

Content loss metrics for Sup3r


gaussian_kernel(x1, x2[, sigma])

Gaussian kernel for mmd content loss


CoarseMseLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class for coarse mse on spatial average of 5D tensor

ExpLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class for squared exponential difference

LowResLoss([s_enhance, t_enhance, t_method, ...])

Content loss that is calculated by coarsening the synthetic and true high-resolution data pairs and then performing the pointwise content loss on the low-resolution fields

MaterialDerivativeLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class for the material derivative with additional MAE loss.

MaterialDerivativeOnlyLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class for the material derivative.


Loss class for the material derivative with spatiotemporal extremes.

MmdLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class for max mean discrepancy loss

MmdMseLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class for MMD + MSE

MseExpLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class for mse + squared exponential difference


Loss class that encourages accuracy of the min/max values in the spatial domain

SpatialExtremesOnlyLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class that encourages accuracy of the min/max values in the spatial domain.

SpatialFftOnlyLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class that encourages accuracy of the spatial frequency spectrum

SpatiotemporalExtremesLoss([spatial_weight, ...])

Loss class that encourages accuracy of the min/max values across both space and time

SpatiotemporalFftOnlyLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class that encourages accuracy of the spatiotemporal frequency spectrum

StExtremesFftLoss([spatial_weight, ...])

Loss class that encourages accuracy of the min/max values across both space and time as well as frequency domain accuracy.


Loss class that encourages accuracy of the min/max values in the timeseries

TemporalExtremesOnlyLoss([reduction, name])

Loss class that encourages accuracy of the min/max values in the timeseries.