
class FillAndSmoothMixin[source]

Bases: object

Fill and extend parameters for calibration on missing positions


fill_and_smooth(out[, fill_extend, ...])

For a given set of parameters, fill and extend missing positions

fill_and_smooth(out, fill_extend=True, smooth_extend=0, smooth_interior=0)[source]

For a given set of parameters, fill and extend missing positions

Fill data extending beyond the base meta data extent by doing a nearest neighbor gap fill. Smooth interior and extended region with given smoothing values. Interior smoothing can reduce the affect of extreme values within aggregations over large number of pixels. The interior is assumed to be defined by the region without nan values. The extended region is assumed to be the region with nan values.

  • out (dict) – Dictionary of values defining the mean/std of the bias + base data and the scalar + adder factors to correct the biased data like: bias_data * scalar + adder. Each value is of shape (lat, lon, time).

  • fill_extend (bool) – Whether to fill data extending beyond the base meta data with nearest neighbor values.

  • smooth_extend (float) – Option to smooth the scalar/adder data outside of the spatial domain set by the threshold input. This alleviates the weird seams far from the domain of interest. This value is the standard deviation for the gaussian_filter kernel

  • smooth_interior (float) – Value to use to smooth the scalar/adder data inside of the spatial domain set by the threshold input. This can reduce the effect of extreme values within aggregations over large number of pixels. This value is the standard deviation for the gaussian_filter kernel.


out (dict) – Dictionary of values defining the mean/std of the bias + base data and the scalar + adder factors to correct the biased data like: bias_data * scalar + adder. Each value is of shape (lat, lon, time).