
plot_multi_contour(listData, xbound, ybound, listCBLabel, listTitle, listXAxisName=None, listYAxisName=None, vminList=None, vmaxList=None, suptitle=None)[source]

Plot multiple contours as subplots

  • listData (list) – list of 2D numpy arrays containing data to plot

  • xbound (list) – min and max bounds of x axis

  • ybound (list) – min and max bounds of y axis

  • listCBLabel (list) – list of individual labels of color bar

  • listTitle (list) – list of individual contour titles

  • listXAxisName (list, optional) – list of individual x axis label, by default None

  • listYAxisName (list, optional) – list of individual y axis label, by default None

  • vminList (list, optional) – list of individual min val of contour, by default None

  • vmaxList (list, optional) – list of individual max val of contour, by default None

  • suptitle (str, optional) – global title of the subplots