

flasc.model_fitting.floris_tuning.sweep_deflection_parameter_for_total_uplift(parameter, value_candidates, df_scada_baseline_in, df_scada_wakesteering_in, fm_in, ref_turbines, test_turbines, yaw_angles_baseline=None, yaw_angles_wakesteering=None, wd_step=2.0, wd_min=0.0, wd_max=360.0, ws_step=1.0, ws_min=0.0, ws_max=50.0, bin_cols_in=['wd_bin', 'ws_bin'], weight_by='min', df_freq=None, remove_all_nulls=False)[source]#

Sweep values of the deflection parameter in FLORIS and compare to SCADA.

Comparison is made wrt overall uplift.

  • parameter (str) -- The parameter to sweep

  • value_candidates (list) -- The values to sweep

  • df_scada_baseline_in (DataFrame) -- The baseline SCADA data

  • df_scada_wakesteering_in (DataFrame) -- The wake steering SCADA data

  • fm_in (floris.tools.Floris) -- The FLORIS model

  • ref_turbines (list) -- The reference turbines

  • test_turbines (list) -- The test turbines

  • yaw_angles_baseline (np.ndarray) -- The yaw angles for the baseline

  • yaw_angles_wakesteering (np.ndarray) -- The yaw angles for the wake steering

  • wd_step (float) -- The wind direction step

  • wd_min (float) -- The minimum wind direction

  • wd_max (float) -- The maximum wind direction

  • ws_step (float) -- The wind speed step

  • ws_min (float) -- The minimum wind speed

  • ws_max (float) -- The maximum wind speed

  • bin_cols_in (list) -- The bin columns

  • weight_by (str) -- The weight method. Can be 'min' or 'sum'. Default is 'min'.

  • df_freq (DataFrame) -- The frequency data

  • remove_all_nulls (bool) -- Remove all nulls. Default is False.


A typle (np.ndarray, np.ndarray) where the first element is the FLORIS total uplifts and the second element is the SCADA total uplifts