Source code for tyche.Investments

Investments in technologies.

import os
import sys
import numpy  as np
import pandas as pd

from .Distributions import parse_distribution
from .IO            import check_tables
from .DataManager   import TranchesDataset, InvestmentsDataset
from .Designs       import sampler
from .Types         import Evaluations

[docs]class Investments: """ Investments in a technology. Attributes ---------- tranches : DataFrame The *tranches* table. investments: DataFrame The *investments* table. """ def __init__( self , path = None , name = 'technology.xlsx', uncertain = False , tranches = "tranches" , investments = "investments", ): """ Parameters ---------- path : str Path to directory where *tranches* and *investments* tables are saved. name : str Filename where decision context datasets are kept in separate sheets. uncertain : Boolean Flag indicating whether probability distributions are present in the *tranches* table. tranches : str Sheet name for the *tranches* table. investments: str Sheet name for the *investments* table. """ self.uncertain = uncertain if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, name)): print(f"Investments: No input data found in {os.path.join(path, name)}") sys.exit(1) else: self._read(path, name, tranches, investments) def _read(self, path, name, tranches, investments): if not check_tables(path, name): print('Investments: Input datasets failed validation.') sys.exit(1) self.tranches = TranchesDataset( fpath = os.path.join(path, name)).sort_index() = InvestmentsDataset(fpath = os.path.join(path, name)).sort_index()
[docs] def compile(self): """Parse any probability distributions in the tranches.""" self.compiled_tranches = self.tranches.copy() self.compiled_tranches["Amount"] = self.compiled_tranches["Amount"].apply(parse_distribution)
[docs] def evaluate_tranches(self, designs, sample_count=1): """ Evaluate the tranches of investment for a design. Parameters ---------- designs : tyche.Designs The designs. sample_count : int The number of random samples. """ # Parse any probability distributions in the tranches table self.compile() # Check that only one of designs, investments contains uncertainty if self.uncertain + designs.uncertain > 1: print('Error: Remove probability distributions from tranche data OR from technology data.') sys.exit(1) if self.uncertain: self.compiled_tranches["Samples"] = pd.Series( sampler( self.compiled_tranches.Amount, sample_count ).tolist(), index=self.compiled_tranches.index ) samples = self.compiled_tranches.explode("Samples") samples["Amount"] = samples["Samples"] samples["Sample"] = pd.Series( np.tile( np.arange(sample_count)+1, len(self.compiled_tranches.index) ), index=samples.index ) samples.reset_index( inplace=True ) samples.set_index( keys = ["Category", "Tranche", "Sample"], inplace=True ) amounts = samples.drop( columns=["Samples", "Notes"] ).sum( level=["Category", "Tranche", "Sample"] ) metrics = amounts.drop( columns=["Amount"] ).join( designs.evaluate_scenarios(sample_count).xs("Metric", level="Variable") ).reorder_levels( ["Category", "Tranche", "Scenario", "Sample", "Technology", "Index"] ) else: self.compiled_tranches["Amount"] = pd.Series( [i[0] for i in sampler( self.compiled_tranches.Amount, 1).tolist()], index=self.compiled_tranches.index ) amounts = self.compiled_tranches.drop( columns=["Notes"] ).groupby( level=["Category", "Tranche"] ).sum() metrics = self.compiled_tranches.drop( columns=["Amount", "Notes"] ).join( designs.evaluate_scenarios(sample_count).xs("Metric", level="Variable") ).reorder_levels( ["Category", "Tranche", "Scenario", "Sample", "Technology", "Index"] ) return Evaluations( amounts = amounts, metrics = metrics, summary = metrics.set_index( "Units", append=True ).groupby( level=["Category","Technology", "Tranche", "Sample", "Index", "Units"] ).sum( ).reset_index( "Units" )[["Value", "Units"]], uncertain=self.uncertain, )
[docs] def evaluate_investments(self, designs, tranche_results=None, sample_count=1): """ Evaluate the investments for a design. Parameters ---------- designs : tyche.Designs The designs. tranche_results : tyche.Evaluations Output of evaluate_tranches method. Necessary only if the investment amounts contain uncertainty. sample_count : int The number of random samples. """ # Check that only one of designs, investments contains uncertainty if self.uncertain + designs.uncertain > 1: print('Error: Remove probability distributions from tranche data OR from technology data.') sys.exit(1) if not tranche_results: tranche_results = self.evaluate_tranches(designs, sample_count) # If the investment amounts (tranches) are uncertain, use the output of evaluate_tranches if self.uncertain: try: amounts = tranche_results.amounts except AttributeError: print('Error: evaluate_investments requires output of evaluate_tranches') raise metrics = columns=["Notes"] ).join( amounts.drop(columns=["Amount"]) ).join( designs.evaluate_scenarios(sample_count).xs("Metric", level="Variable") ).reorder_levels( ["Investment", "Category", "Tranche", "Scenario", "Sample", "Technology", "Index"] ) # If the investment amounts (tranches) are fixed, proceed as if the designs are uncertain else: amounts = columns=["Notes"] ).join( self.tranches.drop(columns=["Notes"]) ).groupby( level=["Investment"] ).sum() metrics = columns=["Notes"] ).join( self.tranches.drop(columns=["Amount", "Notes"]) ).join( designs.evaluate_scenarios(sample_count).xs("Metric", level="Variable") ).reorder_levels( ["Investment", "Category", "Tranche", "Scenario", "Sample", "Technology", "Index"] ) return Evaluations( amounts = amounts, metrics = metrics, summary = metrics.set_index( "Units", append=True ).groupby( level=["Investment", "Technology", "Sample", "Index", "Units"] ).sum( ).reset_index( "Units" )[["Value", "Units"]], uncertain=self.uncertain )