Source code for reVX.least_cost_xmission.least_cost_paths_cli

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=all
Least Cost Xmission Command Line Interface
from warnings import warn
import click
import logging
import os
import json
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd

from rex.utilities.loggers import init_logger, init_mult, create_dirs
from rex.utilities.cli_dtypes import STR, INT
from rex.utilities.hpc import SLURM
from rex.utilities.utilities import get_class_properties

from reVX.config.least_cost_xmission import LeastCostPathsConfig
from reVX.least_cost_xmission.config import XmissionConfig
from reVX.least_cost_xmission.least_cost_paths import (LeastCostPaths,
from reVX.least_cost_xmission.least_cost_xmission import (
from reVX.least_cost_xmission.config import TRANS_LINE_CAT, SUBSTATION_CAT
from reVX import __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@click.option('--name', '-n', default='LeastCostPaths', type=STR,
              help='Job name.')
@click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True,
              help='Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.')
def main(ctx, name, verbose):
    Least Cost Paths Command Line Interface
    ctx.obj['VERBOSE'] = verbose
    ctx.obj['NAME'] = name

def valid_config_keys():
    Echo the valid Least Cost Paths config keys
    click.echo(', '.join(get_class_properties(LeastCostPathsConfig)))

[docs]def run_local(ctx, config): """ Run Least Cost Paths locally using config Parameters ---------- ctx : click.ctx click ctx object config : reVX.config.least_cost_xmission.LeastCostPathsConfig Least Cost Paths config object. """ ctx.obj['NAME'] = ctx.invoke(local, cost_fpath=config.cost_fpath, features_fpath=config.features_fpath, network_nodes_fpath=config.network_nodes_fpath, transmission_lines_fpath=config.transmission_lines_fpath, capacity_class=config.capacity_class, xmission_config=config.xmission_config, clip_buffer=config.clip_buffer, start_index=0, step_index=1, barrier_mult=config.barrier_mult, max_workers=config.execution_control.max_workers, region_identifier_column=config.region_identifier_column, save_paths=config.save_paths, out_dir=config.dirout, log_dir=config.log_directory, verbose=config.log_level)
@main.command() @click.option('--config', '-c', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True), help='Filepath to AssemblyAreas config json file.') @click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, help='Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.') @click.pass_context def from_config(ctx, config, verbose): """ Run Least Cost Paths from a config. """ config = LeastCostPathsConfig(config) if 'VERBOSE' in ctx.obj: if any((ctx.obj['VERBOSE'], verbose)): config._log_level = logging.DEBUG elif verbose: config._log_level = logging.DEBUG if config.execution_control.option == 'local': run_local(ctx, config) return if config.execution_control.option not in {'eagle', 'kestrel'}: click.echo('Option "{}" is not supported' .format(config.execution_control.option)) return # No need to add index to file name if config.execution_control.nodes == 1: eagle(config) return name = num_nodes = config.execution_control.nodes'Splitting features over {} SLURM jobs'.format(num_nodes)) n_zfill = len(str(num_nodes)) for i in range(num_nodes): = '{}_{}'.format(name, str(i).zfill(n_zfill)) eagle(config, start_index=i) @main.command() @click.option('--cost_fpath', '-cost', type=click.Path(exists=True), required=True, help=("Path to h5 file with cost rasters and other required " "layers")) @click.option('--features_fpath', '-feats', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Path to GeoPackage with transmission features") @click.option('--capacity_class', '-cap', type=str, required=True, help=("Capacity class of transmission features to connect " "supply curve points to")) @click.option('--network_nodes_fpath', '-nn', type=STR, show_default=True, default=None, help=("Path to Network Nodes GeoPackage. If given alongside " "`transmission_lines_fpath`, reinforcement path cost " "calculation is run.")) @click.option('--transmission_lines_fpath', '-tl', type=STR, show_default=True, default=None, help=("Path to Transmission lines GeoPackage. This file can " "contain other features, but transmission lines must " "be identified by {!r}. If given alongside " "`network_nodes_fpath`, reinforcement path cost " "calculation is run.".format(TRANS_LINE_CAT))) @click.option('--xmission_config', '-xcfg', type=STR, show_default=True, default=None, help=("Path to transmission config .json")) @click.option('--clip_buffer', '-cb', type=int, show_default=True, default=0, help="Optional number of array elements to buffer clip area by.") @click.option('--start_index', '-start', type=int, show_default=True, default=0, help=("Start index of features to run.")) @click.option('--step_index', '-step', type=int, show_default=True, default=1, help=("Step index of features to run.")) @click.option('--barrier_mult', '-bmult', type=float, show_default=True, default=100, help=("Transmission barrier multiplier, used when computing the " "least cost tie-line path")) @click.option('--max_workers', '-mw', type=INT, show_default=True, default=None, help=("Number of workers to use for processing, if 1 run in " "serial, if None use all available cores")) @click.option('--region_identifier_column', '-rid', type=STR, default=None, help=("Name of column in reinforcement regions GeoPackage" "containing a unique identifier for each region.")) @click.option('--save_paths', '-paths', is_flag=True, help="Flag to save least cost path as a multi-line geometry") @click.option('--out_dir', '-o', type=STR, default='./', show_default=True, help='Directory to save least cost Paths values to.') @click.option('--log_dir', '-log', default=None, type=STR, show_default=True, help='Directory to dump log files.') @click.option('--verbose', '-v', is_flag=True, help='Flag to turn on debug logging. Default is not verbose.') @click.pass_context def local(ctx, cost_fpath, features_fpath, capacity_class, network_nodes_fpath, transmission_lines_fpath, xmission_config, clip_buffer, start_index, step_index, barrier_mult, max_workers, region_identifier_column, save_paths, out_dir, log_dir, verbose): """ Run Least Cost Paths on local hardware """ name = ctx.obj['NAME'] if 'VERBOSE' in ctx.obj: verbose = any((ctx.obj['VERBOSE'], verbose)) log_modules = [__name__, 'reVX', 'reV', 'rex'] init_mult(name, log_dir, modules=log_modules, verbose=verbose) create_dirs(out_dir)'Computing Least Cost Paths connections and writing them to {}' .format(out_dir)) xmission_config = XmissionConfig(config=xmission_config) logger.debug('Xmission Config: {}'.format(xmission_config)) is_reinforcement_run = (network_nodes_fpath is not None and transmission_lines_fpath is not None) if is_reinforcement_run: features = gpd.read_file(network_nodes_fpath) features, *__ = LeastCostPaths._map_to_costs(cost_fpath, features) indices = features.index[start_index::step_index] kwargs = {"xmission_config": xmission_config, "clip_buffer": int(clip_buffer), "barrier_mult": barrier_mult, "indices": indices, "save_paths": save_paths} least_costs =, features_fpath, network_nodes_fpath, region_identifier_column, transmission_lines_fpath, capacity_class, **kwargs) else: features = gpd.read_file(features_fpath) features, *__ = LeastCostPaths._map_to_costs(cost_fpath, features) indices = features.index[start_index::step_index] least_costs =, features_fpath, capacity_class, clip_buffer=int(clip_buffer), barrier_mult=barrier_mult, indices=indices, max_workers=max_workers, save_paths=save_paths) capacity_class = xmission_config._parse_cap_class(capacity_class) cap = xmission_config['power_classes'][capacity_class] kv = xmission_config.capacity_to_kv(capacity_class) fn_out = '{}_{}MW_{}kV'.format(name, cap, kv) fpath_out = os.path.join(out_dir, fn_out) if save_paths: fpath_out += '.gpkg' least_costs.to_file(fpath_out, driver="GPKG", index=False) else: fpath_out += '.csv' least_costs.to_csv(fpath_out, index=False) @main.command() @click.option('--features_fpath', '-feats', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True), help="Path to GeoPackage with substation and transmission " "features") @click.option('--regions_fpath', '-regs', required=True, type=click.Path(exists=True), help=("Path to reinforcement regions GeoPackage.")) @click.option('--region_identifier_column', '-rid', required=True, type=STR, help=("Name of column in reinforcement regions GeoPackage" "containing a unique identifier for each region.")) @click.option('--network_nodes_fpath', '-nodes', default=None, type=STR, help=("Path to network nodes GeoPackage. If this input is " "included, the `region_identifier_column` is added if " "it is missing.")) @click.option('--out_file', '-of', default=None, type=STR, help='Name for output GeoPackage file.') @click.pass_context def map_ss_to_rr(ctx, features_fpath, regions_fpath, region_identifier_column, network_nodes_fpath, out_file): """ Map substation locations to reinforcement regions. Reinforcement regions are user-defined. Typical regions are Balancing Areas, States, or Counties, though custom regions are also allowed. Each region must be supplied with a unique identifier in the input file. This method also removes substations that do not meet the min 69 kV voltage requirement and adds {'min_volts', 'max_volts'} fields to the remaining substations. .. Important:: This method DOES NOT clip the substations to the reinforcement regions boundary. All substations will be mapped to their closest region. It is your responsibility to remove any substations outside of the analysis region before calling this method. Doing the pre-processing step avoids any issues with substations being left out or double counted if they were simply clipped to the reinforcement region shapes. """ log_level = "DEBUG" if ctx.obj.get('VERBOSE') else "INFO" init_logger('reVX', log_level=log_level) features = gpd.read_file(features_fpath) regions = gpd.read_file(regions_fpath).to_crs( substations = (features[features.category == SUBSTATION_CAT] .reset_index(drop=True).dropna(axis="columns", how="all"))"Mapping {:,d} substation locations to {:,d} reinforcement " "regions".format(substations.shape[0], regions.shape[0])) map_func = reinforcement_region_mapper(regions, region_identifier_column) centroids = substations.centroid substations[region_identifier_column] = centroids.apply(map_func)"Calculating min/max voltage for each substation...") bad_subs = np.zeros(len(substations), dtype=bool) for idx, row in substations.iterrows(): lines = row['trans_gids'] if isinstance(lines, str): lines = json.loads(lines) lines_mask = features['gid'].isin(lines) voltage = features.loc[lines_mask, 'voltage'].values if np.max(voltage) >= 69: substations.loc[idx, 'min_volts'] = np.min(voltage) substations.loc[idx, 'max_volts'] = np.max(voltage) else: bad_subs[idx] = True if any(bad_subs): msg = ("The following sub-stations do not have the minimum " "required voltage of 69 kV and will be dropped:\n{}" .format(substations.loc[bad_subs, 'gid'])) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) substations = substations.loc[~bad_subs].reset_index(drop=True)"Writing substation output to {!r}".format(out_file)) substations.to_file(out_file, driver="GPKG", index=False) if network_nodes_fpath is None: return network_nodes_fpath = Path(network_nodes_fpath) network_nodes = gpd.read_file(network_nodes_fpath).to_crs( if region_identifier_column in network_nodes: msg = ("Network nodes file {!r} was specified but it " "already contains the {!r} column. No data modified!" .format(str(network_nodes_fpath), region_identifier_column)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) return centroids = network_nodes.centroid network_nodes[region_identifier_column] = centroids.apply(map_func) out_fn = "{}.gpkg".format(network_nodes_fpath.stem) out_fp = network_nodes_fpath.parent / out_fn"Writing updated network node data to {!r}" .format(str(out_fp))) network_nodes.to_file(out_fp, driver="GPKG")
[docs]def get_node_cmd(config, start_index=0): """ Get the node CLI call for Least Cost Paths Parameters ---------- config : reVX.config.least_cost_xmission.LeastCostPathsConfig Least Cost Paths config object. Returns ------- cmd : str CLI call to submit to SLURM execution. """ args = ['-n {}'.format(SLURM.s(, 'local', '-cost {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.cost_fpath)), '-feats {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.features_fpath)), '-nn {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.network_nodes_fpath)), '-tl {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.transmission_lines_fpath)), '-rid {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.region_identifier_column)), '-cap {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.capacity_class)), '-cb {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.clip_buffer)), '-start {}'.format(SLURM.s(start_index)), '-step {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.execution_control.nodes or 1)), '-bmult {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.barrier_mult)), '-mw {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.execution_control.max_workers)), '-o {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.dirout)), '-log {}'.format(SLURM.s(config.log_directory)), ] if config.save_paths: args.append('-paths') if config.log_level == logging.DEBUG: args.append('-v') cmd = ('python -m reVX.least_cost_xmission.least_cost_paths_cli {}' .format(' '.join(args))) logger.debug('Submitting the following cli call:\n\t{}'.format(cmd)) return cmd
[docs]def eagle(config, start_index=0): """ Run Least Cost Paths on Eagle HPC. Parameters ---------- config : reVX.config.least_cost_xmission.LeastCostPathsConfig Least Cost Paths config object. """ cmd = get_node_cmd(config, start_index) name = log_dir = config.log_directory stdout_path = os.path.join(log_dir, 'stdout/') slurm_manager = SLURM()'Running Least Cost Paths on Eagle with ' 'node name "{}"'.format(name)) out = slurm_manager.sbatch(cmd, alloc=config.execution_control.allocation, memory=config.execution_control.memory, walltime=config.execution_control.walltime, feature=config.execution_control.feature, name=name, stdout_path=stdout_path, conda_env=config.execution_control.conda_env, module=config.execution_control.module)[0] if out: msg = ('Kicked off Least Cost Paths "{}" ' '(SLURM jobid #{}) on Eagle.' .format(name, out)) else: msg = ('Was unable to kick off Least Cost Paths ' '"{}". Please see the stdout error messages' .format(name)) click.echo(msg)
if __name__ == '__main__': try: main(obj={}) except Exception: logger.exception('Error running Least Cost Paths CLI') raise