- class r2x.exporter.handler.BaseExporter(config, system, output_folder, ts_directory='Data')#
Class that defines the shared methods of parsers.
This class is meant to be use for developing new parsers. Do not use it directly.
- config#
Scenario configuration
- system#
System class
- output_foder#
output folder path
- run()#
Sequentially run methods from the exporter
- Return type:
- get_data(key='load')#
Return the parsed data for load.
- read_file(fpath='load.csv')#
Read load data.
- export_data_files(time_series_folder='Data')#
Save time series data files.
- export_data_files(year, time_series_folder='Data')#
Export all time series objects attached to components.
This method assumes that self.config.weather_year and `self.output_folder exist.
- read_file(fpath, filter_func=None, **kwargs)#
Read input model data from the file system.
- Currently supported formats:
More to come!
- Parameters:
fpath (Path, str) – Absolute location of the file in the system
filter_func (List) – Filter functions to apply
- abstractmethod run(*args, **kwargs)#
Run the exporter methods in sequence.
This methods needs to be implemented by any exporter and it’s content change based on the order the data is being exported.
- Return type:
- static time_series_to_csv(config, system, output_folder=None, reference_year=None, time_series_folder='Data', time_series_fname=None, time_series_type=<class 'infrasys.time_series_models.SingleTimeSeries'>, variable_name=None, **user_attributes)#
Export time series objects to CSV files.
- Parameters:
config (Scenario) – The scenario configuration object containing output settings.
system (System) – The system containing the components and time series data.
output_folder (str | Path | None, optional) – The directory where CSV files should be saved (default is config.output_folder).
reference_year (int | None, optional) – The reference year for time series generation (default is inferred from config).
time_series_folder (Literal["Data"], optional) – Subfolder for storing time series files (default is “Data”).
time_series_fname (Literal["${component_type}_${name}_${year}.csv"] | None, optional) – Filename pattern for output CSV files (default is “${component_type}_${name}_${year}.csv”).
**user_attributes (str) – Additional filtering attributes for selecting time series data.
time_series_type (type[SingleTimeSeries])
variable_name (str | None)
See also
- class r2x.exporter.plexos.PlexosExporter(*args, plexos_scenario='default', database_manager=None, xml_fname=None, **kwargs)#
Plexos exporter class.
- add_batteries()#
Add battery objects to the database.
- add_component_category(component_type, class_enum, category_attribute='category', filter_func=None)#
Add all categories for a component type.
- add_constraints()#
Add custom constraints.
- Return type:
- add_emissions()#
Add emission objects to the database.
- Return type:
- add_generators()#
Add generator objects to the database.
- add_interfaces()#
Add transmission interfaces.
- Return type:
- add_lines()#
Add transmission lines that connect topology elements.
- Return type:
- add_reserves()#
Add system reserves to the database.
This method only appends the information for the type of reserves. Each generator that contributes to the reserve will add the membership for the type of reserve as a child membership.
- Return type:
- add_storage()#
Add storage objects to the database.
- add_topology()#
Create network topology on Plexos.
- Return type:
- add_transformers()#
Add Transformer objects to the database.
- Return type:
- bulk_insert_objects(component_type, class_enum, collection_enum, category_attribute='category', name_prefix='', filter_func=None)#
Bulk insert objects to the database.
- export_data_files(year, time_series_folder='Data')#
Export all time series objects attached to components.
This method assumes that self.config.weather_year and `self.output_folder exist.
- insert_component_properties(component_type, /, *, parent_class, parent_object_name='System', collection, child_class=None, filter_func=None, scenario=None, records=None, exclude_fields={'bus', 'ext', 'services'})#
Bulk insert properties from selected component type.
- read_file(fpath, filter_func=None, **kwargs)#
Read input model data from the file system.
- Currently supported formats:
More to come!
- Parameters:
fpath (Path, str) – Absolute location of the file in the system
filter_func (List) – Filter functions to apply
- run(*args, new_database=True, **kwargs)#
Run the exporter.
- Parameters:
new_database (bool)
- Return type:
- static time_series_to_csv(config, system, output_folder=None, reference_year=None, time_series_folder='Data', time_series_fname=None, time_series_type=<class 'infrasys.time_series_models.SingleTimeSeries'>, variable_name=None, **user_attributes)#
Export time series objects to CSV files.
- Parameters:
config (Scenario) – The scenario configuration object containing output settings.
system (System) – The system containing the components and time series data.
output_folder (str | Path | None, optional) – The directory where CSV files should be saved (default is config.output_folder).
reference_year (int | None, optional) – The reference year for time series generation (default is inferred from config).
time_series_folder (Literal["Data"], optional) – Subfolder for storing time series files (default is “Data”).
time_series_fname (Literal["${component_type}_${name}_${year}.csv"] | None, optional) – Filename pattern for output CSV files (default is “${component_type}_${name}_${year}.csv”).
**user_attributes (str) – Additional filtering attributes for selecting time series data.
time_series_type (type[SingleTimeSeries])
variable_name (str | None)
See also
- class r2x.exporter.sienna.SiennaExporter(*args, **kwargs)#
Sienna exporter class.
This is the class that export the infrasys system to csv’s required to read in PowerSystems.jl. The class contains a method per file that needs to get created and some of the methods manipulate the data to be compliant wth PowerSystems.jl. The order is important for some steps, however, most of them could be run sequentially.
The method run is the responsible of running all the exporter.
All the methods defined an output_columns which defines the fields from the Component that we want to export.
All methods call export_component_to_csv or export_dict_to_csv that is defined on the BaseExporter class.
See also
- create_timeseries_pointers()#
Create timeseries_pointers.json file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Name of the file to be created
- Return type:
- export_data()#
Export csv data to specified folder from output_data attribute.
- Return type:
- export_data_files(year, time_series_folder='Data')#
Export all time series objects attached to components.
This method assumes that self.config.weather_year and `self.output_folder exist.
- process_branch_data(fname='branch.csv')#
Create branch.csv file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Name of the file to be created
- Return type:
- process_bus_data(fname='bus.csv')#
Create bus.csv file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Name of the file to be created
- Return type:
- process_dc_branch_data(fname='dc_branch.csv')#
Create dc_branch.csv file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Name of the file to be created
- Return type:
- process_gen_data(fname='gen.csv')#
Create gen.csv file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Name of the file to be created
- process_load_data(fname='load.csv')#
Create load.csv file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Name of the file to be created
- Return type:
- process_reserves_data(fname='reserves.csv')#
Create reserve.csv file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Name of the file to be created
- Return type:
- process_storage_data(fname='storage.csv')#
Create storage.csv file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Name of the file to be created
- Return type:
- read_file(fpath, filter_func=None, **kwargs)#
Read input model data from the file system.
- Currently supported formats:
More to come!
- Parameters:
fpath (Path, str) – Absolute location of the file in the system
filter_func (List) – Filter functions to apply
- run(*args, path=None, **kwargs)#
Run sienna exporter workflow.
All methods call export_component_to_csv or export_dict_to_csv that is defined on the BaseExporter class.
If performance is a constraint, we could parallelize the methods.
- Return type:
- static time_series_to_csv(config, system, output_folder=None, reference_year=None, time_series_folder='Data', time_series_fname=None, time_series_type=<class 'infrasys.time_series_models.SingleTimeSeries'>, variable_name=None, **user_attributes)#
Export time series objects to CSV files.
- Parameters:
config (Scenario) – The scenario configuration object containing output settings.
system (System) – The system containing the components and time series data.
output_folder (str | Path | None, optional) – The directory where CSV files should be saved (default is config.output_folder).
reference_year (int | None, optional) – The reference year for time series generation (default is inferred from config).
time_series_folder (Literal["Data"], optional) – Subfolder for storing time series files (default is “Data”).
time_series_fname (Literal["${component_type}_${name}_${year}.csv"] | None, optional) – Filename pattern for output CSV files (default is “${component_type}_${name}_${year}.csv”).
**user_attributes (str) – Additional filtering attributes for selecting time series data.
time_series_type (type[SingleTimeSeries])
variable_name (str | None)
See also