Source code for tyche.Designs

Designs for technologies.

import os
import sys
import importlib as il
import numpy     as np
import pandas    as pd

from .DataManager   import DesignsDataset, FunctionsDataset, IndicesDataset, ParametersDataset, ResultsDataset
from .Distributions import parse_distribution
from .IO            import check_tables
from .Types         import Functions, Indices, Inputs, Results

[docs]def sampler(x, sample_count): """ Sample from an array. Parameters ---------- x : array The array. sample_count : int The sample size. """ if sample_count == 1: it = np.nditer( [x, np.empty(x.shape + (1,), dtype=np.float64)], flags=["refs_ok"], op_flags=[["readonly"], ["writeonly", "allocate"]], op_axes=[list(range(x.ndim)) + [-1], None], itershape=x.shape+(1,) ) for x, y in it: y[()] = x[()].rvs() return it.operands[1] else: it = np.nditer( [x, np.empty(x.shape + (sample_count,), dtype=np.float64)], flags=["refs_ok", "external_loop"], op_flags=[["readonly"], ["writeonly", "allocate"]], op_axes=[list(range(x.ndim)) + [-1], None], itershape=x.shape+(sample_count,) ) for x, y in it: y[...] = x[0].rvs(sample_count) return it.operands[1]
[docs]class Designs: """ Designs for a technology. Attributes ---------- indices : DataFrame The *indices* table. functions : DataFrame The *functions* table. designs : DataFrame The *designs* table. parameters : DataFrame The *parameters* table. results : DataFrame The *results* table. """ def __init__( self , path = None , name = 'technology.xlsx', uncertain = True , ): """ Parameters ---------- path : str Location of the data files. name : str Filename where decision context datasets are kept in separate sheets. uncertain : Boolean Flag indicating whether probability distributions are present in the *designs* or *parameters* tables. indices : str Sheet name for the *indices* table. functions : str Sheet name for the *functions* table. designs : str Sheet name for the *designs* table. parameters : str Sheet name for the *parameters* table. results : str Sheet name for the *results* table. """ self.uncertain = uncertain if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, name)): raise Exception(f"Designs: {os.path.join(path, name)} does not exist.") if not check_tables(path, name): raise Exception(f'Designs: {name} failed validation.') self.indices = IndicesDataset( os.path.join(path, name)).sort_index() self.functions = FunctionsDataset( os.path.join(path, name)).sort_index() self.designs = DesignsDataset( os.path.join(path, name)).sort_index() self.parameters = ParametersDataset( os.path.join(path, name)).sort_index() self.results = ResultsDataset( os.path.join(path, name)).sort_index()
[docs] def vectorize_technologies(self): """ Make an array of technologies. """ return self.designs.reset_index( ["Scenario", "Variable", "Index"] ).sort_index( ).index.drop_duplicates( ).values
[docs] def vectorize_scenarios(self, technology): """ Make an array of scenarios. """ return self.designs.xs(technology ).reset_index( ["Variable", "Index"] ).sort_index( ).index.drop_duplicates( ).values
def _vectorize_indices(self, technology): def extract_indices(index): return self.indices.xs( (technology, index) ).sort_values( by="Offset" )[["Offset"]] return Indices( capital = extract_indices("Capital"), input = extract_indices("Input" ), output = extract_indices("Output" ), metric = extract_indices("Metric" ), )
[docs] def vectorize_indices(self, technology): """ Make an array of indices. """ vectors = self._vectorize_indices(technology) return Indices( capital =, input = vectors.input.index.values , output = vectors.output.index.values , metric = vectors.metric.index.values , )
[docs] def vectorize_designs(self, technology, scenario_count, sample_count=1): """ Make an array of designs. """ def extract_designs(variable): return self.compiled_designs.xs( (technology, variable), level=["Technology", "Variable"] )[["Distribution"]] lifetimes = extract_designs("Lifetime" ) scales = extract_designs("Scale" ) inputs = extract_designs("Input" ) input_efficiencies = extract_designs("Input efficiency" ) input_prices = extract_designs("Input price" ) output_efficiencies = extract_designs("Output efficiency") output_prices = extract_designs("Output price" ) all_indices = self._vectorize_indices(technology) def join(values, offsets): return values.join( offsets ).reorder_levels( [1, 0] ).reset_index( ).sort_values( by=["Offset", "Scenario"] )[ "Distribution" ].values.reshape( (offsets.shape[0], scenario_count) ) # If the technology model has probability distributions, sample them if self.uncertain: return Inputs( scale = sampler(scales["Distribution"].values , sample_count), lifetime = sampler(join(lifetimes ,, sample_count), input = sampler(join(inputs , all_indices.input ), sample_count), input_efficiency = sampler(join(input_efficiencies , all_indices.input ), sample_count), input_price = sampler(join(input_prices , all_indices.input ), sample_count), output_efficiency = sampler(join(output_efficiencies, all_indices.output ), sample_count), output_price = sampler(join(output_prices , all_indices.output ), sample_count), ) else: # Otherwise, just sample once to get floats and then duplicate the data for later merging # with the tranche samples return Inputs( scale = np.tile(sampler(scales["Distribution"].values , 1), sample_count), lifetime = np.tile(sampler(join(lifetimes ,, 1), sample_count), input = np.tile(sampler(join(inputs , all_indices.input ), 1), sample_count), input_efficiency = np.tile(sampler(join(input_efficiencies , all_indices.input ), 1), sample_count), input_price = np.tile(sampler(join(input_prices , all_indices.input ), 1), sample_count), output_efficiency = np.tile(sampler(join(output_efficiencies, all_indices.output ), 1), sample_count), output_price = np.tile(sampler(join(output_prices , all_indices.output ), 1), sample_count), )
[docs] def vectorize_parameters(self, technology, scenario_count, sample_count=1): """ Make an array of parameters. """ x = self.compiled_parameters.xs( technology ).reset_index( ).sort_values( by=["Offset", "Scenario"] )["Distribution"].values return sampler( x.reshape((-1, scenario_count)), sample_count )
[docs] def compile(self): """ Compile the production and metrics functions. """ self.compiled_functions = {} for technology, metadata in self.functions.iterrows(): m = il.import_module("." + metadata["Model"], package="technology") self.compiled_functions[technology] = Functions( style = metadata["Style" ] , capital = eval("m." + metadata["Capital" ]), fixed = eval("m." + metadata["Fixed" ]), production = eval("m." + metadata["Production"]), metric = eval("m." + metadata["Metrics" ]), ) self.compiled_designs = self.designs.copy() self.compiled_designs["Distribution"] = self.compiled_designs["Value"].apply(parse_distribution) self.compiled_parameters = self.parameters.copy() self.compiled_parameters["Distribution"] = self.compiled_parameters["Value"].apply(parse_distribution)
[docs] def evaluate(self, technology, sample_count=1): """ Evaluate the performance of a technology. Parameters ---------- technology : str The name of the technology. sample_count : int The number of random samples. """ print(f"Evaluating {technology}") f_capital = self.compiled_functions[technology].capital f_fixed = self.compiled_functions[technology].fixed f_production = self.compiled_functions[technology].production f_metrics = self.compiled_functions[technology].metric indices = self.vectorize_indices(technology) scenarios = self.vectorize_scenarios(technology) n = scenarios.shape[0] design = self.vectorize_designs( technology, n, sample_count) parameter = self.vectorize_parameters(technology, n, sample_count) capital_cost = f_capital(design.scale, parameter) fixed_cost = f_fixed (design.scale, parameter) input_raw = design.input input = design.input_efficiency * input_raw output_raw = f_production(design.scale, capital_cost, design.lifetime, fixed_cost, input, parameter) output = design.output_efficiency * output_raw cost = np.sum(capital_cost / design.lifetime, axis=0) / design.scale + \ np.sum(fixed_cost, axis=0) / design.scale + \ np.sum(design.input_price * input , axis=0) - \ np.sum(design.output_price * output, axis=0) metric = f_metrics(design.scale, capital_cost, design.lifetime, fixed_cost, input_raw, input, design.input_price, output_raw, output, cost, parameter) def organize(df, ix): ix1 = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( [ix, scenarios, range(1, sample_count + 1)], names=["Index", "Scenario", "Sample"] ) df1 = pd.DataFrame({"Value" : df.flatten()}, index=ix1) df1["Technology"] = technology return df1.set_index( ["Technology"], append=True ).reorder_levels( ["Technology", "Scenario", "Sample", "Index"] ).sort_index() return Results( cost = organize(cost.reshape(cost.shape + (1,)), ["Cost"] ), output = organize(output , indices.output), metric = organize(metric , indices.metric), )
[docs] def evaluate_scenarios(self, sample_count=1): """ Evaluate scenarios. Parameters ---------- sample_count : int The number of random samples. """ costs = pd.DataFrame() outputs = pd.DataFrame() metrics = pd.DataFrame() for technology in self.vectorize_technologies(): result = self.evaluate(technology, sample_count) costs = pd.concat([costs, result.cost]) outputs = pd.concat([outputs, result.output]) metrics = pd.concat([metrics, result.metric]) def organize(variable, values): return self.results.xs( variable, level="Variable", drop_level=False ).join( values ).reorder_levels( ["Technology", "Scenario", "Sample", "Variable", "Index"] )[["Value", "Units"]] return pd.concat([ organize("Cost", costs), organize("Output", outputs), organize("Metric", metrics) ]).sort_index()