


You can also just directly install the package directly with pip and none of the optional dependnecies:

pip install nrel.routee.compass

This is useful if you already have a road network dataset (see here) on your system and you just want to compute routes.

from source#

You can also install the python package from source with a couple of extra steps.

The core engine is written in Rust and so we'll need access to a Rust compiler. There are a couple of ways to do this:

  1. The recommended way to install rust is to use rustup.

  2. An alternative way to get rust is to use the anaconda package manager conda install rust.

Once you have rust available on your system, you can use pip to install the package from source while in the repository root directory:

pip install .


In addition to the python package, you can also build the core rust application from source and run the application from the command line.

Assuming you have rust on your system (see the from source section above), you can build the application using cargo:

git clone

cd routee-compass/rust

cargo build --release

This will build the command line application into the location path/to/routee-compass/rust/target/release/routee-compass

You can optionally alias the application to make it easier to run:

alias routee-compass=path/to/routee-compass/rust/target/release/routee-compass