Running on Swift#
Please see the Modules page for information about setting up your environment and loading modules.
Login nodes#
is a round-robin alias that will connect you to any available login node.
SSH Keys#
User accounts have a default set of keys cluster
. The config
file will use these even if you generate a new keypair using ssh-keygen
. If you are adding your keys to Github or elsewhere you should either use
or will have to modify the config
Slurm and Partitions#
The most up to date list of partitions can always be found by running the sinfo
command on the cluster.
Partition | Description |
long | jobs up to ten days of walltime |
standard | jobs up to two days of walltime |
gpu | Nodes with four NVIDIA A100 40 GB Computational Accelerators, up to two days of walltime |
debug | two nodes reserved for short tests, up to four hours of walltime |
Each partition also has a matching -standby
partition. Allocations which have consumed all awarded AUs for the year may only submit jobs to these partitions, and their default QoS will be set to standby
. Jobs in standby partitions will be scheduled when there are otherwise idle cycles and no other non-standby jobs are available. Jobs that run in the standby queue will not be charged any AUs.
Any allocation may submit a job to a standby QoS, even if there are unspent AUs.
By default, nodes can be shared between users. To get exclusive access to a node use the --exclusive
flag in your sbatch script or on the sbatch command line.
Use --cpus-per-task
with srun/sbatch otherwise some applications may only utilize a single core.
GPU Nodes#
Swift now has ten GPU nodes. Each GPU node has 4 NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs, 96 CPU cores, and 1TB RAM.
GPU nodes are also shared, meaning that less than a full node may be requested for a job, leaving the remainder of the node for use by other jobs concurrently. (See the section below on AU Charges for how this affects the AU usage rate.)
To request use of a GPU, use the flag --gres=gpu:<quantity>
with sbatch, srun, or salloc, or add it as an #SBATCH
directive in your sbatch submit script, where <quantity>
is a number from 1 to 4.
CPU Core and RAM Defaults on GPU Nodes#
If your job will require more than the default 1 CPU core and 1.5GB RAM you must request the quantity of cores and/or RAM that you will need, by using additional flags such as --ntasks=
or --mem=
. See the Slurm Job Scheduling section for details on requesting additional resources.
Allocation Unit (AU) Charges#
The equation for calculating the AU cost of a job on Swift is:
AU cost = (Walltime in hours * Number of Nodes * QoS Factor * Charge Factor)
The Walltime is the actual length of time that the job runs, in hours or fractions thereof.
The Number of nodes can be whole nodes or fractions of a node. See below for more information.
The Charge Factor for Swift CPU nodes is 5.
The Charge Factor for Swift GPU nodes is 50, or 12.5 per GPU.
The QoS Factor for normal priority jobs is 1.
The QoS Factor for high-priority jobs is 2.
The QoS Factor for standby priority jobs is 0. There is no AU cost for standby jobs.
One CPU node for one hour of walltime at normal priority costs 5 AU total.
One CPU node for one hour of walltime at high priority costs 10 AU total.
One GPU for one hour of walltime at normal priority costs 12.5 AU total.
Four GPUs for one hour of walltime at normal priority costs 50 AU total.
Shared/Fractional CPU Nodes#
Swift allows jobs to share nodes, meaning fractional allocations are possible.
Standard (CPU) compute nodes have 128 CPU cores and 256GB RAM.
When a job only requests part of a node, usage is tracked on the basis of:
1 core = 2GB RAM = 1/128th of a node
Using all resources on a single node, whether CPU, RAM, or both, will max out at 128/128 per node = 1.
The highest quantity of resource requested will determine the total AU charge.
For example, a job that requests 64 cores and 128GB RAM (one half of a node) would be:
1 hour walltime * 0.5 nodes * 1 QoS Factor * 5 Charge Factor = 2.5 AU per node-hour.
Shared/Fractional GPU Nodes#
Jobs on Swift may also share GPU nodes.
Standard GPU nodes have 96 CPU cores, four NVIDIA A100 40GB GPUs, and 1TB RAM.
You may request 1, 2, 3, or 4 GPUs per GPU node, as well as any additional CPU and RAM required.
Usage is tracked on the basis of:
1 GPU = 25% of total cores (24/96) = 25% of total RAM (256GB/1TB) = 25% of a node
The highest quantity of resource requested will determine the total AU charge.
AU Calculation Examples#
AU calculations are performed automatically between the Slurm scheduler and Lex(NREL's web-based allocation tracking/management software). The following calculations are approximations to help illustrate how your AU will be consumed based on your job resource requests and are approximations only:
A request of 1 GPU, up to 24 CPU cores, and up to 256GB RAM will be charged at 12.5 AU/hr:
- 1/4 GPUs = 25% total GPUs = 50 AU * 0.25 = 12.5 AU (this is what will be charged)
- 1 core = 1% total cores = 50 AU * 0.01 = 0.50 AU (ignored)
- 1GB/1TB = 0.1% total RAM = 50 AU * 0.001 = 0.05 AU (ignored)
A request of 1 GPU, 48 CPU cores, and 100GB RAM will be charged at 25 AU/hr:
- 1/4 GPUs = 25% total GPUs = 50 AU * 0.25 = 12.5 AU (ignored)
- 48/96 cores = 50% total cores = 50 AU * 0.5 = 25 AU (this is what will be charged)
- 100GB/1TB = 10% total RAM = 50 AU * 0.10 = 5 AU (ignored)
A request of 2 GPUs, 55 CPU cores, and 200GB RAM will be charged at approximately 28.7 AU/hr:
- 2/4 GPUs = 50% total GPUS = 50 AU * 0.5 = 25 AU (ignored)
- 55/96 cores = 57.3% of total cores = 50 AU * .573 = 28.65 AU (this is what will be charged)
- 200GB/1TB = 20% total RAM = 50 AU * 0.2 = 10 AU (ignored)
A request of 1 GPU, 1 CPU core, and 1TB RAM will be charged at 50 AU/hr:
- 1/4 GPUs = 25% total GPUS = 50 AU * 0.25 = 12.5 AU (ignored)
- 1/96 cores = 1% total cores = 50 AU * 0.01 = 0.50 AU (ignored)
- 1TB/1TB = 100% total RAM = 50 AU * 1 = 50 AU (this is what will be charged)
Software Environments and Example Files#
Multiple software environments are available on Swift, with a number of commonly used modules including compilers, common build tools, specific AMD optimized libraries, and some analysis tools. The environments are in date stamped subdirectories, in the directory /nopt/nrel/apps. Each environment directory has a file myenv.*. Sourcing that file will enable the environment.
When you login you will have access to the default environments and the myenv file will have been sourced for you. You can see the directory containing the environment by running the module avail
In the directory for an environment you will see a subdirectory example. This contains a makefile for a simple hello world program written in both Fortran and C. The file contains additional information, most of which is replicated here. It is suggested that you copy the example directory to your own /home for experimentation:
cp -r example ~/example
cd ~/example
There is a very basic version of conda in the "anaconda" directory in each /nopt/nrel/apps/YYMMDDa directory. However, there is a more complete environment pointed to by the module under /nopt/nrel/apps/modules. Please see our Conda Documentation for more information.
Simple batch script#
Here is a sample batch script for running the 'hello world' example program, runopenmpi.
#SBATCH --job-name="install"
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --account=<myaccount>
#SBATCH --partition=debug
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
cat $0
#These should be loaded before doing a make
module load gcc openmpi
srun -n 4 ./fhostone -F
srun -n 4 ./phostone -F
To run this you need to replace <myaccount>
with the appropriate account and ensure that slurm is in your path by running:
module load slurm
Then submit the sbatch script with:
sbatch --partition=test runopenmpi
Building the 'hello world' example#
Obviously for the script given above to work you must first build the application. You need to:
- Load the modules
- make
Loading the modules.#
We are going to use gnu compilers with OpenMPI.
ml gcc openmpi
Run make#
Full procedure#
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~]$ cd ~
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~]$ mkdir example
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~]$ cd ~/example
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~]$ cp -r /nopt/nrel/apps/210928a/example/* .
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ cat runopenmpi
#SBATCH --job-name="install"
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --account=<myaccount>
#SBATCH --partition=debug
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
cat $0
#These should be loaded before doing a make:
module load gcc openmpi
srun -n 4 ./fhostone -F
srun -n 4 ./phostone -F
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ module load gcc openmpi
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ make
mpif90 -fopenmp fhostone.f90 -o fhostone
rm getit.mod mympi.mod numz.mod
mpicc -fopenmp phostone.c -o phostone
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ sbatch runopenmpi
Submitted batch job 187
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 example]$ cat *312985*
#SBATCH --job-name="install"
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --partition=debug
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
cat $0
#These should be loaded before doing a make
module load gcc openmpi
srun -n 4 ./fhostone -F
srun -n 4 ./phostone -F
MPI Version:Open MPI v4.1.1, package: Open MPI Distribution, ident: 4.1.1, repo rev: v4.1.1, Apr 24, 2021
task thread node name first task # on node core
0002 0000 c1-31 0002 0000 018
0000 0000 c1-30 0000 0000 072
0000 0001 c1-30 0000 0000 095
0001 0000 c1-30 0000 0001 096
0001 0001 c1-30 0000 0001 099
0002 0001 c1-31 0002 0000 085
0003 0000 c1-31 0002 0001 063
0003 0001 c1-31 0002 0001 099
0001 0000 c1-30 0000 0001 0097
0001 0001 c1-30 0000 0001 0103
0003 0000 c1-31 0002 0001 0062
0003 0001 c1-31 0002 0001 0103
MPI VERSION Open MPI v4.1.1, package: Open MPI Distribution, ident: 4.1.1, repo rev: v4.1.1, Apr 24, 2021
task thread node name first task # on node core
0000 0000 c1-30 0000 0000 0072
0000 0001 c1-30 0000 0000 0020
0002 0000 c1-31 0002 0000 0000
0002 0001 c1-31 0002 0000 0067
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 example]$
Building with Intel Fortran or Intel C and OpenMPI#
You can build parallel programs using OpenMPI and the Intel Fortran ifort and Intel C icc compilers.
We have the example programs build with gnu compilers and OpenMP using the lines:
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ mpif90 -fopenmp fhostone.f90 -o fhostone
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ mpicc -fopenmp phostone.c -o phostone
This gives us:
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ ls -l fhostone
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nrmc2l nrmc2l 42128 Jul 30 13:36 fhostone
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ ls -l phostone
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nrmc2l nrmc2l 32784 Jul 30 13:36 phostone
If you want to use the Intel compilers, first load the appropriate modules:
module load openmpi intel-oneapi-compilers gcc
Then we can set the variables OMPI_FC=ifort and OMPI_CC=icc, and recompile:
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ export OMPI_FC=ifort
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ export OMPI_CC=icc
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ mpif90 -fopenmp fhostone.f90 -o fhostone
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ mpicc -fopenmp phostone.c -o phostone
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ ls -lt fhostone
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nrmc2l nrmc2l 41376 Jul 30 13:37 fhostone
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$ ls -lt phostone
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nrmc2l nrmc2l 32200 Jul 30 13:37 phostone
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 ~ example]$
Note the size of the executable files have changed. You can also see the difference by running the commands:
nm fhostone | grep intel | wc
nm phostone | grep intel | wc
on the two versions of the program. It will show how many calls to Intel routines are in each, 51 and 36 compared to 0 for the gnu versions.
Building and Running with Intel MPI#
We can build with the Intel versions of MPI. We assume we will want to build with icc and ifort as the backend compilers. We load the modules:
ml gcc
ml intel-oneapi-compilers
ml intel-oneapi-mpi
Then, build and run the same example as above:
make clean
make PFC=mpiifort PCC=mpiicc
Giving us:
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 example]$ ls -lt fhostone phostone
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nrmc2l hpcapps 160944 Aug 5 16:14 phostone
-rwxrwxr-x. 1 nrmc2l hpcapps 952352 Aug 5 16:14 fhostone
[nrmc2l@swift-login-1 example]$
We need to make some changes to our batch script. Replace the module load line with:
module load intel-oneapi-mpi intel-oneapi-compilers gcc
Our IntelMPI batch script, runintel under /example, is:
#SBATCH --job-name="install"
#SBATCH --nodes=2
#SBATCH --tasks-per-node=2
#SBATCH --exclusive
#SBATCH --account=<myaccount>
#SBATCH --partition=debug
#SBATCH --time=00:01:00
cat $0
#These should be loaded before doing a make
module load intel-oneapi-mpi intel-oneapi-compilers gcc
srun -n 4 ./fhostone -F
srun -n 4 ./phostone -F
Which produces the following output:
MPI Version:Intel(R) MPI Library 2021.3 for Linux* OS
task thread node name first task # on node core
0000 0000 c1-32 0000 0000 127
0000 0001 c1-32 0000 0000 097
0001 0000 c1-32 0000 0001 062
0001 0001 c1-32 0000 0001 099
MPI VERSION Intel(R) MPI Library 2021.3 for Linux* OS
task thread node name first task # on node core
0000 0000 c1-32 0000 0000 0127
0000 0001 c1-32 0000 0000 0097
0001 0000 c1-32 0000 0001 0127
0001 0001 c1-32 0000 0001 0099
VASP, Jupyter, Julia, and Other Applications on Swift#
Please see the relevant page in the Applications section for more information on using applications on Swift and other NREL clusters.