Simple interface with the Plexos database.
- class plexosdb.sqlite.PlexosSQLite(xml_fname=None, xml_handler=None, create_collations=True)#
Class that wraps the connection to the SQL database.
Since we always start from a file XML, the default behaviour is to create an in-memory representation of the database. The usage is not to persist it into disk since the output file is always a XML, but it is possible by using the method backup.
- add_attribute(*, object_name, object_class, attribute_class, attribute_name, attribute_value)#
Add attribute to a given object.
Attributes are different from properties. They live on a separate table and are mostly used for model configuration.
- Parameters:
object_name (str) – Name to be added to the object
class_id (ClassEnum) – ClassEnum from the object to be added. E.g., for generators class_id=ClassEnum.Generators
collection_id (CollectionEnum) – Collection for system membership. E.g., for generators class_enum=CollectionEnum.SystemGenerators
object_class (ClassEnum) – ClassEnum from the object to be added. E.g., for generators class_id=ClassEnum.Generators
attribute_class (ClassEnum) – Class of the attribute to be added
attribute_name (str) – Valid name of the attribute to be added for the given class
attribute_value (str | float | int) – Value to be added to the attribute
- Returns:
- Return type:
By default, we add all objects to the system membership.
- add_category(category_name, /, *, class_name)#
Add a new category for a given class.
- Parameters:
category_name – Name to be added to the object
class_name (ClassEnum) – ClassEnum from the category to be added. E.g., for generators class_name=ClassEnum.Generators
- Returns:
- Return type:
- Raises:
- add_membership(parent_object_name, child_object_name, /, *, parent_class, child_class, collection, child_category=None)#
Add a memberships between two objects for a given collection.
- parent_object_name
Name to parent
- child_object_name
Name of the child
- parent_class
Class of to parent
- child_class
Class of the child
- collection
Collection for membership to be added.
- add_object(object_name, class_name, collection_name, /, *, category_name='-', description=None)#
Add object to the database and append a system membership.
The base type on the plexos database are objects. Each object can have multiple memberships and belong to predetermined class.
- Parameters:
object_name (str) – Name to be added to the object
class_id – ClassEnum from the object to be added. E.g., for generators class_id=ClassEnum.Generators
collection_name (CollectionEnum) – Collection for system membership. E.g., for generators class_enum=CollectionEnum.SystemGenerators
parent_class_name – Name of the parent class if different from System.
class_name (ClassEnum)
category_name (str)
description (str | None)
By default, we add all objects to the system membership.
- add_property(object_name, property_name, property_value, /, *, object_class, collection, parent_class=None, parent_object_name=None, scenario=None, text=None)#
Add property for a given object in the database.
- Parameters:
object_name (str) – Name to be added to the object
property_name (str) – Valid plexos property to be added for the given collection
property_value (str | int | float) – Value to assign to the property
object_class (ClassEnum) – ClassEnum from the object to be added. E.g., for generators class_id=ClassEnum.Generators
parent_object_name (str | None) – Name of the parent object. User for creating the membership.
collection (CollectionEnum) – Collection for membership
scenario (str | None) – Scenario tag to add to the property
text (dict | None) – Additional text to add to the property. E.g., memo data or Data File.
parent_class (ClassEnum | None)
- Returns:
data_id of the added property.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – When the property is not a valid string for the collection.
- add_property_from_records(records, /, *, parent_class, parent_object_name='System', collection, scenario, chunksize=10000)#
Bulk insert multiple properties from a list of records.
- bulk_modify_properties(updates)#
Update multiple properties in a single transaction.
- check_id_exists(table, object_name, /, *, class_name=None)#
Check if the id exist for the given object and table.
- Parameters:
table (Schema) – The table from which to retrieve the ID.
object_name (ClassEnum) – The name of the object for which to retrieve the ID.
class_name (ClassEnum | None)
- Returns:
True if the object was found.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If ID does not exists on the database.
ValueError – If multiple IDs are returned for the given filters.
- copy_object(original_object_name, new_object_name, object_type, copy_properties=True)#
Copy an object and its properties, tags, and texts.
- execute(query, params=None)#
Execute a SQL statement without returning any results.
- execute_query(query, params=None)#
Execute of insert query to the database.
- Parameters:
query (str)
- Return type:
- get_category_id(category_name, class_name)#
Return the ID for a given category.
- Parameters:
category_name (str) – Name of the category to retrieve
class_name (ClassEnum) – ClassEnum of the class of the category. Used to filter memberships by class_id
- Returns:
The ID corresponding to the category, or None if not found.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If ID does not exists on the database.
ValueError – If multiple IDs are returned for the given category.
- get_category_max_id(class_enum)#
Return the current max rank for a given category.
- Parameters:
class_enum (ClassEnum)
- Return type:
- get_class_id(class_enum)#
Return the ID for a given class.
- Parameters:
class_name (ClassEnum) – The enum collection from which to retrieve the ID.
class_enum (ClassEnum)
- Returns:
The ID corresponding to the object, or None if not found.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If ID does not exists on the database.
ValueError – If multiple IDs are returned for the given class.
- get_collection_id(collection, parent_class=None, child_class=None)#
Return the ID for a given collection.
- Parameters:
collection (CollectionEnum) – The enum collection from which to retrieve the ID.
parent_class (ClassEnum | None) – ClassEnum of the parent object. Used to filter memberships by parent_class_id
Optional – ClassEnum of the parent object. Used to filter memberships by parent_class_id
child_class (ClassEnum | None) – ClassEnum of the child object. Used to filter memberships by child_class_id
Optional – ClassEnum of the child object. Used to filter memberships by child_class_id
- Returns:
The ID corresponding to the object, or None if not found.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If ID does not exists on the database.
ValueError – If multiple IDs are returned for the given parent/child class provided.
- get_membership_id(*, child_name, parent_name, child_class, parent_class, collection)#
Return the ID for a given membership.
- Parameters:
child_name (str) – Name of the child to find. Used to filter child_object_name.
parent_name (str) – Name of the parent to find. Used to filter parent_object_name.
child_class (ClassEnum) – ClassEnum of the parent object. Used to filter memberships by parent_class_id.
parent_class (ClassEnum) – ClassEnum of the class of the category. Used to filter memberships by class_id.
collection (CollectionEnum) – The enum collection from which to retrieve the ID. Used to filter by collection_id.
- Returns:
The ID corresponding to the object, or None if not found.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If ID does not exists on the database.
ValueError – If multiple IDs are returned for the given parent/child class provided.
- get_memberships(*object_names, object_class, parent_class=None, collection=None, include_system_membership=False)#
Retrieve all memberships for the given object(s).
- Parameters:
object_names (str or list[str]) – Name or list of names of the objects to get their memberships. You can pass multiple string arguments or a single list of strings.
object_class (ClassEnum) – Class of the objects.
parent_class (ClassEnum | None, optional) – Class of the parent object. Defaults to object_class if not provided.
collection (CollectionEnum | None, optional) – Collection to filter memberships.
include_system_membership (bool, optional) – If False (default), exclude system memberships (where parent_class is System). If True, include them.
- Returns:
A list of tuples representing memberships. Each tuple is structured as: (parent_class_id, child_class_id, parent_object_name, child_object_name, collection_id, return self.query(query_string=query_string, params=params) parent_class_name, collection_name).
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If any of the object_names do not exist.
- get_object_id(object_name, class_name, category_name=None)#
Return the ID for a given object.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The ID corresponding to the category, or None if not found.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If ID does not exists on the database.
ValueError – If multiple IDs are returned for the given object.
- get_objects_properties(class_name, collection, /, objects=None, *, properties=None, parent_class=None, scenario=None, variable_tag=None)#
Retrieve selected properties for the specified object.
If no collection is provided, all properties are returned. If a collection is passed then the collection id is computed using the provided parent_class and the child class (class_name) so that only properties for that membership are returned.
- get_property_id(property_name, collection, child_class, parent_class=None)#
Return the ID for a given collection.
- Parameters:
property_name (str) – Name of the property to retrieve
collection (CollectionEnum) – The enum collection from which to retrieve the ID. Used for filter by collection_id.
parent_class (ClassEnum | None) – ClassEnum of the parent object. Used to filter memberships by parent_class_id
child_class (ClassEnum) – ClassEnum of the child object. Used to filter memberships by child_class_id
- Returns:
The ID corresponding to the object, or None if not found.
- Return type:
- Raises:
KeyError – If name of the property does not exist for the collection id.
ValueError – If multiple IDs are returned for the given parent/child class provided.
- get_scenario_id(scenario_name)#
Return scenario id for a given scenario name.
- get_valid_properties(collection, parent_class=None, child_class=None)#
Return list of valid property names per collection.
- ingest_from_records(tag, record_data)#
Insert elements from xml to database.
- modify_property(object_type, object_name, property_name, new_value, scenario=None, band=None, collection=None, parent_class=None)#
Modify the property value for a given object.
- Parameters:
object_type (ClassEnum) – The type of object (e.g., Generator).
object_name (str) – The name of the object.
property_name (str) – The property name to modify.
new_value (str | None) – The new value to apply.
scenario (str | None, optional) – Scenario for updating, by default None.
band (str | None, optional) – Band for updating, by default None.
collection (CollectionEnum | None, optional) – The collection, by default None.
parent_class (ClassEnum | None, optional) – The parent class, by default None.
- Return type:
- query(query_string, params=None)#
Execute of query to the database.
This function just wraps the functionality of the SQLite API and fetch the results for us.
- Parameters:
query – String to get passed to the database connector.
params – Tuple or dict for passing
query_string (str)
- Return type:
We do not valid any query.
This function could be slow depending the complexity of the query passed.
- to_xml(fpath, namespace='')#
Convert SQLite to XML format.
This method takes all the tables of th SQLite and creates the appropiate tags based on the column name.