
NREL Reports, Papers, Presentations, and Webinar Recordings
Reports and Papers

Commercial Building Stock Segmentation for Decarbonization Planning (2024). This document discusses the development of a segmentation approach for the U.S. commercial building stock that focuses on identifying similarities that align with common decarbonization strategies.

Understanding Commercial Buildings Segmentation Analysis (2023). This is a series of reports that provide commercial and multifamily building characteristic and energy data for 88 local geographies. For details about the geography selection methodology, see the Building Stock Cluster Methodology Documentation.

Impact Analysis of Transitioning to Heat Pump Rooftop Units for the U.S. Commercial Building Stock (2023). Exploration of the effects of transitioning all installed, existing RTUs to high performance heat pump RTUs for the U.S. commercial building stock.

ComStock Documentation (2023). Methodology and assumptions behind ComStock.

Building Stock Cluster Methodology Documentation (2023). Clustering of counties together represents a similarity of building characteristics and climate zone.

U.S. Building Stock Characterization Study (2022). A National Typology for Decarbonizing U.S.

End-Use Load Profiles Executive Summary (2022). Executive summary of the End Use Load Profile Technical Report.

End-Use Load Profiles Technical Report (2022). Documents the EULP dataset, including detailed description of model improvements made for calibration, along with an explanation of validation and uncertainty of results.

LA100 Executive Summary (2021). The Los Angeles 100% Renewable Energy Study.


End-Use Savings Shapes: Commercial 2024 Release 1 Dataset Release Presentation (2024). End-Use Savings Shapes Commercial 2024 Release 1 webinar slide deck.

End-Use Savings Shapes: Commercial 2023 Release 2 Dataset Release Presentation (2023). End-Use Savings Shapes Commercial 2023 Release 2 webinar slide deck.

End-Use Savings Shapes: Commercial 2023 Release 1 Dataset Release Presentation (2023). End-Use Savings Shapes Commercial 2023 Release 1 webinar slide deck.

Introduction to ComStock (2023). Introduction presentation to ComStock, including high-level methodology, example use cases and how to access the data.

Webinar Recordings

End-Use Savings Shapes: Commercial 2024 Release 1 Dataset Release Webinar (2024). Presented by Chris CaraDonna from NREL, provides full details on End-Use Savings Shapes for commercial buildings, sample results, and data access tips. (April 2024)

End-Use Savings Shapes: Commercial 2023 Release 2 Dataset Release Webinar (2023). Presented by Chris CaraDonna from NREL, provides full details on End-Use Savings Shapes for commercial buildings, sample results, and data access tips. (October 2023)

End-Use Savings Shapes: Commercial 2023 Release 1 Dataset Release Webinar (2023). Presented by Chris CaraDonna from NREL, provides full details on End-Use Savings Shapes for commercial buildings, sample results, and data access tips. (March 2023)

Related Work

ISO New England 2023 Heating Electrification Study. Presentation about an electrification forecasting tool developed using ComStock and ResStock datasets.

Development of Prototypical District-Scale Models: Preprint. Report detailing prototype district models.

ResStock Publication Page. Publications to date using the ResStock analysis.

Choosing the Best Carbon Factor for the Job. Explores available carbon emissions factors and the impact of factor selection.

Practical Guidance and Use Cases – Berkeley National Lab. Example applications and considerations for utilities.

Time-Sensitive Value (TSV) Calculator - Berkeley National Lab. Excel-based tool from Lawrence Berkeley National Lab that estimates the value of energy efficiency and other distributed energy resource (DER) measures using hourly estimates of electricity system costs.

Other Media

NREL ComStock Dashboards on Tableau Public. Project dashboards using ComStock data.

NREL ResStock Dashboards on Tableau Public. Project dashboards using ResStock data.

ComStock, Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other contributors. All rights reserved.