Spark Jobs

JADE has functionality to create an ephemeral Spark cluster on HPC compute nodes and then run one or more jobs on that cluster.

Prerequisite: The Spark software must be installed inside a Singularity container.


  1. Create a Docker container with Spark installed. Here is an example. That image includes Nvidia GPU support. Note that this container uses Python 3.8 and Spark 3.2.1. You may hit incompatibilities if you run jobs against the cluster with different versions.

  2. Convert that container to Singularity and copy the image to the HPC’s shared file system.

  3. Follow the normal steps to create your Jade configuration, such as with jade config create commands.txt. The commands should be the scripts that you want to run against the Spark cluster including any command-line arguments. Note: Jade will append two positional arguments to your command line arguments: the spark cluster (spark://<node_name>:7077) and the job output directory. Here is an example script:

spark-submit --master=${SPARK_CLUSTER}
  1. Create your HPC config file with jade config hpc -c hpc_config.toml. Set nodes in hpc_config.toml to be the number of compute nodes you want to participate in the Spark cluster. Spark will perform poorly if its scratch file space is on slow storage. You should specify requirements here that give you nodes with fast internal storage. On NREL’s Eagle HPC cluster that is only the big-memory and GPU nodes. Alternatively, you can use nodes’ tmpfs for scratch space or another directory altogether as described below.

  2. If you want Spark to use GPUs, add GPU requirements to hpc_config.toml. This example on Eagle will acquire nodes with two GPUs: gres=gpu:2. Jade will detect this setting and add the appropriate Spark settings.

  3. Run the command below to update the configuration with Spark parameters. Refer to --help for additional options. This will produce global spark configuration files in ./spark/conf that you can customize. Refer to Spark documentation for help with the parameters.

    One parameter that you should customize is spark.sql.shuffle.partititons in spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf. Jade sets them to the total number of cores in the cluster by default. This video offers an equation that works well: num_partitions = max_shufffle_write_size / target_partition_size.

    You will have to run your job once to determine max_shuffle_write_size. You can find it on the Spark UI Stages tab in the Shuffle Write column. Your target_partition_size should be between 128 - 200 MB.

    The minimum partitions value should be the total number of cores in the cluster unless you want to leave some cores available for other jobs that may be running simultaneously.

    Note that you can also customize any of these settings in your script that calls spark-submit or pyspark.

$ jade spark config -c <path-to-container> -h hpc_config.toml --update-config-file=config.json
  1. If you set a custom memory requirement in your hpc_config.toml then Jade will increase the spark.executor.memory value in spark/conf/spark-defaults.conf. The default value is intended to maximize memory for 7 executors on each compute node. Customize as needed.

  2. View the changes to your config.json if desired.

  3. If you are using compute nodes with slow internal storage, consider setting use_tmpfs_for_scratch to true. Note that this reduces available worker memory by half and you’ll need to adjust spark.executor.memory accordingly. You can set the option in config.json or by passing -U to the jade spark config command.

  4. Similar to the previous point, you can specify alt_scratch to use your own scratch directory. On Eagle you may get decent performance if you specify a directory in /scratch/<username>. Be sure to clean up this up periodically because Spark will write lots of data during shuffles.

  5. Consider whether you want your jobs to be run inside or outside the container (default is outside).

Jade will run each job inside the container if the run_user_script_inside_container option is set to true. You can set the option for each job in config.json or by passing -r to the jade spark config command. If you do run your script outside of the container, Jade will still set Spark environment variables to point to your local, customizable Spark config directory.

  1. Set collect_worker_logs to true if your jobs are getting logs of errors. These can grow large.

  2. Submit the jobs with jade submit-jobs config.json. Jade will create a new cluster for each job, running them sequentially.

Run scripts manually

In some cases you may prefer that JADE setup the cluster and then go to sleep while you ssh to a compute node and run scripts manually.

  1. Make a script called with the content below. This time of 59 minutes will allow JADE to cleanly shutdown the cluster if there is a 1-hour wall-time timeout.

sleep 59m
  1. Set the JADE command in commands.txt/config.json to be bash

  2. ssh to the first compute node in your allocation.

4. If you want to use the custom Spark environment created by Jade, set the SPARK_CONF_DIR environment variable so that your SparkSession gets initialized with the correct parameters.

This example assumes that your JADE output directory is ./output and there is one job named 1.

$ ssh <first-compute-node-name>
$ cd <wherever-you-started-the-jade-jobs>
$ export SPARK_CONF_DIR=./output/job-outputs/1/spark/conf
  1. Run your code through pyspark or spark-submit.

$ pyspark --master=spark://`hostname`:7077

Run a Jupyter server

This example shows how to make JADE start a Jupyter server with the environment ready to use the Spark cluster.

  1. Create a bash script with the content below. Save the script as

export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS="notebook --no-browser --ip= --port 8889"
pyspark --master=${SPARK_CLUSTER}
echo "Spark cluster is running at ${SPARK_CLUSTER}" >&2
echo "JADE output directory is ${2}" >&2
sleep 10
echo "Create an ssh tunnel with this command: ssh -L 8889:${HOSTNAME}:8889 -L 8080:${HOSTNAME}:8080 -L 4040:${HOSTNAME}:4040 ${USER}" >&2
  1. Set the JADE command in commands.txt/config.json to be bash

  2. Submit the jobs with jade submit-jobs config.json -o output

  3. Once the job is allocated run tail -f output/job-stdio/*.e. After 15-20 seconds you will see console output from the script above telling you how to create the ssh tunnel required to connect to the Jupyter server. You will also see console output from Jupyter that contains a URL.

  4. Open the ssh tunnel.

  5. Connect to the Jupyter server from your browser.

  6. Create a SparkSession and start running your code. An example is below. You probably will want to split these into two cells. Note that this reads the Spark cluster name from the environment.

import os
from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
display(HTML("<style>.container { width:100% !important; }</style>"))
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("my_app").getOrCreate()
  1. Connect to the Spark UI from your browser, if desired, to monitor your jobs.

http://localhost:4040 and/or http://localhost:8080

  1. If you want to ensure that JADE shuts down the Spark cluster cleanly (preserving history) then you should shutdown the notebook. ssh to the first compute-node and run jupyter notebook stop 8889.

Run a Jupyter notebook on an existing cluster

Unlike the previous section, this example assumes that there is an existing cluster and you have ssh’d into the master node.

  1. Configure pyspark to create a Jupyter Notebook instead of a regular interactive session.

$ export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON=jupyter
$ export PYSPARK_DRIVER_PYTHON_OPTS="notebook --no-browser --ip= --port 8889"
# If you have configured SPARK_HOME differently, don't run this command.
$ export SPARK_HOME=`python -c "import pyspark;print(pyspark.__path__[0])"`
  1. Start pyspark, optionally with custom Spark parameters. It will create a Juypter notebook and print the connection information.

$ pyspark
  1. Create an ssh tunnel as described in the previous section.

  2. Connect to the notebook from your computer’s browser.

  3. Connect to the SparkSession by pasting this code block into a cell.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("my_app").getOrCreate()

Use nodes with Nvidia GPUs

If your compute nodes have Nvidia GPUs then you can leverage Nvidia’s RAPIDS Accelerator for Apache Spark to get substantially faster performance in some cases. Ensure that your compute nodes have all required Nvidia software installed. This section assumes the presence of these files:

  • /opt/sparkRapidsPlugin/cudf-22.04.0-cuda11.jar

  • /opt/sparkRapidsPlugin/rapids-4-spark_2.12-22.04.0.jar

and these environment variables:

  • export SPARK_RAPIDS_PLUGIN_JAR=/opt/sparkRapidsPlugin/rapids-4-spark_2.12-22.04.0.jar

  • export SPARK_CUDF_JAR=/opt/sparkRapidsPlugin/cudf-22.04.0-cuda11.jar

Run a Spark job

This example works on NREL’s Eagle HPC. It also assumes that you have ssh’d to the Spark master node.

If you want to run the job in your own environment outside of the container, copy the three files mentioned above to your workspace and set the environment variables accordingly.

Refer to Nvidia’s tuning guide.

$ module load singularity-container
$ singularity shell -B /scratch:/scratch -B /projects:/projects <path-to-continer>/nvidia_spark.sif
$ pyspark --master spark://`hostname`:7077 \
  --name mysparkshell \
  --deploy-mode client  \
  --conf spark.executor.cores=4 \
  --conf spark.executor.instances=2 \
  --conf spark.executor.memory=25G \
  --conf spark.executor.memoryOverhead=3G \
  --conf spark.executor.resource.gpu.amount=1 \
  --conf \
  --conf spark.locality.wait=0s \
  --conf spark.rapids.memory.pinnedPool.size=2G \
  --conf spark.rapids.sql.hasNans=false \
  --conf spark.rapids.sql.castFloatToString.enabled=true \
  --conf spark.rapids.sql.castStringToFloat.enabled=true \
  --conf spark.sql.files.maxPartitionBytes=512m \
  --conf spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=10 \
  --conf spark.task.cpus=1 \
  --conf spark.task.resource.gpu.amount=0.25 \
  --conf spark.plugins=com.nvidia.spark.SQLPlugin \
  --driver-memory 25G


This example assumes that the dataframes do not contain NaN values.


Add –conf spark.rapids.sql.explain=ALL to see whether jobs are running on the CPUs or GPUs.

Debugging Problems

Jade stores Spark logs, events, and metrics in <output-dir>/job-outputs/<job-id>/spark.

You can browse the job details in the Spark UI by starting a Spark history server pointed to one of the job output directories. You can do this on your local computer or on the HPC. If you do it on the HPC then you’ll need to create an ssh tunnel to the compute node and forward the port 18080.

Here is an example where the files are on your local system:

$ SPARK_HISTORY_OPTS="-Dspark.history.fs.logDirectory=output/job-outputs/1/spark/events" $SPARK_HOME/sbin/

Load the Spark UI by opening your browser to http://localhost:18080

Compute Node Resource Monitoring

It can be very helpful to collect CPU, memory, disk, and network resource utilization statistics for all compute nodes. Refer to Resource Monitoring for how to configure Jade to do this for you.

Start a Spark Cluster on Arbitrary Compute Nodes

In some cases you may want to allocate compute nodes apart from Jade and then start a cluster. Similarly, you may want to restart the cluster with different configuration settings and not have to relinquish compute nodes. In the examples below Jade will stop all Spark processes on the nodes and then start a new cluster.

In this example Jade will start the cluster and then sleep indefinitely.

$ jade start-spark-cluster --container <path-to-container> --spark-conf ./spark node1 node2 nodeN

The value passed to --spark-conf should be equal in format to the directory created above in jade spark config.

In this example Jade will start the cluster and then run a user script to start a notebook. The script must be executable.

$ jade spark start-cluster --container <path-to-container> --spark-conf ./spark --script