Source code for reVX.config.least_cost_xmission

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
reVX Least Cost Xmission Configurations
import os
import logging
import pandas as pd

from reV.supply_curve.extent import SupplyCurveExtent
from reV.config.base_analysis_config import AnalysisConfig
from reV.utilities.exceptions import ConfigError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DryCostCreatorConfig(AnalysisConfig): """Config framework for creating dry cost layers""" NAME = 'DryCostCreator' REQUIREMENTS = ('h5_fpath', 'iso_regions') def __init__(self, config): """ Parameters ---------- config : str | dict Path to config .json or pre-extracted config input dictionary. """ super().__init__(config) self._default_slope_layer = 'srtm_slope' self._default_nlcd_layer = 'usa_mrlc_nlcd2011' @property def h5_fpath(self): """ H5 file to save costs to (required). """ return self['h5_fpath'] @property def iso_regions(self): """ File with raster of ISO regions """ return self['iso_regions'] @property def excl_h5(self): """ Path to exclusion .h5 file containing NLCD and slope layers, if None use h5_fpath if None assume NLCD and slope layers are in self._excl_h5 """ return self.get('excl_h5', None) @property def cost_configs(self): """ JSON file with cost configs """ return self.get('cost_configs', None) @property def slope_layer(self): """ Name of slope layer in excl_h5 """ return self.get('slope_layer', self._default_slope_layer) @property def nlcd_layer(self): """ Name of NLCD (land use) layer in excl_h5 """ return self.get('nlcd_layer', self._default_nlcd_layer) @property def default_mults(self): """ JSON of Multipliers for regions not specified in iso_mults_fpath """ return self.get('default_mults', None) @property def tiff_dir(self): """ JSON with Extra layers to add to h5 file, for example dist_to_coast """ return self.get('tiff_dir', None) @property def extra_layers(self): """ Path to save costs and intermediary rasters as geotiffs """ return self.get('extra_layers', None)
[docs]class LeastCostXmissionConfig(AnalysisConfig): """Config framework for Least Cost Xmission""" NAME = 'LeastCostXmission' REQUIREMENTS = ('cost_fpath', 'features_fpath', 'capacity_class') def __init__(self, config): """ Parameters ---------- config : str | dict Path to config .json or pre-extracted config input dictionary. """ super().__init__(config) self._default_resolution = 128 self._default_nn_sinks = 2 self._default_clipping_buffer = 1.05 self._default_barrier_mult = 100 self._default_min_line_length = 5.7 self._sc_point_gids = None @property def name(self): """Get the job name, defaults to the output directory name. Returns ------- _name : str Job name. """ if self._name is None: default_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.dirout)) self._name = self.get('name', default_name) return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name @property def radius(self): """ Optional radius to use for clipping """ return self.get('radius', None) @property def expand_radius(self): """ Optional flag to expand radius until at least one transmission feature is available for connection. """ return self.get('expand_radius', True) @property def simplify_geo(self): """ Optional float to use to simplify path geometries before saving to geopackage """ return self.get('simplify_geo', None) @property def save_paths(self): """ Save paths as GPKG if true """ return self.get('save_paths', False) @property def cost_fpath(self): """ .h5 file with cost and required layers """ return self['cost_fpath'] @property def features_fpath(self): """ Tranmission feature .gpkg """ return self['features_fpath'] @property def regions_fpath(self): """ Reinforcement regions .gpkg """ return self.get('regions_fpath', None) @property def region_identifier_column(self): """ Name of column containing unique region identifier """ rid_col = self.get("region_identifier_column", None) if self.regions_fpath is not None and rid_col is None: msg = ("`region_identifier_column` input cannot be `None` for " "reinforcement path computation.") raise ConfigError(msg) return rid_col @property def capacity_class(self): """ Capacity class, either {capacity}MW or capacity value in MW """ return self['capacity_class'] @property def resolution(self): """ SC point resolution """ return self.get('resolution', self._default_resolution) @property def xmission_config(self): """ Xmission config input """ return self.get('xmission_config', None) @property def min_line_length(self): """ Minimum Tie-line length config input """ return self.get('min_line_length', 0) @property def nn_sinks(self): """ Number of nearest neighbor sinks to use for clipping radius """ return self.get('nn_sinks', self._default_nn_sinks) @property def clipping_buffer(self): """ Buffer to add to clipping radius """ return self.get('clipping_buffer', self._default_clipping_buffer) @property def barrier_mult(self): """ Transmission barrier multiplier to use for MCP costs """ return self.get('barrier_mult', self._default_barrier_mult) @property def sc_point_gids(self): """ List of sc_point_gids to compute Least Cost Xmission for """ if self._sc_point_gids is None: sc_point_gids = self.get('sc_point_gids') if sc_point_gids is None: sce = SupplyCurveExtent(self.cost_fpath, resolution=self.resolution) sc_point_gids = list(sce.points.index.values) elif (isinstance(sc_point_gids, str) and sc_point_gids.endswith(".csv")): points = pd.read_csv(sc_point_gids) sc_point_gids = list(points.sc_point_gid.values) if not isinstance(sc_point_gids, list): raise ValueError('sc_point_gids must be a list or path to a ' 'csv file, got a {} ({})' .format(type(sc_point_gids), sc_point_gids)) self._sc_point_gids = sc_point_gids return self._sc_point_gids
[docs]class LeastCostPathsConfig(AnalysisConfig): """Config framework for Least Cost Paths""" NAME = 'LeastCostPaths' REQUIREMENTS = ('cost_fpath', 'features_fpath', 'capacity_class') def __init__(self, config): """ Parameters ---------- config : str | dict Path to config .json or pre-extracted config input dictionary. """ super().__init__(config) self._default_barrier_mult = 100 @property def name(self): """Get the job name, defaults to the output directory name. Returns ------- _name : str Job name. """ if self._name is None: default_name = os.path.basename(os.path.normpath(self.dirout)) self._name = self.get('name', default_name) return self._name @name.setter def name(self, name): self._name = name @property def cost_fpath(self): """ .h5 file with cost and required layers """ return self['cost_fpath'] @property def features_fpath(self): """ Tranmission feature .gpkg """ return self['features_fpath'] @property def network_nodes_fpath(self): """ Network nodes config input """ return self.get('network_nodes_fpath', None) @property def transmission_lines_fpath(self): """ Transmission line features config input """ return self.get('transmission_lines_fpath', None) @property def capacity_class(self): """ Capacity class, either {capacity}MW or capacity value in MW """ return self['capacity_class'] @property def xmission_config(self): """ Xmission config input """ return self.get('xmission_config', None) @property def clip_buffer(self): """ Number of array elements to buffer clip area by. """ return self.get('clip_buffer', 0) @property def barrier_mult(self): """ Transmission barrier multiplier to use for MCP costs """ return self.get('barrier_mult', self._default_barrier_mult) @property def is_reinforcement_run(self): """ Boolean flag indicating wether this run is for reinforcement path computation """ return (self.network_nodes_fpath is not None and self.transmission_lines_fpath is not None) @property def region_identifier_column(self): """ Name of column containing unique region identifier """ rid_col = self.get("region_identifier_column", None) if self.is_reinforcement_run and rid_col is None: msg = ("`region_identifier_column` input cannot be `None` for " "reinforcement path computation.") raise ConfigError(msg) return rid_col @property def save_paths(self): """ Boolean flag to save the least cost paths along with the costs and lengths """ return self.get('save_paths', False)