Tutorial: Joining Data from an External Dataset to ComStock using Geospatial Fields
The publicly available ComStock dataset provides users with a means to analyze their building stock. Fields included in the dataset encompass building stock characteristics, energy consumption, and some demographic information. While these may be sufficient for some applications/use cases, other users may need to join data to the ComStock dataset for more specific analysis. This how-to guide will explain ComStock’s geo-encoding, including considerations for performing analysis with data joined to ComStock, and instructions for joining the data.
Best Practices and Considerations
ComStock building characteristics are sampled at the county-level. As such, the assignment of building characteristics (and corresponding energy results) have a high level of confidence at geospatial resolutions of county-level and larger (state, census region, climate zone, etc.). ComStock data also includes more granular geospatial information for each model using common geospatial units: U.S. Census PUMAs and Tracts. As defined by the U.S. Census, PUMAs, or Public Use Microdata Areas, are “non-overlapping, statistical geographic areas that partition each state or equivalent entity into geographic areas containing no fewer than 100,000 people each.” Census Tracts are “small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county or statistically equivalent entity that can be updated by local participants prior to each decennial census as part of the Census Bureau’s Participant Statistical Areas Program (PSAP).”
Census PUMA and Tract are assigned to ComStock models after sampling based on building type and building floor area distributions. There are many Tracts within a single county, as is the case for many PUMAs especially in densely populated areas. Building characteristics and energy results analyzed at these geographic levels therefore have lower confidence. There are relatively few ComStock models in single counties, and separating the models further can lead to unrealistic results. For example, consider a single county with around 300 building models in it representing 14 building types and 80+ other building characteristics included in ComStock. When ComStock places these models into PUMAs or Tracts, the size of the building and the type of the building are considered, but nothing else. This can have unintended consequences when using this data at a PUMA or Tract level.
To better explain these consequences, let’s consider a county that has multiple Secondary Schools. Each school likely has different interior lighting technologies, including but not limited to LEDs. However, a single Secondary School ComStock model may be assigned to a PUMA or Tract, and for the sake of this example let us assume this school is modeled with LEDs. None of the decisions on which ComStock models are assigned to a PUMA or Tract relied on data sources specifying which lighting technology belongs in which Census Tract or PUMA. This makes statements like “All schools in PUMA/Tract X have LEDs” problematic. The geographic resolution of the ComStock lighting system-type attribute is specified at a higher geographic resolution than a Tract or PUMA. As such, it is entirely possible that instead of LED lighting technology, the school(s) in the Tract/PUMA have not been updated since the 1980s, and vice versa.
While this example used interior lighting, this issue is relevant for all ComStock model properties and should be considered for every analysis at the sub-county geographic level.
All this to say: Take care when analyzing ComStock data and joining external datasets to results at sub-county geographic levels. When possible, join data at a county-level or larger.
**Note: Future iterations of ComStock sampling will assign building characteristics at more geographically granular levels. This document will be kept up-to-date as new features are rolled out.
ComStock has nine levels of geospatial granularity, from Climate Zone to Census TRACT. These fields allow for many geospatial datasets to be joined to the results for further analysis. This document provides instructions on how to join data to ComStock.
Table 1 provides a summary of the geospatial fields in the ComStock results, with information about the corresponding column header, and format of the field. Climate zones cross state lines and are important in establishing minimum standards for buildings and equipment. Census Regions and Divisions are groupings of states that subdivide the U.S. They are commonly used in building stock characteristic surveys and analyses. Cambium Grid Regions are 20 regions covering the contiguous U.S. and allow ComStock to include granular projected emissions in the dataset. Census PUMA and Tract, as mentioned above, are the most granular geographic resolution in the ComStock dataset and allow for joining of common external datasets, such as those required to perform energy justice and equity analyses.
Table 1. Geospatial fields in the ComStock dataset
Geospatial Fields | ComStock Results Column Header | Format and Example |
ASHRAE / IECC Climate Zone | in.climate_zone_ashrae_2006 | String Ex: 2A |
Building America Climate Zone | in.climate_zone_building_america | String Ex: Hot-Humid |
Census Region | in.census_region_name | String Ex: South |
Census Division | in.census_division_name | String Ex: East South Central |
Cambium Grid Region | in.cambium_grid_region | String Ex: SRSOc |
State | in.state_abbreviation | String Ex: AL |
County | in.nhgis_county_gisjoin | NHGIS; String Ex: G0100030 |
Census PUMA | in.nhgis_puma_gisjoin | NHGIS; String Ex: G01002600 |
Census Tract | in.nhgis_tract_gisjoin | NHGIS; String Ex: G0100030010800 |
To join a dataset to the ComStock results,
First identify the ComStock geospatial field that matches the geospatial granularity in your external dataset.
Down select the ComStock dataset to only the rows that match your dataset. For example, in the case of joining a dataset that only covers the state of Colorado, remove all ComStock results from outside of Colorado. This can dramatically increase join performance in Step 5.
Create a new column in the external dataset with the desired geospatial join field reformatted to match the ComStock field.
If joining on the County, Census PUMA, or Census Tract IDs you will need to do the following:
Identify the geographies in the external dataset using their Federal Information Standard (FIPS) code. These codes identify the state and county using two- and three-digit numbers respectively, e.g. 02 and 131. FIPS codes are almost always included in any external dataset.
Follow the instructions provided by the National Historical GIS (NHGIS) organization to encode the FIPS values into a GISJOIN string. The length of the string depends on the geographic resolution, with higher resolutions requiring more characters. Please review the NHGIS GISJOIN documentation here and Table 1 above for County, Census PUMA, and Census Tract examples.
Verify that the reformatted external dataset column matches the ComStock geospatial field by manually checking a few values.
Use your preferred data processing tool (Python, Microsoft Excel, etc.) to make the join.
a. If using Excel, use the Power Query feature. Use the reformatted join column in your external dataset, the columns to be joined in your external dataset, and the ComStock geospatial field. Documentation for how to use this feature can be found from Microsoft here.
b. If using the Pandas library in Python, use the merge command. Documentation for how to do this can be found from the Pandas team here.
Manually verify that the join has worked as expected. Be sure to test at random throughout the ComStock data, and not just the first few entries in the dataset.