Source code for technology.pv_residential_simple
Simple residential PV.
# All of the computations must be vectorized, so use `numpy`.
import numpy as np
[docs]def discount(rate, time):
Discount factor over a time period.
rate : float
The discount rate per time period.
time : int
The number of time periods.
return 1 / (1 + rate)**time
[docs]def npv(rate, time):
Net present value of constant cash flow.
rate : float
The discount rate per time period.
time : int
The number of time periods.
return (1 - 1 / (1 + rate)**(time + 1)) / (1 - 1 / (1 + rate))
[docs]def capital_cost(scale, parameter):
Capital cost function.
scale : float
The scale of operation.
parameter : array
The technological parameterization.
# For readability, copy the parameter vectors to named variables.
dr = parameter[ 0]
ins = parameter[ 1]
ssz = parameter[ 2]
mcc = parameter[ 3]
mlt = parameter[ 4]
mef = parameter[ 5]
icc = parameter[11]
ilt = parameter[12]
irc = parameter[13]
bcc = parameter[16]
blr = parameter[17]
bpr = parameter[18]
bca = parameter[19]
boh = parameter[20]
# System module capital cost.
smcxa = ssz * mcc
# System inverter capital cost.
sicxa = ins * ssz * mef * icc
# One inverter replacement.
rsicxa1 = (mlt > ilt) * (mlt < 2 * ilt) * \
(discount(dr, ilt) - (2 * ilt - mlt) / ilt * discount(dr, mlt))
# Two inverter replacements.
rsicxa2 = (mlt > 2 * ilt) * (mlt < 3 * ilt) * \
(discount(dr, ilt) + discount(dr, 2 * ilt) - (3 * ilt - mlt) / ilt * discount(dr, mlt))
# Capital cost of all inverters.
# FIXME: Generalize to an arbitrary number of inverter replacements.
sicxa = sicxa * (1 + irc * (rsicxa1 + rsicxa2))
# System BOS hardware cost.
sbh = bcc * ssz
# System BOS soft costs for labor, permitting, and customers.
sbs = blr + bpr + bca
# System overhead costs.
soh = boh * (smcxa + sicxa + sbh + sbs)
# Return the capital costs.
return np.stack([
smcxa , # module
sicxa , # inverters
sbh + sbs + soh, # balance of system
[docs]def fixed_cost(scale, parameter):
Fixed cost function.
scale : float
The scale of operation.
parameter : array
The technological parameterization.
# For readability, copy the parameter vectors to named variables.
dr = parameter[ 0]
ins = parameter[ 1]
ssz = parameter[ 2]
mlt = parameter[ 4]
mef = parameter[ 5]
mom = parameter[ 7]
# System lifetime overhead costs.
return np.stack([
mom * ins / 1000 * ssz * mef * npv(dr, mlt)
[docs]def production(scale, capital, lifetime, fixed, input, parameter):
Production function.
scale : float
The scale of operation.
capital : array
Capital costs.
lifetime : float
Technology lifetime.
fixed : array
Fixed costs.
input : array
Input quantities.
parameter : array
The technological parameterization.
# For readability, copy the parameter vectors to named variables.
ins = parameter[ 1]
ssz = parameter[ 2]
mlt = parameter[ 4]
mef = parameter[ 5]
map = parameter[ 6]
mdr = parameter[ 8]
mcf = parameter[ 9]
msl = parameter[10]
ief = parameter[14]
# System lifetime energy conversion.
return np.stack([
ins / 1000 * 24 * 365 * ssz * map * mcf * mef * ief * (1 - msl) * npv(mdr / (1 - mdr), mlt)
[docs]def metrics(scale, capital, lifetime, fixed, input_raw, input, input_price, output_raw, output, cost, parameter):
Metrics function.
scale : float
The scale of operation.
capital : array
Capital costs.
lifetime : float
Technology lifetime.
fixed : array
Fixed costs.
input_raw : array
Raw input quantities (before losses).
input : array
Input quantities.
output_raw : array
Raw output quantities (before losses).
output : array
Output quantities.
cost : array
parameter : array
The technological parameterization.
# For readability, copy the parameter vectors to named variables.
blr = parameter[17]
# Levelized cost of energy.
return np.stack([
0.106125 - cost / output[0] , # delta LCOE from base
blr - 2000.077451 , # delta labor expenses from base
0.4490564e-3 * output[0] - 82.676202217, # delta GHG from base