Source code for

"""sup3r WindStats module."""
import logging
import os
import pickle
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import psutil
from rex.utilities.fun_utils import get_fun_call_str
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter

from sup3r.preprocessing.feature_handling import Feature
from import (
from sup3r.utilities import ModuleName
from sup3r.utilities.cli import BaseCLI
from sup3r.utilities.utilities import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Sup3rStatsBase(ABC): """Base stats class""" # Acceptable statistics to request _DIRECT = 'direct' _DY_DX = 'gradient' _DY_DT = 'time_derivative' _FFT_F = 'spectrum_f' _FFT_K = 'spectrum_k' _FLUCT_FFT_F = 'fluctuation_spectrum_f' _FLUCT_FFT_K = 'fluctuation_spectrum_k' def __init__(self): """Initialize base class for stats""" self.overwrite_stats = True def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): self.close() if type is not None: raise
[docs] @abstractmethod def close(self): """Close any open file handlers"""
[docs] @classmethod def save_cache(cls, array, file_name): """Save data to cache file Parameters ---------- array : ndarray Wind field data file_name : str Path to cache file """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_name), exist_ok=True)'Saving data to {file_name}') with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(array, f, protocol=4)
[docs] @classmethod def load_cache(cls, file_name): """Load data from cache file Parameters ---------- file_name : str Path to cache file Returns ------- array : ndarray Wind field data """'Loading data from {file_name}') with open(file_name, 'rb') as f: arr = pickle.load(f) return arr
[docs] def export(self, qa_fp, data): """Export stats dictionary to pkl file. Parameters ---------- qa_fp : str | None Optional filepath to output QA file (only .h5 is supported) data : dict A dictionary with stats for low and high resolution wind fields overwrite_stats : bool Whether to overwrite saved stats or not """ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(qa_fp), exist_ok=True) if not os.path.exists(qa_fp) or self.overwrite_stats:'Saving sup3r stats output file: "{}"'.format(qa_fp)) with open(qa_fp, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(data, f, protocol=4) else: f'{qa_fp} already exists. Delete file or run with ' 'overwrite_stats=True.' )
[docs] @classmethod def get_node_cmd(cls, config): """Get a CLI call to initialize Sup3rStats and execute the method based on an input config Parameters ---------- config : dict sup3r wind stats config with all necessary args and kwargs to initialize Sup3rStats and execute """ import_str = 'import time;\n' import_str += 'from gaps import Status;\n' import_str += 'from rex import init_logger;\n' import_str += f'from import {cls.__name__};\n' qa_init_str = get_fun_call_str(cls, config) log_file = config.get('log_file', None) log_level = config.get('log_level', 'INFO') log_arg_str = f'"sup3r", log_level="{log_level}"' if log_file is not None: log_arg_str += f', log_file="{log_file}"' cmd = ( f"python -c \'{import_str}\n" "t0 = time.time();\n" f"logger = init_logger({log_arg_str});\n" f"qa = {qa_init_str};\n" ";\n" "t_elap = time.time() - t0;\n" ) pipeline_step = config.get('pipeline_step') or ModuleName.STATS cmd = BaseCLI.add_status_cmd(config, pipeline_step, cmd) cmd += ";\'\n" return cmd.replace('\\', '/')
[docs] class Sup3rStatsCompute(Sup3rStatsBase): """Base class for computing stats on input data arrays""" def __init__( self, input_data=None, s_enhance=1, t_enhance=1, compute_features=None, input_features=None, cache_pattern=None, overwrite_cache=False, overwrite_stats=True, get_interp=False, include_stats=None, max_values=None, smoothing=None, spatial_res=None, temporal_res=None, n_bins=40, qa_fp=None, interp_dists=True, time_chunk_size=100, ): """Parameters ---------- input_data : ndarray An array of feature data to use for computing statistics (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) s_enhance : int Factor by which the Sup3rGan model enhanced the spatial dimensions of the input data t_enhance : int Factor by which the Sup3rGan model enhanced the temporal dimension of the input data compute_features : list Features for which to compute wind stats. e.g. ['pressure_100m', 'temperature_100m', 'windspeed_100m'] input_features : list List of features available in input_data, with same order as the last channel of input_data. cache_pattern : str | None Pattern for files for saving feature data. e.g. file_path_{feature}.pkl Each feature will be saved to a file with the feature name replaced in cache_pattern. If not None feature arrays will be saved here and not stored in until load_cached_data is called. The cache_pattern can also include {shape}, {target}, {times} which will help ensure unique cache files for complex problems. overwrite_cache : bool Whether to overwrite cache files storing the interpolated feature data get_interp : bool Whether to include interpolated baseline stats in output include_stats : list | None List of stats to include in output. e.g. ['time_derivative', 'gradient', 'vorticity', 'avg_spectrum_k', 'avg_spectrum_f', 'direct']. 'direct' means direct distribution, as opposed to a distribution of the gradient or time derivative. max_values : dict | None Dictionary of max values to keep for stats. e.g. {'time_derivative': 10, 'gradient': 14, 'vorticity': 7} smoothing : float | None Value passed to gaussian filter used for smoothing source data spatial_res : float | None Spatial resolution for source data in meters. e.g. 2000. This is used to determine the wavenumber range for spectra calculations and to scale spatial derivatives. temporal_res : float | None Temporal resolution for source data in seconds. e.g. 60. This is used to determine the frequency range for spectra calculations and to scale temporal derivatives. n_bins : int Number of bins to use for constructing probability distributions qa_fp : str File path for saving statistics. Only .pkl supported. interp_dists : bool Whether to interpolate distributions over bins with count=0. time_chunk_size : int Size of temporal chunks to interpolate. e.g. If time_chunk_size=10 then the temporal axis of low_res will be split into chunks with 10 time steps, each chunk interpolated, and then the interpolated chunks will be concatenated. """ msg = 'Preparing to compute statistics.' if input_data is None: msg = ( 'Received empty input array. Skipping statistics ' 'computations.' ) self.max_values = max_values or {} self.n_bins = n_bins self.direct_max = self.max_values.get(self._DIRECT, None) self.time_derivative_max = self.max_values.get(self._DY_DT, None) self.gradient_max = self.max_values.get(self._DY_DX, None) self.include_stats = include_stats or [ self._DIRECT, self._DY_DX, self._DY_DT, self._FFT_K, ] self.s_enhance = s_enhance self.t_enhance = t_enhance self._features = compute_features self._k_range = None self._f_range = None self.input_features = input_features self.smoothing = smoothing self.get_interp = get_interp self.cache_pattern = cache_pattern self.overwrite_cache = overwrite_cache self.overwrite_stats = overwrite_stats self.spatial_res = spatial_res or 1 self.temporal_res = temporal_res or 1 self.source_data = input_data self.qa_fp = qa_fp self.interp_dists = interp_dists self.time_chunk_size = time_chunk_size @property def k_range(self): """Get range of wavenumbers to use for wavenumber spectrum calculation""" if self.spatial_res is not None: domain_size = self.spatial_res * self.source_data.shape[1] self._k_range = [1 / domain_size, 1 / self.spatial_res] return self._k_range @property def f_range(self): """Get range of frequencies to use for frequency spectrum calculation""" if self.temporal_res is not None: domain_size = self.temporal_res * self.source_data.shape[2] self._f_range = [1 / domain_size, 1 / self.temporal_res] return self._f_range @property def features(self): """Get a list of requested feature names Returns ------- list """ return self._features def _compute_spectra_type(self, var, stat_type, interp=False): """Select the appropriate method and parameters for the given stat_type and compute that spectrum Parameters ---------- var: ndarray Variable for which to compute given spectrum type. (lat, lon, temporal) stat_type: str Spectrum type to compute. e.g. avg_fluctuation_spectrum_k will compute the wavenumber spectrum of the difference between the var and mean var. interp : bool Whether or not this is interpolated data. If True then this means that the spatial_res and temporal_res is different than the input data and needs to be scaled to get accurate wavenumber/frequency ranges. Returns ------- ndarray wavenumber/frequency values ndarray amplitudes corresponding to the wavenumber/frequency values """ tmp = var.copy() if self._FFT_K in stat_type: method = wavenumber_spectrum x_range = [self.k_range[0], self.k_range[1]] if interp: x_range[1] = x_range[1] * self.s_enhance if stat_type == self._FLUCT_FFT_K: tmp = self.get_fluctuation(tmp) tmp = np.mean(tmp[..., :-1], axis=-1) elif self._FFT_F in stat_type: method = frequency_spectrum x_range = [self.f_range[0], self.f_range[1]] if interp: x_range[1] = x_range[1] * self.t_enhance if stat_type == self._FLUCT_FFT_F: tmp = tmp - np.mean(tmp) else: return None kwargs = dict(var=tmp, x_range=x_range) return method(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fluctuation(var): """Get difference between array and temporal average of the same array Parameters ---------- var : ndarray Array of data to calculate flucation for (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal) Returns ------- dvar : ndarray Array with fluctuation data (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal) """ avg = np.mean(var, axis=-1) return var - np.repeat( np.expand_dims(avg, axis=-1), var.shape[-1], axis=-1 )
[docs] def interpolate_data(self, feature, low_res): """Get interpolated low res field Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of feature to interpolate low_res : ndarray Array of low resolution data to interpolate (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal) Returns ------- var_itp : ndarray Array of interpolated data (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal) """ var_itp, file_name = self.check_return_cache(feature, low_res.shape) if var_itp is None:'Interpolating low res {feature}.') chunks = [] slices = np.arange(low_res.shape[-1]) n_chunks = low_res.shape[-1] // self.time_chunk_size + 1 slices = np.array_split(slices, n_chunks) slices = [slice(s[0], s[-1] + 1) for s in slices] for i, s in enumerate(slices): chunks.append( st_interp(low_res[..., s], self.s_enhance, self.t_enhance) ) mem = psutil.virtual_memory() f'Finished interpolating {i+1} / {len(slices)} ' 'chunks. Current memory usage is ' f'{mem.used / 1e9:.3f} GB out of ' f'{ / 1e9:.3f} GB total.' ) var_itp = np.concatenate(chunks, axis=-1) if 'direction' in feature: var_itp = (var_itp + 360) % 360 if file_name is not None: self.save_cache(var_itp, file_name) return var_itp
[docs] def check_return_cache(self, feature, shape): """Check if interpolated data is cached and return data if it is. Returns cache file name if cache_pattern is not None Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of interpolated feature to check for cache shape : tuple Shape of low resolution data. Used to define cache file_name. Returns ------- var_itp : ndarray | None Array of interpolated data if data exists. Otherwise returns None file_name : str Name of cache file for interpolated data. If cache_pattern is None this returns None """ var_itp = None file_name = None shape_str = f'{shape[0]}x{shape[1]}x{shape[2]}' if self.cache_pattern is not None: file_name = self.cache_pattern.replace('{shape}', f'{shape_str}') file_name = file_name.replace( '{feature}', f'{feature.lower()}_interp' ) if file_name is not None and os.path.exists(file_name): var_itp = self.load_cache(file_name) return var_itp, file_name
def _compute_dist_type(self, var, stat_type, interp=False, period=None): """Select the appropriate method and parameters for the given stat_type and compute that distribution Parameters ---------- var: ndarray Variable for which to compute distribution. (lat, lon, temporal) stat_type: str Distribution type to compute. e.g. mean_gradient will compute the gradient distribution of the temporal mean of var interp : bool Whether or not this is interpolated data. If True then this means that the spatial_res and temporal_res is different than the input data and needs to be scaled to get accurate derivatives. period : float | None If variable is periodic this gives that period. e.g. If the variable is winddirection the period is 360 degrees and we need to account for 0 and 360 being close. Returns ------- ndarray Distribution values at bin centers ndarray Distribution value counts float Normalization factor """ tmp = var.copy() if 'mean' in stat_type: tmp = ( np.mean(tmp, axis=-1) if 'time' not in stat_type else np.mean(tmp, axis=(0, 1)) ) if self._DIRECT in stat_type: max_val = self.direct_max method = direct_dist scale = 1 elif self._DY_DX in stat_type: max_val = self.gradient_max method = gradient_dist scale = ( self.spatial_res if not interp else self.spatial_res / self.s_enhance ) elif self._DY_DT in stat_type: max_val = self.time_derivative_max method = time_derivative_dist scale = ( self.temporal_res if not interp else self.temporal_res / self.t_enhance ) else: return None kwargs = dict( var=tmp, diff_max=max_val, bins=self.n_bins, scale=scale, interpolate=self.interp_dists, period=period, ) return method(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_stats(self, var, interp=False, period=None): """Get stats for wind fields Parameters ---------- var: ndarray (lat, lon, temporal) interp : bool Whether or not this is interpolated data. If True then this means that the spatial_res and temporal_res is different than the input data and needs to be scaled to get accurate derivatives. period : float | None If variable is periodic this gives that period. e.g. If the variable is winddirection the period is 360 degrees and we need to account for 0 and 360 being close. Returns ------- stats : dict Dictionary of stats for wind fields """ stats_dict = {} for stat_type in self.include_stats: if 'spectrum' in stat_type: out = self._compute_spectra_type(var, stat_type, interp=interp) else: out = self._compute_dist_type( var, stat_type, interp=interp, period=period ) if out is not None: mem = psutil.virtual_memory() f'Computed {stat_type}. Current memory usage is ' f'{mem.used / 1e9:.3f} GB out of ' f'{ / 1e9:.3f} GB total.' ) stats_dict[stat_type] = out return stats_dict
[docs] def get_feature_data(self, feature): """Get data for requested feature Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of feature to get stats for Returns ------- ndarray Array of data for requested feature """ if self.source_data is None: return None if 'vorticity' in feature: height = Feature.get_height(feature) lower_features = [f.lower() for f in self.input_features] uidx = lower_features.index(f'u_{height}m') vidx = lower_features.index(f'v_{height}m') out = vorticity_calc( self.source_data[..., uidx], self.source_data[..., vidx], scale=self.spatial_res, ) else: idx = self.input_features.index(feature) out = self.source_data[..., idx] return out
[docs] def get_feature_stats(self, feature): """Get stats for high and low resolution fields Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of feature to get stats for Returns ------- source_stats : dict Dictionary of stats for input fields interp : dict Dictionary of stats for spatiotemporally interpolated fields """ source_stats = {} period = None if 'direction' in feature: period = 360 if self.source_data is not None: out = self.get_feature_data(feature) source_stats = self.get_stats(out, period=period) interp = {} if self.get_interp:'Getting interpolated baseline stats for {feature}') itp = self.interpolate_data(feature, out) interp = self.get_stats(itp, interp=True, period=period) return source_stats, interp
[docs] def run(self): """Go through all requested features and get the dictionary of statistics. Returns ------- stats : dict Dictionary of statistics, where keys are source/interp appended with the feature name. Values are dictionaries of statistics, such as gradient, avg_spectrum, time_derivative, etc """ source_stats = {} interp_stats = {} for _, feature in enumerate(self.features):'Running Sup3rStats for {feature}') source, interp = self.get_feature_stats(feature) mem = psutil.virtual_memory() f'Current memory usage is {mem.used / 1e9:.3f} ' f'GB out of { / 1e9:.3f} GB total.' ) if self.source_data is not None: source_stats[feature] = source if self.get_interp: interp_stats[feature] = interp stats = {'source': source_stats, 'interp': interp_stats} if self.qa_fp is not None:'Saving stats to {self.qa_fp}') self.export(self.qa_fp, stats)'Finished Sup3rStats run method.') return stats
[docs] class Sup3rStatsSingle(Sup3rStatsCompute): """Base class for doing statistical QA on single file set.""" def __init__( self, source_file_paths=None, s_enhance=1, t_enhance=1, features=None, temporal_slice=slice(None), target=None, shape=None, raster_file=None, time_chunk_size=None, cache_pattern=None, overwrite_cache=False, overwrite_stats=False, source_handler=None, worker_kwargs=None, get_interp=False, include_stats=None, max_values=None, smoothing=None, coarsen=False, spatial_res=None, temporal_res=None, n_bins=40, max_delta=10, qa_fp=None, ): """Parameters ---------- source_file_paths : list | str A list of source files to compute statistics on. Either .nc or .h5 s_enhance : int Factor by which the Sup3rGan model enhanced the spatial dimensions of low resolution data t_enhance : int Factor by which the Sup3rGan model enhanced temporal dimension of low resolution data features : list Features for which to compute wind stats. e.g. ['pressure_100m', 'temperature_100m', 'windspeed_100m', 'vorticity_100m'] temporal_slice : slice | tuple | list Slice defining size of full temporal domain. e.g. If we have 5 files each with 5 time steps then temporal_slice = slice(None) will select all 25 time steps. This can also be a tuple / list with length 3 that will be interpreted as slice(*temporal_slice) target : tuple (lat, lon) lower left corner of raster. You should provide target+shape or raster_file, or if all three are None the full source domain will be used. shape : tuple (rows, cols) grid size. You should provide target+shape or raster_file, or if all three are None the full source domain will be used. raster_file : str | None File for raster_index array for the corresponding target and shape. If specified the raster_index will be loaded from the file if it exists or written to the file if it does not yet exist. If None raster_index will be calculated directly. You should provide target+shape or raster_file, or if all three are None the full source domain will be used. time_chunk_size : int Size of chunks to split time dimension into for parallel data extraction. If running in serial this can be set to the size of the full time index for best performance. cache_pattern : str | None Pattern for files for saving feature data. e.g. file_path_{feature}.pkl Each feature will be saved to a file with the feature name replaced in cache_pattern. If not None feature arrays will be saved here and not stored in until load_cached_data is called. The cache_pattern can also include {shape}, {target}, {times} which will help ensure unique cache files for complex problems. overwrite_cache : bool Whether to overwrite cache files storing the computed/extracted feature data overwrite_stats : bool Whether to overwrite saved stats input_handler : str | None data handler class to use for input data. Provide a string name to match a class in If None the correct handler will be guessed based on file type and time series properties. worker_kwargs : dict | None Dictionary of worker values. Can include max_workers, extract_workers, compute_workers, load_workers, norm_workers, and ti_workers. Each argument needs to be an integer or None. The value of `max workers` will set the value of all other worker args. If max_workers == 1 then all processes will be serialized. If max_workers == None then other worker args will use their own provided values. `extract_workers` is the max number of workers to use for extracting features from source data. If None it will be estimated based on memory limits. If 1 processes will be serialized. `compute_workers` is the max number of workers to use for computing derived features from raw features in source data. `load_workers` is the max number of workers to use for loading cached feature data. `norm_workers` is the max number of workers to use for normalizing feature data. `ti_workers` is the max number of workers to use to get full time index. Useful when there are many input files each with a single time step. If this is greater than one, time indices for input files will be extracted in parallel and then concatenated to get the full time index. If input files do not all have time indices or if there are few input files this should be set to one. get_interp : bool Whether to include interpolated baseline stats in output include_stats : list | None List of stats to include in output. e.g. ['time_derivative', 'gradient', 'vorticity', 'avg_spectrum_k', 'avg_spectrum_f', 'direct']. 'direct' means direct distribution, as opposed to a distribution of the gradient or time derivative. max_values : dict | None Dictionary of max values to keep for stats. e.g. {'time_derivative': 10, 'gradient': 14, 'vorticity': 7} smoothing : float | None Value passed to gaussian filter used for smoothing source data spatial_res : float | None Spatial resolution for source data in meters. e.g. 2000. This is used to determine the wavenumber range for spectra calculations. temporal_res : float | None Temporal resolution for source data in seconds. e.g. 60. This is used to determine the frequency range for spectra calculations and to scale temporal derivatives. coarsen : bool Whether to coarsen data or not max_delta : int, optional Optional maximum limit on the raster shape that is retrieved at once. If shape is (20, 20) and max_delta=10, the full raster will be retrieved in four chunks of (10, 10). This helps adapt to non-regular grids that curve over large distances, by default 20 n_bins : int Number of bins to use for constructing probability distributions qa_fp : str File path for saving statistics. Only .pkl supported. """ 'Initializing Sup3rStatsSingle and retrieving source data' f' for features={features}.' ) worker_kwargs = worker_kwargs or {} max_workers = worker_kwargs.get('max_workers', None) extract_workers = compute_workers = load_workers = ti_workers = None if max_workers is not None: extract_workers = compute_workers = load_workers = max_workers ti_workers = max_workers extract_workers = worker_kwargs.get('extract_workers', extract_workers) compute_workers = worker_kwargs.get('compute_workers', compute_workers) load_workers = worker_kwargs.get('load_workers', load_workers) ti_workers = worker_kwargs.get('ti_workers', ti_workers) self.ti_workers = ti_workers self.s_enhance = s_enhance self.t_enhance = t_enhance self.smoothing = smoothing self.coarsen = coarsen self.get_interp = get_interp self.cache_pattern = cache_pattern self.overwrite_cache = overwrite_cache self.overwrite_stats = overwrite_stats self.source_file_paths = source_file_paths self.spatial_res = spatial_res self.temporal_res = temporal_res self.temporal_slice = temporal_slice self._shape = shape self._target = target self._source_handler = None self._source_handler_class = source_handler self._features = features self._input_features = None self._k_range = None self._f_range = None source_handler_kwargs = dict( target=target, shape=shape, temporal_slice=temporal_slice, raster_file=raster_file, cache_pattern=cache_pattern, time_chunk_size=time_chunk_size, overwrite_cache=overwrite_cache, worker_kwargs=worker_kwargs, max_delta=max_delta, ) self.source_data = self.get_source_data( source_file_paths, source_handler_kwargs ) super().__init__( self.source_data, s_enhance=s_enhance, t_enhance=t_enhance, compute_features=self.compute_features, input_features=self.input_features, cache_pattern=cache_pattern, overwrite_cache=overwrite_cache, overwrite_stats=overwrite_stats, get_interp=get_interp, include_stats=include_stats, max_values=max_values, smoothing=smoothing, spatial_res=spatial_res, temporal_res=self.temporal_res, n_bins=n_bins, qa_fp=qa_fp, )
[docs] def close(self): """Close any open file handlers""" if hasattr(self.source_handler, 'close'): self.source_handler.close()
@property def source_type(self): """Get output data type Returns ------- output_type e.g. 'nc' or 'h5' """ if self.source_file_paths is None: return None ftype = get_source_type(self.source_file_paths) if ftype not in ('nc', 'h5'): msg = ( 'Did not recognize source file type: ' f'{self.source_file_paths}' ) logger.error(msg) raise TypeError(msg) return ftype @property def source_handler_class(self): """Get source handler class""" HandlerClass = get_input_handler_class( self.source_file_paths, self._source_handler_class ) return HandlerClass @property def source_handler(self): """Get source data handler""" return self._source_handler # pylint: disable=E1102
[docs] def get_source_data(self, file_paths, handler_kwargs=None): """Get source data using provided source file paths Parameters ---------- file_paths : list | str A list of source files to extract raster data from. Each file must have the same number of timesteps. Can also pass a string with a unix-style file path which will be passed through glob.glob handler_kwargs : dict Dictionary of keyword arguments passed to `sup3r.preprocessing.data_handling.DataHandler` Returns ------- ndarray Array of data from source file paths (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) """ if file_paths is None: return None self._source_handler = self.source_handler_class( file_paths, self.input_features, val_split=0.0, **handler_kwargs ) self._source_handler.load_cached_data() if self.coarsen: 'Coarsening data with shape=' f'{}' ) = self.coarsen_data(, smoothing=self.smoothing )'Coarsened shape={}') return
@property def shape(self): """Shape of source data""" return self._shape @property def lat_lon(self): """Get lat/lon for output data""" if self.source_type is None: return None return self.source_handler.lat_lon @property def meta(self): """Get the meta data corresponding to the flattened source low-res data Returns ------- pd.DataFrame """ meta = pd.DataFrame( { 'latitude': self.lat_lon[..., 0].flatten(), 'longitude': self.lat_lon[..., 1].flatten(), } ) return meta @property def time_index(self): """Get the time index associated with the source data Returns ------- pd.DatetimeIndex """ return self.source_handler.time_index @property def input_features(self): """Get a list of requested feature names Returns ------- list """ self._input_features = [ f for f in self.compute_features if 'vorticity' not in f ] for feature in self.compute_features: if 'vorticity' in feature: height = Feature.get_height(feature) uf = f'U_{height}m' vf = f'V_{height}m' if uf.lower() not in [f.lower() for f in self._input_features]: self._input_features.append(f'U_{height}m') if vf.lower() not in [f.lower() for f in self._input_features]: self._input_features.append(f'V_{height}m') return self._input_features @input_features.setter def input_features(self, input_features): """Set input features""" self._input_features = [ f for f in input_features if 'vorticity' not in f ] for feature in input_features: if 'vorticity' in feature: height = Feature.get_height(feature) uf = f'U_{height}m' vf = f'V_{height}m' if uf.lower() not in [f.lower() for f in self._input_features]: self._input_features.append(f'U_{height}m') if vf.lower() not in [f.lower() for f in self._input_features]: self._input_features.append(f'V_{height}m') return self._input_features @property def compute_features(self): """Get list of requested feature names""" return self._features
[docs] def coarsen_data(self, data, smoothing=None): """Re-coarsen a high-resolution synthetic output dataset Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray A copy of the high-resolution output data as a numpy array of shape (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal) smoothing : float | None Amount of smoothing to apply using a gaussian filter. Returns ------- data : np.ndarray A spatiotemporally coarsened copy of the input dataset, still with shape (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal) """ n_lats = self.s_enhance * (data.shape[0] // self.s_enhance) n_lons = self.s_enhance * (data.shape[1] // self.s_enhance) data = spatial_coarsening( data[:n_lats, :n_lons], s_enhance=self.s_enhance, obs_axis=False ) # t_coarse needs shape to be 5D: (obs, s1, s2, t, f) data = np.expand_dims(data, axis=0) data = temporal_coarsening(data, t_enhance=self.t_enhance) data = data[0] if smoothing is not None: for i in range(data.shape[-1]): for t in range(data.shape[-2]): data[..., t, i] = gaussian_filter( data[..., t, i], smoothing, mode='nearest' ) return data
[docs] class Sup3rStatsMulti(Sup3rStatsBase): """Class for doing statistical QA on multiple datasets. These datasets are low resolution input to sup3r, the synthetic output, and the true high resolution corresponding to the low resolution input. This class will provide statistics used to compare all these datasets.""" def __init__( self, lr_file_paths=None, synth_file_paths=None, hr_file_paths=None, s_enhance=1, t_enhance=1, features=None, lr_t_slice=slice(None), synth_t_slice=slice(None), hr_t_slice=slice(None), target=None, shape=None, raster_file=None, qa_fp=None, time_chunk_size=None, cache_pattern=None, overwrite_cache=False, overwrite_synth_cache=False, overwrite_stats=False, source_handler=None, output_handler=None, worker_kwargs=None, get_interp=False, include_stats=None, max_values=None, smoothing=None, spatial_res=None, temporal_res=None, n_bins=40, max_delta=10, save_fig_data=False, ): """Parameters ---------- lr_file_paths : list | str A list of low-resolution source files (either .nc or .h5) to extract raster data from. synth_file_paths : list | str Sup3r-resolved output files (either .nc or .h5) with high-resolution data corresponding to the lr_file_paths * s_enhance * t_enhance hr_file_paths : list | str A list of high-resolution source files (either .nc or .h5) corresponding to the low-resolution source files in lr_file_paths s_enhance : int Factor by which the Sup3rGan model will enhance the spatial dimensions of low resolution data t_enhance : int Factor by which the Sup3rGan model will enhance temporal dimension of low resolution data features : list Features for which to compute wind stats. e.g. ['pressure_100m', 'temperature_100m', 'windspeed_100m', 'vorticity_100m'] lr_t_slice : slice | tuple | list Slice defining size of temporal domain for the low resolution data. synth_t_slice : slice | tuple | list Slice defining size of temporal domain for the sythetic high resolution data. hr_t_slice : slice | tuple | list Slice defining size of temporal domain for the true high resolution data. target : tuple (lat, lon) lower left corner of raster. You should provide target+shape or raster_file, or if all three are None the full source domain will be used. shape : tuple Shape of the low resolution grid size. (rows, cols). You should provide target+shape or raster_file, or if all three are None the full source domain will be used. raster_file : str | None File for raster_index array for the corresponding target and shape. If specified the raster_index will be loaded from the file if it exists or written to the file if it does not yet exist. If None raster_index will be calculated directly. You should provide target+shape or raster_file, or if all three are None the full source domain will be used. qa_fp : str | None Optional filepath to output QA file when you call (only .pkl is supported) time_chunk_size : int Size of chunks to split time dimension into for parallel data extraction. If running in serial this can be set to the size of the full time index for best performance. cache_pattern : str | None Pattern for files for saving feature data. e.g. file_path_{feature}.pkl Each feature will be saved to a file with the feature name replaced in cache_pattern. If not None feature arrays will be saved here and not stored in until load_cached_data is called. The cache_pattern can also include {shape}, {target}, {times} which will help ensure unique cache files for complex problems. overwrite_cache : bool Whether to overwrite cache files storing the computed/extracted feature data for low-resolution and high-resolution data overwrite_synth_cache : bool Whether to overwrite cache files stored computed/extracted data for synthetic output. overwrite_stats : bool Whether to overwrite saved stats input_handler : str | None data handler class to use for input data. Provide a string name to match a class in If None the correct handler will be guessed based on file type and time series properties. output_handler : str | None data handler class to use for output data. Provide a string name to match a class in If None the correct handler will be guessed based on file type and time series properties. worker_kwargs : dict | None Dictionary of worker values. Can include max_workers, extract_workers, compute_workers, load_workers, norm_workers, and ti_workers. Each argument needs to be an integer or None. The value of `max workers` will set the value of all other worker args. If max_workers == 1 then all processes will be serialized. If max_workers == None then other worker args will use their own provided values. `extract_workers` is the max number of workers to use for extracting features from source data. If None it will be estimated based on memory limits. If 1 processes will be serialized. `compute_workers` is the max number of workers to use for computing derived features from raw features in source data. `load_workers` is the max number of workers to use for loading cached feature data. `norm_workers` is the max number of workers to use for normalizing feature data. `ti_workers` is the max number of workers to use to get full time index. Useful when there are many input files each with a single time step. If this is greater than one, time indices for input files will be extracted in parallel and then concatenated to get the full time index. If input files do not all have time indices or if there are few input files this should be set to one. get_interp : bool Whether to include interpolated baseline stats in output include_stats : list | None List of stats to include in output. e.g. ['time_derivative', 'gradient', 'vorticity', 'avg_spectrum_k', 'avg_spectrum_f', 'direct']. 'direct' means direct distribution, as opposed to a distribution of the gradient or time derivative. max_values : dict | None Dictionary of max values to keep for stats. e.g. {'time_derivative': 10, 'gradient': 14, 'vorticity': 7} smoothing : float | None Value passed to gaussian filter used for smoothing source data spatial_res : float | None Spatial resolution for source data in meters. e.g. 2000. This is used to determine the wavenumber range for spectra calculations. temporal_res : float | None Temporal resolution for source data in seconds. e.g. 60. This is used to determine the frequency range for spectra calculations and to scale temporal derivatives. max_delta : int, optional Optional maximum limit on the raster shape that is retrieved at once. If shape is (20, 20) and max_delta=10, the full raster will be retrieved in four chunks of (10, 10). This helps adapt to non-regular grids that curve over large distances, by default 20 n_bins : int Number of bins to use for constructing probability distributions """ 'Initializing Sup3rStatsMulti and retrieving source data' f' for features={features}.' ) self.qa_fp = qa_fp self.overwrite_stats = overwrite_stats self.save_fig_data = save_fig_data self.features = features # get low res and interp stats'Retrieving source data for low-res and interp stats') kwargs = dict( source_file_paths=lr_file_paths, s_enhance=s_enhance, t_enhance=t_enhance, features=features, temporal_slice=lr_t_slice, target=target, shape=shape, time_chunk_size=time_chunk_size, cache_pattern=cache_pattern, overwrite_cache=overwrite_cache, overwrite_stats=overwrite_stats, source_handler=source_handler, worker_kwargs=worker_kwargs, get_interp=get_interp, include_stats=include_stats, max_values=max_values, smoothing=None, spatial_res=spatial_res, temporal_res=temporal_res, n_bins=n_bins, max_delta=max_delta, ) self.lr_stats = Sup3rStatsSingle(**kwargs) if self.lr_stats.source_data is not None: self.lr_shape = self.lr_stats.source_handler.grid_shape target = else: self.lr_shape = shape # get high res stats shape = (self.lr_shape[0] * s_enhance, self.lr_shape[1] * s_enhance) 'Retrieving source data for high-res stats with ' f'shape={shape}' ) tmp_raster = ( raster_file if raster_file is None else raster_file.replace('.txt', '_hr.txt') ) tmp_cache = ( cache_pattern if cache_pattern is None else cache_pattern.replace('.pkl', '_hr.pkl') ) hr_spatial_res = spatial_res or 1 hr_spatial_res /= s_enhance hr_temporal_res = temporal_res or 1 hr_temporal_res /= t_enhance kwargs_new = dict( source_file_paths=hr_file_paths, s_enhance=1, t_enhance=1, shape=shape, target=target, spatial_res=hr_spatial_res, temporal_res=hr_temporal_res, get_interp=False, source_handler=source_handler, cache_pattern=tmp_cache, temporal_slice=hr_t_slice, ) kwargs_hr = kwargs.copy() kwargs_hr.update(kwargs_new) self.hr_stats = Sup3rStatsSingle(**kwargs_hr) # get synthetic stats shape = (self.lr_shape[0] * s_enhance, self.lr_shape[1] * s_enhance) 'Retrieving source data for synthetic stats with ' f'shape={shape}' ) tmp_raster = ( raster_file if raster_file is None else raster_file.replace('.txt', '_synth.txt') ) tmp_cache = ( cache_pattern if cache_pattern is None else cache_pattern.replace('.pkl', '_synth.pkl') ) kwargs_new = dict( source_file_paths=synth_file_paths, s_enhance=1, t_enhance=1, shape=shape, target=target, spatial_res=hr_spatial_res, temporal_res=hr_temporal_res, get_interp=False, source_handler=output_handler, raster_file=tmp_raster, cache_pattern=tmp_cache, overwrite_cache=(overwrite_synth_cache), temporal_slice=synth_t_slice, ) kwargs_synth = kwargs.copy() kwargs_synth.update(kwargs_new) self.synth_stats = Sup3rStatsSingle(**kwargs_synth) # get coarse stats'Retrieving source data for coarse stats') tmp_raster = ( raster_file if raster_file is None else raster_file.replace('.txt', '_coarse.txt') ) tmp_cache = ( cache_pattern if cache_pattern is None else cache_pattern.replace('.pkl', '_coarse.pkl') ) kwargs_new = dict( source_file_paths=hr_file_paths, spatial_res=spatial_res, temporal_res=temporal_res, target=target, shape=shape, smoothing=smoothing, coarsen=True, get_interp=False, source_handler=output_handler, cache_pattern=tmp_cache, temporal_slice=hr_t_slice, ) kwargs_coarse = kwargs.copy() kwargs_coarse.update(kwargs_new) self.coarse_stats = Sup3rStatsSingle(**kwargs_coarse)
[docs] def export_fig_data(self): """Save data fields for data viz comparison""" for feature in self.features: fig_data = {} if self.synth_stats.source_data is not None: fig_data.update( { 'time_index': self.synth_stats.time_index, 'synth': self.synth_stats.get_feature_data(feature), 'synth_grid': self.synth_stats.source_handler.lat_lon, } ) if self.lr_stats.source_data is not None: fig_data.update( { 'low_res': self.lr_stats.get_feature_data(feature), 'low_res_grid': self.lr_stats.source_handler.lat_lon, } ) if self.hr_stats.source_data is not None: fig_data.update( { 'high_res': self.hr_stats.get_feature_data(feature), 'high_res_grid': self.hr_stats.source_handler.lat_lon, } ) if self.coarse_stats.source_data is not None: fig_data.update( {'coarse': self.coarse_stats.get_feature_data(feature)} ) file_name = self.qa_fp.replace('.pkl', f'_{feature}_compare.pkl') with open(file_name, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(fig_data, fp, protocol=4)'Saved figure data for {feature} to {file_name}.')
[docs] def close(self): """Close any open file handlers""" stats = [ self.lr_stats, self.hr_stats, self.synth_stats, self.coarse_stats, ] for s_handle in stats: s_handle.close()
[docs] def run(self): """Go through all datasets and get the dictionary of statistics. Returns ------- stats : dict Dictionary of statistics, where keys are lr/hr/interp appended with the feature name. Values are dictionaries of statistics, such as gradient, avg_spectrum, time_derivative, etc """ stats = {} if self.lr_stats.source_data is not None:'Computing statistics on low-resolution dataset.') lr_stats = stats['low_res'] = lr_stats['source'] if lr_stats['interp']: stats['interp'] = lr_stats['interp'] if self.synth_stats.source_data is not None: 'Computing statistics on synthetic high-resolution dataset.' ) synth_stats = stats['synth'] = synth_stats['source'] if self.coarse_stats.source_data is not None: 'Computing statistics on coarsened low-resolution dataset.' ) coarse_stats = stats['coarse'] = coarse_stats['source'] if self.hr_stats.source_data is not None:'Computing statistics on high-resolution dataset.') hr_stats = stats['high_res'] = hr_stats['source'] if self.qa_fp is not None: self.export(self.qa_fp, stats) if self.save_fig_data: self.export_fig_data()'Finished Sup3rStats run method.') return stats