Python API Docs#

class nrel.routee.compass.compass_app.CompassApp(app: CompassAppWrapper, config: Config)[source]#

The CompassApp holds everything needed to run a route query.

classmethod from_config_file(config_file: str | Path) CompassApp[source]#

Build a CompassApp from a config file


config_file -- Path to the config file


A CompassApp object

Return type:



>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> app = CompassApp.from_config_file("config.toml")
classmethod from_dict(config: Config, working_dir: Path | None = None) CompassApp[source]#

Build a CompassApp from a configuration object

  • config -- Configuration dictionary

  • working_dir -- optional path to working directory


a CompassApp object

Return type:



>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> conf = { "parallelism": 2 }
>>> app = CompassApp.from_config(conf)
classmethod from_place(query: OSMNXQuery, cache_dir: str | Path | None = None, network_type: str = 'drive', hwy_speeds: dict[str, Any] | None = None, fallback: float | None = None, agg: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, add_grade: bool = False, raster_resolution_arc_seconds: str | int = 1) CompassApp[source]#

Build a CompassApp from a place

  • query -- the query or queries to geocode to get place boundary polygon(s)

  • cache_dir -- optional path to save necessary files to build the CompassApp. If not set, TemporaryDirectory will be used instead. Defaults to None.

  • network_type -- what type of street network. Default to drive List of options: ["all", "all_public", "bike", "drive", "drive_service", "walk"]

  • hwy_speeds -- OSM highway types and values = typical speeds (km per hour) to assign to edges of that highway type for any edges missing speed data. Any edges with highway type not in hwy_speeds will be assigned the mean preexisting speed value of all edges of that highway type. Defaults to None.

  • fallback -- Default speed value (km per hour) to assign to edges whose highway type did not appear in hwy_speeds and had no preexisting speed values on any edge. Defaults to None.

  • agg -- Aggregation function to impute missing values from observed values. The default is numpy.mean, but you might also consider for example numpy.median, numpy.nanmedian, or your own custom function. Defaults to numpy.mean.

  • add_grade -- If true, add grade information. Defaults to False. See add_grade_to_graph() for more info.

  • raster_resolution_arc_seconds -- If grade is added, the resolution (in arc-seconds) of the tiles to download (either 1 or 1/3). Defaults to 1.


a CompassApp object

Return type:



>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> app = CompassApp.from_place("Denver, Colorado, USA")
classmethod from_polygon(polygon: 'Polygon' | 'MultiPolygon', cache_dir: str | Path | None = None, network_type: str = 'drive', hwy_speeds: dict[str, Any] | None = None, fallback: float | None = None, agg: Callable[[Any], Any] | None = None, add_grade: bool = False, raster_resolution_arc_seconds: str | int = 1) CompassApp[source]#

Build a CompassApp from a polygon

  • polygon -- the shape to get network data within. coordinates should be in unprojected latitude-longitude degrees

  • cache_dir -- optional path to save necessary files to build the CompassApp. If not set, TemporaryDirectory will be used instead. Defaults to None.

  • network_type -- what type of street network. Default to drive List of options: ["all", "all_public", "bike", "drive", "drive_service", "walk"]

  • hwy_speeds -- OSM highway types and values = typical speeds (km per hour) to assign to edges of that highway type for any edges missing speed data. Any edges with highway type not in hwy_speeds will be assigned the mean preexisting speed value of all edges of that highway type. Defaults to None.

  • fallback -- Default speed value (km per hour) to assign to edges whose highway type did not appear in hwy_speeds and had no preexisting speed values on any edge. Defaults to None.

  • agg -- Aggregation function to impute missing values from observed values. The default is numpy.mean, but you might also consider for example numpy.median, numpy.nanmedian, or your own custom function. Defaults to numpy.mean.

  • add_grade -- If true, add grade information. Defaults to False. See add_grade_to_graph() for more info.

  • raster_resolution_arc_seconds -- If grade is added, the resolution (in arc-seconds) of the tiles to download (either 1 or 1/3). Defaults to 1.


a CompassApp object

Return type:



>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> from shapely import geometry
>>> p1 = geometry.Point(0,0)
>>> p2 = geometry.Point(1,0)
>>> p3 = geometry.Point(1,1)
>>> p4 = geometry.Point(0,1)
>>> pointList = [p1, p2, p3, p4]
>>> poly = geometry.Polygon(pointList)
>>> app = CompassApp.from_polygon(poly)
classmethod get_constructor() CompassAppWrapper[source]#

Return the underlying constructor for the application. This allows a child class to inherit the CompassApp python class and implement its own rust based app constructor, while still using the original python methods.

graph_edge_destination(edge_id: int) int[source]#

get the destination vertex id for some edge


edge_id -- the id of the edge


the vertex id at the destination of the edge

Return type:


graph_edge_distance(edge_id: int, distance_unit: str | None = None) float[source]#

get the distance for some edge

  • edge_id -- the id of the edge

  • distance_unit -- distance unit, by default meters


the distance covered by traversing the edge

Return type:


graph_edge_origin(edge_id: int) int[source]#

get the origin vertex id for some edge


edge_id -- the id of the edge


the vertex id at the source of the edge

Return type:


graph_get_in_edge_ids(vertex_id: int) List[int][source]#

get the list of edge ids that arrive from some vertex


vertex_id -- the id of the vertex


the edge ids of edges arriving at this vertex

Return type:


graph_get_out_edge_ids(vertex_id: int) List[int][source]#

get the list of edge ids that depart from some vertex


vertex_id -- the id of the vertex


the edge ids of edges departing from this vertex

Return type:


run(query: CompassQuery | List[CompassQuery], config: Config | None = None) Result | Results[source]#

Run a query (or multiple queries) against the CompassApp

  • query -- A query or list of queries to run

  • config -- optional configuration


A list of results (or a single result if a single query was passed)

Return type:



>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> app = CompassApp.from_config_file("config.toml")
>>> query = {
        "origin_name": "NREL",
        "destination_name": "Comrade Brewing Company",
        "origin_x": -105.1710052,
        "origin_y": 39.7402804,
        "destination_x": -104.9009913,
        "destination_y": 39.6757025
>>> result = networkx.MultiDiGraph, output_directory: str | Path, hwy_speeds: HIGHWAY_SPEED_MAP | None = None, fallback: float | None = None, agg: AggFunc | None = None, add_grade: bool = False, raster_resolution_arc_seconds: str | int = 1, default_config: bool = True) None[source]#

Processes a graph downloaded via OSMNx, generating the set of input files required for running RouteE Compass.

The input graph is assumed to be the direct output of an osmnx download.

  • g -- OSMNx graph used to generate input files

  • output_directory -- Directory path to use for writing new Compass files.

  • hwy_speeds -- OSM highway types and values = typical speeds (km per hour) to assign to edges of that highway type for any edges missing speed data. Any edges with highway type not in hwy_speeds will be assigned the mean preexisting speed value of all edges of that highway type.

  • fallback -- Default speed value (km per hour) to assign to edges whose highway type did not appear in hwy_speeds and had no preexisting speed values on any edge.

  • agg -- Aggregation function to impute missing values from observed values. The default is numpy.mean, but you might also consider for example numpy.median, numpy.nanmedian, or your own custom function. Defaults to numpy.mean.

  • add_grade (bool, optional) -- If true, add grade information. Defaults to False. See add_grade_to_graph() for more info.

  • raster_resolution_arc_seconds (str, optional) -- If grade is added, the resolution (in arc-seconds) of the tiles to download (either 1 or 1/3). Defaults to 1.

  • default_config (bool, optional) -- If true, copy default configuration files into the output directory. Defaults to True.


>>> import osmnx as ox
>>> g = ox.graph_from_place("Denver, Colorado, USA")
>>> generate_compass_dataset(g, Path("denver_co"))
class, names=None, *, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)[source]# networkx.MultiDiGraph, output_dir: Path = PosixPath('cache'), resolution_arc_seconds: str | int = 1, api_key: str | None = None) networkx.MultiDiGraph[source]#

Adds grade information to the edges of a graph. If using an api_key will try and download the grades from Google API, otherwise this will download the necessary elevation data from USGS as raster tiles and cache them in the output_dir. The resolution of the tiles can be specified with the resolution parameter. USGS has elevation data in increasing resolutions of: 1 arc-second and 1/3 arc-second Average tile file sizes for each resolution are about:

  • 1 arc-second: 50 MB

  • 1/3 arc-second: 350 MB

  • g (nx.MultiDiGraph) -- The networkx graph to add grades to.

  • output_dir (Path, optional) -- The directory to cache the downloaded tiles in. Defaults to Path("cache").

  • resolution_arc_seconds (str, optional) -- The resolution (in arc-seconds) of the tiles to download (either 1 or 1/3). Defaults to 1.

  • api_key -- The google API key to pull down grade information. If None will use USGS raster elevation tiles


The graph with grade information added to the edges.

Return type:



>>> import osmnx as ox
>>> g = ox.graph_from_place("Denver, Colorado, USA")
>>> g = add_grade_to_graph(g)
>>> g2 = ox.graph_from_place("Denver, Colorado, USA")
>>> g2 = add_grade_to_graph(g2, api_key=<api_key>)
nrel.routee.compass.plot.plot_folium.plot_coords_folium(coords: Sequence[Tuple[float, float]], line_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, folium_map: Map | None = None) Map[source]#

Plots a sequence of pairs of latitude and longitude on a folium map as a route.

  • coords (Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]) -- A sequence of pairs of latitude and longitude

  • line_kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional) -- A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the folium Polyline

  • folium_map (folium.Map, optional) -- A existing folium map to plot the route on. Defaults to None.


A folium map with the route plotted on it

Return type:



>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> from nrel.routee.compass.plot import plot_route_folium
>>> app = CompassApp.from_config_file("config.toml")
>>> query = {origin_x: -105.1710052, origin_y: 39.7402804, destination_x: -104.9009913, destination_y: 39.6757025}
>>> result =
>>> coords = result_dict_to_coords(result[0])
>>> m = plot_coords_folium(coords)
nrel.routee.compass.plot.plot_folium.plot_route_folium(result_dict: dict[str, Any], line_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, folium_map: Map | None = None) Map[source]#

Plots a single route from a compass query on a folium map.

  • result_dict -- A result dictionary from a CompassApp query

  • line_kwargs -- A dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the folium Polyline

  • folium_map -- A existing folium map to plot the route on.


A folium map with the route plotted on it

Return type:



>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> from nrel.routee.compass.plot import plot_route_folium
>>> app = CompassApp.from_config_file("config.toml")
>>> query = {origin_x: -105.1710052, origin_y: 39.7402804, destination_x: -104.9009913, destination_y: 39.6757025}
>>> result =
>>> m = plot_route_folium(result)
nrel.routee.compass.plot.plot_folium.plot_routes_folium(results: dict[str, ~typing.Any] | list[dict[str, ~typing.Any]], value_fn: ~typing.Callable[[dict[str, ~typing.Any]], ~typing.Any] = <function <lambda>>, color_map: str = 'viridis', folium_map: ~folium.folium.Map | None = None) Map[source]#

Plot multiple routes from a CompassApp query on a folium map

  • results -- A result dictionary or list of result dictionaries from a CompassApp query

  • value_fn -- A function that takes a result dictionary and returns a value to use for coloring the routes. Defaults to lambda r: r["request"].get("name").

  • color_map (str, optional) -- The name of the matplotlib colormap to use for coloring the routes. Defaults to "viridis".

  • folium_map (folium.Map, optional) -- A existing folium map to plot the routes on. Defaults to None.


A folium map with the routes plotted on it

Return type:



>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> from nrel.routee.compass.plot import plot_results_folium
>>> app = CompassApp.from_config_file("config.toml")
>>> query = {origin_x: -105.1710052, origin_y: 39.7402804, destination_x: -104.9009913, destination_y: 39.6757025}
>>> result =
>>> m = plot_results_folium(result)
nrel.routee.compass.plot.plot_folium.result_dict_to_coords(result_dict: dict[str, Any]) Sequence[Tuple[float, float]][source]#

Converts the CompassApp results to coords to be sent to the folium map.


result_dict (Dict[str, Any]) -- A result dictionary from a CompassApp query


A sequence of latitude and longitude tuples.

Return type:

Sequence[(float, float)]


>>> from nrel.routee.compass import CompassApp
>>> from nrel.routee.compass.plot import result_dict_to_coords
>>> app = CompassApp.from_config_file("config.toml")
>>> query = {origin_x: -105.1710052, origin_y: 39.7402804, destination_x: -104.9009913, destination_y: 39.6757025}
>>> result =
>>> coords = result_dict_to_coords(result)