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Swift Modules#

This describes how to activate and use the modules available on Swift.


Environments are provided with a number of commonly used modules including compilers, common build tools, specific AMD optimized libraries, and some analysis tools. When you first login there is a default set of modules available. These can be seen by running the command:

module avail 

Since Swift is a new machine we are experimenting with additional environments. The environments are in date stamped subdirectory under in the directory /nopt/nrel/apps. Each environemnt directory has a file myenv.*. If the myenv.*. is missing from a directory then that environment is a work in progress. Sourcing myenv.* file will enable the environment and give you a new set of modules.

For example to enable the environment /nopt/nrel/apps/210728a source the provided environment file.

source /nopt/nrel/apps/210728a/myenv.2107290127

You will now have access to the modules provided. These can be listed using the following:

ml avail 

If you want to build applications you can then module load compilers and the like; for example

ml gcc openmpi

will load gnu 9.4 and openmpi.

Software is installed using a spack hierarchy. It is possible to add software to the hierarchy. This should be only done by people responsible for installing software for all users. It is also possible to do a spack install creating a new level of the hierarchy in your personal space. These procedures are documented in in the file under the sections Building on the hierarchy and Building outside the hierarchy. If you want to try this please contact Tim Kaiser to walk through the procedure.

Most environments have an example directory. You can copy this directory to you own space and compile and run the examples. The files runintel and runopenmp are simple batch scripts. These also have "module load" lines that you need to run before building with either compiler set.