

Bias correction transformation functions.

TODO: These methods need to be refactored to use lazy calculations. They currently slow down the forward pass runs when operating on full input data volume.

We should write bc factor files in a format compatible with Loaders / Rasterizers so we can use those class methods to match factors with locations


global_linear_bc(data, scalar, adder[, ...])

Bias correct data using a simple global *scalar +adder method.

local_linear_bc(data, lat_lon, feature_name, ...)

Bias correct data using a simple annual (or multi-year) *scalar +adder method on a site-by-site basis.

local_presrat_bc(data, lat_lon, base_dset, ...)

Bias correction using PresRat

local_qdm_bc(data, lat_lon, base_dset, ...)

Bias correction using QDM

monthly_local_linear_bc(data, lat_lon, ...)

Bias correct data using a simple monthly *scalar +adder method on a site-by-site basis.