Source code for

import json
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd

from nrel.routee.powertrain.core.model import Model
from nrel.routee.powertrain.resources.default_models import default_model_dir
from nrel.routee.powertrain.resources.sample_routes import sample_route_dir

local_models = {
    "2016_TOYOTA_Camry_4cyl_2WD": default_model_dir()
    / "2016_TOYOTA_Camry_4cyl_2WD.json",
    "2017_CHEVROLET_Bolt": default_model_dir() / "2017_CHEVROLET_Bolt.json",

[docs] def list_available_models(local: bool = True, external: bool = True) -> List[str]: """ returns a list of all the available pretrained models Args: local: include local models? external: include external models? Returns: a list of model keys """ model_names = [] if local: model_names.extend(list(local_models.keys())) if external: with open(default_model_dir() / "external_model_links.json", "r") as jf: external_models = json.load(jf) model_names.extend(list(external_models.keys())) return model_names
[docs] def load_model(name: Union[str, Path]) -> Model: """ A helper function to load a pretrained model. If the model is a file, it will be loaded from disk. If the model is a name, it will be loaded from the default model catalog (local or external). Args: name: the name of the file or default model to load Returns: a routee-powertrain model Examples: >>> import nrel.routee.powertrain as pt >>> >>> # load a default model >>> model = pt.load_model("2016_HYUNDAI_Elantra_4cyl_2WD") >>> >>> # load a model from file >>> model = pt.load_model("MyModel.json") """ path = Path(name) if path.exists(): return Model.from_file(path) # otherwise, assume the name is a model name to be loaded from the default catalog name = str(name) with open(default_model_dir() / "external_model_links.json", "r") as jf: external_models = json.load(jf) if name in local_models: fp = local_models[name] model = Model.from_file(fp) return model elif name in external_models: url = external_models[name] model = Model.from_url(url) return model else: raise ValueError( f"Could not load model: {name}." " try listing available models with pt.list_available_models()" " or providing a path to a local model file." )
[docs] def load_sample_route(name: Optional[str] = None) -> pd.DataFrame: """ A helper function to load sample routes Args: name: The name of the route. Defaults to "sample_route". Returns: a pandas DataFrame representing the route """ routes = { "sample_route": sample_route_dir() / "sample_route.csv", } if name is None: name = "sample_route" if name not in routes: raise KeyError( f"cannot find route with name: {name}; try one of {list(routes.keys())}" ) df = pd.read_csv(routes[name]) return df