RouteE Powertrain#
RouteE-Powertrain is a Python package that allows users to work with a set of pre-trained mesoscopic vehicle energy prediction models for a varity of vehicle types. Additionally, users can train their own models if "ground truth" energy consumption and driving data are available. RouteE-Powertrain models predict vehicle energy consumption over links in a road network, so the features considered for prediction often include traffic speeds, road grade, turns, etc.
RouteE Powertrain is available on PyPI and can be installed with pip
pip install nrel.routee.powertrain
Then, you can import the package and use a pre-trained model from the RouteE model catalog:
import pandas as pd
import nrel.routee.powertrain as pt
# Print the available pre-trained models
print(pt.list_available_models(local=True, external=True))
# [
# '2016_TOYOTA_Camry_4cyl_2WD',
# '2017_CHEVROLET_Bolt',
# '2012_Ford_Focus',
# ...
# ]
# Load a pre-trained model
model = pt.load_model("2016_TOYOTA_Camry_4cyl_2WD")
# Inspect the model to see what it expects for input
# ========================================
# Model Summary
# --------------------
# Vehicle description: 2016_TOYOTA_Camry_4cyl_2WD
# Powertrain type: ICE
# Number of estimators: 2
# ========================================
# Estimator Summary
# --------------------
# Feature: speed_mph (mph)
# Distance: miles (miles)
# Target: gge (gallons_gasoline)
# Raw Predicted Consumption: 29.856 (miles/gallons_gasoline)
# Real World Predicted Consumption: 25.606 (miles/gallons_gasoline)
# ========================================
# Estimator Summary
# --------------------
# Feature: speed_mph (mph)
# Feature: grade_dec (decimal)
# Distance: miles (miles)
# Target: gge (gallons_gasoline)
# Raw Predicted Consumption: 29.845 (miles/gallons_gasoline)
# Real World Predicted Consumption: 25.596 (miles/gallons_gasoline)
# ========================================
# Predict energy consumption for a set of road links
links_df = pd.DataFrame(
"miles": [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], # miles
"speed_mph": [30, 40, 50], # mph
"grade_dec": [-0.05, 0, 0.05], # decimal
energy_result = model.predict(links_df)