
The examples subdirectory contains a series of examples that can be run to test the functionality of certain controllers and interfaces.


2-turbine example of lookup-based wake steering control, run using Hercules with the FLORIS standin in place of AMR-Wind for exposition purposes. To run this example, navigate to the examples/lookup-based_wake_steering_florisstandin folder and then run the following.

python construct_yaw_offsets.py

Not that, currently, construct_yaw_offsets.py requires FLORIS version 3, whereas the rest of the example requires FLORIS version 4. As a result, we provide the generated offsets in yaw_offsets.pkl. To avoid regenerating yaw_offsets.pkl (and therefore avoid the current need for floris v3), set optimize_yaw_offsets = False at the beginning of construct_yaw_offsets.py before running.

Next, run


You will need to have and up-to-date Hercules (possibly on the develop branch) in your conda environment to run this. You may also need to changed permissions to run bash_script.sh as an executable (chmod +x bash_script.sh).

Finally, run the post-processing script

python plot_output_data.py

This should produce the following plot. Results of lookup-based_wake_steering_florisstandin example


2-turbine example of wind-farm-level power reference tracking, run using Hercules with the FLORIS standin in place of AMR-Wind for exposition purposes. To run this example, navigate to the examples/wind_farm_power_tracking_florisstandin folder and run the following:


This will run both a closed-loop controller, which compensates for underproduction at individual turbines, and an open-loop controller, which simply distributes the farm-wide reference evenly amongst the turbines of the farm without feedback. The resulting trajectories are plotted, producing: Results of wind_farm_power_tracking_florisstandin example