
class LayerCreator(io_handler: LayeredTransmissionH5, masks: Masks, output_tiff_dir='.', dtype: dtype[Any] | None | Type[Any] | _SupportsDType[dtype[Any]] | str | Tuple[Any, int] | Tuple[Any, SupportsIndex | Sequence[SupportsIndex]] | List[Any] | _DTypeDict | Tuple[Any, Any] = 'float32', cell_size=90)[source]

Bases: BaseLayerCreator

Build layer based on tiff and user config.

  • io_handler (LayeredTransmissionH5) – Transmission layer IO handler

  • masks (Masks) – Masks instance that can be used to retrieve multiple types of masks.

  • output_tiff_dir (path-like, optional) – Directory where cost layers should be saved as GeoTIFF. By default, ".".

  • dtype (np.dtype, optional) – Data type for final dataset. By default, float32.

  • cell_size (int, optional) – Side length of each cell, in meters. Cells are assumed to be square. By default, CELL_SIZE.


build(layer_name, build_config[, ...])

Combine multiple GeoTIFFs and vectors to a raster layer and save to GeoTIFF/HDF5 file.



Layer shape.

build(layer_name, build_config: Dict[str, LayerBuildConfig], values_are_costs_per_mile=False, write_to_h5=True, description=None)[source]

Combine multiple GeoTIFFs and vectors to a raster layer and save to GeoTIFF/HDF5 file.

  • layer_name (str) – Name of layer to use in H5 and for output tiff.

  • build_config (LayerBuildComponents) – Dict of LayerBuildConfig keyed by GeoTIFF/vector filenames.

  • values_are_costs_per_mile (bool, default=False) – Option to convert values into costs per cell under the assumption that the resulting values arte costs in $/mile. By default, False, which writes raw values to TIFF/H5.

  • write_to_h5 (bool, default=True) – Option to write the layer to H5 file after creation. By default, True.

  • description (str, optional) – Optional description to store with this layer in the H5 file. By default, None.

property shape

Layer shape.

