Source code for

"""Contains base class for simulation configurations."""

import abc
import enum
import json
import logging
import os
import sys
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import timedelta

import toml

from jade.common import CONFIG_FILE
from jade.exceptions import InvalidConfiguration, InvalidParameter
from jade.extensions.registry import Registry, ExtensionClassType
from import JobContainerByName
from jade.models import submission_group
from jade.models.submission_group import SubmissionGroup, SubmitterParams
from jade.utils.utils import dump_data, load_data, ExtendedJSONEncoder
from jade.utils.timing_utils import timed_debug

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ConfigSerializeOptions(enum.Enum): """Defines option for JobConfiguration serialization.""" JOBS = JOB_NAMES = NO_JOB_INFO =
[docs] class JobConfiguration(abc.ABC): """Base class for any simulation configuration.""" FILENAME_DELIMITER = "_" FORMAT_VERSION = "v0.2.0" def __init__( self, container=None, job_global_config=None, job_post_process_config=None, user_data=None, submission_groups=None, setup_command=None, teardown_command=None, node_setup_command=None, node_teardown_command=None, **kwargs, ): """ Constructs JobConfiguration. Parameters ---------- inputs : JobInputsInterface container : JobContainerInterface """ self._jobs = container or JobContainerByName() self._job_names = None self._jobs_directory = kwargs.get("jobs_directory") self._registry = Registry() self._job_global_config = job_global_config self._job_post_process_config = job_post_process_config self._user_data = user_data or {} self._submission_groups = [SubmissionGroup(**x) for x in submission_groups or []] self._setup_command = setup_command self._teardown_command = teardown_command self._node_setup_command = node_setup_command self._node_teardown_command = node_teardown_command if kwargs.get("do_not_deserialize_jobs", False): assert "job_names" in kwargs, str(kwargs) self._job_names = kwargs["job_names"] return if "jobs" in kwargs: self._deserialize_jobs(kwargs["jobs"]) elif "job_names" in kwargs: assert self._jobs_directory is not None, str(kwargs) names = kwargs["job_names"] self._deserialize_jobs_from_names(names) def __repr__(self): """Concisely display all instance information.""" return self.dumps() def _deserialize_jobs(self, jobs): for _job in jobs: param_class = self.job_parameters_class(_job["extension"]) job = param_class.deserialize(_job) self.add_job(job) def _deserialize_jobs_from_names(self, job_names): for name in job_names: job = self._get_job_by_name(name) self.add_job(job) def _dump(self, stream=sys.stdout, fmt=".json", indent=2): # Note: the default is JSON here because parsing 100 MB .toml files # is an order of magnitude slower. data = self.serialize() if fmt == ".json": json.dump(data, stream, indent=indent, cls=ExtendedJSONEncoder) elif fmt == ".toml": toml.dump(data, stream) else: assert False, fmt def _get_job_by_name(self, name): assert self._jobs_directory is not None filename = os.path.join(self._jobs_directory, name) + ".json" assert os.path.exists(filename), filename job = load_data(filename) param_class = self.job_parameters_class(job["extension"]) return param_class.deserialize(job) @abc.abstractmethod def _serialize(self, data): """Create implementation-specific data for serialization."""
[docs] def add_user_data(self, key, data): """Add user data referenced by a key. Must be JSON-serializable Parameters ---------- key : str data : any Raises ------ InvalidParameter Raised if the key is already stored. """ if key in self._user_data: raise InvalidParameter(f"{key} is already stored. Call remove_user_data first") self._user_data[key] = data
[docs] def get_user_data(self, key): """Get the user data associated with key. Parameters ---------- key : str Returns ------- any """ data = self._user_data.get(key) if data is None: raise InvalidParameter(f"{key} is not stored.") return data
[docs] def remove_user_data(self, key): """Remove the key from the user data config. Parameters ---------- key : str """ self._user_data.pop(key, None)
[docs] def list_user_data_keys(self): """List the stored user data keys. Returns ------- list list of str """ return sorted(list(self._user_data.keys()))
[docs] def check_job_dependencies(self): """Check for impossible conditions with job dependencies. Raises ------ InvalidConfiguration Raised if job dependencies have an impossible condition. """ # This currently only checks that all jobs defined as blocking exist. # It does not look for deadlocks. job_names = set() blocking_jobs = set() for job in self.iter_jobs(): job_names.add( blocking_jobs.update(job.get_blocking_jobs()) missing_jobs = blocking_jobs.difference(job_names) if missing_jobs: for job in missing_jobs: logger.error("%s is blocking a job but does not exist", job) raise InvalidConfiguration("job ordering definitions are invalid")
[docs] def check_job_estimated_run_minutes(self, group_name): """Check that estimated_run_minutes is set for all jobs in a group.""" missing_estimate = [] for job in self.iter_jobs(): if job.submission_group == group_name and job.estimated_run_minutes is None: missing_estimate.append( if missing_estimate: for job in missing_estimate: logger.error("Job %s does not define estimated_run_minutes", job) raise InvalidConfiguration( "Submitting batches by time requires that each job define estimated_run_minutes" )
[docs] def check_job_runtimes(self): """Check for any job with a longer estimated runtime than the walltime. Raises ------ InvalidConfiguration Raised if any job is too long. """ wall_times = { x.submitter_params.get_wall_time() for x in self.submission_groups} for job in self.iter_jobs(): wall_time = wall_times[job.submission_group] if job.estimated_run_minutes is not None: estimate = timedelta(minutes=job.estimated_run_minutes) if estimate > wall_time: raise InvalidConfiguration( f"job {} has estimated_run_minutes={estimate} longer than wall_time={wall_time}" )
[docs] def check_spark_config(self): """If Spark jobs are present in the config, configure the params to run one job at a time. """ groups_with_spark_jobs = set() for job in self.iter_jobs(): if job.is_spark_job(): groups_with_spark_jobs.add(job.submission_group) for group_name in groups_with_spark_jobs: for group in self._submission_groups: if ( == group_name and group.submitter_params.num_parallel_processes_per_node != 1 ): group.submitter_params.num_parallel_processes_per_node = 1 "Set num_parallel_processes_per_node=1 for group=%s for Spark jobs.", group_name, )
[docs] def check_submission_groups(self): """Check for invalid job submission group assignments. Make a default group if none are defined and assign it to each job. Raises ------ InvalidConfiguration Raised if submission group assignments are invalid. """ first_group = next(iter(self.submission_groups)) group_params = ( "try_add_blocked_jobs", "time_based_batching", "num_parallel_processes_per_node", "hpc_config", "per_node_batch_size", "singularity_params", "distributed_submitter", "resource_monitor_stats", ) user_overrides = ( "distributed_submitter", "generate_reports", "resource_monitor_interval", "resource_monitor_type", "dry_run", "verbose", ) user_override_if_not_set = ("node_setup_script", "node_shutdown_script") must_be_same = ("max_nodes", "poll_interval") all_params = (must_be_same, group_params, user_overrides, user_override_if_not_set) fields = {item for params in all_params for item in params} assert sorted(list(fields)) == sorted(SubmitterParams.__fields__), sorted(list(fields)) hpc_type = first_group.submitter_params.hpc_config.hpc_type group_names = set() for group in self.submission_groups: if in group_names: raise InvalidConfiguration(f"submission group {} is listed twice") group_names.add( if group.submitter_params.hpc_config.hpc_type != hpc_type: raise InvalidConfiguration(f"hpc_type values must be the same in all groups") for param in must_be_same: first_val = getattr(first_group.submitter_params, param) this_val = getattr(group.submitter_params, param) if this_val != first_val: raise InvalidConfiguration(f"{param} must be the same in all groups") for param in user_overrides: user_val = getattr(group.submitter_params, param) setattr(group.submitter_params, param, user_val) for param in user_override_if_not_set: user_val = getattr(group.submitter_params, param) group_val = getattr(group.submitter_params, param) if group_val is None: setattr(group.submitter_params, param, user_val) jobs_by_group = defaultdict(list) for job in self.iter_jobs(): if job.submission_group is None: raise InvalidConfiguration( f"Job {} does not have a submission group assigned" ) if job.submission_group not in group_names: raise InvalidConfiguration( f"Job {} has an invalid submission group: {job.submission_group}" ) jobs_by_group[job.submission_group].append( group_counts = {} for name, jobs in jobs_by_group.items(): if not jobs: logger.warning("Submission group %s does not have any jobs defined", name) group_counts[name] = len(jobs) for name, count in sorted(group_counts.items()):"Submission group %s has %s jobs", name, count)
def assign_default_submission_group(self, submitter_params): default_name = "default" group = SubmissionGroup(name=default_name, submitter_params=submitter_params) for job in self.iter_jobs(): job.submission_group = self.append_submission_group(group)
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def create_from_result(self, job, output_dir): """Create an instance from a result file. Parameters ---------- job : JobParametersInterface output_dir : str Returns ------- class """
[docs] def add_job(self, job): """Add a job to the configuration. Parameters ---------- job : JobParametersInterface """ self._jobs.add_job(job)
[docs] def clear(self): """Clear all configured jobs.""" self._jobs.clear()
[docs] @timed_debug def dump(self, filename=None, stream=sys.stdout, indent=2): """Convert the configuration to structured text format. Parameters ---------- filename : str | None Write configuration to this file (must be .json or .toml). If None, write the text to stream. Recommend using .json for large files. .toml is much slower. stream : file File-like interface that supports write(). indent : int If JSON, use this indentation. Raises ------ InvalidParameter Raised if filename does not have a supported extenstion. """ if filename is None and stream is None: raise InvalidParameter("must set either filename or stream") if filename is not None: ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] if ext not in (".json", ".toml"): raise InvalidParameter("Only .json and .toml are supported") with open(filename, "w") as f_out: self._dump(f_out, fmt=ext, indent=indent) else: self._dump(stream, indent=indent)"Dumped configuration to %s", filename)
[docs] def dumps(self, fmt_module=toml, **kwargs): """Dump the configuration to a formatted string.""" return fmt_module.dumps(self.serialize(), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, filename_or_data, do_not_deserialize_jobs=False): """Create a class instance from a saved configuration file. Parameters ---------- filename : str | dict path to configuration file or that file loaded as a dict do_not_deserialize_jobs : bool Set to True to avoid the overhead of loading all jobs from disk. Job_names will be stored instead of jobs. Returns ------- class Raises ------ InvalidParameter Raised if the config file has invalid parameters. """ if isinstance(filename_or_data, str): data = load_data(filename_or_data) else: data = filename_or_data data["do_not_deserialize_jobs"] = do_not_deserialize_jobs return cls(**data)
[docs] def get_job(self, name): """Return the job matching name. Returns ------- namedtuple """ if self.get_num_jobs() == 0 and self._job_names is not None: # We loaded from a config file with names only. return self._get_job_by_name(name) return self._jobs.get_job(name)
[docs] def get_num_jobs(self): """Return the number of jobs in the configuration. Returns ------- int """ return len(self._jobs)
@property def job_global_config(self): """Return the global configs applied to all jobs.""" return self._job_global_config
[docs] def iter_jobs(self): """Yields a generator over all jobs. Yields ------ iterator over JobParametersInterface """ return iter(self._jobs)
[docs] @timed_debug def list_jobs(self): """Return a list of all jobs. Returns ------ list list of JobParametersInterface """ return list(self.iter_jobs())
[docs] def append_submission_group(self, submission_group): """Append a submission group. Parameters ---------- submission_group : SubmissionGroup """ self._submission_groups.append(submission_group)"Added submission group %s",
[docs] def get_default_submission_group(self): """Return the default submission group. Returns ------- SubmissionGroup """ name = next(iter(self.iter_jobs())).submission_group return self.get_submission_group(name)
[docs] def get_submission_group(self, name): """Return the submission group matching name. Parameters ---------- name : str Returns ------- SubmissionGroup """ for group in self.submission_groups: if == name: return group raise InvalidParameter(f"submission group {name} is not stored")
@property def submission_groups(self): """Return the submission groups. Returns ------- list """ return self._submission_groups
[docs] @timed_debug def reconfigure_jobs(self, jobs): """Reconfigure with a list of jobs. Parameters ---------- list of DistributionConfiguration.parameter_type """ self.clear() for job in jobs: self.add_job(job)"Reconfigured jobs.")
[docs] def remove_job(self, job): """Remove a job from the configuration. Parameters ---------- job : JobParametersInterface """ return self._jobs.remove_job(job)
[docs] def serialize(self, include=ConfigSerializeOptions.JOBS): """Create data for serialization.""" data = { "jobs_directory": self._jobs_directory, "configuration_module": self.__class__.__module__, "configuration_class": self.__class__.__name__, "format_version": self.FORMAT_VERSION, "user_data": self._user_data, "submission_groups": [x.dict() for x in self.submission_groups], "setup_command": self.setup_command, "teardown_command": self.teardown_command, "node_setup_command": self.node_setup_command, "node_teardown_command": self.node_teardown_command, } if self._job_global_config: data["job_global_config"] = self._job_global_config if self._job_post_process_config: data["job_post_process_config"] = self._job_post_process_config if include == ConfigSerializeOptions.JOBS: data["jobs"] = [x.serialize() for x in self.iter_jobs()] elif include == ConfigSerializeOptions.JOB_NAMES: data["job_names"] = [ for x in self.iter_jobs()] # Fill in instance-specific information. self._serialize(data) return data
[docs] def serialize_jobs(self, directory): """Serializes main job data to job-specific files. Parameters ---------- directory : str """ for job in self.iter_jobs(): basename = + ".json" job_filename = os.path.join(directory, basename) dump_data(job.serialize(), job_filename, cls=ExtendedJSONEncoder) # We will need this to deserialize from a filename that includes only # job names. self._jobs_directory = directory
[docs] def serialize_for_execution(self, scratch_dir, are_inputs_local=True): """Serialize config data for efficient execution. Parameters ---------- scratch_dir : str Temporary storage space on the local system. are_inputs_local : bool Whether the existing input data is local to this system. For many configurations accessing the input data across the network by many concurrent workers can cause a bottleneck and so implementations may wish to copy the data locally before execution starts. If the storage access time is very fast the question is irrelevant. Returns ------- str Name of serialized config file in scratch directory. """ self._transform_for_local_execution(scratch_dir, are_inputs_local) # Split up the jobs to individual files so that each worker can just # read its own info. self.serialize_jobs(scratch_dir) data = self.serialize(ConfigSerializeOptions.JOB_NAMES) config_file = os.path.join(scratch_dir, CONFIG_FILE) dump_data(data, config_file, cls=ExtendedJSONEncoder)"Dumped config file locally to %s", config_file) return config_file
@property def setup_command(self): """Command to run by submitter before submitting jobs""" return self._setup_command @setup_command.setter def setup_command(self, cmd): """Set command to run by submitter before submitting jobs""" self._setup_command = cmd @property def teardown_command(self): """Command to run by last node before completing jobs""" return self._teardown_command @teardown_command.setter def teardown_command(self, cmd): """Set command to run by last node before completing jobs""" self._teardown_command = cmd @property def node_setup_command(self): """Command to run on each node before starting jobs""" return self._node_setup_command @node_setup_command.setter def node_setup_command(self, cmd): """Set command to run on each node before starting jobs""" self._node_setup_command = cmd @property def node_teardown_command(self): """Command to run on each node after completing jobs""" return self._node_teardown_command @node_teardown_command.setter def node_teardown_command(self, cmd): """Set command to run on each node after completing jobs""" self._node_teardown_command = cmd def _transform_for_local_execution(self, scratch_dir, are_inputs_local): """Transform data for efficient execution in a local environment. Default implementation is a no-op. Derived classes can overridde. """
[docs] def shuffle_jobs(self): """Shuffle the job order.""" self._jobs.shuffle()
[docs] def show_jobs(self): """Show the configured jobs.""" for job in self.iter_jobs(): print(job)
[docs] def job_execution_class(self, extension_name): """Return the class used for job execution. Parameters ---------- extension_name : str Returns ------- class """ return self._registry.get_extension_class(extension_name, ExtensionClassType.EXECUTION)
[docs] def job_parameters_class(self, extension_name): """Return the class used for job parameters. Parameters ---------- extension_name : str Returns ------- class """ return self._registry.get_extension_class(extension_name, ExtensionClassType.PARAMETERS)