Quick start
Installation of python package for developers
conda create --name bird python=3.10
conda activate bird
git clone https://github.com/NREL/BioReactorDesign.git
cd BioReactorDesign
pip install -e .
Installation of python package for users
conda create --name bird python=3.10
conda activate bird
pip install nrel-bird
Installation of BiRD OpenFOAM solver (for developers and users)
Activate your OpenFOAM-9 environment
source <OpenFOAM-9 installation directory>/etc/<your-shell>rc
Compile the solver
cd OFsolvers/birdmultiphaseEulerFoam/
The same steps are done in .github/workflows/ci.yml
(under Test-OF - Compile solver
) which can be used as a reference.
However, note that .github/workflows/ci.yml
compiles the solver in debug mode which is not suitable for production.
We provide a new drag model Grace
, a new interfacial composition model Higbie
and various other models which magnitude can be controlled via an efficiency factor (see this paper for why efficiency factors are useful).
Run an example
Follow the steps to install the python package (see either the Installation section for developers or the Installation section for users)
Follow the steps to install the BiRD OpenFOAM solver (see the Installation section for the solver)
Check that you can run any of the tutorial cases, for example
cd tutorial_cases/bubble_column_20L
bash run.sh