

Greetings, Traveler!

This guide should be sufficient to setup R2X for translating most of the models. If it does not, please contact any R2X developer and we will promptly provide assistance.

The easiest way to install R2X is by cloning the github repo in your local disk. There are multiple ways of doing this, however, we recommend using the bare Git CLI. For cloning the repo, you can use either of the following commands:

git clone

We recommend setting up a ssh key for your github account to avoid writing your password everytime you want to pull/push changes from the main branch. If you have not, follow this instructions.


In a near future, we are going to distribute R2X as a PyPi package. Stay tuned!

Configuring Python environment#

There are multiple ways of setting up your Python environment. However, we highly suggest to use Anaconda or Mamba since it solves most of the issues with packaging. You are free to use your favorite python version manager to install the Python version and the R2X dependencies. Here is a list of snippets you could use:

mamba env create -f environment.yml && mamba activate r2x

Remember that you need to be in the exact folder where you downloaded the repo to run the following command.


If you just installed the package manager for the first time and are running on Windows, you may first have to run the following and restart your shell: mamba init powershell

To verify your installation, try to run the following command:

python -m r2x --version