

There are a few different ways you can interact with RouteE Compass:


We provide python bindings for the core engine that allow you to run queries from within python. After following the installation instructions, you can load an application and run queries like this:

from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp

app = CompassApp.from_config_file("path/to/config.toml")

query = {
    "origin_name": "NREL",
    "destination_name": "Comrade Brewing Company",
    "origin_x": -105.1710052,
    "origin_y": 39.7402804,
    "destination_x": -104.9009913,
    "destination_y": 39.6757025

result =

For a more detailed example, head here.

Command line application#

You can also just build the rust application and run it from the command line. After following the installation instructions, you can run the application like this:

path/to/routee-compass/rust/target/release/routee-compass --config path/to/config.toml path/to/query.json

This will load the graph and then run the query (or queries) from your query.json file, outputing results to a file called results.json in the current working directory.

Logging verbosity can be controlled via the RUST_LOG environment variable:

RUST_LOG=DEBUG path/to/routee-compass/rust/target/release/compass-app --config path/to/config.toml path/to/query.json