
Module for tuning FLORIS to SCADA data.



Evaluate the overall wake loss from pow_ref to pow_test as percent reductions.


Determine the best fit with respect to squared error.


Consider wd_std and determine the best fit with respect to squared error.


Sweep values of the deflection parameter in FLORIS and compare to SCADA.


Sweep the parameter in FLORIS using the values in value_candidates.


Determine the best-fit wd_std for FLORIS by comparison with energy ratio plots.

flasc.model_fitting.floris_tuning.evaluate_overall_wake_loss(df_, df_freq=None)[source]#

Evaluate the overall wake loss from pow_ref to pow_test as percent reductions.

  • df (pl.DataFrame) -- Polars dataframe possibly containing Null values

  • df_freq (Dataframe) -- Not yet used


Overall wake losses

Return type:


flasc.model_fitting.floris_tuning.sweep_velocity_model_parameter_for_overall_wake_losses(parameter, value_candidates, df_scada_in, fm_in, ref_turbines, test_turbines, param_idx=None, yaw_angles=None, wd_min=0.0, wd_max=360.0, ws_min=0.0, ws_max=50.0, df_freq=None)[source]#

Sweep the parameter in FLORIS using the values in value_candidates.

Compare to SCADA data in df_scada_in using the overall_wake_loss

  • parameter (str) -- The parameter to sweep

  • value_candidates (list) -- The values to sweep

  • df_scada_in (DataFrame) -- The SCADA data

  • fm_in (floris.tools.Floris) -- The FLORIS model

  • ref_turbines (list) -- The reference turbines

  • test_turbines (list) -- The test turbines

  • param_idx (int) -- The parameter index

  • yaw_angles (np.ndarray) -- The yaw angles

  • wd_min (float) -- The minimum wind direction

  • wd_max (float) -- The maximum wind direction

  • ws_min (float) -- The minimum wind speed

  • ws_max (float) -- The maximum wind speed

  • df_freq (DataFrame) -- The frequency data


A tuple (np.ndarray, np.ndarray) where the first element is the FLORIS wake losses and the second element is the SCADA wake losses

flasc.model_fitting.floris_tuning.select_best_wake_model_parameter(floris_results, scada_results, value_candidates, ax=None)[source]#

Determine the best fit with respect to squared error.

  • floris_results (np.ndarray) -- The FLORIS wake losses

  • scada_results (np.ndarray) -- The SCADA wake losses

  • value_candidates (np.ndarray) -- The parameter values

  • ax (Axes) -- The axes to plot on. If None, no plot is made. Default is None.


best fit parameter value

Return type:


flasc.model_fitting.floris_tuning.sweep_wd_std_for_er(value_candidates, df_scada_in, df_approx_, ref_turbines, test_turbines, yaw_angles=None, wd_step=2.0, wd_min=0.0, wd_max=360.0, ws_step=1.0, ws_min=0.0, ws_max=50.0, bin_cols_in=['wd_bin', 'ws_bin'], weight_by='min', df_freq=None, remove_all_nulls=False)[source]#

Determine the best-fit wd_std for FLORIS by comparison with energy ratio plots.

TODO: Reimplement that comparison only takes place when FLORIS value is below some threshold

  • value_candidates (list) -- The values to sweep

  • df_scada_in (DataFrame) -- The SCADA data

  • df_approx (DataFrame) -- The FLORIS approximation data

  • ref_turbines (list) -- The reference turbines

  • test_turbines (list) -- The test turbines

  • yaw_angles (np.ndarray) -- The yaw angles

  • wd_step (float) -- The wind direction step

  • wd_min (float) -- The minimum wind direction

  • wd_max (float) -- The maximum wind direction

  • ws_step (float) -- The wind speed step

  • ws_min (float) -- The minimum wind speed

  • ws_max (float) -- The maximum wind speed

  • bin_cols_in (list) -- The bin columns

  • weight_by (str) -- The weight method. Can be 'min' or 'sum'. Default is 'min'.

  • df_freq (DataFrame) -- The frequency data

  • remove_all_nulls (bool) -- Remove all nulls. Default is False.


The first element is the FLORIS energy ratio errors

and the second element is the dataframes.

Return type:

A tuple (np.ndarray, list)

flasc.model_fitting.floris_tuning.select_best_wd_std(er_results, value_candidates, ax=None)[source]#

Consider wd_std and determine the best fit with respect to squared error.

  • er_results (np.ndarray) -- The energy ratio errors

  • value_candidates (np.ndarray) -- The parameter values

  • ax (Axes) -- The axes to plot on. If None, no plot is made. Default is None.


The best parameter value

Return type:


flasc.model_fitting.floris_tuning.sweep_deflection_parameter_for_total_uplift(parameter, value_candidates, df_scada_baseline_in, df_scada_wakesteering_in, fm_in, ref_turbines, test_turbines, yaw_angles_baseline=None, yaw_angles_wakesteering=None, wd_step=2.0, wd_min=0.0, wd_max=360.0, ws_step=1.0, ws_min=0.0, ws_max=50.0, bin_cols_in=['wd_bin', 'ws_bin'], weight_by='min', df_freq=None, remove_all_nulls=False)[source]#

Sweep values of the deflection parameter in FLORIS and compare to SCADA.

Comparison is made wrt overall uplift.

  • parameter (str) -- The parameter to sweep

  • value_candidates (list) -- The values to sweep

  • df_scada_baseline_in (DataFrame) -- The baseline SCADA data

  • df_scada_wakesteering_in (DataFrame) -- The wake steering SCADA data

  • fm_in (floris.tools.Floris) -- The FLORIS model

  • ref_turbines (list) -- The reference turbines

  • test_turbines (list) -- The test turbines

  • yaw_angles_baseline (np.ndarray) -- The yaw angles for the baseline

  • yaw_angles_wakesteering (np.ndarray) -- The yaw angles for the wake steering

  • wd_step (float) -- The wind direction step

  • wd_min (float) -- The minimum wind direction

  • wd_max (float) -- The maximum wind direction

  • ws_step (float) -- The wind speed step

  • ws_min (float) -- The minimum wind speed

  • ws_max (float) -- The maximum wind speed

  • bin_cols_in (list) -- The bin columns

  • weight_by (str) -- The weight method. Can be 'min' or 'sum'. Default is 'min'.

  • df_freq (DataFrame) -- The frequency data

  • remove_all_nulls (bool) -- Remove all nulls. Default is False.


A typle (np.ndarray, np.ndarray) where the first element is the FLORIS total uplifts and the second element is the SCADA total uplifts