SLiDE Documentation

Intro to SLiDE

Getting Started: Installation and First Steps

Clone this repo to your local machine.

> git clone

From the SLiDE directory, open Julia using

> julia --project

Build the SLiDE package from the Pkg REPL. Type ] to enter the Pkg REPL and run:

(SLiDE) pkg> build

This will generate the Manifest.toml file, including the package dependencies. If the directory SLiDE/data/ does not exist, this will download SLiDE input data.

Precompile the SLiDE package and build the model input data by running:

julia> using SLiDE
julia> d, set = build( ; eem=true)


  • Thomas F. Rutherford and Andrew Schreiber, "Tools for Open Source, Subnational CGE Modeling with an Illustrative Analysis of Carbon Leakage," J Global Econ Anal 4(2): 1-66.