
Generate stirred tank reactor mesh

Generate a blockMeshDict with


python applications/ -i $inp -o $out

Then activate openFOAM environment and mesh with

blockMesh -dict system/blockMeshDict
stitchMesh -perfect -overwrite inside_to_hub inside_to_hub_copy
stitchMesh -perfect -overwrite hub_to_rotor hub_to_rotor_copy
transformPoints "rotate=((0 0 1)(0 1 0))"

Visualize mesh in Paraview

Stirred-tank reactor

Block cylindrical meshing

Generates system/blockMeshDict


python applications/ -i $mesh_temp/input.json -t $mesh_temp/topology.json -o $caseFolder/system

Then, activate the openFOAM environment and construct the mesh with

cd $caseFolder
transformPoints "scale=(0.001 0.001 0.001)"
transformPoints "rotate=((0 0 1) (0 1 0))"
cd $root

Visualize the mesh in Paraview

Reactor with a side sparger

How to change the dimensions or mesh refinement?

The geometry and the mesh size are controlled by the input file input.json. The input file can also be in .yaml format. The parser will decide the file format based on its extension. See bird/meshing/block_cyl_mesh_templates/baseColumn/ for an example of .yaml

How to change the arrangement of concentric cylinders?

The block topology is controlled by topology.json We recommend always working with a schematic as shown below

Side sparger schematic

The purple blocks are walls (not meshed) and the white blocks are fluid blocks (meshed). The symmetry axis is indicated as a dashed line

In topology.json, the purple blocks are defined as

"Walls": {
                "Support": [
                            {"R": 0, "L": 3},
                            {"R": 1, "L": 3}
                "Sparger": [
                            {"R": 0, "L": 2},
                            {"R": 1, "L": 2},
                            {"R": 2, "L": 2}

How to change boundaries?

Boundaries are defined with three types, top, bottom and lateral

For example, if one wants to create a boundary called wall_sparger, shown below as the red lines

Wall side sparger schematic

one can define the boundary as follows in topology.json

"Boundary": {
                           {"type": "bottom", "Rmin": 2, "Rmax": 2, "Lmin": 2, "Lmax": 3},
                           {"type": "top", "Rmin": 0, "Rmax": 0, "Lmin": 1, "Lmax": 2},
                           {"type": "top", "Rmin": 1, "Rmax": 1, "Lmin": 1, "Lmax": 2},
                           {"type": "top", "Rmin": 2, "Rmax": 2, "Lmin": 1, "Lmax": 2}

For lateral boundaries (called inlet in this example), and shown below as the red line

Inlet side sparger schematic

one can define the boundary as follows in topology.json

"Boundary": {
                "inlet": [
                           {"type": "lateral", "Rmin": 2, "Rmax": 3, "Lmin": 2, "Lmax": 2}

Block rectangular meshing

Generates system/blockMeshDict


python applications/ -i $mesh_temp/input.json -o $caseFolder/system

Then, activate openFOAM environment and construct the mesh with

cd $caseFolder
cd $root

Visualize the mesh in Paraview

Loop reactor

How to change the block rectangular geometry?

The geometry of the block cylindrical mesh is defined within a 3D domain (X,Y,Z). The blocks that represent the fluid domain are a subset of a block rectangular background domain. The fluid blocks are defined using the geometry corners. For the mesh shown above, the geometry corners are the red blocks shown below

Loop reactor schematic

The corners are defined in input.json

"Geometry": {
        "Fluids": [
                [ [0,0,0], [9,0,0], [9,0,4], [0,0,4] ],
                [ [0,1,4], [0,4,4], [0,4,0], [0,1,0] ]

Related tutorials

  • tutorial_cases/loop_reactor_mixing

  • tutorial_cases/loop_reactor_reacting