
Generate STL patch mesh

Boundaries may be specified with the surfaceToPatch utility in OpenFOAM, based on STL files that can be generated with

python applications/ -v

The verbose flag (-v) generates a plot of the stl mesh (as shown below)

STL patch

How to change the set of shapes in the boundary patch?

Edit the json files that are read when generating the mesh. In the case tutorial_cases/loop_reactor_mixing, the boundary condition inlets consists of 3 discs

    "inlets": [
        {"type": "circle", "centx": 5.0, "centy": 0.0, "centz": 0.5, "radius": 0.4, "normal_dir": 1,"nelements": 50},
        {"type": "circle", "centx": 2.5, "centy": 0.0, "centz": 0.5, "radius": 0.4, "normal_dir": 1,"nelements": 50},
        {"type": "circle", "centx": 7.5, "centy": 0.0, "centz": 0.5, "radius": 0.4, "normal_dir": 1,"nelements": 50}