Source code for tyche.Evaluator

Fast evaluation of technology investments.

import numpy  as np
import pandas as pd

from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from .Types import Evaluations

[docs]class Evaluator: """ Evalutate technology investments using a response surface. Attributes ---------- amounts : DataFrame Cost of tranches. categories : DataFrame Categories of investment. metrics : DataFrame Metrics for technologies. units : DataFrame Units of measure for metrics. interpolators : DataFrame Interpolation functions for technology metrics. """ def __init__(self, tranches): """ Parameters ---------- tranches : Evaluations Output of the evaluate_tranches method in Investments class. Named tuple with the following elements: amounts : DataFrame metrics : Data Frame summary : Data Frame uncertain : Boolean """ if tranches.uncertain: self.amounts = tranches.amounts.groupby(["Category", "Tranche", "Sample"]).sum() else: self.amounts = tranches.amounts.groupby(["Category", "Tranche"]).sum() self.categories = tranches.summary.reset_index()["Category"].unique() self.metrics = tranches.summary.reset_index()["Index" ].unique() self.units = tranches.summary[["Units"]].groupby("Index").max() self.raw = tranches.summary.join(self.amounts) self.interpolators = self.raw.groupby( ["Category", "Index", "Sample"] ).apply( lambda df: interp1d( df.Amount, df.Value , kind = "linear" , fill_value = "extrapolate", assume_sorted = False , ) ).rename( "Interpolator" ) self.max_amount = self.amounts.groupby("Category").max() self.min_metric = tranches.summary.groupby(["Category", "Index"]).min(numeric_only = True).groupby("Index").sum() self.max_metric = tranches.summary.groupby(["Category", "Index"]).max(numeric_only = True).groupby("Index").sum()
[docs] def evaluate(self, amounts): """ Sample the distribution for an investment. Parameters ---------- amounts : DataFrame The investment levels. """ return amounts.join( self.interpolators ).apply( lambda row: row["Interpolator"](row["Amount"]), axis = 1 ).rename( "Value" )
[docs] def evaluate_statistic(self, amounts, statistic = np.mean): """ Evaluate a statistic for an investment. Parameters ---------- amounts : DataFrame The investment levels. statistic : function The statistic to evaluate. """ return self.evaluate( pd.DataFrame(amounts) ).groupby( ['Index','Sample'] ).sum( ).groupby( ['Index'] ).agg( Value = statistic )
[docs] def make_statistic_evaluator(self, statistic = np.mean): """ Return a function that evaluates a statistic for an investment. Parameters ---------- statistic : function The statistic to evaluate. """ interpolators1 = self.raw.groupby( ['Category','Tranche','Index','Amount'] ).agg( Value=('Value',statistic) ).reset_index( ).groupby( ["Category", "Index"] ).apply( lambda df: interp1d( df.Amount, df.Value , kind = "linear" , fill_value = "extrapolate", assume_sorted = False , ) ).rename( "Interpolator" ) def f(amounts): return pd.DataFrame( amounts ).join( interpolators1 ).apply( lambda row: row["Interpolator"](row["Amount"]), axis = 1 ).groupby( "Index" ).sum( # @TODO replace with user-defined aggregation method - aggregate across categories ).rename( "Value" ) return f
[docs] def evaluate_corners_semilong(self, statistic = np.mean): """ Return a dataframe indexed my investment amounts in each category, with columns for each metric. Parameters ---------- statistic : function The statistic to evaluate. """ return pd.DataFrame( self.raw.reset_index( ).set_index( ["Category","Amount", "Index"] ).drop( columns = ["Tranche","Technology","Sample", "Units"] ).apply( statistic, axis=1 ).rename( "Value" ) ).reset_index( ).set_index( ["Category", "Amount"] ).pivot_table( index = ["Category", "Amount"], columns = "Index", values = "Value" )
[docs] def evaluate_corners_wide(self, statistic = np.mean): """ Return a dataframe indexed my investment amounts in each category, with columns for each metric. Parameters ---------- statistic : function The statistic to evaluate. """ semilong = self.evaluate_corners_semilong(statistic) joiner = pd.DataFrame(index = semilong.index) joiner["KEY"] = 1 joiner.set_index("KEY", append = True, inplace = True) combinations = pd.DataFrame(index = pd.Index([1], name = "KEY")) for category in np.unique(joiner.index.get_level_values("Category")): combinations = combinations.merge( joiner.xs( category ).reset_index( "Amount" ).rename( columns = {"Amount" : category} ), on = "KEY", how = "outer", ) combinations.set_index(list(combinations.columns), inplace = True) result = pd.DataFrame([ pd.DataFrame([ semilong.loc[iname, ivalue] for iname, ivalue in zip(combinations.index.names, i0) ]).reset_index(drop = True).aggregate(np.sum) for i0, _ in combinations.iterrows() ]) result.index = combinations.index return result