1e-9 self._cost[t_lines] = costs / capacity_mw
[docs] @classmethod def run(cls, transmission_lines, cost_fpath, start_indices, end_indices, capacity_class, row_slice, col_slice, xmission_config=None, barrier_mult=100, save_paths=False): """ Compute reinforcement line path to all features to be connected a single supply curve point. Parameters ---------- transmission_lines : dict Dictionary where the keys are the names of cost layers in the cost HDF5 file and values are arrays with the corresponding existing transmission lines rastered into them (i.e. array value is 1 at a pixel if there is a transmission line, otherwise 0). These arrays will be used to compute the reinforcement costs along existing transmission lines of differing voltages. cost_fpath : str Full path of .h5 file with cost arrays. start_indices : tuple Tuple of (row_idx, col_idx) in the cost array indicating the start position of all reinforcement line paths to compute (typically, this is the location of the network node in the BA). Paths will be computed from this start location to each of the `end_indices`, which are also locations in the cost array (typically substations within the BA of the network node). end_indices : tuple | list Tuple (row, col) index or list of (row, col) indices in the cost array indicating the end location(s) to compute reinforcement line paths to (typically substations within a single BA). Paths are computed from the `start_indices` (typically the network node of the BA) to each of the individual pairs of `end_indices`. capacity_class : int | str Transmission feature ``capacity_class`` to use for the 'base' greenfield costs. 'Base' greenfield costs are only used if the reinforcement path *must* deviate from existing transmission lines. Typically, a capacity class of 400 MW (230kV transmission line) is used for the base greenfield costs. row_slice, col_slice : slice Row and column slices into the cost array representing the window to compute reinforcement line path within. xmission_config : str | dict | XmissionConfig, optional Path to Xmission config .json, dictionary of Xmission config .jsons, or preloaded XmissionConfig objects. By default, ``None``. barrier_mult : int, optional Multiplier on transmission barrier costs. By default, ``100``. save_paths : bool, optional Flag to save reinforcement line path as a multi-line geometry. By default, ``False``. Returns ------- tie_lines : pandas.DataFrame | gpd.GeoDataFrame DataFrame of lengths and costs for each reinforcement line path or GeoDataFrame of length, cost, and geometry for each reinforcement line path. """ ts = time.time() tlc = cls(transmission_lines, cost_fpath, start_indices, capacity_class, row_slice, col_slice, xmission_config=xmission_config, barrier_mult=barrier_mult) tie_lines = tlc.compute(end_indices, save_paths=save_paths) tie_lines['cost'] = tie_lines['cost'] * 0.5 row, col = start_indices with ExclusionLayers(cost_fpath) as f: tie_lines['poi_lat'] = ( f['latitude', row_slice, col_slice][row, col]) tie_lines['poi_lon'] = ( f['longitude', row_slice, col_slice][row, col]) tie_lines = tie_lines.rename({'length_km': 'reinforcement_dist_km', 'cost': 'reinforcement_cost_per_mw', 'poi_lat': 'reinforcement_poi_lat', 'poi_lon': 'reinforcement_poi_lon'}, axis=1) logger.debug('Reinforcement Path Cost computed in {:.4f} min' .format((time.time() - ts) / 60)) return tie_lines