Epsilon-constraint optimization.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time
from collections import namedtuple
from scipy.optimize import fmin_slsqp, differential_evolution, shgo
from scipy.optimize import NonlinearConstraint
from mip import Model, MAXIMIZE, MINIMIZE, BINARY, xsum
from .Types import Optimum
[docs]class EpsilonConstraintOptimizer:
An epsilon-constration multi-objective optimizer.
evaluator : tyche.Evaluator
The technology evaluator.
scale : float
The scaling factor for output.
def __init__(self, evaluator, scale = 1e6):
evaluator : tyche.Evaluator
The technology evaluator.
scale : float
The scaling factor for output.
self.evaluator = evaluator
self.scale = scale
self._max_metrics = {}
# Create and store the set of valid optimization sense parameters for use
# in optimization methods
self.valid_sense = {'min', 'max'}
def _f(self, evaluate, sense, verbose = 0):
def f(x):
xx = pd.Series(self.scale * x, name = "Amount", index = self.evaluator.max_amount.index)
yy = evaluate(xx)
if verbose > 2:
print ('scaled decision variables: ', xx.values, '\n')
print('metric statistics: ', yy.values, '\n')
# fmin_slsqp always minimizes the objective function
# if this method is maximizing, multiply the objective function by -1.0 to
# maximize by minimizing the negative
# if this method is minimizing, keep the objective function as is to
# minimize
if sense == 'max':
_obj_mult = -1.0
_obj_mult = 1.0
return _obj_mult * yy
return f
def _fi(self, i, evaluate, sense, verbose = 0):
return lambda x: self._f(evaluate, sense, verbose)(x)[i]
[docs] def opt_slsqp(
self ,
metric ,
sense = None ,
max_amount = None ,
total_amount = None ,
eps_metric = None ,
statistic = np.mean,
initial = None ,
tol = 1e-8 ,
maxiter = 50 ,
verbose = 0 ,
Optimize the objective function using the fmin_slsqp algorithm.
metric : str
Name of metric to maximize.
sense : str
Optimization sense ('min' or 'max'). If no value is provided to
this method, the sense value used to create the
EpsilonConstraintOptimizer object is used instead.
max_amount : Series
Maximum investment amounts by R&D category. The index (research area)
order must follow that of self.evaluator.max_amount.index
total_amount : float
Upper limit on total investments summed across all R&D categories.
eps_metric : Dict
RHS of the epsilon constraint(s) on one or more metrics. Keys are metric
names, and the values are dictionaries of the form
{'limit': float, 'sense': str}. The sense defines whether the epsilon
constraint is a lower or an upper bound, and the value must be either
'upper' or 'lower'.
statistic : function
Summary statistic used on the sample evaluations; the metric measure that
is fed to the optimizer.
initial : array of float
Initial value of decision variable(s) fed to the optimizer.
tol : float
Search tolerance fed to the optimizer.
maxiter : int
Maximum number of iterations the optimizer is permitted to execute.
verbose : int
Verbosity level returned by the optimizer and this outer function.
Defaults to 0.
verbose = 0 No messages
verbose = 1 Summary message when fmin_slsqp completes
verbose = 2 Status of each algorithm iteration and summary message
verbose = 3 Investment constraint status, metric constraint status,
status of each algorithm iteration, and summary message
verbose > 3 All metric values, decision variable values, investment
constraint status, metric constraint status, status of
each algorithm iteration, and summary message
# If no optimization sense is provided, use the default value from self.
# If an optimization sense IS provided, overwrite the default value with
# the provided value.
# _sense is the parameter used only in this method
if sense is None:
print('opt_slsqp: No optimization sense specified; maximizing objective function')
sense = 'max'
if sense not in self.valid_sense:
raise ValueError(f'opt_slsqp: sense must be one of {self.valid_sense}')
# create a function to evaluate the statistic
evaluate = self.evaluator.make_statistic_evaluator(statistic)
# get location index of metric
i = np.where(self.evaluator.metrics == metric)[0][0]
# if custom upper limits on investment amounts by category have not been
# defined, get the upper limits from self.evaluator
if max_amount is None:
max_amount = self.evaluator.max_amount.Amount
# scale the upper limits on investment amounts by category down such that
# variables and constraints remain on approximately the same range
bounds = [(0, x) for x in max_amount / self.scale]
# define a function that will construct the investment constraint for the
# optimizer, in the correct format
def g(x):
# create container for the constraints with a dummy value
constraints = [1]
# if the upper limit on total investments has been defined,
if total_amount is not None:
# scale the upper limit on investments (see line 107)
limit = total_amount / self.scale
# sum across all decision variable values (investment amounts) fed to
# this function
value = sum(x)
if verbose == 3:
print('Investment limit: ', np.round(limit, 3),
' Investment value: ', np.round(value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', value <= limit)
elif verbose > 3:
print('Decision variable values: ', np.round(x, 3),
' Investment limit: ', np.round(limit, 3),
' Investment value: ', np.round(value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', value <= limit)
# update the constraint container with the LHS value of the
# investment constraint as a >= 0 inequality constraint
constraints = [limit - value]
# exit the total_amount IF statement
# if lower limits on metrics have been defined,
if eps_metric is not None:
# loop through all available metrics
for index, info in eps_metric.items():
# get location index of the current metric
j = np.where(self.evaluator.metrics == index)[0][0]
if info['sense'] == 'lower':
value = self._f(evaluate=evaluate,
elif info['sense'] == 'upper':
value = self._f(evaluate=evaluate,
raise ValueError('opt_slsqp: Epsilon constraint must be upper or lower')
if verbose == 3:
print('Metric limit: ', np.round(info['limit'], 3),
' Metric value: ', np.round(value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', value >= info['limit'])
elif verbose > 3:
print('Decision variable values: ', np.round(x, 3),
' Metric limit: ', np.round(info['limit'], 3),
' Metric value: ', np.round(value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', value >= info['limit'])
# append the existing constraints container with the LHS value of the
# current metric constraint formulated as >= 0
# as the loop executes, one constraint per metric will be added to
# the container
constraints += [value - info['limit']]
return constraints
# if no initial decision variable values have been defined,
if initial is None:
# start the optimizer off at 10% of the upper limit on the decision
# variable values
initial = max_amount.values / 10
# note time when algorithm started
start = time.time()
# run the optimizer
result = fmin_slsqp(
self._fi(i, evaluate, sense, verbose), # callable function that returns the scalar objective function value
initial / self.scale , # scaled initial guess values for decision variables (investment amounts, metrics)
f_ieqcons = g , # list of functions that return inequality constraints in the form const >= 0
bounds = bounds , # upper and lower bounds on decision variables
iter = maxiter, # number of times fmin_slsqp is permitted to iterate
acc = tol , # requested accuracy of optimal solution
iprint = verbose, # how much information fmin_slsqp returns
full_output = True , # return final objective function value and summary information
elapsed = time.time() - start
# calculate the scaled decision variable values that optimize the
# objective function
x = pd.Series(self.scale * result[0], name = "Amount",
index = self.evaluator.max_amount.index)
# evaluate the chosen statistic for the scaled decision variable values
y = evaluate(x)
return Optimum(
exit_code = result[3],
exit_message = result[4],
amounts = x ,
metrics = y ,
solve_time = elapsed ,
opt_sense = sense ,
[docs] def opt_diffev(
self ,
metric ,
sense = None ,
max_amount = None ,
total_amount = None ,
eps_metric = None ,
statistic = np.mean ,
strategy = 'best1bin' ,
seed = 2 ,
tol = 0.01 ,
maxiter = 75 ,
init = 'latinhypercube',
verbose = 0 ,
Maximize the objective function using the differential_evoluaion algorithm.
metric : str
Name of metric to maximize. The objective function.
sense : str
Optimization sense ('min' or 'max'). If no value is provided to
this method, the sense value used to create the
EpsilonConstraintOptimizer object is used instead.
max_amount : Series
Maximum investment amounts by R&D category. The index (research area)
order must follow that of self.evaluator.max_amount.index
total_amount : float
Upper limit on total investments summed across all R&D categories.
eps_metric : Dict
RHS of the epsilon constraint(s) on one or more metrics. Keys are metric
names, and the values are dictionaries of the form {'limit': float, 'sense': str}.
The sense defines whether the epsilon constraint is a lower or an upper bound,
and the value must be either 'upper' or 'lower'.
statistic : function
Summary statistic used on the sample evaluations; the metric measure that
is fed to the optimizer.
strategy : str
Which differential evolution strategy to use. 'best1bin' is the default.
See algorithm docs for full list.
seed : int
Sets the random seed for optimization by creating a new `RandomState`
instance. Defaults to 1. Not setting this parameter means the solutions
will not be reproducible.
init : str or array-like
Type of population initialization. Default is Latin hypercube;
alternatives are 'random' or specifying every member of the initial
population in an array of shape (popsize, len(variables)).
tol : float
Relative tolerance for convergence
maxiter : int
Upper limit on generations of evolution (analogous to algorithm
verbose : int
Verbosity level returned by this outer function and the
differential_evolution algorithm.
verbose = 0 No messages
verbose = 1 Objective function value at every algorithm iteration
verbose = 2 Investment constraint status, metric constraint status,
and objective function value
verbose = 3 Decision variable values, investment constraint status,
metric constraint status, and objective function value
verbose > 3 All metric values, decision variable values, investment
constraint status, metric constraint status, and
objective function value
# If no optimization sense is provided, use the default value from self.
# If an optimization sense IS provided, overwrite the default value with
# the provided value.
# _sense is the parameter used only in this method
if sense is None:
print('opt_diffev: No optimization sense provided; Maximizing objective function')
sense = 'max'
if sense not in self.valid_sense:
raise ValueError(f'opt_diffev: sense must be one of {self.valid_sense}')
# create a functio to evaluate the statistic
evaluate = self.evaluator.make_statistic_evaluator(statistic)
# get location index of metric
i = np.where(self.evaluator.metrics == metric)[0][0]
# if custom upper limits on investment amounts by category have not been
# defined, get the upper limits from self.evaluator
if max_amount is None:
max_amount = self.evaluator.max_amount.Amount
# scale the upper limits on investment amounts by category down such that
# variables and constraints remain on approximately the same range
var_bounds = [(0, x) for x in max_amount / self.scale]
# define a function that will construct the investment constraint for the
# optimizer, in the correct format
def g(x):
# create empty container for the constraints
constraints = []
# if the upper limit on total investments has been defined,
if total_amount is not None:
# scale the upper limit on investments (see line 107)
limit = total_amount / self.scale
# sum across all decision variable values (investment amounts) fed to
# this function
value = sum(x)
if verbose == 2:
print('Investment limit: ', np.round(limit, 3),
' Investment value: ', np.round(value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', value <= limit)
elif verbose > 2:
print('Decision variable values: ', np.round(x, 3),
' Investment limit: ', np.round(limit, 3),
' Investment value: ', np.round(value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', value <= limit)
# update the constraint container with the LHS value of the
# investment constraint as a >= 0 inequality constraint
constraints += [limit - value]
# exit the total_amount IF statement
# if lower limits on metrics have been defined,
if eps_metric is not None:
# loop through all available metrics
for index, info in eps_metric.items():
# get location index of the current metric
j = np.where(self.evaluator.metrics == index)[0][0]
# calculate the summary statistic on the current metric
if info['sense'] == 'lower':
value = self._f(evaluate=evaluate,
elif info['sense'] == 'upper':
value = self._f(evaluate=evaluate,
raise ValueError('opt_diffev: Epsilon constraint must be upper or lower')
if verbose == 3:
print('Metric limit: ', np.round(info['limit'], 3),
' Metric value: ', np.round(value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', value <= info['limit'])
elif verbose > 3:
print('Decision variable values: ', np.round(x, 3),
' Metric limit: ', np.round(info['limit'], 3),
' Metric value: ', np.round(value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', value <= info['limit'])
# append the existing constraints container with the LHS value of the
# current metric constraint formulated as >= 0
# as the loop executes, one constraint per metric will be added to
# the container
constraints += [value - info['limit']]
return np.array(constraints)
# note time when algorithm started
start = time.time()
# run the optimizer
result = differential_evolution(
self._fi(i, evaluate, sense, verbose), # callable function that returns the scalar objective function value
bounds=var_bounds, # upper and lower bounds on decision variables
strategy=strategy, # defines differential evolution strategy to use
maxiter=maxiter, # default maximum iterations to execute
tol=tol, # default tolerance on returned optimum
seed=seed, # specify a random seed for reproducible optimizations
disp=verbose>=1, # print objective function at every iteration
init=init, # type of population initialization
# @note ignore this warning for now
constraints=NonlinearConstraint(g, 0.0, np.inf))
elapsed = time.time() - start
if result.success:
# calculate the scaled decision variable values that optimize the
# objective function
x = pd.Series(self.scale * result.x, name="Amount",
# evaluate the chosen statistic for the scaled decision variable values
y = self.evaluator.evaluate_statistic(x, statistic)
return Optimum(
return result, elapsed
[docs] def opt_shgo(
self ,
metric ,
sense = None ,
max_amount = None ,
total_amount = None ,
eps_metric = None ,
statistic = np.mean ,
tol = 0.01 ,
maxiter = None ,
sampling_method = 'simplicial',
verbose = 0 ,
Maximize the objective function using the shgo global optimization
metric : str
Name of metric to maximize.
sense : str
Optimization sense ('min' or 'max'). If no value is provided to
this method, the sense value used to create the
EpsilonConstraintOptimizer object is used instead.
max_amount : Series
Maximum investment amounts by R&D category. The index (research area)
order must follow that of self.evaluator.max_amount.index
total_amount : float
Upper metric_limit on total investments summed across all R&D categories.
eps_metric : Dict
RHS of the epsilon constraint(s) on one or more metrics. Keys are metric
names, and the values are dictionaries of the form
{'limit': float, 'sense': str}. The sense defines whether the epsilon
constraint is a lower or an upper bound, and the value must be either
'upper' or 'lower'.
statistic : function
Summary metric_statistic used on the sample evaluations; the metric
measure that is fed to the optimizer.
tol : float
Objective function tolerance in stopping criterion.
maxiter : int
Upper metric_limit on iterations that can be performed. Defaults to None.
Specifying this parameter can cause shgo to stall out instead of solving.
sampling_method : str
Allowable values are 'sobol and 'simplicial'. Simplicial is default, uses
less memory, and guarantees convergence (theoretically). Sobol is faster,
uses more memory and does not guarantee convergence. Per documentation,
Sobol is better for "easier" problems.
verbose : int
Verbosity level returned by this outer function and the SHGO algorithm.
verbose = 0 No messages
verbose = 1 Convergence messages from SHGO algorithm
verbose = 2 Investment constraint status, metric constraint status,
and convergence messages
verbose = 3 Decision variable values, investment constraint status,
metric constraint status, and convergence messages
verbose > 3 All metric values, decision variable values, investment
constraint status, metric constraint status, and
convergence messages
# If no optimization sense is provided, use the default value from self.
# If an optimization sense IS provided, overwrite the default value with
# the provided value.
# _sense is the parameter used only in this method
if sense is None:
print('opt_shgo: No optimization sense provided; Maximizing objective function')
sense = 'max'
if sense not in self.valid_sense:
raise ValueError(f'opt_shgo: sense must be one of {self.valid_sense}')
# create a functio to evaluate the statistic
evaluate = self.evaluator.make_statistic_evaluator(statistic)
# get location metric_index of metric
i = np.where(self.evaluator.metrics == metric)[0][0]
# if custom upper limits on investment amounts by category have not been
# defined, get the upper limits from self.evaluator
if max_amount is None:
max_amount = self.evaluator.max_amount.Amount
# scale the upper limits on investment amounts by category down such that
# variables and constraints remain on approximately the same range
bounds = [(0, x) for x in max_amount / self.scale]
# define a dictionary of functions that define individual constraints and
# their types (all inequalities)
# initialize constraints container
constraints = []
# construct the investment constraint
# if the upper metric_limit on total investments has been defined,
if total_amount is not None:
def g_inv(x):
# scale the upper metric_limit on investments
inv_limit = total_amount / self.scale
# sum across all decision variable values (investment amounts) fed to
# this function
inv_value = sum(x)
if verbose == 2:
# print the investment limit (RHS of constraint), the investment
# amount (LHS of constraint), and a Boolean indicating whether the
# investment constraint is met
print('Investment limit: ', np.round(inv_limit, 3),
' Investment value: ', np.round(inv_value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', inv_value <= inv_limit)
# if verbose is greater than or equal to three
elif verbose > 2:
# also print the decision variable values
print('Decision variable values: ', np.round(x, 3),
' Investment limit: ', np.round(inv_limit, 3),
' Investment value: ', np.round(inv_value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', inv_value <= inv_limit)
return inv_limit - inv_value
# update the constraint container with the LHS value of the
# investment constraint as a <= 0 inequality constraint
constraints += [{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': g_inv}]
# exit the total_amount IF statement
def make_g_metric(mkg_evaluate, mkg_sense, metric_index, metric_limit):
j = np.where(self.evaluator.metrics == metric_index)[0][0]
def g_metric_fn(x):
if mkg_sense == 'upper':
met_value = self._f(evaluate=mkg_evaluate,
elif mkg_sense == 'lower':
met_value = self._f(evaluate=mkg_evaluate,
raise ValueError('opt_shgo: Epsilon constraint must be upper or lower')
if verbose == 2:
print('Metric limit: ', np.round(metric_limit, 3),
' Metric value: ', np.round(met_value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', met_value >= metric_limit)
elif verbose > 2:
print('Decision variable values: ', np.round(x, 3),
' Metric limit: ', np.round(metric_limit, 3),
' Metric value: ', np.round(met_value, 3),
' Constraint met: ', met_value >= metric_limit)
return met_value - metric_limit
return g_metric_fn
# if lower limits on metrics have been defined,
if eps_metric is not None:
# loop through all available metrics
for index, info in eps_metric.items():
# append the existing constraints container with the value of the
# current metric constraint
# as the loop executes, one constraint per metric will be added to the
# container
g_metric = make_g_metric(
mkg_evaluate = evaluate,
mkg_sense = info['sense'],
metric_index = index,
metric_limit = info['limit']
constraints += [{'type': 'ineq', 'fun': g_metric}]
opt_dict = {'f_tol': tol,
'maxiter': maxiter,
'disp': verbose >= 1}
# note time when algorithm started
start = time.time()
result = shgo(
self._fi(i, evaluate, sense, verbose), # callable function that returns the scalar objective function value
bounds=bounds, # upper and lower bounds on decision variables
options=opt_dict, # dictionary of options including max iters
sampling_method=sampling_method #sampling method (sobol or simplicial)
elapsed = time.time() - start
if result.success:
# calculate the scaled decision variable values that optimize the
# objective function
x = pd.Series(self.scale * result.x, name="Amount",
# evaluate the chosen metric_statistic for the scaled decision variable values
y = evaluate(x)
return Optimum(
return result, elapsed
[docs] def optimum_metrics(
self ,
max_amount = None ,
total_amount = None ,
sense = None ,
statistic = np.mean,
tol = 1e-8 ,
maxiter = 50 ,
verbose = 0 ,
Maximum value of metrics.
max_amount : DataFrame
The maximum amounts that can be invested in each category.
total_amount : float
The maximum amount that can be invested *in toto*.
sense : Dict or str
Optimization sense for each metric. Must be 'min' or 'max'. If None, then
the sense provided to the EpsilonConstraintOptimizer class is used for
all metrics. If string, the sense is used for all metrics.
statistic : function
The statistic used on the sample evaluations.
tol : float
The search tolerance.
maxiter : int
The maximum iterations for the search.
verbose : int
Verbosity level.
# if no metric_sense is provided, default to maximizing metrics
if sense is None:
print('optimum_metrics: No optimization sense provided; Maximizing metrics')
self._max_metrics = {
mtr : self.opt_slsqp(
metric = mtr,
sense = 'max',
for mtr in self.evaluator.metrics
# if metric_sense is a dictionary, use the sense value provided per metric
if type(sense) == dict:
self._max_metrics = {
mtr: self.opt_slsqp(
metric = mtr,
sense = sense[mtr],
max_amount = max_amount,
total_amount = total_amount,
eps_metric = None,
statistic = statistic,
tol = tol,
maxiter = maxiter,
verbose = verbose
for mtr in self.evaluator.metrics
# if metric_sense is a string, apply that sense to all metrics
elif type(sense) == str:
self._max_metrics = {
mtr: self.opt_slsqp(
metric = mtr,
sense = sense,
max_amount = max_amount,
total_amount = total_amount,
eps_metric = None,
statistic = statistic,
tol = tol,
maxiter = maxiter,
verbose = verbose
for mtr in self.evaluator.metrics
raise TypeError(f'optimum_metrics: sense must be dict or str')
# Provide info on any failed metric optimizations
for k,v in self._max_metrics.items():
if v.exit_code != 0:
print(f'Metric {k} optimization failed: Code {v.exit_code}, {v.exit_message}')
v.metrics[k] = -1.0
return pd.Series(
for k, v in self._max_metrics.items()],
name = "Value",
index = self._max_metrics.keys(),
[docs] def opt_milp(
sense = None ,
max_amount = None ,
total_amount = None ,
eps_metric = None ,
statistic = np.mean,
sizelimit = 1e6 ,
verbose = 0 ,
Maximize the objective function using a piecewise linear
representation to create a mixed integer linear program.
metric : str
Name of metric to maximize
sense : str
Optimization sense ('min' or 'max'). If no value is provided to this
method, the sense value used to create the EpsilonConstraintOptimizer
object is used instead.
max_amount : Series
Maximum investment amounts by R&D category. The index (research area)
order must follow that of self.evaluator.max_amount.index
total_amount : float
Upper limit on total investments summed across all R&D categories.
eps_metric : Dict
RHS of the epsilon constraint(s) on one or more metrics. Keys are metric
names, and the values are dictionaries of the form
{'limit': float, 'sense': str}. The sense defines whether the epsilon
constraint is a lower or an upper bound, and the value must be either
'upper' or 'lower'.
statistic : function
Summary statistic (metric measure) fed to evaluator_corners_wide method
in Evaluator
total_amount : float
Upper limit on total investments summed across all R&D categories
sizelimit : int
Maximum allowed number of binary variables. If the problem size exceeds
this limit, pwlinear_milp will exit before building or solving the model.
verbose : int
A value greater than zero will save the optimization model as a .lp file
A value greater than 1 will print out status messages
Optimum : NamedTuple
amounts (None, if no solution found)
metrics (None, if no solution found)
import time
time0 = time.time()
# If no optimization sense is provided, use the default value from self.
# If an optimization sense IS provided, overwrite the default value with
# the provided value.
# _sense is the parameter used only in this method
if sense is None:
print('opt_milp: No optimization sense provided; Maximizing objective')
sense = 'max'
if sense not in self.valid_sense:
raise ValueError(f'opt_milp: sense must be one of {self.valid_sense}')
_start = time.time()
# investment categories
_categories = self.evaluator.categories
# metric to optimize
_obj_metric = metric
# if custom upper limits on investment amounts by category have not been
# defined, get the upper limits from self.evaluator
if max_amount is None:
max_amount = self.evaluator.max_amount.Amount
if verbose > 1: print(f'Getting and processing wide data at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# get data frame of elicited metric values by investment level combinations
_wide = self.evaluator.evaluate_corners_wide(statistic).reset_index()
_nbinary = len(_wide) * (len(_wide)-1) / 2
if _nbinary >= sizelimit:
print(f'MILP contains {_nbinary} binary variables and will exit without solving')
return None
# (combinations of) Investment levels
inv_levels = _wide.loc[:, _categories].values.tolist()
# Elicited metric values - for objective function
m = _wide.loc[:, _obj_metric].values.tolist()
# all metric values - for calculating optimal metrics
_metric_data = _wide.copy().drop(columns=_categories).values.tolist()
# list of metrics
_all_metrics = _wide.copy().drop(columns=_categories).columns.values
# Number of investment level combinations/metric values
I = len(inv_levels)
if verbose > 1: print('Data processed at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
if verbose > 1: print('Building MIP model at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# instantiate MILP model
if sense == 'max':
_model = Model(sense=MAXIMIZE)
_model = Model(sense=MINIMIZE)
bin_vars = []
lmbd_vars = []
time0 = time.time()
if verbose > 1: print('Creating %i lambda variables at %s s' %
(I, str(round(time.time() - _start, 1))))
# create continuous lambda variables
for i in range(I):
#lmbd_vars += [_model.add_var(name='lmbd_' + str(i), lb=0.0, ub=1.0)]
lmbd_vars.append(_model.add_var(name='lmbd_' + str(i), lb=0.0, ub=1.0))
if verbose > 1: print('Creating %i binary variables and constraints at %s s' %
(_nbinary, str(round(time.time() - _start, 1))))
# create binary variables and binary/lambda variable constraints
bin_count = 0
for i in range(I):
for j in range(i, I):
if j != i:
# add binary variable
bin_vars.append(_model.add_var(name='y_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j),
# add binary/lambda variable constraint
_model += bin_vars[bin_count] <= lmbd_vars[i] + lmbd_vars[j],\
'Interval_Constraint_' + str(i) + '_' + str(j)
bin_count += 1
if verbose > 1: print('Creating total budget constraint at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# total budget constraint - only if total_amount is an input
if total_amount is not None:
_model += xsum(lmbd_vars[i] * inv_levels[i][j]
for i in range(I)
for j in range(len(inv_levels[i]))) <= total_amount,\
if verbose > 1: print('Creating category budget constraints at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# constraint on budget for each investment category
# this is either fed in as an argument or pulled from evaluator
for j in range(len(_categories)):
_model += xsum(lmbd_vars[i] * [el[j] for el in inv_levels][i]
for i in range(I)) <= max_amount[j],\
'Budget_for_' + _categories[j].replace(' ', '')
if verbose > 1: print('Defining metric constraints at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# define metric constraints if lower limits on metrics have been defined
if eps_metric is not None:
# loop through list of metric minima
for index, info in eps_metric.items():
if info['sense'] == 'upper':
_eps_mult = -1.0
elif info['sense'] == 'lower':
_eps_mult = 1.0
raise ValueError('opt_milp: Epsilon constraint must be upper or lower')
# add metric constraint on the lambda variables
_model += _eps_mult * xsum(lmbd_vars[i] * _wide.loc[:,index].values.tolist()[i]
for i in range(I)) >= info['limit'],\
'Eps_Const_' + index
if verbose > 1: print('Defining lambda convexity constraints at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
time0 = time.time()
lmbd_vars = np.asarray(lmbd_vars)
# convexity constraint for continuous variables
_model += np.sum(lmbd_vars) == 1, 'Lambda_Sum'
if verbose > 1: print('Defining binary convexity constraints at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# constrain binary variables such that only one interval can be active
# at a time
bin_var = np.asarray(bin_vars)
_model += bin_var.sum() == 1, 'Binary_Sum'
if verbose > 1: print('Defining objective function at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# objective function
_model.objective = xsum(m[i] * lmbd_vars[i] for i in range(I))
# save a copy of the model in LP format
if verbose > 0:
print('Saving model at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# if the verbose parameter is 0, the MIP solver does not print output
_model.verbose = 0
if verbose > 1: print('Optimizing at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
_opt_start = time.time()
# find optimal solution
_solution = _model.optimize()
elapsed = time.time() - _opt_start
# if a feasible solution was found, calculate the optimal investment values
# and return a populated Optimum tuple
if _model.status.value == 0:
# get the optimal variable values as two lists
if verbose > 1: print('Optimized at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
lmbd_opt = []
y_opt = []
for v in _model.vars:
if 'lmbd' in v.name:
lmbd_opt += [v.x]
elif 'y' in v.name:
y_opt += [v.x]
inv_levels_opt = []
if verbose > 1: print('Calculating optimal investment values at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# calculate the optimal investment values
for i in range(len(_categories)):
inv_levels_opt += [sum([lmbd_opt[j] * [el[i] for el in inv_levels][j]
for j in range(len(lmbd_opt))])]
# construct a Series of optimal investment levels
x = pd.Series(inv_levels_opt, name="Amount",
y = pd.Series(None,
if verbose > 1: print('Calculating optimal metric values at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
# calculate optimal values of all metrics
for j in range(len(_all_metrics)):
y[j] = sum(
[lmbd_opt[i] * _metric_data[i][j]
for i in range(len(_metric_data))]
if verbose > 1: print('Optimal metric values calculated at %s s' %
str(round(time.time() - _start, 1)))
return Optimum(
opt_sense = sense
# if no feasible solution was found, return a partially empty Optimum tuple
return Optimum(