Source code for jade.hpc.slurm_manager

"""SLURM management functionality"""

import logging
import os
import re
import tempfile
from datetime import datetime

from jade.enums import Status
from jade.exceptions import ExecutionError  # , InvalidConfiguration
from jade.hpc.common import HpcJobStats, HpcJobStatus, HpcJobInfo
from jade.hpc.hpc_manager_interface import HpcManagerInterface
from jade.utils.run_command import check_run_command, run_command
from jade.utils import utils

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class SlurmManager(HpcManagerInterface): """Manages Slurm jobs.""" _STATUSES = { "PENDING": HpcJobStatus.QUEUED, "CONFIGURING": HpcJobStatus.QUEUED, "RUNNING": HpcJobStatus.RUNNING, "COMPLETED": HpcJobStatus.COMPLETE, "COMPLETING": HpcJobStatus.COMPLETE, } _REGEX_SBATCH_OUTPUT = re.compile(r"Submitted batch job (\d+)") def __init__(self, config): self._config = config
[docs] def am_i_manager(self): return os.environ.get("SLURM_NODEID", 1) == "0"
[docs] def cancel_job(self, job_id): return run_command(f"scancel {job_id}")
[docs] def check_status(self, name=None, job_id=None): field_names = ("jobid", "name", "state") cmd = f"squeue -u {self.USER} --Format \"{','.join(field_names)}\" -h" if name is not None: cmd += f" -n {name}" elif job_id is not None: cmd += f" -j {job_id}" else: # Mutual exclusivity should be handled in HpcManager. assert False output = {} # Transient failures could be costly. Retry for up to one minute. errors = ["Invalid job id specified"] ret = run_command(cmd, output, num_retries=6, retry_delay_s=10, error_strings=errors) if ret != 0: if "Invalid job id specified" in output["stderr"]: return HpcJobInfo("", "", HpcJobStatus.NONE) logger.error( "Failed to run squeue command=[%s] ret=%s err=%s", cmd, ret, output["stderr"] ) raise ExecutionError(f"squeue command failed: {ret}") stdout = output["stdout"] logger.debug("squeue output: [%s]", stdout) fields = stdout.split() if not fields: # No jobs are currently running. return HpcJobInfo("", "", HpcJobStatus.NONE) assert len(fields) == len(field_names) job_info = HpcJobInfo( fields[0], fields[1], self._STATUSES.get(fields[2], HpcJobStatus.UNKNOWN) ) return job_info
[docs] def check_statuses(self): field_names = ("jobid", "state") cmd = f"squeue -u {self.USER} --Format \"{','.join(field_names)}\" -h" output = {} # Transient failures could be costly. Retry for up to one minute. ret = run_command(cmd, output, num_retries=6, retry_delay_s=10) if ret != 0: logger.error( "Failed to run squeue command=[%s] ret=%s err=%s", cmd, ret, output["stderr"] ) raise ExecutionError(f"squeue command failed: {ret}") return self._get_statuses_from_output(output["stdout"])
@staticmethod def _get_statuses_from_output(output): logger.debug("squeue output: [%s]", output) lines = output.split("\n") if not lines: # No jobs are currently running. return {} statuses = {} for line in lines: if line == "": continue fields = line.strip().split() assert len(fields) == 2 job_id = fields[0] status = fields[1] statuses[job_id] = SlurmManager._STATUSES.get(status, HpcJobStatus.UNKNOWN) return statuses
[docs] @staticmethod def check_storage_configuration(): pass
# Disabling this code because the Lustre documentation only recommends # higher stripe counts when files are large or if many clients will be # accessing the files concurrently. # JADE shouldn't enforce a single rule for everyone. # Leaving the code here in case we want to customize this in the # future. # # References: # - # - # output = {} # cmd = "lfs getstripe ." # ret = run_command(cmd, output) # if ret != 0: # raise ExecutionError(f"{cmd} failed: {output}") # stripe_count = SlurmManager._get_stripe_count(output["stdout"]) #"stripe_count is set to %s", stripe_count) # if stripe_count < 16: # raise InvalidConfiguration( # f"stripe_count for {os.getcwd()} is set to {stripe_count}. " # "The runtime directory should be set with a stripe_count of " # "16 for optimal performance. Create a new directory, run " # "`lfs setstripe -c 16 <dirname>`, and then move all contents " # "to that directory." # )
[docs] def get_config(self): return self._config
[docs] def get_current_job_id(self): return os.environ["SLURM_JOB_ID"]
@staticmethod def _get_stripe_count(output): regex = re.compile(r"stripe_count:\s+(\d+)") match = assert match, output["stdout"] return int(
[docs] def create_cluster(self): logger.debug("config=%s", self._config) assert False, "not supported"
# cluster = SLURMCluster( # project=self._config["hpc"]["allocation"], # walltime=self._config["hpc"]["walltime"], # job_mem=str(self._config["hpc"]["mem"]), # memory=str(self._config["hpc"]["mem"]) + "MB", # #job_cpu=config["cpu"], # interface=self._config["dask"]["interface"], # local_directory=self._config["dask"]["local_directory"], # cores=self._config["dask"]["cores"], # #processes=config["processes"], # ) # logger.debug("Created cluster. job script %s", cluster.job_script()) # return cluster
[docs] def create_local_cluster(self): assert False, "not supported"
# cluster = LocalCluster() # logger.debug("Created local cluster.") # return cluster
[docs] def create_submission_script(self, name, script, filename, path): text = self._create_submission_script_text(name, script, path) utils.create_script(filename, "\n".join(text) + "\n")
def _create_submission_script_text(self, name, script, path): lines = [ "#!/bin/bash", f"#SBATCH --account={self._config.hpc.account}", f"#SBATCH --job-name={name}", f"#SBATCH --time={self._config.hpc.walltime}", f"#SBATCH --output={path}/job_output_%j.o", f"#SBATCH --error={path}/job_output_%j.e", ] for param in ( "gres", "mem", "nodes", "ntasks", "ntasks_per_node", "partition", "qos", "tmp", "reservation", ): value = getattr(self._config.hpc, param, None) if value is not None: lines.append(f"#SBATCH --{param}={value}") lines.append("") lines.append(f"srun {script}") return lines
[docs] def get_job_stats(self, job_id): cmd = ( f"sacct -j {job_id} --format=JobID,JobName%20,state,start,end,Account,Partition%15,QOS" ) output = {} check_run_command(cmd, output=output) result = output["stdout"].strip().split("\n") if len(result) != 6: raise Exception(f"Unknown output for sacct: {result} length={len(result)}") # 8165902 COMPLETED 2022-01-16T12:10:37 2022-01-17T04:04:34 fields = result[2].split() if fields[0] != job_id: raise Exception(f"sacct returned unexpected job_id={fields[0]}") state = self._STATUSES.get(fields[2], HpcJobStatus.UNKNOWN) fmt = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S" try: start = datetime.strptime(fields[3], fmt) except ValueError: logger.exception("Failed to parse start_time=%s", fields[3]) raise try: if fields[4] == "Unknown": end = fields[4] else: end = datetime.strptime(fields[4], fmt) except ValueError: logger.exception("Failed to parse end_time=%s", fields[4]) raise stats = HpcJobStats( hpc_job_id=job_id, name=fields[1], state=state, start=start, end=end, account=fields[5], partition=fields[6], qos=fields[7], ) return stats
[docs] def get_local_scratch(self): for key in ("TMPDIR",): if key in os.environ: return os.environ[key] return tempfile.gettempdir()
[docs] def get_node_id(self): return os.environ["SLURM_NODEID"]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_num_cpus(): return int(os.environ["SLURM_CPUS_ON_NODE"])
[docs] def list_active_nodes(self, job_id): out1 = {} # It's possible that 500 characters won't be enough, even with the compact format. # Compare the node count against the result to make sure we got all nodes. # There should be a better way to get this. check_run_command(f'squeue -j {job_id} --format="%5D %500N" -h', out1) result = out1["stdout"].strip().split() assert len(result) == 2, str(result) num_nodes = int(result[0]) nodes_compact = result[1] out2 = {} check_run_command(f'scontrol show hostnames "{nodes_compact}"', out2) nodes = [x for x in out2["stdout"].split("\n") if x != ""] if len(nodes) != num_nodes: raise Exception(f"Bug in parsing node names. Found={len(nodes)} Actual={num_nodes}") return nodes
[docs] def log_environment_variables(self): data = {} for name, value in os.environ.items(): if "SLURM" in name: data[name] = value"SLURM environment variables: %s", data)
[docs] def submit(self, filename): job_id = None output = {} # Transient failures could be costly. Retry for up to one minute. # TODO: Some errors are not transient. We could detect those and skip the retries. ret = run_command("sbatch {}".format(filename), output, num_retries=6, retry_delay_s=10) if ret == 0: result = Status.GOOD stdout = output["stdout"] match = if match: job_id = result = Status.GOOD else: logger.error("Failed to interpret sbatch output [%s]", stdout) result = Status.ERROR else: result = Status.ERROR return result, job_id, output["stderr"]