PCM Modeling Components#
We implemented the data models used follow the NREL-Sienna/PowerSystem.jl specification tailored for CEM to PCM convertions. Here is the list of available representations:
Abstract generator class. |
Curtailable renewable generator. |
Non-curtailable renewable generator. |
Class representing a standard thermal generator. |
Class representing flexible hydro generators. |
Class representing hydro system with reservoirs. |
Collection of buses in a given region. |
Collection of buses for electricity price analysis. |
Power-system AC bus. |
Power-system DC Bus. |
Class representing an AC connection between components. |
Class representing a DC connection between components. |
Class representing an AC transmission line. |
Class representing a DC transmission line. |
Class representing a 2-W transformer. |
Collection of branches that make up an interfece or corridor for the transfer of power. |
Load components#
Class representing a Load object. |
A static interruptible power load. |
Storage models#
Default Storage class. |
Battery energy storage model. |
Class representing pumped hydro generators. |
Hybrid representation#
Representation of hybrid system with renewable generation, load, thermal generation and storage. |
Class representing an emission object that is attached to generators. |
Class representing a reserve contribution. |
Component representing a collection of branches that make up an interface or corridor. |