
(In case pip is unavailable, use pip3)

From PyPI#

To install the base package for model prediction, we recommend you use pip:

pip install nrel.routee.powertrain

From Source#

To install the package from source, you can clone the repository and install the package using pip:

git clone
cd routee-powertrain
pip install .

Model Training#

Model training requires a couple of extra dependencies that are not required for model prediction. Each training pipeline has its own set of dependencies.


To install the depenecies the scikit learn training pipeline, use the following command:

pip install nrel.routee.powertrain[scikit]

This should support usage of the following trainers:

  • SklearnRandomForestTrainer

Rust Smartcore#

The rust smartcore training pipeline requires a rust compiler to be installed on your system. One way to do this is to use Anaconda:

Create a conda virtual environment as routee:

conda create --name routee
conda init
conda activate routee
conda install rust

Then, you'll have to build the python rust extension for powertrain:

pip install maturin

git clone
cd routee-powertrain/rust
maturin develop --release

This will install the powertrain_rust extension and should support usage of the following trainers:

  • SmartcoreRandomForestTrainer