
The whoc.interfaces module contains a library of interfaces for connecting WHOC with various simulation platforms and other repositories. Each controller run will require an interface, which is an instantiated object of a class in this library. All interface classes should inherit from InterfaceBase, which can be found n, and should implement three methods:

  • get_measurements(): Receive measurements from simulation assets and organize into a dictionary that the calling controller can utilize. Optionally, receives a large dictionary (for example, the Hercules main_dict), from which useable measurements can be extracted/repackaged for easy use in the controller.

  • check_controls(): Check that the keys in controls_dict are viable for the receiving plant.

  • send_controls(): Send controls to the simulation assets. Controls are created as specific keyword arguments, which match those controls generated by the calling controller. Optionally, receives a large dictionary (for example, the Hercules main_dict), which can be written to and returned with controls as needed.

These methods will all be called in the step() method of ControllerBase.

Available interfaces#


For direct python communication with Hercules. This should be instantiated in a runscript that is running Hercules; used to generate a controller from the WHOC controllers submodule; and that controller should be passed to the Hercules Emulator upon its instantiation. Support transmitting yaw angles and power setpoints to wind turbines.


For direct python communication with Hercules, when simulating a hybrid wind/solar/battery plant. Currently, intended for use with the HybridSupervisoryControllerBaseline, while full closed-loop supervisory controllers for hybrid power plants are built out. Supports sending power reference signals to each wind turbine in a wind farm, as well as a bulk power signal to the solar farm and a bulk power signal to the battery.


For sending and receiving communications from one or more ROSCO instances (which are likely connected to OpenFAST and FAST.Farm). Uses ZeroMQ to pass messages between workers.