Source code for

"""Base loading classes. These are containers which also load data from
file_paths and include some sampling ability to interface with batcher

import logging
from functools import cached_property
from warnings import warn

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np

from sup3r.preprocessing.names import COORD_NAMES, DIM_NAMES, Dimension
from sup3r.preprocessing.utilities import lower_names, ordered_dims
from sup3r.utilities.utilities import xr_open_mfdataset

from .base import BaseLoader

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class LoaderNC(BaseLoader): """Base NETCDF loader. "Loads" netcdf files so that a ``.data`` attribute provides access to the data in the files. This object provides a ``__getitem__`` method that can be used by Sampler objects to build batches or by other objects to derive / extract specific features / regions / time_periods."""
[docs] def BASE_LOADER(self, file_paths, **kwargs): """Lowest level interface to data.""" return xr_open_mfdataset(file_paths, **kwargs)
def _enforce_descending_lats(self, dset): """Make sure latitudes are in descending order so that min lat / lon is at ``lat_lon[-1, 0]``.""" invert_lats = not self._is_flattened and ( dset[Dimension.LATITUDE][-1, 0] > dset[Dimension.LATITUDE][0, 0] ) if invert_lats: for var in [*list(Dimension.coords_2d()), *list(dset.data_vars)]: if Dimension.SOUTH_NORTH in dset[var].dims: new_var = dset[var].isel(south_north=slice(None, None, -1)) dset.update({var: new_var}) return dset def _enforce_descending_levels(self, dset): """Make sure levels are in descending order so that max pressure is at ``level[0]``.""" invert_levels = ( dset[Dimension.PRESSURE_LEVEL][-1] > dset[Dimension.PRESSURE_LEVEL][0] if Dimension.PRESSURE_LEVEL in dset else False ) if invert_levels: for var in list(dset.data_vars): if Dimension.PRESSURE_LEVEL in dset[var].dims: new_var = dset[var].isel( {Dimension.PRESSURE_LEVEL: slice(None, None, -1)} ) dset.update( {var: (dset[var].dims,, dset[var].attrs)} ) new_press = dset[Dimension.PRESSURE_LEVEL][::-1] dset.update({Dimension.PRESSURE_LEVEL: new_press}) return dset @cached_property def _lat_lon_shape(self): """Get shape of lat lon grid only.""" return self._res[Dimension.LATITUDE].shape @cached_property def _is_flattened(self): """Check if dims include a single spatial dimension.""" check = ( len(self._lat_lon_shape) == 1 and self._res[Dimension.LATITUDE].dims == self._res[Dimension.LONGITUDE].dims ) return check def _get_coords(self, res): """Get coordinate dictionary to use in ``xr.Dataset().assign_coords()``.""" lats = res[Dimension.LATITUDE].data.astype(np.float32) lons = res[Dimension.LONGITUDE].data.astype(np.float32) # remove time dimension if there's a single time step if lats.ndim == 3: lats = lats.squeeze() if lons.ndim == 3: lons = lons.squeeze() if len(lats.shape) == 1 and not self._is_flattened: lons, lats = da.meshgrid(lons, lats) dim_names = self._lat_lon_dims coords = { Dimension.LATITUDE: (dim_names, lats), Dimension.LONGITUDE: (dim_names, lons), } if Dimension.TIME in res: if Dimension.TIME in res.indexes: times = res.indexes[Dimension.TIME] else: times = res[Dimension.TIME] if hasattr(times, 'to_datetimeindex'): times = times.to_datetimeindex() coords[Dimension.TIME] = times return coords def _get_dims(self, res): """Get dimension name map using our standard mappping and the names used for coordinate dimensions.""" rename_dims = {k: v for k, v in DIM_NAMES.items() if k in res.dims} lat_dims = res[Dimension.LATITUDE].dims lon_dims = res[Dimension.LONGITUDE].dims if len(lat_dims) == 1 and len(lon_dims) == 1: dim_names = self._lat_lon_dims rename_dims[lat_dims[0]] = dim_names[0] rename_dims[lon_dims[0]] = dim_names[-1] else: msg = ( 'Latitude and Longitude dimension names are different. ' 'This is weird.' ) if lon_dims != lat_dims: logger.warning(msg) warn(msg) else: rename_dims.update( dict(zip(ordered_dims(lat_dims), Dimension.dims_2d())) ) return rename_dims def _rechunk_dsets(self, res): """Apply given chunk values for each field in res.coords and res.data_vars.""" for dset in [*list(res.coords), *list(res.data_vars)]: chunks = self._parse_chunks(dims=res[dset].dims, feature=dset) # specifying chunks to xarray.open_mfdataset doesn't automatically # apply to coordinates so we do that here if chunks != 'auto' or dset in Dimension.coords_2d(): res[dset] = res[dset].chunk(chunks) return res def _load(self): """Load netcdf ``xarray.Dataset()``.""" res = lower_names(self._res) rename_coords = { k: v for k, v in COORD_NAMES.items() if k in res and v not in res } self._res = res.rename(rename_coords) if not all(coord in self._res for coord in Dimension.coords_2d()): err = 'Could not find valid coordinates in given files: %s' logger.error(err, self.file_paths) raise OSError(err % (self.file_paths)) res = self._res.swap_dims(self._get_dims(self._res)) res = res.assign_coords(self._get_coords(res)) res = self._enforce_descending_lats(res) res = self._rechunk_dsets(res) return self._enforce_descending_levels(res).astype(np.float32)