
To conduct power flow simulations and analysis, people normally need to perform several steps, including transform model, create configurations, submit jobs, and run post-processing scripts/commands. To streamline this workflow, DISCO leverages the power of JADE pipeline and manage the steps using stages in simpler manner.

A pipeline can contain one or more stages, each stage can perform config and submit jobs to generate stage results. The result output from prior stage can be passed to its subsequent stage as inputs, so that produces further results. DISCO uses pipeline template and pipeline config to manage the DISCO analysis workflow.

To generate a pipeline template file and create a pipeline config file based on it, use this group command:

$ disco create-pipeline --help

The source models that DISCO pipeline currently supports include:


Snapshot Hosting Capacity Analysis

1. Create Pipeline Template File

To create pipeline template, use this command:

$ disco create-pipeline template <INPUTS>

The opendss model inputs - <INPUTS> can be source models or preconfigured models.


When creating the pipeline template for snapshot simulation the flag --with-loadshape or --no-with-loadshape must be set according to whether the Loads or PVSystems in the models use load shapes.

  • if --no-with-loadshape, DISCO runs snapshot simulation by using Snapshot mode.

  • if --with-loadshape, DISCO runs snapshot simulation by using QSTS mode with only one timestamp.

  1. Source Model Inputs

$ disco create-pipeline template tests/data/smart-ds/substations --task-name TestTask -s snapshot --hosting-capacity -t pipeline-template.toml
  1. Preconfigured Model Inputs

Create preconfigured models:

$ disco transform-model tests/data/smart-ds/substations snapshot -o snapshot-feeder-models

Then, use --preconfigured flag to indicate the input models snapshot-feeder-models are preconfigured.

$ disco create-pipeline template snapshot-feeder-models  --task-name TestTask --preconfigured -s snapshot --hosting-capacity -t pipeline-template.toml

The commands above create a pipeline template file named pipeline-template.toml.

2. Update Pipeline Template File

In the template generated above, there are 3 sections, including:

  • model

  • simulation

  • postprocess

You can modify the different types of parameters in each section based on your task requirements on model transform, config/submit jobs, and postprocess. To check the meaning of each parameter, run --help on its command.

  • model.transform-params from disco transform-model <INPUTS> snapshot

  • simulation.config-params from disco config snapshot.

  • simulation.submitter-params from jade submit-jobs.

  • postprocess.config-params from jade config create.

  • postprocess.submitter-params from jade submit-jobs

Note that simulation and postprocess can use different JADE submitter parameters. Check the default values chosen by DISCO and consider whether they can be optimized for your run. If you’re not familiar with the terms used in this section, please refer to JADE docs.

For snapshot simulations DISCO uses a default value for per-node-batch-size. You may be able to pick a better value for the simulation stage.

For time-series simulations DISCO estimates job runtimes and then uses JADE time-based-batching. So, you should not need to worry about per-node-batch-size. However, you might need to adjust the walltime value in hpc_config.toml to account for your longest jobs.

3. Create Pipeline Config File

$ disco create-pipeline config pipeline-template.toml -c pipeline.json

This step creates the pipeline config file named pipeline.json, which contains the stage information. In this example, there are 2 stages, JADE run each of the stage in order, and manages the status of each util it completes the whole workflow.

4. Sumbit Pipeline Using JADE

$ jade pipeline submit pipeline.json -o snapshot-pipeline-output

Pipeline output directory is snapshot-pipeline-output in this example, which contains two stages’ results, as shown below:

$tree snapshot-pipeline-output/ -L 2
├── config-stage1.json
├── config-stage2.json
├── output-stage1
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── disco-diff.patch
│   ├── errors.txt
│   ├── events
│   ├── feeder_head_table.csv
│   ├── feeder_losses_table.csv
│   ├── jade-diff.patch
│   ├── job-outputs
│   ├── metadata_table.csv
│   ├── processed_results.csv
│   ├── results.csv
│   ├── results.json
│   ├── results.txt
│   ├── run_jobs_batch_0_events.log
│   ├── thermal_metrics_table.csv
│   └── voltage_metrics_table.csv
├── output-stage2
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── disco-diff.patch
│   ├── errors.txt
│   ├── events
│   ├── jade-diff.patch
│   ├── job-outputs
│   ├── processed_results.csv
│   ├── results.csv
│   ├── results.json
│   ├── results.txt
│   └── run_jobs_batch_0_events.log
├── pipeline.json
└── pipeline_submit.log

From the result tree, the metrics summary tables *.csv were created in output-stage1 by the postprocess job from stage 2.

Time-series Hosting Capacity Analysis

Similarly, you can run time-series hosting capacity analysis using pipeline. However, there is a difference for time-series pipeline, where one more stage named prescreen could be enabled, so that to prescreen pv penetration levels and avoid running jobs with higher failure potentials, which could help reduce the consumption of HPC compute node hours.

1. Create Pipeline Template File

$ disco create-pipeline template tests/data/smart-ds/substations  --task-name TestTask -s time-series --hosting-capacity -t pipeline-template.toml

If you need to prescreen PV penetration levels, use the flag --prescreen to create the template.

$ disco create-pipeline template tests/data/smart-ds/substations  --task-name TestTask -s time-series --prescreen --hosting-capacity -t pipeline-template.toml

This step create the pipeline-template.toml file.

2. Update Pipeline Tempalte File

There are 3 (or 4, with --prescreen enabled) sections in the template file generated above.
  • model

  • prescreen (optional)

  • simulation

  • postprocess

Update the params in each section based on your task requirements,

  • model.transform-params from disco transform-model <INPUTS> time-series

  • prescreen.config-params from disco config time-series

  • prescreen.prescreen-params from disco prescreen-pv-penetration-levels create

    and disco prescreen-pv-penetration-levels filter-config.

  • simulation.submitter-params from jade submit-jobs.

  • postprocess.config-params from jade config create.

  • postprocess.submitter-params from jade submit-jobs

then save it.

3. Create Pipeline Config File

$ disco create-pipeline config pipeline-template.toml -c pipeline.json

This command creates the pipeline config file named pipeline.json, there are 3 stages if you have --prescreen enabled, otherwise, 2 stages - simulation and postprocess.

4. Submit Pipeline Using JADE

$ jade pipeline submit pipeline.json -o time-series-pipeline-output

Pipeline output directory is time-series-pipeline-output in this example, which contains the results of 3 stages with --prescreen enabled.

$tree time-series-pipeline-output/ -L 2
├── config-stage1.json
├── config-stage2.json
├── config-stage3.json
├── output-stage1
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── disco-diff.patch
│   ├── errors.txt
│   ├── events
│   ├── filter_prescreened_jobs.log
│   ├── jade-diff.patch
│   ├── job-outputs
│   ├── processed_results.csv
│   ├── results.csv
│   ├── results.json
│   ├── results.txt
│   └── run_jobs_batch_0_events.log
│   ├── output-stage2
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── disco-diff.patch
│   ├── errors.txt
│   ├── events
│   ├── feeder_head_table.csv
│   ├── feeder_losses_table.csv
│   ├── jade-diff.patch
│   ├── job-outputs
│   ├── metadata_table.csv
│   ├── processed_results.csv
│   ├── results.csv
│   ├── results.json
│   ├── results.txt
│   ├── run_jobs_batch_0_events.log
│   ├── thermal_metrics_table.csv
│   └── voltage_metrics_table.csv
├── output-stage3
│   ├── config.json
│   ├── disco-diff.patch
│   ├── errors.txt
│   ├── events
│   ├── jade-diff.patch
│   ├── job-outputs
│   ├── processed_results.csv
│   ├── results.csv
│   ├── results.json
│   ├── results.txt
│   └── run_jobs_batch_0_events.log
├── pipeline.json
└── pipeline_submit.log

As shown above, the metrics summary tables *.csv were created in output-stage2 by postprocess job from stage 3.

5. Check Results and Plots

Based on the metrics results, DISCO integrate plot functions which help create 3 plots.

  1. compare voltage primary and secondary on the first feeder.

  2. compare pf1 and volt-var on the first feeder.

  3. heatmap for max and min hosting capacity for all feeders.

These visualizations show the feeder operational conditions under different PV penetration levels.