Definition of friction, barrier, and costs processing JSON config file
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Literal
from pydantic import BaseModel, DirectoryPath, FilePath
from reVX.least_cost_xmission.config import IsoMultipliers
from reVX.least_cost_xmission.config.constants import (ALL,
# Terms for specifying masks. 'wet+' and 'dry+' indicated 'wet' + 'landfall'
# and 'dry' + 'landfall', respectively.
Extents = Literal['all', 'wet', 'wet+', 'landfall', 'dry+', 'dry']
[docs]class RangeConfig(BaseModel, extra='forbid'):
Config for defining a range and a value to assign to cells matching that
range. Cells with values >= than 'min' and < 'max' will be assigned
'value'. One or both of 'min' and 'max' can be specified.
min: float = float('-inf')
"""Minimum value to get a cost assigned (inclusive)"""
max: float = float('inf')
"""Maximum value to get a cost assigned (exclusive)"""
value: float
"""Value to assign to the range defined by `min` and `max`."""
[docs]class Rasterize(BaseModel, extra='forbid'):
Rasterize a vector layer and apply a value to it.
value: float
"""Value to burn in to raster"""
buffer: Optional[float] = None
"""Value to buffer by (can be negative)"""
reproject: bool = True
"""Reproject vector to raster CRS if ``True``"""
[docs]class LayerBuildConfig(BaseModel, extra='forbid'):
Friction and barrier layers config model.
'global_value', 'map', 'bins', 'rasterize', and 'forced_inclusion'
are exclusive, but exactly one must be specified. Example configs
can be seen in `test_xmission_barrier_friction_builder.py` in the
tests directory.
extent: Extents = ALL
"""Extent to apply map or range to.
Must be one of the following:
- 'all': Full extent, including offshore, onshore, and landfall
- 'wet': offshore extent only
- 'wet+': offshore extent + landfall extent
- 'landfall': landfall extent (area between wet and dry extents)
- 'dry+': onshore extent + landfall extent
- 'dry': onshore extent only
By default, 'all'.
global_value: Optional[float] = None
"""Global value to use for entire layer extent. """
map: Optional[Dict[float, float]] = None
"""Values in raster (keys) and values to use layer."""
bins: Optional[List[RangeConfig]] = None
"""Ranges of raster values.
This input can be one or more ranges of raster values to apply to
barrier/friction. The value of overlapping ranges are added together."""
pass_through: Optional[bool] = False
"""Pass cost data through without estra processing."""
rasterize: Optional[Rasterize] = None
"""Rasterize a vector and save as layer"""
forced_inclusion: bool = False
"""Force inclusion.
If `forced_inclusion` is ``True``, any cells with a value > 0 will
force the final value of corresponding cells to 0. Multiple forced
inclusions are allowed."""
[docs]class DryCosts(BaseModel, extra='forbid'):
""" Config items required to generate dry costs """
iso_region_tiff: FilePath
"""Filename of ISO region GeoTIFF"""
nlcd_tiff: FilePath
"""File name of NLCD GeoTiff"""
slope_tiff: FilePath
"""File name of slope GeoTiff"""
cost_configs: Optional[FilePath] = None
"""Path to json file with Xmission cost configuration values.
Path to json file contianing dictionary with Xmission cost
configuration values. Valid configuration keysare:
- "base_line_costs"
- "iso_lookup"
- "iso_multipliers"
- "land_use_classes"
- "new_substation_costs"
- "power_classes"
- "power_to_voltage"
- "transformer_costs"
- "upgrade_substation_costs"
Each of these keys should point to a dictionary or a path to
a separate json file contianing a dictionary of
configurations for each section."""
default_mults: Optional[IsoMultipliers] = None
"""Multipliers to be used for default region.
This input should be a dictionary with three keys:
- "iso": Thie key is ignored, but is required. Can set to
"default" and move on.
- "land_use": A dictionary where keys are the land use types
(e.g. "cropland", "forest", "wetland", etc.) and values are
the multipliers for those land uses.
- "slope": A dictionary where keys are the slope types/mults
(e.g. "hill_mult", "hill_slope", "mtn_mult", "mtn_slope",
etc.) and values are the slopes/multipliers.
extra_tiffs: Optional[List[FilePath]] = None
"""Optional list of extra GeoTIFFs to add to cost H5 file. """
[docs]class MergeFrictionBarriers(BaseModel, extra='forbid'):
Combine friction and barriers and save to H5. Multiple all barrier values
by a factor. The multiplier should be large enough that all barriers have
a higher value than any possible friction.
friction_layer: str
"""Name of friction layer.
Must be a layer that has just been created or already exists in the
tiff directory with the same name and '.tif' extension.
barrier_layer: str
"""Name of barrier layer.
Must be a layer that has just been created or already exists in the
tiff directory with the same name and '.tif' extension.
output_layer_name: Optional[str] = BARRIER_H5_LAYER_NAME
"""Name of combined output layer.
By default, :obj:`BARRIER_H5_LAYER_NAME`."""
barrier_multiplier: float = 1e6
"""Value to multiply barrier layer by during merge with friction.
The multiplier should be large enough that all barriers have
a higher value than any possible friction."""
LayerBuildComponents = Dict[str, LayerBuildConfig]
"""Mapping of layer components to use for building the final layer.
Keys are GeoTIFF or vector filepaths. Values are the LayerBuildConfig
to use for that file."""
[docs]class LayerConfig(BaseModel):
Definition of friction, barrier, and costs processing JSON config file.
layer_name: str
"""Name of layer in H5 file. """
description: Optional[str] = None
"""Optional description to store in attrs for layer. """
include_in_h5: Optional[bool] = True
"""Flag to specify whether layer should be stored in H5 or not. """
values_are_costs_per_mile: Optional[bool] = False
"""Option to specify that the values given represent $/mile.
If ``True``, the values will be converted to $/CELL_DIST, which is
what is ultimately used for routing.
build: LayerBuildComponents
"""Mapping of layer components used to build this layer.
Keys are GeoTIFF or vector filepaths. Values are the
LayerBuildConfig to use for that file."""
Layers = List[LayerConfig]
"""Layer configs to build and potentially add to H5 file. """
[docs]class TransmissionLayerCreationConfig(BaseModel):
Definition of friction, barrier, and costs processing JSON config file.
template_raster_fpath: FilePath
"""Template raster GeoTIFF for shape and profile"""
h5_fpath: FilePath
"""H5 to store results in."""
layer_dir: DirectoryPath = Path('.')
"""Directory to look for GeoTIFFs in, in addition to '.'"""
masks_dir: DirectoryPath = Path('.')
"""Optional path for mask GeoTIFFs."""
output_tiff_dir: DirectoryPath = Path('.')
"""Directory to store output tiff files in. """
layers: Optional[Layers] = None
"""Optional configuration for layers to be built.
At least one of `layers`, `dry_costs`, or
`merge_friction_and_barriers` must be defined.
dry_costs: Optional[DryCosts] = None
"""Optional dry cost layer.
At least one of `layers`, `dry_costs`, or
`merge_friction_and_barriers` must be defined.
merge_friction_and_barriers: Optional[MergeFrictionBarriers] = None
"""Optional config to merge friction barriers.
At least one of `layers`, `dry_costs`, or
`merge_friction_and_barriers` must be defined.
cell_size: int = CELL_SIZE
"""Side length of each cell, in meters.
Cells are assumed to be square. By default, :obj:`CELL_SIZE`."""