Source code for reVX.least_cost_xmission.layers.utils

Least cost transmission utilities
import logging
from typing import Optional, Union, Dict

import pandas as pd
import rasterio as rio
import geopandas as gpd
import numpy.typing as npt
from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString

from reVX.utilities import rasterize
from reVX.least_cost_xmission.config.constants import DEFAULT_DTYPE

VECTOR_CACHE: Dict[str, gpd.GeoDataFrame] = {}

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def rasterize_shape_file(fname: str, profile: Dict, buffer_dist: Optional[float] = None, all_touched: bool = False, reproject_vector: bool = True, burn_value: Union[int, float] = 1, boundary_only: bool = False, dtype: npt.DTypeLike = DEFAULT_DTYPE, ) -> npt.NDArray: """ Rasterize a vector layer. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to gpgk or shp file profile : dict Raster profile to use buffer_dist : float, optional Distance to buffer features in fname by. Same units as the template raster. By default, ``None``. all_touched : bool, optional Set all cells touched by vector to 1. False results in less cells being set to 1. By default, ``False``. reproject_vector : bool, optional Reproject CRS of vector to match template raster if True. By default, ``True``. burn_value : int | float, optional Value used to burn vectors into raster. By default, ``1``. boundary_only : bool, optional If True, rasterize boundary of vector. By default, ``False``. dtype : np.dtype, optional Datatype to use. By default, ``float32``. Returns ------- numpy.nd_array Rasterized vector data """ if fname in VECTOR_CACHE: logger.debug('Vector data for %s found in cache', fname) gdf = VECTOR_CACHE[fname] else: logger.debug('Loading %s', fname) gdf = gpd.read_file(fname) VECTOR_CACHE[fname] = gdf if reproject_vector: logger.debug('Reprojecting vector') gdf = gdf.to_crs(crs=profile['crs']) logger.debug('Rasterizing %s', fname) return rasterize(gdf, profile, buffer_dist=buffer_dist, all_touched=all_touched, burn_value=burn_value, boundary_only=boundary_only, dtype=dtype)
[docs]def convert_pois_to_lines(poi_csv_f: str, template_f: str, out_f: str): """ Convert POIs in CSV to lines and save in a geopackage as substations. Also create a fake transmission line to connect to the substations. Parameters ---------- poi_csv_f : str Path to CSV file with POIs in it template_f : str Path to template raster with CRS to use for geopackage out_f : str Path and file name for geopackage """ logger.debug('Converting POIs in %s to lines in %s', poi_csv_f, out_f) with as ras: crs = df = pd.read_csv(poi_csv_f)[['POI Name', 'State', 'Voltage (kV)', 'Lat', 'Long']] pts = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df, geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(df.Long, df.Lat)) pts = pts.set_crs('EPSG:4326') pts = pts.to_crs(crs) # Convert points to short lines new_geom = [] for pt in pts.geometry: end = Point(pt.x + 50, pt.y + 50) line = LineString([pt, end]) new_geom.append(line) lines = pts.set_geometry(new_geom, crs=crs) # Append some fake values to make the LCP code happy lines['ac_cap'] = 9999999 lines['category'] = 'Substation' lines['voltage'] = 500 # kV lines['trans_gids'] = '[9999]' # add a fake trans line for the subs to connect to to make LCP code happy trans_line = pd.DataFrame({'POI Name': 'fake', 'ac_cap': 9999999, 'category': 'TransLine', 'voltage': 500, # kV 'trans_gids': None}, index=[9999]) trans_line = gpd.GeoDataFrame(trans_line) geo = LineString([Point(0, 0), Point(100000, 100000)]) trans_line = trans_line.set_geometry([geo], crs=crs) # type: ignore pois: gpd.GeoDataFrame = pd.concat([lines, trans_line]) pois['gid'] = pois.index pois.to_file(out_f, driver="GPKG") logger.debug('Complete')