Source code for sup3r.postprocessing.file_handling

"""Output handling

author : @bbenton
import json
import logging
import os
import re
from abc import abstractmethod
from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed
from datetime import datetime as dt
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from rex.outputs import Outputs as BaseRexOutputs
from scipy.interpolate import griddata

from sup3r.preprocessing.feature_handling import Feature
from sup3r.utilities import VERSION_RECORD
from sup3r.utilities.utilities import (
from sup3r import __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

H5_ATTRS = {'windspeed': {'scale_factor': 100.0,
                          'units': 'm s-1',
                          'dtype': 'uint16',
                          'chunks': (2000, 500),
                          'min': 0,
                          'max': 120},
            'winddirection': {'scale_factor': 100.0,
                              'units': 'degree',
                              'dtype': 'uint16',
                              'chunks': (2000, 500),
                              'min': 0,
                              'max': 360},
            'clearsky_ratio': {'scale_factor': 10000.0,
                               'units': 'ratio',
                               'dtype': 'uint16',
                               'chunks': (2000, 500),
                               'min': 0,
                               'max': 1},
            'dhi': {'scale_factor': 1.0,
                    'units': 'W/m2',
                    'dtype': 'uint16',
                    'chunks': (2000, 500),
                    'min': 0,
                    'max': 1350},
            'dni': {'scale_factor': 1.0,
                    'units': 'W/m2',
                    'dtype': 'uint16',
                    'chunks': (2000, 500),
                    'min': 0,
                    'max': 1350},
            'ghi': {'scale_factor': 1.0,
                    'units': 'W/m2',
                    'dtype': 'uint16',
                    'chunks': (2000, 500),
                    'min': 0,
                    'max': 1350},
            'temperature': {'scale_factor': 100.0,
                            'units': 'C',
                            'dtype': 'int16',
                            'chunks': (2000, 500),
                            'min': -200,
                            'max': 100},
            'relativehumidity': {'scale_factor': 100.0,
                                 'units': 'percent',
                                 'dtype': 'uint16',
                                 'chunks': (2000, 500),
                                 'max': 100,
                                 'min': 0},
            'pressure': {'scale_factor': 0.1,
                         'units': 'Pa',
                         'dtype': 'uint16',
                         'chunks': (2000, 500),
                         'min': 0,
                         'max': 150000},
            'bvf_mo': {'scale_factor': 0.1,
                       'units': 'm s-2',
                       'dtype': 'uint16',
                       'chunks': (2000, 500)},
            'bvf2': {'scale_factor': 0.1,
                     'units': 's-2',
                     'dtype': 'int16',
                     'chunks': (2000, 500)},
            'pr': {'scale_factor': 1,
                   'units': 'kg m-2 s-1',
                   'dtype': 'float32',
                   'min': 0,
                   'chunks': (2000, 250)},
            'srl': {'scale_factor': 1,
                    'units': 'm',
                    'dtype': 'float32',
                    'min': 0,
                    'chunks': (2000, 250)}

[docs] class RexOutputs(BaseRexOutputs): """Base class to handle NREL h5 formatted output data""" @property def full_version_record(self): """Get record of versions for dependencies Returns ------- dict Dictionary of package versions for dependencies """ versions = super().full_version_record versions.update(VERSION_RECORD) return versions
[docs] def set_version_attr(self): """Set the version attribute to the h5 file.""" self.h5.attrs['version'] = __version__ self.h5.attrs['full_version_record'] = json.dumps( self.full_version_record) self.h5.attrs['package'] = 'sup3r'
[docs] class OutputMixIn: """MixIn class with methods used by various Output and Collection classes """
[docs] @staticmethod def get_time_dim_name(filepath): """Get the name of the time dimension in the given file Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the file Returns ------- time_key : str Name of the time dimension in the given file """ handle = xr.open_dataset(filepath) valid_vars = set(handle.dims) time_key = list({'time', 'Time'}.intersection(valid_vars)) if len(time_key) > 0: return time_key[0] else: return 'time'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dset_attrs(feature): """Get attrributes for output feature Parameters ---------- feature : str Name of feature to write Returns ------- attrs : dict Dictionary of attributes for requested dset dtype : str Data type for requested dset. Defaults to float32 """ feat_base_name = Feature.get_basename(feature) if feat_base_name in H5_ATTRS: attrs = H5_ATTRS[feat_base_name] dtype = attrs.get('dtype', 'float32') else: attrs = {} dtype = 'float32' msg = ('Could not find feature "{}" with base name "{}" in ' 'H5_ATTRS global variable. Writing with float32 and no ' 'chunking.'.format(feature, feat_base_name)) logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) return attrs, dtype
@staticmethod def _init_h5(out_file, time_index, meta, global_attrs): """Initialize the output h5 file to save data to. Parameters ---------- out_file : str Output file path - must not yet exist. time_index : pd.datetimeindex Full datetime index of final output data. meta : pd.DataFrame Full meta dataframe for the final output data. global_attrs : dict Namespace of file-global attributes for the final output data. """ with RexOutputs(out_file, mode='w-') as f:'Initializing output file: {}' .format(out_file))'Initializing output file with shape {} ' 'and meta data:\n{}' .format((len(time_index), len(meta)), meta)) f.time_index = time_index f.meta = meta f.run_attrs = global_attrs @classmethod def _ensure_dset_in_output(cls, out_file, dset, data=None): """Ensure that dset is initialized in out_file and initialize if not. Parameters ---------- out_file : str Pre-existing H5 file output path dset : str Dataset name data : np.ndarray | None Optional data to write to dataset if initializing. """ with RexOutputs(out_file, mode='a') as f: if dset not in f.dsets: attrs, dtype = cls.get_dset_attrs(dset)'Initializing dataset "{}" with shape {} and ' 'dtype {}'.format(dset, f.shape, dtype)) f._create_dset(dset, f.shape, dtype, attrs=attrs, data=data, chunks=attrs.get('chunks', None))
[docs] @classmethod def write_data(cls, out_file, dsets, time_index, data_list, meta, global_attrs=None): """Write list of datasets to out_file. Parameters ---------- out_file : str Pre-existing H5 file output path dsets : list list of datasets to write to out_file time_index : pd.DatetimeIndex() Pandas datetime index to use for file time_index. data_list : list List of np.ndarray objects to write to out_file meta : pd.DataFrame Full meta dataframe for the final output data. global_attrs : dict Namespace of file-global attributes for the final output data. """ tmp_file = out_file.replace('.h5', '.h5.tmp') with RexOutputs(tmp_file, 'w') as fh: fh.meta = meta fh.time_index = time_index for dset, data in zip(dsets, data_list): attrs, dtype = cls.get_dset_attrs(dset) fh.add_dataset(tmp_file, dset, data, dtype=dtype, attrs=attrs, chunks=attrs['chunks'])'Added {dset} to output file {out_file}.') if global_attrs is not None: attrs = {k: v if isinstance(v, str) else json.dumps(v) for k, v in global_attrs.items()} fh.run_attrs = attrs os.replace(tmp_file, out_file) msg = ('Saved output of size ' f'{(len(data_list), *data_list[0].shape)} to: {out_file}')
[docs] class OutputHandler(OutputMixIn): """Class to handle forward pass output. This includes transforming features back to their original form and outputting to the correct file format. """
[docs] @staticmethod def enforce_limits(features, data): """Enforce physical limits for feature data Parameters ---------- features : list List of features with ordering corresponding to last channel of data array. data : ndarray Array of feature data Returns ------- data : ndarray Array of feature data with physical limits enforced """ maxs = [] mins = [] for fn in features: dset_name = Feature.get_basename(fn) if dset_name not in H5_ATTRS: msg = ('Could not find "{dset_name}" in H5_ATTRS dict!') logger.error(msg) raise KeyError(msg) max = H5_ATTRS[dset_name].get('max', np.inf) min = H5_ATTRS[dset_name].get('min', -np.inf) logger.debug(f'Enforcing range of ({min}, {max} for "{fn}")') maxs.append(max) mins.append(min) data = np.maximum(data, mins) data = np.minimum(data, maxs) return data
[docs] @staticmethod def pad_lat_lon(lat_lon): """Pad lat lon grid with additional rows and columns to use for interpolation routine Parameters ---------- lat_lon : ndarray Array of lat/lon for input data. (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) shape : tuple (lons, lats) Shape of high res grid Returns ------- lat_lon : ndarray Array of padded lat lons (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) """ # add row and column to boundaries padded_grid = np.zeros((2 + lat_lon.shape[0], 2 + lat_lon.shape[1], 2)) # fill in interior values padded_grid[1:-1, 1:-1, :] = lat_lon # define edge spacing left_diffs = padded_grid[:, 2, 1] - padded_grid[:, 1, 1] right_diffs = padded_grid[:, -2, 1] - padded_grid[:, -3, 1] top_diffs = padded_grid[1, :, 0] - padded_grid[2, :, 0] bottom_diffs = padded_grid[-3, :, 0] - padded_grid[-2, :, 0] # use edge spacing to define new boundary values padded_grid[:, 0, 1] = padded_grid[:, 1, 1] - left_diffs padded_grid[:, 0, 0] = padded_grid[:, 1, 0] padded_grid[:, -1, 1] = padded_grid[:, -2, 1] + right_diffs padded_grid[:, -1, 0] = padded_grid[:, -2, 0] padded_grid[0, :, 0] = padded_grid[1, :, 0] + top_diffs padded_grid[0, :, 1] = padded_grid[1, :, 1] padded_grid[-1, :, 0] = padded_grid[-2, :, 0] - bottom_diffs padded_grid[-1, :, 1] = padded_grid[-2, :, 1] # use surrounding cells to define corner values # top left padded_grid[0, 0, 0] = padded_grid[0, 1, 0] padded_grid[0, 0, 1] = padded_grid[1, 0, 1] # top right padded_grid[0, -1, 0] = padded_grid[0, -2, 0] padded_grid[0, -1, 1] = padded_grid[1, -1, 1] # bottom left padded_grid[-1, 0, 0] = padded_grid[-1, 1, 0] padded_grid[-1, 0, 1] = padded_grid[-2, 0, 1] # bottom right padded_grid[-1, -1, 0] = padded_grid[-1, -2, 0] padded_grid[-1, -1, 1] = padded_grid[-2, -1, 1] return padded_grid
[docs] @staticmethod def is_increasing_lons(lat_lon): """Check if longitudes are in increasing order. Need to check this for interpolation routine. This is primarily to identify whether the lons go through the 180 -> -180 boundary, which creates a discontinuity. For example, [130, 180, -130, -80]. If any lons go from positive to negative the lons need to be shifted to the range 0-360. Parameters ---------- lat_lon : ndarray Array of lat/lon for input data. (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) Returns ------- bool Whether all lons are in increasing order or not """ for i in range(lat_lon.shape[0]): if lat_lon[i, :, 1][-1] < lat_lon[i, :, 1][0]: return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def get_lat_lon(cls, low_res_lat_lon, shape): """Get lat lon arrays for high res output file Parameters ---------- low_res_lat_lon : ndarray Array of lat/lon for input data. Longitudes must be arranged in a counter-clockwise direction (when looking down from above the north pole). e.g. [-50, -25, 25, 50] or [130, 180, -130, -80]. The latter passes through the 180 -> -180 boundary and will be temporarily shifted to the 0-360 range before interpolation. (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) shape : tuple (lons, lats) Shape of high res grid Returns ------- lat_lon : ndarray Array of lat lons for high res output file (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) """ logger.debug('Getting high resolution lat / lon grid') # ensure lons are between -180 and 180 low_res_lat_lon[..., 1] = (low_res_lat_lon[..., 1] + 180) % 360 - 180 # check if lons go through the 180 -> -180 boundary. if not cls.is_increasing_lons(low_res_lat_lon): low_res_lat_lon[..., 1] = (low_res_lat_lon[..., 1] + 360) % 360 # pad lat lon grid padded_grid = cls.pad_lat_lon(low_res_lat_lon) lats = padded_grid[..., 0].flatten() lons = padded_grid[..., 1].flatten() lr_y, lr_x = low_res_lat_lon.shape[:-1] hr_y, hr_x = shape # assume outer bounds of mesh (0, 10) w/ points on inside of that range y = np.arange(0, 10, 10 / lr_y) + 5 / lr_y x = np.arange(0, 10, 10 / lr_x) + 5 / lr_x # add values due to padding y = np.concatenate([[y[0] - 10 / lr_y], y, [y[-1] + 10 / lr_y]]) x = np.concatenate([[x[0] - 10 / lr_x], x, [x[-1] + 10 / lr_x]]) # remesh (0, 10) with high res spacing new_y = np.arange(0, 10, 10 / hr_y) + 5 / hr_y new_x = np.arange(0, 10, 10 / hr_x) + 5 / hr_x X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) old = np.array([Y.flatten(), X.flatten()]).T X, Y = np.meshgrid(new_x, new_y) new = np.array([Y.flatten(), X.flatten()]).T lons = griddata(old, lons, new) lats = griddata(old, lats, new) lons = (lons + 180) % 360 - 180 lat_lon = np.dstack((lats.reshape(shape), lons.reshape(shape))) logger.debug('Finished getting high resolution lat / lon grid') return lat_lon
[docs] @staticmethod def get_times(low_res_times, shape): """Get array of times for high res output file Parameters ---------- low_res_times : pd.Datetimeindex List of times for low res input data. If there is only a single low res timestep, it is assumed the data is daily. shape : int Number of time steps for high res time array Returns ------- ndarray Array of times for high res output file. """ logger.debug('Getting high resolution time indices') logger.debug(f'Low res times: {low_res_times[0]} to ' f'{low_res_times[-1]}') t_enhance = int(shape / len(low_res_times)) if len(low_res_times) > 1: offset = (low_res_times[1] - low_res_times[0]) else: offset = np.timedelta64(24, 'h') freq = offset / np.timedelta64(1, 's') freq = int(60 * np.round(freq / 60) / t_enhance) times = [low_res_times[0] + i * np.timedelta64(freq, 's') for i in range(shape)] freq = pd.tseries.offsets.DateOffset(seconds=freq) times = pd_date_range(times[0], times[-1], freq=freq) logger.debug(f'High res times: {times[0]} to {times[-1]}') return times
@classmethod @abstractmethod def _write_output(cls, data, features, lat_lon, times, out_file, meta_data, max_workers=None, gids=None): """Write output to file with specified times and lats/lons"""
[docs] @classmethod def write_output(cls, data, features, low_res_lat_lon, low_res_times, out_file, meta_data=None, max_workers=None, gids=None): """Write forward pass output to file Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) High resolution forward pass output features : list List of feature names corresponding to the last dimension of data low_res_lat_lon : ndarray Array of lat/lon for input data. (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) low_res_times : pd.Datetimeindex List of times for low res source data out_file : string Output file path meta_data : dict | None Dictionary of meta data from model max_workers : int | None Max workers to use for inverse uv transform. If None the max_workers will be estimated based on memory limits. gids : list List of coordinate indices used to label each lat lon pair and to help with spatial chunk data collection """ lat_lon = cls.get_lat_lon(low_res_lat_lon, data.shape[:2]) times = cls.get_times(low_res_times, data.shape[-2]) cls._write_output(data, features, lat_lon, times, out_file, meta_data=meta_data, max_workers=max_workers, gids=gids)
[docs] class OutputHandlerNC(OutputHandler): """OutputHandler subclass for NETCDF files""" # pylint: disable=W0613 @classmethod def _get_xr_dset(cls, data, features, lat_lon, times, meta_data=None): """Convert data to xarray Dataset() object. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) High resolution forward pass output features : list List of feature names corresponding to the last dimension of data lat_lon : ndarray Array of high res lat/lon for output data. (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) times : pd.Datetimeindex List of times for high res output data meta_data : dict | None Dictionary of meta data from model """ coords = {'Time': [str(t).encode('utf-8') for t in times], 'south_north': lat_lon[:, 0, 0].astype(np.float32), 'west_east': lat_lon[0, :, 1].astype(np.float32)} data_vars = {} for i, f in enumerate(features): data_vars[f] = (['Time', 'south_north', 'west_east'], np.transpose(data[..., i], (2, 0, 1))) attrs = {} if meta_data is not None: attrs = {k: v if isinstance(v, str) else json.dumps(v) for k, v in meta_data.items()} attrs['date_modified'] = dt.utcnow().isoformat() if 'date_created' not in attrs: attrs['date_created'] = attrs['date_modified'] return xr.Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=attrs) # pylint: disable=W0613 @classmethod def _write_output(cls, data, features, lat_lon, times, out_file, meta_data=None, max_workers=None, gids=None): """Write forward pass output to NETCDF file Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) High resolution forward pass output features : list List of feature names corresponding to the last dimension of data lat_lon : ndarray Array of high res lat/lon for output data. (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) times : pd.Datetimeindex List of times for high res output data out_file : string Output file path meta_data : dict | None Dictionary of meta data from model max_workers : int | None Has no effect. For compliance with H5 output handler gids : list List of coordinate indices used to label each lat lon pair and to help with spatial chunk data collection """ cls._get_xr_dset(data=data, lat_lon=lat_lon, features=features, times=times, meta_data=meta_data).to_netcdf(out_file)'Saved output of size {data.shape} to: {out_file}')
[docs] @classmethod def combine_file(cls, files, outfile): """Combine all chunked output files from ForwardPass into a single file Parameters ---------- files : list List of chunked output files from ForwardPass runs outfile : str Output file name for combined file """ time_key = get_time_dim_name(files[0]) ds = xr.open_mfdataset(files, combine='nested', concat_dim=time_key) ds.to_netcdf(outfile)'Saved combined file: {outfile}')
[docs] class OutputHandlerH5(OutputHandler): """Class to handle writing output to H5 file"""
[docs] @classmethod def get_renamed_features(cls, features): """Rename features based on transformation from u/v to windspeed/winddirection Parameters ---------- features : list List of output features Returns ------- list List of renamed features u/v -> windspeed/winddirection for each height """ heights = [Feature.get_height(f) for f in features if re.match('U_(.*?)m'.lower(), f.lower())] renamed_features = features.copy() for height in heights: u_idx = features.index(f'U_{height}m') v_idx = features.index(f'V_{height}m') renamed_features[u_idx] = f'windspeed_{height}m' renamed_features[v_idx] = f'winddirection_{height}m' return renamed_features
[docs] @classmethod def invert_uv_features(cls, data, features, lat_lon, max_workers=None): """Invert U/V to windspeed and winddirection. Performed in place. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray High res data from forward pass (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) features : list List of output features. If this doesnt contain any names matching U_*m, this method will do nothing. lat_lon : ndarray High res lat/lon array (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) max_workers : int | None Max workers to use for inverse transform. If None the max_workers will be estimated based on memory limits. """ heights = [Feature.get_height(f) for f in features if re.match('U_(.*?)m'.lower(), f.lower())] if heights:'Converting u/v to windspeed/winddirection for h5' ' output') logger.debug('Found heights {} for output features {}' .format(heights, features)) proc_mem = 4 *[:-1]) n_procs = len(heights) max_workers = estimate_max_workers(max_workers, proc_mem, n_procs) futures = {} now = if max_workers == 1: for height in heights: u_idx = features.index(f'U_{height}m') v_idx = features.index(f'V_{height}m') cls.invert_uv_single_pair(data, lat_lon, u_idx, v_idx)'U/V pair at height {height}m inverted.') else: with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=max_workers) as exe: for height in heights: u_idx = features.index(f'U_{height}m') v_idx = features.index(f'V_{height}m') future = exe.submit(cls.invert_uv_single_pair, data, lat_lon, u_idx, v_idx) futures[future] = height'Started inverse transforms on {len(heights)} ' f'U/V pairs in { - now}. ') for i, _ in enumerate(as_completed(futures)): try: future.result() except Exception as e: msg = ('Failed to invert the U/V pair for for height ' f'{futures[future]}') logger.exception(msg) raise RuntimeError(msg) from e logger.debug(f'{i+1} out of {len(futures)} inverse ' 'transforms completed.')
[docs] @staticmethod def invert_uv_single_pair(data, lat_lon, u_idx, v_idx): """Perform inverse transform in place on a single u/v pair. Parameters ---------- data : ndarray High res data from forward pass (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) lat_lon : ndarray High res lat/lon array (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) u_idx : int Index in data for U component to transform v_idx : int Index in data for V component to transform """ ws, wd = invert_uv(data[..., u_idx], data[..., v_idx], lat_lon) data[..., u_idx] = ws data[..., v_idx] = wd
@classmethod def _transform_output(cls, data, features, lat_lon, max_workers=None): """Transform output data before writing to H5 file Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) High resolution forward pass output features : list List of feature names corresponding to the last dimension of data lat_lon : ndarray Array of high res lat/lon for output data. (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) max_workers : int | None Max workers to use for inverse transform. If None the max_workers will be estimated based on memory limits. """ cls.invert_uv_features(data, features, lat_lon, max_workers=max_workers) features = cls.get_renamed_features(features) data = cls.enforce_limits(features, data) return data, features @classmethod def _write_output(cls, data, features, lat_lon, times, out_file, meta_data=None, max_workers=None, gids=None): """Write forward pass output to H5 file Parameters ---------- data : ndarray (spatial_1, spatial_2, temporal, features) High resolution forward pass output features : list List of feature names corresponding to the last dimension of data lat_lon : ndarray Array of high res lat/lon for output data. (spatial_1, spatial_2, 2) Last dimension has ordering (lat, lon) times : pd.Datetimeindex List of times for high res output data out_file : string Output file path meta_data : dict | None Dictionary of meta data from model max_workers : int | None Max workers to use for inverse transform. If None the max_workers will be estimated based on memory limits. gids : list List of coordinate indices used to label each lat lon pair and to help with spatial chunk data collection """ msg = (f'Output data shape ({data.shape}) and lat_lon shape ' f'({lat_lon.shape}) conflict.') assert data.shape[:2] == lat_lon.shape[:-1], msg msg = (f'Output data shape ({data.shape}) and times shape ' f'({len(times)}) conflict.') assert data.shape[-2] == len(times), msg data, features = cls._transform_output(data.copy(), features, lat_lon, max_workers) gids = (gids if gids is not None else np.arange([:-1]))) meta = pd.DataFrame({'gid': gids.flatten(), 'latitude': lat_lon[..., 0].flatten(), 'longitude': lat_lon[..., 1].flatten()}) data_list = [] for i, _ in enumerate(features): flat_data = data[..., i].reshape((-1, len(times))) flat_data = np.transpose(flat_data, (1, 0)) data_list.append(flat_data) cls.write_data(out_file, features, times, data_list, meta, meta_data)